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Summary: A man named Robin vanishes from our world and ends up in one of fantasy, monsters, and beautiful women. Watch as he not only survives, but thrives, building a harem of the many gorgeous women he meets. Includes: Monster Girls, Drama and Romance.


Robin remembered falling through darkness. He felt a cold, unfeeling wind buffeting his body as he sank into a deep, dark abyss for a few long seconds, all he felt was warmth… A strange, cloying, suffocating warmth that muffled his senses and dulled his consciousness. Then, he felt the miasma around him give way hurriedly, like the pressure of dammed water pouring out of a pipe. 

Awareness returned, first with blinding light, then a sudden burst of pain. He felt his body hit something hard. Crying out, he opened his bleary eyes to find the world spinning around him. It took him longer to admit to realise that He wasn’t just falling, but was instead rolling down.

As he rolled down the strange hill, hearing returned. Numerous objects clattered around him. Some metallic sounding, some crashing with the unmistakable cacophony of glass, others with the heavy shuddering thud of weight. It was all an unbearably chaotic din. He finally hit the ground, groaning in pain as he stared at the ceiling. 

The chaos eventually subsided as a few scattered things tumbled next to him. Instinctively, He grabbed at them. They felt hard and cool in his hand. He opened his eyes to see what he held beneath his palms. Gold coins were scattered out on the ground around him. Numbly, he looked around looking for their source. His eyes  travelled up, remembering the lumpy and uneven hill he had unceremoniously rolled down. Dumbly, he discovered that He was still laying some at the bottom of a small hill of gold coins. 

The young man looked around, blinking as he saw that he was amongst a hoard of bizarre treasures. Gold scepters, gemstones, even statues. They stretched from floor to ceiling. The roof was made up of a dark stone. There were many burning torches on the walls, each helping to paint the room in irregular dabs of dull yellow light. 

Picking himself up, He couldn’t see an exit. In fact, he had to strain to stretch his neck up to even see the walls, hidden as they were behind the mountains of treasures. 

“W-where…? Where am I?” Robin’s voice sounded hoarse, as if atrophied from lack of use. It was just the first of many questions as he looked around. His next question was a simple one. “H-how did I get here?” he asked to the room devoid of any other person. 

The last thing he remembered was… Well, honestly, that was hard to answer. He wasn’t sure what the last time to happen to him was. He remembered the many days he spent at a dull job, coming home, playing games and watching movies, but what he did yesterday was a blur to him.

Hell, the last hour was a blank save for a few recent moments. 

Robin couldn’t remember much of anything. He knew his name, but his location and the details surrounding his life were from a distant, locked away memory.

The young man could feel the natural chill of terror start to seize his body. He fought it, and felt the sharp edge of the panic start to fade away. Looking around again, He tried to distract himself by renewing his search for an exit.

A bright, bizarre mirror drew in his eyes. Lying on the ground, The mirror seemed to glow despite the fact that it was lying in a large shadow, far from the light of the dim torches.

Robin moved closer, climbing up another small hill of gold coins, careful not to cause yet another rukkus. He picked up the mirror, examining it in his hands. He gasped at what he saw. “W-what the…”

He saw his bedroom on the other. Those were his posters, his bed, everything he owned. What the was it doing in the mirror? Better question, why was a mirror reflecting something other than Robin and the room full of priceless objects. 

He made a short stumble, feeling the sudden need to sit down to keep his head from reeling from the deluge of questions. This small, simple action ended up knocking a pile of coins off the top of the hill. They tumbled down, noisily bumping into other coins, knocking them over as they moved like a small, shiny waterfall. Eventually they stopped, hitting a spear that was resting against a throne. 

The spear was knocked loose, and Robin’s eyes widened as he reached out in a futile gesture to thwart gravity itself.The spear hit a small shelf of ancient-looking swords, axes and shields, knocking the entire thing over and..

