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Star Wars: What if Anakin's lover wasn't Padme, but young Ahsoka Tano? When on a mission together, the two fear that this might be the end. Feelings come to light, and the two make love, not caring about differences between species or the Jedi Code. Includes: Age difference, Monster girl, and romance.


Anakin held his wound, taking a deep breath as he smelled the rain outside. The fire Ahsoka had made was warming the inside of the cave. He moved closer, sitting by her side. 

“Good work on the fire,” he complimented. Ahsoka didn’t say anything. She stretched her hands out to the fire, letting it warm her fingertips as he glanced at her. “And on the bedding. I’m impressed you were able to find something like this,” he commented, placing a hand on the soft fur they were sitting on 

“It was made by the locals. I was only able to grab a few things,” Ahsoka muttered. “Once they saw me, they tried to spear me. I could have defended myself, but-”

“But you didn’t want to hurt them. I know, Ahsoka. I understand.”

She shrugged her shoulders lazily as she continued to let the fire warm her fingers. Thunder cracked from outside, filling the silence as Anakin gazed into the flames. They danced, swaying and crackling as he considered his next words.

“It wasn’t your fault, Ahsoka.”

“Master, please,” she whispered, speaking through gritted teeth. “I don’t… I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I understand, but we still need to.” He crossed his arms and he did his best to put on his most stern expression. He tried to be the teacher she needed, and he spoke firmly. “What happened wasn’t your fault.”

“Master, please,” she sighed, closing her eyes. 

Anakin had been captured by Separtist forces. They had him captured, and the forces on this planet began to torture him. The general in command was a cruel and violent woman. She electrocuted Anakin, almost tore his other arm off. 

Ahsoka led a small squad of Clone Troopers to rescue Anakin as Rex led the rest of their forces towards their original target. 

It was a trap. Of course it was, but Ahsoka had been so sure of herself that she could have led them through it. The rescue mission was a disaster. The Clones accompanying Ahsoka were killed during the mission, and the two Jedi barely escaped with their lives. 

They had no lightsabers, no reinforcements, and Rex’s forces were walking head first into a trap. There was no way to alert the 501st, and all Ahsoka could do was blame herself.

Between the aggressive, primitive locals, the Separatists, and the brutal weather… The two Jedi both knew that they were in a bad position. 

Anakin could see it in her eyes. The guilt. The pain. It seemed so familiar. Anakin could feel his heart twist in his chest as he placed a hand on Ahsoka’s arm. 

“I know what it’s like to fail, Ahsoka. I know how you must be feel-”

“No. You don’t.” She pulled away from him. “You don’t, Master… I’m sorry, but…” She was quiet as Anakin placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to make her turn to face him. 

“Ahsoka, I’ve lost men too. I’ve walked right into traps. When I was Obi-wan’s student, I… I failed. I made stupid mistakes, and people I cared about suffered for it.”

Ahsoka closed her eyes. Anakin could see the strain in her face, and he inched closer, placing a hand on the shoulder opposite to him. 

“It’s… it’s not just that,” she confessed. She squeezed her eyes shut and she held her head, digging her fingers into her skin. “Master, I don’t think I can be a Jedi.”

Obi-wan would have been calm and rational, but Anakin could only try to attain that level of rationality. Instead, emotions flowed through him. Shock, anger, and even fear. “What? Ahsoka, you can’t mean that. You are an amazing Jedi, an incredible one.” 

Years ago, Anakin could never imagine saying that to her. The moment she told him who she was, he thought of her as impulsive, stubborn, and headstrong. Maybe that was why they were able to forge a bond as strong as it was now…

He couldn’t imagine Ahsoka giving up on becoming a Jedi. He couldn’t imagine her just… walking away from her home and family. 

“Ahsoka, I know I haven’t always acted like it, but I am happy to be your teacher. I’m… proud.”

“What about… my friend?” The question confused Anakin, and he raised his brow for a moment. 

“Of course, Ahsoka.” Jedi weren’t supposed to form bonds, but how could they not? It was the nature of any sentient being to form bonds. With friends, with teachers, with allies… 

Just not bonds of love. 

“You and I are friends. I’m honored to fight beside you,” he told her. Her head hung low, and Anakin pulled her closer. It was almost a hug. He held her tightly with one arm as he leaned in. “Ahsoka, what is it?”

“When I saw that witch torturing you, when I saw her hurting you, I… I lost control. I got so mad, I… I killed her in cold blood, Master. She begged me not to, and I…”

Anakin’s eyes widened. He hadn’t seen what had happened to the general. He thought she had died in an explosion, but if what Ahsoka was saying was true…

“I was just so angry! Angrier than I’d ever been. S-she talked about breaking you, about turning you into her servant, and I… I just couldn’t stand it. I killed her.”

