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Summary: Naoto leaves her friends and Inaba behind to investigate the Phantom Thieves plaguing Tokyo. She updates her friends on her journey, and none of them can believe what they're seeing, or what has happened to their friend... Includes: Dom/Sub, NTR, and Threesome



Naoto Shirogane was a beautiful young woman when Kanji and Yu met her. It was no surprise that she would end up so popular amongst their peers. She was gorgeous, and her boyish style only seemed to appeal to both men and women alike. 

Her short, navy hair caught the eyes of many and her intelligence and wit only further raised her. She truly was a ‘Detective Prince,’ lording over others without even meaning to. She looked down on them with a hint of arrogance, but also with a distance that came naturally to someone so gifted and the common man.

It was no surprise that both Yu and Kanji would fall for her. Kanji Tatsumi, a man who was finally learning to accept his true self, and understanding that came with feelings for the detective, and Yu, the perfect man who fell in love with a woman just as seemingly perfect as him.

The years went by and the mystery of Inaba was soon solved, but the men’s feelings for Naoto lasted the test of time. They watched her grow from a beautiful girl to an absolutely sexy woman.

Yu had helped her grow more expecting of her feminine side, and Kanji couldn’t help but thank Yu for it. There was an unspoken fact between the two. They both loved Naoto and neither could imagine letting the other win. It was a war, but the two respected one another enough to play fair. 

That didn’t change the fact that Kanji would ogle Naoto just as much when she stopped wearing a sarashi. The two boys’ eyes would stare at her tits, taking in the slight bounce and jiggle they gave whenever she moved. 

Naoto’s hair began to grow out, her fashion sense shifted, and she just became more beautiful. She went from a Detective Prince to a Detective Queen and both men had spent long hours of the night touching themselves to the thought of finally having their chance to fuck her. 

Kanji spent long hours into the night working on gifts that he would never give to her. He’d sew stuffed animals, made clothes, everything his artistic hands could give him to try and woo her heart. Even the usually stoic and calm Yu was driven to working long hours, putting all of his hard-earned cash into buying Naoto gifts. 

Even when one of the two pushed themselves to give her something, she would just smile and not put two and two together. She just didn’t see how deeply the two felt for her, and that ignorance was maddening over the years.

Still, neither of the boys would give up. They just kept playing the role of her friends and confidants as time moved on, until one day Naoto just left. 

Such a thing wasn’t too bizarre. They were adults now, and she only grew in fame as a detective. She probably left for a case, but the fact that she hadn’t told anyone in their group was odd. 

Yu and Kanji asked amongst their friends, but none of them had seen any sign of her. They even tried to text and call her, but she didn’t reply for either of them. So the two waited for their crush’s return, both preparing gifts for her eventual return. 

Eventually the group assembled because of a package Naoto had sent them. The package was a simple one marked for Dojima, Yu’s uncle. He gave it to the Investigation Team and they watched it as soon as they had seen who it was from.

Naoto’s face appeared on the TV screen, and the group saw that she was inside a hotel room. She smiled at the group, bowing her head slightly to apologize.

“I’m sorry for being so short with all of you and with leaving on such short notice. The truth is, I am on the possibly biggest case yet. I’m sure all of you have heard of the infamous Phantom Thieves currently plaguing Tokyo, correct?”

Of course they had. The criminals had taken Tokyo by storm and they were leaving thousands in fear. The city of Tokyo was plagued by them, though some seemed to think they were heroes, the fact was that they were criminals and Naoto would obviously be against them. 

“I’m leading an investigation on the identities of the Phantom Thieves and to hopefully put a stop to them before any more calamity can occur. I’m sure all of you would have been eager to help me.” She smiled at them and both Kanji and Yu did the same, basking in the simple beauty of her smile.

“And I would have loved to work alongside you all again, but I wanted to keep a low profile. Such a thing would be difficult would Rise-chan in the group,” she joked, and her friends smiled slightly with her. 

“Regardless, once I have a more concrete lead, I’ll be happy to invite you all to come help me bring these criminals to justice. Perhaps afterwords we can explore Tokyo together. I understand that you’ve lived here before, Senpai?”

Yu grinned at his mention. “Perhaps you can show us around.” She smiled at the young man, and the silver-haired youth would be lying if he said he didn’t feel some pride at that. Kanji’s lips curled into a frown, but he just ignored it, shrugging it off as the video continued. 