Robin squeezed his eyes shut at this point, wincing at the carnage he had wrought. The noise was off the scale now. It rattled him to his very bones. Occasionally, something monstrously hefty would impact the ground, sending tremors through the floor. It was enough to wake the dead, reach the heavens and get the attention of everyone in between.

Worryingly, the noise was accompanied by something else equally disquieting. Robin could feel the hairs on his skin stand on end. The atmosphere grew thick. He recalled the blackness from before. But he immediately recognised that this was different. There was a character to this, a contrast to the sterile void that was the rushing darkness. This had a presence beneath it. It oozed from something with intent and intelligence. 

The humid heat hit him like a rushing truck. Warmth. The hoard of treasures beneath him rippled like churned water, and he fell from where he stood, cushioning the impact by rolling into it. 

Picking himself up, Robin was greeted by his reflection.A dull, distorted, fish-eyed reflection, but a full length one nevertheless.

And then an impossibly large, scaly fold of skin blinked over his reflection. 

It was an eye. Robin was staring slack-jawed at a large, emerald green eye. The black pupil of the massive eye looked up, then down, before focusing directly at him. Robin could feel his heart pound in his chest as the eye rose up, and Robin saw the body connected to such a massive orb.

It was a dragon. There was no other word for it. It was a dragon, white as bleached bone rising out from under the hoard of treasures like a whale would burst out of water. Treasures fell from its back as Robin did his best to get the ever-living heck away from it. At a less lethal distance, he beheld the massive beast, framed by a cascade of gold and diamonds.

The lizard-like head moved on a long, almost snake-like neck. It stretched and twisted, as if it had woken up from a long slumber, before it descended. It turned to face him, a few feet over the ground as it stared, its awesome presence lending an almost palpable weight and force upon its gaze. Somehow, Robin felt that concentrated attention focused on his hand. He rose up, standing on his two feet, shaking, but trying to put on a brave face.

“When will you mortals learn…? To steal from a dragon is to drag a knife along your neck,” the dragon snarled, flashing its terrible fangs as it glared at Robin.

“W-what?” He looked in his hands and rediscovered the long forgotten mirror in his clutch. “N-no! No! I’m innocent! I was-”

“Going to steal from me? Insult my very status as a dragon? Very unwise.”

“What? No, I wasn’t going to steal anything!”

“Oh, how many times have you humans said such a thing  when I find you amongst myhoard…”

“I don’t even know how I got here! I don’t even know where here is!” 

“Here,” it replied, “is where you die The crime is theft, and the punishment-”


“Death.” The dragon opened its massive maw. Robin had no idea just what sort of things a beast of that size fed on, but it felt like it could eat his entire room in one bite. He felt that same heat again, but unfiltered and visceral. It burned his skin as he realized all the fairy tales were true, and he finally found the strength to move. 

He ran for cover, but the massive beasts’ tail slammed into a nearby mound of gold. The treasures fell down, showering Robin as he skid to a stop. He held his hands up, protecting himself from more falling debris as he changed directons as quickly as he could.

His attempts to dodge the massive beast came to an end as a clawed, scaly pillar-like foot slammed into the ground by him. He reeled backwards, barely avoiding being crushed, falling to the ground as the force of the stomp knocked him over. Robin could only stare at the massive foot, while the dragon’s tail knocked over more of their own horde, leaving him cornered with nowhere to go.

Robin was trapped, and he watched as the dragon’s maw opened one more time. He saw an evil glow deep within the tunnel, and Robin’s hands desperately clawed at the fallen goods around him, trying to find something, anything to defend himself. 

Strange white fire spewed out of the dragon’s mouth like a stream. He roared in defiance, holding up the biggest item he could pick up, trying to shield his body behind it. 

The eldritch flames surged forward to engulf him, only to slam against the rusted metal shield Robin had picked up. He had no way of knowing if the shield was proof against the unnatural flames about to devour him, but like all desperate men throughout every age, he tried anyway. 