Anakin held Ahsoka tightly. She broke in his arms, tears falling down her face as she pressed her cheek against him. 

“Master, I… Anakin, I don’t think I can be a Jedi. The way I felt earlier, the way I feel about you, I just… Jedi are supposed to be free from emotion, and I-” Her breath stopped. Her small body remained still, before trembled in his arms. Anakin didn’t understand it at first, before his mind slowly put the pieces together.

“The way you feel… about me?”

Ahasoka tried to tear her body away from Anakin. She tried to pull away, but he was stronger than her. He held her close as she looked at him. Her eyes were wide, shimmering with tears as he looked at her…

She expected disgust. Shame. She thought he would have felt failure from his young student, but… he saw sympathy. Understanding. 


There was no use lying. She cracked, telling her teacher just how far she had fallen. “A-Anakin, I think… I think I love you.”

Anakin stared into Ahsoka’s eyes, and he felt his own demons rise up again. His feelings for Padme… Feelings that he thought he had long buried. He had fallen for the Senator, but he ignored those feelings, refusing to act on them even as his heart twisted. 

By the time Anakin wanted to tell Padme about his feelings, she told him about her feelings for another man. A fellow Senator. Anakin bit his tongue and watched her marry another man, happy and ignorant of his own feelings. 

“Ahsoka, I… I…” 

“I know. We’re Jedi. Feelings like that are… They’re wrong.” She closed her eyes, sighing. She brushed her tears away as she whispered. “Either we die from the locals, the weather, or the Separatists, or we live. Either way, my time with the Jedi Order is… it’s over.”

“No. Ahsoka, you belong with the Order.” Anakin’s mind raced. His lips moved, uttering words before he even realized it. “With me.”

“Please, Master. I don’t want your pity. We’re both Jedi, not to mention different species and different ages. There are too many things keeping us apart.”

Anakin pulled her close. He embraced her, shocking the young woman as he held her in his arms. She was soft, and so small, and so warm. Her heartbeat matched his he squeezed her. 


Anakin had never thought of it before. His mind went from one point to another, slowly coming to a shocking revelation. 

Ahsoka was many things. He knew she was his friend and student, but she was more than that. She was more than a Jedi. She was a young woman. A beautiful woman. There were many times in his life where he had noticed her slender figure.

But more than that, she was powerful. Fierce. She had a spirit to her, a fire. She tore through her enemies, she fought with precision and skill and ferocity. 

“Ahsoka, I… I don’t want you to leave the Order.”

“Please, M-Master, you don’t-”

“And I know what it’s like to feel… what you’re feeling.” 

He closed himself off to his feelings. Tried his best not to fall in love ever again. Yet somehow, Ahsoka had found a way into his heart.

“If the roles were reversed… If I saw someone hurt you, threaten to break you, I…” He squeezed her in his arms, and Ahsoka’s warm breath stroked his ear. 

“Master, please, don’t… don’t do this. Don’t lie to me.” Her voice cracked. She trembled in his arms as he gave her one last embrace. “I don’t want you to lie to me.”

“I’m not lying.” He released her, just enough to stare into her eyes. “Ahsoka, I don’t… I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Maybe the locals will kill us. Maybe the Separatists, but if we die tomorrow, then I don’t want any regrets.”

He spoke slowly, simply, and from the heart. Ahsoka heard every word with wide, disbelieving eyes. “I think… I think I love you too, Ahsoka.”

“We’re making a mistake.”

“Do you honestly think that?” he asked. “Ahsoka, I don’t want to force you into anything, but if you want this, and I want this… I don’t care what the Jedi Code says. We’d be betraying ourselves if we didn’t act on these feelings.”

Ahsoka said nothing at first. She knew the ramifications of her Master’s words. She knew the moment she realized she had fallen for him that she was on the edge between Light and Dark. Now her Master was telling her to follow these dark temptations and… and she couldn’t argue.

She knew it was wrong. She knew this, and she still leaned forward, kissing Anakin’s lips. That simple gesture opened the floodgates, and Anakin kissed back, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against his body. 

Feelings they had both buried, feelings both denied, feelings that neither had even noticed went wild in them. Anakin pushed his tongue into her mouth, and she welcomed it, gently pressing against it with her own tongue as the two fell onto the soft fur bed together. 

They pulled at each other’s clothes, slowly stripping the other. Ahsoka was the one to break the kiss, panting as she popped a quick question.

“Do you know what we’re doing?” she giggled, smiling at him.

“No. I’ve never… done this,” he replied.

“Me neither.” He kissed her lips, and he marveled at just how soft and sweet they were. “Guess we’re both Padawans.”