“I hope to bring the Phantom Thieves to justice without bothering all of you, of course. I hope to message you all again with good news. Goodbye.” She then ended the video, and weeks passed until the group heard from her again.


The days passed, and days became weeks, and weeks became months until eventually the group assembled again for the same reason. Naoto had sent another video tape and they sat down in Yu’s room, looking forward to witnessing her update, hoping for good news. 

The group watched as the video began and Naoto’s smiling face greeted them. Her lips were in the upper half of the screen, shimmering and curved. Both Kanji and Yu nearly choked on the air as they noticed something particularly special about this view.

Their eyes were first drawn to Naoto’s lips. They were a bright sapphire blue. Naoto never wore makeup before, but the way her already plump and pillowy lips seemed to shine from the blue just made her already kissable lips even more delicious. The color made their faces turn a bright shade of pink and they tried not to stare, but it wasn’t easy, especially as their eyes saw the rest of the picture. 

Naoto was wearing one of her tight, blue dress shirts. Usually she wore it buttoned up all the way, hiding her breasts from any prying eyes. Not this time. This time, the top button of her shirt was undone and the camera had a perfect view down her large breasts. Kanji and Yu, along with all of their friends, were staring down Naoto’s cleavage. 

And it was a glorious sight. 

“Hello, everyone,” her voice greeted. “Sorry for not contacting you in so long, but I have some big news to share with you,” she declared, her voice carrying a strange tune to it. 

It reminded the group of her Shadow when she acted like a child, but it wasn’t sobbing or sadness in her voice, but joy. She sounded so happy, and she actually giggled as she stepped back, playing with a lock of her navy hair as she stood before them in her hotel room.

“Hi, everyone,” she grinned, licking her sapphire lips, drawing the boys’ eyes to them. “I’ve missed you all so much. Some of you in particular,” she joked. “Just contacting you all to keep you updated on my search, and good news! I found the Phantom Thieves.”

Yu smiled at the news and Kanji laughed as he punched the air. “Hell, yeah! Knew she would! Way to go, Naoto!”

“Yep, I followed their leader back to a little cafe in Tokyo. He had been hiding right under my nose the whole time, but I finally had him. I thought it was going to be easy bringing him in, but I was wrong. It was actually very, very… hard.”

Again, there was something off about her voice when she uttered that last word. A giggle in her voice, but a tone that left everyone’s voice pumping hot. Did she… She sounded so seductive, but Naoto sounding seductive didn’t make sense! 

Naoto was many things, but a temptress? Seductive? No, that wasn’t possible. 

Yu and Kanji both felt a sense of joy at her voice, though. Both boys thought that she was talking to them, looking at them when she seemed to moan out her words. Was this it? The end of this game? This competition for her heart? Maybe she had finally chosen a lucky man to be hers…

Neither of the young, horny men noticed that her eyes were actually staring just above the camera’s view. 

“I confronted their leader, and do you know what he told me? That he had known I had been investigating him for a long time now. That he had been feeding me breadcrumbs and letting my bimbo brain think I was doing detective work.”

“W-what?” Kanji uttered, his eyes widening. It was like Naoto had just stared speaking a different language, and there was a clear disconnect for many in the group. 

“What did she say?” Rise slowly asked. 

“He tricked me, and he had me right where he wanted me. I was shocked. He read me so easily. He even guessed that there was a boy or two who liked me, and would sneak peeks at me whenever they thought I wasn’t looking.”

Her eyes flickered, almost glowing as she stared right into the camera. She pressed her thighs together as she panted, taking long, deep breaths. “I almost expected him to say your names, Kanji, Yu…”

Kanji and Yu both felt chills run up their spines at that. The latter doubly so considering this was the first time Naoto had ever called him something other than Senpai. Neither said anything as Naoto took her characteristic hat and tossed it off screen, letting it hit the wall as she began to slide another hand up and down her chest.

“Anyways, the leader of the Phantom Thieves had me trapped. He even had one of his friends spring out behind me and capture me. Then everything went dark, and I had the most beautiful dream,” she cooed.