When he felt himself remain unburnt, he opened his eyes. He was still sweating, but that was it. He chanced a peek over the lip of the shield, and marveled at what he saw. The flames didn’t even touch the shield. It was as if they were stopped before they even touched the surface. Instead, the rust and grime that caked the shield started to flake off, revealing an uneven and textured surface. Unfamiliar characters and designs lined the rim of the shield, painstakingly etched into the material by unknown hands. The flames pounded against the invisible wall like a wave against a dam, but nothing happened. 

The dragon intensified the flames, only for the flames to rebound and wash over them. The runes now glowed with the similar strange whiteness of dragonfire. Robin saw the dragon’s eyes widen. Was that fear in their eyes? Shock? Maybe both. 

Robin watched as the flames engulfed the mighty beast. The beast roared, stopping its torrent before it burned itself any further. The monster writhed and bashed itself against the black, stone walls of its home. It screeched, tongue hanging out as it continued to scream. 

The young man watched, shaking as the fire continued to spread over the beast. It was clearly trying to put the flames out, but nothing it did was enough to stop its burning anguish. Robin found himself feeling almost bad for it as the supernatural immolation continued. The flames burned at the scaly flesh, eating away at the monster, slowly making it shrink and crumple. 

The dragon fell, as if its legs gave out from under them. It fell to the ground, and Robin scrambled away as the beast’s head nearly crushed him. As the adrenaline started to fade, He was left trembling, shaking as he watched the dragon’s still burning body. 

Had… had he killed it?

Suddenly there was a bright flash. Robin shielded his eyes, turning his face away from the suddenly sun-bright dragon. When the light faded and Robin’s eyesight returned to him, he blinked, shooing the spots in his eyes away. 

The dragon was gone. Entirely gone. Not dead, just… vanished. Robin stepped forward, gulping down his racing heart. The monster was gone, but there was something there in their place. 

Not a corpse, but a small, petite young lady. She was out of breath, panting as if she had just ran several miles. More than that though, she was as naked as the day she was born. Completely naked, not a hair on her body.

The only thing stopping Robin from taking a glancing at her breasts and other assets were her large, draconic wings. They wrapped around her like a small robe, covering her body, but Robin could still tell that she was entirely naked. 

She laid on the ground, panting, tears in the corners of her eyes. They slowly fell down her face as she gasped for air. He inched closer, and her body stirred weakly. She turned her emerald green eyes, catching him moving closer and she groaned again.

The small girl… Well, it was obvious who she was. She was the dragon, but far, far smaller, and… well, prettier, if Robin were to be honest. Not exactly the proper line of thought when face with what was a dreaded monster poised to kill him, but he couldn’t help but think that. 

The dragon girl picked herself up, forcing herself to stand on her own two feet as she sucked in air through her teeth. Robin could clearly see that her teeth were more akin to a dragon’s than a humans, sharp and pointy, but much tinier than what they were before.

She stood up for about half a second, ready to lunge at him, before she fell to her knees, collapsing before him. She tried to pick herself up once more, trying to stand on all fours like she had when she was something to be feared, but she seemed too weak to even accomplish that. 

The once mighty dragon collapsed once more, falling onto her chest as she let out a loud cry of anger and frustration. She sounded… well, to be honest, a little pathetic. She slammed her fists on the ground, only to cry out in pain, squeezing one hand with the other as tears fell down her face.

“C-curse you! Damn you! I-I hate you, you stupid, idiotic, worthless, bug-eating primate! You stupid, conniving, godless little bottom-dweller! Damn you, damn you, damn you!” she roared, tears falling from her face as Robin blinked. 

“I… uh… What just hap-?” Robin’s question was interrupted by more yelling as the small girl snarled and snapped at him.

“I hate you! I hate you! I. Hate. You! You worthless, stupid bastard! You did this! You made me shed my perfect form! I was perfect! I was powerful! And you ruined me! You made me shed my scales off, and now look at me! I’m pathetic! I should have let the flames consume me, but when I get back my strength, I’m going to tear your stupid head off your stupid, scrawny neck and shove it right up your-!”