Ahsoka laughed at the comment, before she kissed his chest. He kissed her back as the two found so many reasons to want the other. They were fit and slender, athletic and young… Ahsoka’s hands stroked his firm chest as Anakin’s hand slid down her back and dug his fingers into her round ass.

Their clothes were pulled off, and Ahsoka blushed as she sat on Anakin, looking down at his large cock. She gulped, holding a hand over it. She nibbled on her bottom lip, clearly unsure of herself. She glanced at Anakin, then at his dick.

“It’s… bigger than most togruta men…”

“How do you know that?” he asked, raising his brow.

“I-I read. I-it’s just biology,” she replied, blushing as she looked down at the dick. She knew what came next. Her pussy was wet. It should be able to take his penis, but looking at it…

“You okay?” he asked, placing his hands on her hips.

“Y-yeah. Just… it’s big.”

“If you want to stop-”

“No! I-I can do this,” she replied. She took a deep breath as Anakin sat up. He kissed her lips once last time as his hand stroked her head tail. She shuddered, feeling his soft hands sliding along her flesh. “W-wow, that feels nice.”

He chuckled, before he took her body in her arms and lifted her up. She let him take control, before he brought her down on his cock. His shaft slid into her, sending jolts of pleasure through her body as she moaned.


She never sounded like that before, but as much as Anakin might have like the sound… “You can call me, Anakin.” He gulped, feeling her pussy squeezing around his shaft, stroking the sides of it as she sank lower and lower down his dick. “You okay?”

“Y-yeah. Y-you’re big.” There was pain, but it momentary as his shaft slid along the walls of her pussy. Ahsoka shuddered, gasping for air as she placed her hands on his chest. She rested her hands there, bouncing on top of him as she moved her body up and down. “H-how am I doing?” she asked.

“You’re doing great, Snips,” he replied, but Ahsoka frowned at that. 

Time to impress her Master…

Ahsoka bounced herself up and down, faster, and soon she was taking his entire shaft. She flexed her muscles, squeezing the sides of his cock. He moaned, feeling the tight walls stroke his dick. 

Anakin’s eyes widened,and she could feel his hands squeezing her hips. His mechanical hand dug into her body, and he quickly pulled it off of her, cautious on hurting his Padawan. 

She caught his hand, and flashed him a smile. He blinked, watching as she took the glove off of his hand. Ahsoka had seen this hand on only a few occasions. Her eyes widened as she saw the golden fingers hold the glove in place.

Ahsoka said nothing. She just leaned down and pecked his hand, silently begging him to trust her. Anakin took a deep breath, and gave up control. Their hands touched, flesh and metal, and the Ahsoka beamed.

“I love you, Anakin.”

“Ahsoka, I…” He felt emotions swirling inside of him. He felt his heart race. Fear, not the kind from a battlefield, but the kind that struck far closer to Anakin’s core… He didn’t let it stop him as he whispered, “I love you too.”

He turned his hands to her hips, and the two continued. Ahsoka moved up and down, moaning as Anakin’s dick filled her pussy. The two kept at it, feeling pleasure building up inside of them as the moments passed. 

It wasn’t a loud orgasm. Nothing like the holo-vids that went around the lower parts of Coruscant. No, their orgasms were subtle. Their hearts beat as one. The Force swirled around them, pebbles rising as their bodies bounced and writhed against one another. 

They were moaning as Anakin moved one of his hands, the flesh and blood one, to her chest, squeezing and playing with her breast as she moaned. They both felt the build up. They felt it rushing through them, overtaking them… before exploding. 

Their bodies trembled, and they closed their eyes, cumming together near simultaneously.  

Anakin’s seed filled her pussy, coating the walls of her womanhood. That same seed spilled into her womb as Ahsoka’s juices coated her and her teacher’s crotch.

Their muscles spasmed, their flesh quivered, but the sensation only lasted a moment until the two gasped for air. Ahsoka nearly fell forward, but Anakin caught her and smiled. 

“Huh. No wonder so many people like this,” Anakin chuckled. 

“Wow,” the young woman panted. “That was… wow.” Anakin helped the woman get off of his dick and she laid beside him on the fur bed. “That was… better than I expected.”

“Yeah.” He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. “Wait, are you saying you thought I’d be bad?”

“Well, you are a twenty-three year old virgin, Master. My expectations were low. Thankfully, you blew me away, just as I expected.” She kissed his lips as Anakin chuckled, stroking the headtails of his… his lover.

“Whatever happens Ahsoka… We’ll face it together.”

“I know we will, Anakin.” She embraced him, burying her face in his chest, kissing his soft skin. “Thank you…”


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