“They undressed me,” she panted, slowly unbuttoning her top. “They groped my large, soft tits like how I’ve always wanted a man to. They squeezed them. Pinched my nipples. They mauled my tits and it made my pussy so wet, perfect for them to f-fuck me!” she declared, opening her shirt to reveal her bare skin. 

She hadn’t even finished unbuttoning her clothes. She just took the fabric in hand and tore her shirt off, firing a few buttons at the camera before everyone saw her large tits on full display, giggling slightly. They were right in front of the camera, so big and perky, still bouncing from the sudden freedom they were experiencing. 

Despite how bizarre and surreal the situation was, both Yu and Kanji felt their blood rushing down between their legs as they witnessed such feminine perfection before them. Even the other girls were shocked silent by the sight of Naoto’s naked tits bouncing before them, and the silence only grew more deafening as Naoto began to grope herself.

She was digging her own fingers into her soft tits, letting them sink into her as she moaned. Her plump, sapphire lips curved into a smile as she seemed to stare right at the two young men who loved her. Her eyes sharpened as she licked her lips, uttering every word with a haughty, seductive fire.

“I know you two like me. You must have even fantasized about me, about my body. I admit, part of me wondered which of you I liked more. I actually started to consider demeaning myself to dating one of you. Thankfully my Masters cleared me of such an idea.”

“M-Masters?” Yu spoke slowly, barely able to utter the word as he watched a figure walk up behind Naoto. 

The man had black hair and equally dark clothes, with a white mask on his face. He glanced at the camera, locking eyes with Yu as his teeth gleamed like a knife. Then he placed his hands on Naoto’s tits and squeezed them, pressing her hands against her soft breasts. 

“Ahh, Master Joker... I’m not done yet…”

“You put on too good of a show, slut. I want a piece of you. Your boyfriends can watch.”

“They’re not my boyfriends,” Naoto pouted. “They don’t even deserve to be my friends. They’re nobodies.”

A stab to their hearts to be sure, but it was a mere papercut compared to what was about to hit them. The Investigation Squad watched as this ‘Joker’ character began to pinch and pull on Naoto’s nipples, making the detective moan as she leaned her head back against his body.


“Aw, come on, man!” a voice groaned from off screen. 

Joker and Naoto didn’t seem to notice the speaker as they kissed, and Naoto pushed her tongue into his mouth, only to be pushed back into hers. She moaned in response, gyrating her hips back and forth, rubbing her ass against his crotch. 

Yu was short of breath. How long had he dreamed about kissing Naoto like that? About having his hands on her body… He had spent countless nights dreaming of their bodies together like this, but now to see another man live out his own fantasies…

The silver-haired man’s face burned hot as he felt his dick throb slightly between his legs. He squeezed his thighs together, but the warmth and softness only further damned him as his dick began to harden. 

“Quit hogging her, I want a piece of her!” The camera suddenly moved. Whoever had it in their hands was placing it on a nearby table, before they stepped forward. 

This man had blond hair, with grey clothes and a skull mask over his face. He was quickly tearing his clothes off, though, as his partner in crime laughed. 

“You want a piece of her, have her. Which do you want? I got a tity fuck from her last time, so-”

“Hell, yeah! I want to stick my dick between those tits of hers. She’s got the biggest jugs I’ve ever seen.”

Kanji felt his vision blur. He felt tears welling up in the corners of his eyes as his face burned hot and turned pink. This wasn’t the woman he had fallen for, but that was Naoto. Yet she seemed so unrecognizable as she beamed, kissing Skull’s lips and leaving blue marks on his face. 

“My tits are all yours, Master. Please, fuck them to your heart’s content. I know Kanji-kun always wanted to.”

“Heh. If he was here right now, would you let him?”

“Hell no,” she replied, as Joker pulled her pants down her long, slender legs. She kissed Skull again, and the camera caught every detail of her sucking on his tongue as Joker spanked her ass. The round, peach-shaped butt jiggled from the blow as Naoto moaned against Ryuji’s mouth. 

The detective broke the kiss with the skull-faced thief as she glanced at the camera. “His dick is far too tiny to ever please me. I wouldn’t even know where to find it. I’d probably lose it between my tits!” 

“What about the other guy?” Joker asked, while sliding his hands up and down her round butt, occasionally spanking it to earn another euphoric moan. “Would you like him lay his hands on your body?”