“A-alright,” Robin interrupted, letting her wail and scream in anger at him. “Maybe I should just go…”

“Yeah. You should. You worthless piece of dung.” She spat at him, glaring at him through tears falling down her face. “Just leave. Get out and never come back.” she demanded, trying once more to lift herself up, only to fall to the ground. Her head hit the stone floor, and she let out a whimper, holding her head as she kicked at the air.

“Stupid… stupid, stupid! I-I should have just ate him,” she whimpered, laying on the ground as she kept trying and failing to even stand. All she could do was fall again and again, wasting what little energy she had to throw a temper tantrum and curse Robin’s entire bloodline. 

Robin couldn’t deny that there was a part of him that wanted to walk away. Part of him that just wanted to turn and leave the monster that tried to kill him alone. But when he heard the small girl’s anger crack, releasing a loud sob, he couldn’t. 

He looked at her, watching her cry as she sniffled and whimpered. She kept trying to stand, and she continued to fail, which just made her angrier. Her anger turned to sadness, and she was trapped in this endless cycle as she sobbed and whimpered from the pain and exhaustion. 

Robin walked away, leaving her alone with her tears and impotent rage, before he returned with a large, fur-lined robe in his hands. He brought it to her, and she glared at him with her jade eyes. Looking closely, he saw her pupils were small slits, like a snake.

“W-what do you want?” she growled, brushing her long, white hair from her eyes. “Finally found what you wanted to steal from me?” she growled, looking at the robe in his hands. “Fine. Whatever. Take it! Just leave me-”

“I’m not taking anything,” Robin replied with a sigh. He tried to wrap her up with the robe, taking her arms in his hands. “Put this on. I don’t want you getting cold. It’s pretty soft too.”

“Don’t touch me,” she growled, but she was too weak to resist his touch as her hands slipped into the sleeves and the large robe was wrapped around her. The human was right, as she realized with scarlet cheeks. The robe was soft. 

Robin picked the dragon girl up, holding her in his arms like how a husband would hold his pride. He was never a particularly strong individual, but the dragon girl was just so small and light, even with her wings. Maybe she needed to be light to fly? Robin shook the question of dragon physics away from his mind as he began to carry her. 

Of course, the dragon didn’t exactly like being picked up and she kicked and smacked her hands against him. Her attacks were like a kitten pawing at her owner. Mildly annoying at worst. Robin glanced at her hands, finding her nails were a bit sharper than a normal human’s, but even as her claws dragged against his face, she didn’t even hurt him. 

He was able to effortlessly carry her, even as she cursed at him.

“P-put me down! I don’t need your help! Release me!”

“Do you really want me to put you back on the ground?” Robin asked with a sigh, and her silence was more than enough of an answer. “That’s what I thought.”

“Was stealing my energy not enough for you…? Must you humiliate me as well?”

“Sorry you think me trying to help you is humiliating,” he muttered in return, trying to ignore her. It took him a moment, but he glanced at her and spoke. “And I told you, I’m not here to steal anything. Not your horde, or your energy.”

“Liar! You made me shed and took of the energy for yourself!”

“Huh?” He blinked again, and the dragon girl huffed as she explained. 

“You were so close to me… When I shed my perfect form off, some of my energy went back into you. You stole it from me. Was that your plan the whole time?” she growled.

“I didn’t plan anything, least of all ending up in your cave,” Robin replied. He continued to carrying the small woman, looking for a place to let her rest. “I don’t feel any stronger. Can I just give you the energy back?”

That made her turn silent. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t even look at him as she stared at a nearby wall. Robin raised his brow, but shrugged. Eventually he found a large bed in the horde, sitting on top of a small hill of golden coins. He carried the girl to it, placing her down on the soft bed.