“Never,” Naoto growled, and there seemed to be genuine anger in her voice as she glared at Yu. “I wouldn’t let either of them touch me. They were pathetic. Never making a move on me, never making me their woman… Not like you, Masters. You made me into a woman, and my body is the reward. Please, have me to your heart’s cont-mmmph!”

Skull kissed her again, sucking on her soft, blueberry-tasting lips as Joker laughed. “They sound like a pair of losers,” he commented. 

“Losers-mmmph, i-is putting it mildly, Master.” Naoto broke the kiss with the man and licked up his saliva, panting, before looking at the camera. “They weren’t even men. Masters…” SHe shook her ass side to side, bouncing it for Joker’s amusement. “Can you show them what real men are like?”

“With pleasure.”

During all of this, Yukiko, Rise, and Chie had been dead silent. They really had no idea what to do or say during all of this insanity. They were outraged, disgusted, and even a little curious. How had they done this to Naoto, the most level-headed of them? 

How had they turned the famed Detective Prince into some… some kind of bimbo slave…? And why did Naoto seem so happy about it…?

Then the two men brought out their cocks, and the girls were left speechless by what they saw. None of the girls had ever seen a man’s cock before. Were they all this big? This… long? Both men were packing fleshy rods, and both left the girls pressing their legs together as if to protect their virginities. 

Of course, each of them felt it. The same basic, instinctive need to mate with an alpha male. The sight of two alpha males… Heaven help them if they could smell the two. 

Naoto was getting that, though. She took a deep whiff of Skull’s dick, smiling like she was sniffing a bouquet of roses. Joker was behind her, and he didn’t wait to rip the panties off of Naoto’s ass. He then took his dick in hand and pushed forward, sliding his penis into her pussy and letting her moan loudly. 

The moans filled the hotel room as Joker leaned back. He laid on his back as Naoto was pulled up, sitting on his shaft with scarlet cheeks. She bit her lower lip as she lifted herself up, and then back down, letting the thick member slide deeper into her. She was trembling from the sensation of being fucked. The scariest thing was that there was something in the way she moved that made it clear that this was not her first time.

Naoto lifted herself up and down on the shaft, and the sound of the dick pushing into her filled the room, mixing with her moans. That wasn’t all, though. Skull stood on the bed, holding his own dick by the base and gently slapping it against her face.

His precum smeared against her face, and she gasped, sucking in the musk of his dick as it gently prodded her lips. She kissed it, making loud, emphasized smooches with every peck. “Mwah. Mwah! Mwah! God, I’d rather kiss your dick a hundred times than even touch Kanji’s dick Mast-aaah!”

Joker held her hips, using his shockingly strong arms to lift her up and fuck her womanhood with ease. She bounced up and down, moaning as her tits clapped against her chest. 

“Do you think Yu’s dick is as big as mine?” he asked, and Naoto shook her head.

“N-no! Ahh, h-his penis is so fucking tiny! I bet h-he can barely wrap his hand around it! Ahh! He has such a tiny, worthless little dick, that’s why Rise gave up on him!” Her eyes seemed to shift again, now looking at Rise herself.

The idol’s heart pounded in her chest as she felt a hand slide down her body. Her fingers pressed against her skirt, and gently rubbed at her pussy through the layers of fabric. She bit her lower lip as Naoto’s moans filled the air. 

“What do you say, Rise? Don’t you want a real man? A real cock, like this. You can ride one while I ride the other. I’ve always liked the idea of kissing you, and doing it with cum on our lips sounds so fucking good, doesn’t it?”

Naoto winked at the camera, before Skull shoved his dick into her mouth. She moaned, sucking on it, and it seemed clear to the viewers that her tongue was sliding all over it, smacking against it. It battered the inside of her throat as Joker spanked her ass.

The gorgeous detective sucked on his member, feeling it slam into the inside of her cheek, feeling it moving back and forth on her tongue. Saliva, drool, and precum began to drip down Naoto’s lower lip and chin. It fell onto her chest, making her large breasts shine and glow. She moaned again, feeling Skull smear his precum along the inside of her mouth as Joker did the same to her pussy. 

“Fuck, I’m already gonna cum. Those losers really lost their chance. Your mouth is so fucking good!” Skull grinned, pulling out of Naoto. “But I love your tits even more. Wrap them around my dick, slut.”