“Man, how the hell do you even have a hoard like this? This place is amazing,” he commented, looking around.

“Just stuff I’ve collected over the years,” she muttered. “Or stuff people gave me so I wouldn’t raze their village.”

“Ah… And did that work?” he inquired, glancing at her as she sat on the bed.

“Sometimes,” she shrugged. “Depends on how much I wanted to burn their village down.”

Robin shook his head, wondering what he was doing talking to this literal monster. He turned his head towards the piles of treasure, trying to look past them and find an exit in this bizarre place. His eyes moved over the area, when he felt a hand touch his body.

He hadn’t noticed the bed shifting slightly. The strange woman was moving towards him, finally mustering up the strength to crawl towards him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and he blushed as he realized an almost naked woman was on a bed with him. 

She had her hand on his shoulder, leaning on him as she stared into his hazel eyes. He gulped, turning his eyes away to avoid staring at her naked body. 

“You really didn’t steal anything, did you?”

“No. I haven’t, and I’m not going to.”

“Then why come here? What possible reason could you have to be here if not to steal from me?” Robin glanced at her, doing his best to keep his eyes on her face. It was clear that dragons didn’t have nudity taboos, because her coat was barely clinging to her body by now. 

“I… I don’t know how I got here. One minute I’m sitting in my room, the next I’m here.”


“I don’t know,” he replied with a sigh. “I know that probably doesn’t answer your questions, but it’s the truth. Honestly, right now I’d just like to go home.”

The dragon girl made a small hum sound, before she blinked. She pulled her hand back and inched forward, sitting directly behind Robin. Her long, white hair flowed down her back, resting on the bed. “I see. It must hurt being away from your home with so few answers.” This time, Robin was the quiet one. 

“What is your name, human?” she asked, tilting her head. 

“My name is Robin. What’s yours?” he asked, glancing at her, blushing as he caught her naked shoulder from the corner of his eyes. 

She didn’t say anything at first. She just sat there, digging a hole through his head with her unblinking eyes. Robin wondered if she would ever answer, when suddenly… “Freya. My name is Freya the Silver Dragon” she finally answered.

“Freya. That’s a nice name,” he commented, turning so that he was facing away from her. “Sorry about messing up your treasures, Freya. I didn’t mean to.” Her hand touched his shoulder again, and Robin didn’t even react. 

He just closed his eyes and sighed. “I promise, soon as I know how to get home, I’ll leave you alo-”

Her hand pulled on him, and Robin’s eyes widened as he fell back into Freya’s arms. She wrapped her arms around him, embracing him as his face burned red hot. He gulped, staring into her eyes as she tried to hugged him. Her breasts pushed against his body as he adjusted, turning around to face her.

“H-hey, are you okay…?”

“There is a way. For you to give me back my energy.” Robin blinked, and he watched as Freya leaned closer, her lips inches from his. She breathed on him, and he shuddered from the feeling of her warm breath. “The most efficient, only way, to do so is through… intercourse.”

“W-wha-mmmph?!” Robin’s eyes widened as Freya tackled him, or rather, fell on him, pushing him down and laying on top of him as her lips pressed into his. 

He laid down on his back, feeling her soft lips pressed against his. She nibbled on his lower lip, pulling on it as he felt her hands stroke his chest. He could feel his heart pounding as the small woman kissed him, pushing her tongue against his mouth, slipping in as he wondered what he should do.

His first was being taken by… by a dragon girl. It sounded impossible, but it was really happening, and Robin couldn’t believe how nice it felt. Freya’s lips were so soft, and her tongue pushed into his mouth with difficulty, licking the inside of his cheek.

Her tongue was long, but nimble. She coiled her tongue around his, before sliding along his teeth. He could taste her saliva, and it tasted so good. His cock stirred under his pants as his eyes began to close. 

Robin began to succumb to the wonderful sensation. Her small warm body… Her soft, petite chest… Her hands… The young man enjoyed the kiss, and his cock continued to harden as Freya kissed him, stroking his body. He lifted his hands and placed them on her back as his tongue gently pressed against hers, putting up just a hint of resistance as their tongues danced.

That flipped a switch in Freya, and Robin’s eyes shot open as a pain shot through his body. Freya dug her claws into him, and she tore his shirt to tatters. He tried pushing her hands away as he broke the kiss, crying out in pain.

She had done more than cut his shirt. He was bleeding. The wounds weren’t deep, but there was a cut on his chest. She had actually cut through his chest, and Robin panicked from the pain. He tried to push Freya off of him, but all of the strength she had stored up helped her fight back.

“Hold still! Don’t fight back, you stupid little human! I need you to fuck me, damn it!” 

“G-get away from me!” Her hands grabbed his and she pinned them down on each side of his head. His eyes widened as Freya roared at him, her breath lightly burning his cheek.

“Shut up! Stop resisting! Just give me your cock, before I break you! The sooner you give up, the better it’ll feel! So give up, damn it!” 

“Get off!” He tried to push her away, and she tried to hold onto him. Her claws dug into his skin, almost breaking the skin as Robin growled in pain. 

She pressed her crotch against his, feeling his tent through his pants, but he was already beginning to soften. This woman was crazy, he realized. She was willing to try and rape him, and she made it clear that she really didn’t care what happened to him. 

That pissed him off, and Robin could feel his heart racing as his anger got the better of him.

Despite the burst of strength Robin was soon able to force her to let go of him. He pushed her off and she fell on the other side of the bed. She lunged at his pants, trying to tear them off, but he was able to tear his legs away from her with relative ease.

Freya was still weak and too tired to overpower the human. She had wasted her strength trying to fight him, and now exhaustion and fatigue hit her like a cannonball. She soon laid on the bed, panting, trying to catch her breath in a sweat. She couldn’t even muster up the strength to sit up as Robin got off the bed.

Anger and fury pounded in the man’s mind and heart. He glared at Freya, feelings of betrayal twisting his mind. He had let his guard down. He actually thought he and the strange woman could come to a peaceful agreement, work something out, and he nearly paid for it with cut skin and who knows what else.

Robin realized it now. She had just been trying to lure him into a trap. She wanted him to lower his guard so she could attack, and he had actually let her. He felt so stupid, and that shame fed his anger.

“You know what, screw this!” he growled. “I tried being nice to you, but you are insane! Stay here and rot for all I care!” he spat at her, turning away. 

“W-wait!” Freya cried. She used what strength she had to stretch an arm out to him. “I-I need energy, though! You don’t understand.”

“How could I?! All you’ve done since I got here was either try to kill me or try to make me fuck you!” 

“But I need energy! I-I need it!” she cried, tears falling from her eyes. “Without more, I won’t even able to maintain this form!” 

“So what, you’ll turn even smaller? Not my problem,” Robin replied, brushing off her tears this time.

“No! I’ll die! Don’t you get it, you stupid human? I will die unless you f-fuck me!” She was shaking, tears falling down her face as she looked at Robin. 

The young man blinked, staring at her as he contemplated the words. She could die? Wouldn’t that mean… he would have killed her? Robin gulped, shaking slightly as he wondered if she was telling the truth. 

If they didn’t have sex, would she die? Could he live with himself if that happened?

Freya watched the human think. The seconds ticked by, and her frustration and impatience grew as she snarled. “Are you listening to me, human!? Do what I tell you to do, damn it! Why else would I ever want your dirty, monkey hands to touch me? I need you to fuck me, or I’ll die!” 

Her hand hit the bed, and it barely trembled. She wiped her tears away, squeezing her eyes shut as she roared. “I want my power back! I want my perfect form back! Give it to me!” 

“So what? You can finally kill me?” She opened her eyes, and Robin glared at her. 