“Y-yesh, Master. Always.” Naoto placed her hands on her breasts and wrapped them around her Master’s stiff erection. She rubbed her tits along the sides of it, embracing the cock with her jugs. She smiled up at her Master as she did, and Skull even spat on her with a cocky grin. 

“Tell me how worthless they are. Your ex-friends.”

“They’re so fucking pathetic, Master,” Naoto grinned, pecking the tip of his cock when it came close to her lips. She suckled on it, moaning as her tongue gently darted against the bulbous head. “I hate them. Kanji’s weak, and stupid, and Yu’s dick is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.”

“You’ve-mmph, seen it?” Joker asked as he fucked Naoto’s cunt. 

“Only once. When we all went to the beach. I caught him changing. I’ve always been a naughty slut, but I actually went out looking for him, thinking I’d see his ‘glorious’ cock.”

Skull held up his hand, and he placed two of his fingers close together, just a few inches apart. Naoto laughed, before dragging her tongue around his tip and placing his hand on his. She moved his fingers close together as Yu whimpered.

At least, he hoped it sounded like a whimper. In truth, he was moaning, hard as a rock between his legs. He felt his hips move slightly on his bed as he glanced at Yukiko and Chie. They stared at him with disgust, like they knew exactly what he was doing. 

Yu’s face burned even hotter, and he felt his dick throbbing as that shame, that look of disgust in women who used to adore him… It turned him on. 

“Yu is such a loser. H-he’s nothing like either of you, Masters! H-he’s weak, a-and pathetic, a-and, oh fuck, Master! I-I’m gonna cum! Right there! Y-yes, yes!” 

“Looks like I found her G-spot,” Joker grinned. “But you better not cum just yet, slut. Not until we’re both ready.”

“Y-yes, Master!” And Naoto opened her mouth and welcomed Skull’s dick into her mouth, feeling it thrust back and forth as the shaft was squeezed and embraced by her soft pillows. 

Kanji and Yu continued to watch. They all did, and each of them felt something stirring within them. A pleasure, but a sinful, carnal joy that they should have felt guilty for. 

None of them did.

The sounds of Naoto’s moans and the way the two men were fucking her grew louder and louder. It was like they were right in front of the group, the aroma of sex in the air. They fucked Naoto’s holes, stretching them out far beyond anything her crush’s could do to her.

Kanji saw the way Skull’s fucked Naoto’s tits and mouth at the same time. He knew he was barely half that size. Yu saw the same in Joker’s dick, and how it seemed to be seen even through Naoto’s flesh, pumping back and forth. Precum stained his underwear as he closed his eyes. 

He came, and dribbling, almost watery cum spilled onto his undies as the two men on screen groaned. 

Skull came first, firing his load into Naoto’s mouth. Rise and the other girls watched her drink it all, watched it puff out her cheeks as she struggled to gulp it down. When cum spilled out of her mouth, Skull pulled back and emptied his load onto her face and hair, coating her chest in cum. Even her face seemed masked by the semen he unleashed on her, yet her smile was clear as she licked her lips. 

Joker continued to pound Naoto’s pussy, only stopping when he was balls deep inside of her. Chie saw his balls twitching. Yukiko stared at the cock throbbing inside of Naoto. Rise watched Naoto’s lips curve into a fucked silly grin as the dark-haired man came inside of her, marking her pussy with his no doubt thick and virile cum. 

Naoto screamed in pleasure, only silenced as Skull stuffed his dick back into her mouth, cleaning his dick with her tongue. She sucked on it as her eyes rolled into her skull and her entire body quivered.

She came, and all three girls felt the ecstasy travel through their bonds with the detective. They each seemed to feel the same heavenly pleasure as Naoto’s body shuddered and she sucked on the cock like it was as natural as breathing. 

Cum gushed out of Naoto’s pussy as Skull slipped his shimmering, freshly clean penis out of Naoto’s mouth. She panted for air, slurping up cum from her titties as she glanced at the camera. She played with herself, massaging the semen into her skin as she smiled.

“Rise, Yukiko, Chie… Why don’t you come over sometime? Invite anyone else you want. I think you’ll like my new friends…”

And then the screen went dark, reflecting the eager smiles on the three beautiful women.  