“That’s all you care about. Your ‘perfect’ form. So it can be easier to kill me?” He shook his head. “I’m not falling for your trick, Freya. If you even told me your real name…”

“W-wait. No, please, I need you! I’m going to die if you don’t-” Robin turned back around and returned to walking away. “Wait!”

“Go to hell, you psycho bitch,” he spat back, making her flinch. “I’m not falling for your tricks anymore. I’m leaving.” His walk soon turned into a run, and he left her behind as Freya was left alone.

“N-no! Please, d-don’t go!” She had no idea if her screams even reached him. She cried out again, calling out to the human. “R-Robin, please! I-I need you! I…” She sniffled, holding back tears as quivered. 

“Come back!” she screamed, but all she heard was her own voice echoing back to her. She was all alone, and Freya realized that tonight, she would die. 

She cried. She wept like she had never cried before, laying on the bed amongst her hoard. All the treasure in the world, and it couldn’t do anything to change the fact that her death was not only inevitable, it was soon. 

When the sun rose up, it would rise upon a world without Freya the Silver Dragon. 

And who would miss her?

Freya cried into her hands as she realized that no one would miss her. Her death would go on unmourned, and she would be forgotten. Her wealth would collect dust, and she… she would amount to nothing.

The once mighty dragon curled up, holding herself as she closed her tearful eyes. She waited for death to take her as the tears refused to stop. No matter how hard she tried, she cried, further shaming her and making her realize just how pathetic she was. 

As for Robin, he stumbled through the treasure chamber, looking for a way out. Unfortunately the maze was impossible to navigate for a human such as himself. Maybe for a giant beast, exiting this place was as easy as a few steps to the left, but for a small human…

Every mountain of treasure just looked like the one next to it. There were no landmarks to mark where he had been or where he was going. Every attempt to climb one of those mountains just resulted in Robin falling to the ground, landing on the hard ground. 

He was hopelessly lost and running himself ragged, but that wasn’t the worst part. His body was getting exhausted, but his mind and heart were just as affected. Maybe even more. 

Robin could still hear Freya’s cries. They echoed in this place and honed in on him like she wanted him to hear her. She was sobbing, not even begging for him to return as she cried. 

Was this all part of her plan? Or did she really meant what she said? Could she actually die because he didn’t fuck her?

Her weeping filled his head as he shook his head, reminding himself that most of the treasure around him was probably stolen. Taken by force or the threat of force. How many people had that psychotic dragon killed to get everything here? 

The world was better off without her. 

He kept searching for an exit, telling himself that the dragon bitch could take care of herself, and if not, then good. She deserved it… but he kept hearing her cries, and his heart and mind began to come to blows.

Robin’s mind kept telling him to look for an exit, that there might be something he can use just around the corner, but his heart told him to go back. 

She was all alone out there. Did she have any friends? Any family? Even if she did, they probably didn’t know anything about what was happening to her. She could die alone… Alone and, if she really did steal all this stuff, unmissed. 

No one would mourn her. Hell, he was ready for her to die just a minute ago, but now that idea left a bad taste in his mouth. 

After all, who was going to miss him? 

Robin stopped and leaned against a wall of gold. He placed a hand on his head and closed his eyes, as he asked himself a simple question.

Would it even matter if he got back home? If he died here, lost to another world, just vanished out of nowhere, would anyone in his world care? 

He didn’t have any friends. Not real ones, anyway. And his family? Like they would care… He could have never came here and just have died in his sleep and his family would have kept on ticking as dysfunctional as ever. 

No matter what he did, no matter where he was, he was going to die the same way Freya was. Alone and unmourned…

Robin looked around at the walls of gold and stone around him. He frowned as he told himself there really only was one way out of here, and that was with Freya’s help. He turned and ran back the way he came, an easy task considering he just followed the sound of her crying... 


Freya waited for death to take her. She hoped it would be painless, but she had heard stories of dragons dying from a lack of energy. Her death would be slow, withering away to nothingness over a matter of hours. Maybe days if she was unlucky. 

She bit her lower lip, trying to finally stop her cries. She was so lost to her own depression and sadness that she didn’t realize she was being picked up until her head touched something warm and soft.

She opened her eyes, and she saw Robin the human holding her, embracing her. Tears fell from her face once more, but these were tears of joy. Tears she quickly tried to hide as she wiped her face.

“Y-you came back,” she whimpered, shock clear in her voice.

“S-shut up,” he mumbled. “I-I came because I don’t know how to get out of here, and you do. I-I’m not trying to save you, I’m trying to save myself, g-got it?!” 

Freya blinked, and Robin avoided her eyes. He stared at a nearby wall as the two sat on the bed together, Freya laying in his arms. Neither said anything as they finally glanced at the other, their eyes meeting.

“You know I can’t help you if I die,” she grumbled.

“Y-yeah… And you know that… that I’m only going to do this because I need a way out,” he mumbled. 

Freya nodded her head. “Right. N-not like you might… enjoy… it.”

“Yeah… It.” 

Freya was beginning to realize that neither of them were very good at communicating their feelings.

“Um, have you ever…?” Robin gulped as Freya and his cheeks turned red.

“N-no. I haven’t. Have you…?”


“Ah. Well, no time like the present. Right?” Freya looked at the cut she had left on Robin’s chest, and she sighed. “I am sorry…. For hurting you.”

“Look, just don’t try anything like that again and we’ll be okay. Let’s just both try to make this as enjoyable as possible.” She nodded her head as he gently laid her down on the blanket. He began to take off what clothes he had left as Freya shrugged off the rest of the coat, leaving it on the bed as the two looked at one another.

They were naked now, and Robin placed a hand against Freya’s pussy, shocking her. “O-oh, j-just gonna start there, h-huh?”

“I’m checking to see how wet you are. I… don’t want to hurt you when I go in, so we should make sure you’re wet.”

“Oh. Right.” Freya gasped as Robin moved his head down, placing it between her legs. He kissed her pussy, dragging his tongue against her clit. The dragon’s eyes widened, and she shuddered as she felt his tongue move up and down along her slit. “Ahh…! W-what are you doing?”

“Just helping you get wet,” he replied, feeling a sense of pride as he listened to her moans. He had never pleased a girl before in his life, but here he was, trying to lick the pussy of a mighty dragon girl.

That was something to be proud of, Robin thought, as his tongue pushed into Freya’s pussy, sliding along her walls.

“Ahh! Y-your tongue is… it’s really big,” she panted. 

“If you liked that…” Robin pushed a finger into Freya, and she gasped, eyes widening as his finger slipped into her. He moved it back and forth, and she moaned, humping the slender digit.

“Ahh, yes, t-that feels really good…”

Robin nodded his head, and he pushed his finger in and out of her faster, fingering her while he pressed his tongue against her clit. He licked her pussy, even wrapping his lips against her wet folds to nibble on. Freya cried out, wrapping her legs around his head and pressing him against her cunt. 

The woman wasn’t strong enough to hold him there, but this time he was happy to be held. Her legs felt warm, and he liked the sensation of them wrapped around his face. He flicked his tongue against her clit, fingering her with three fingers this time as she moaned under him.

“Ahh, Robin, please, don’t stop! Keep going, I-I really… ah!”

“You like it?” he asked, pulling his head away from her moist cunt. She whimpered, nodding her head as her hands fell on his hair, trying to pull him back down.

“P-please, keep going? I want to feel more.”

Robin chuckled, listening to Freya’s pleas. He ended up pulling back, and she pouted as he looked into her emerald eyes. Those bright green eyes, her snow-white hair, her small, petite frame… Everything about her was so beautiful.

She caught him staring, and she blushed as she looked away. “S-stop looking at me, idiot,” she growled, and Robin blushed as he realized he had been caught.

“Um, I-I’m going to put in now, okay?”

“S-sure. Go ahead,” she replied, laying down on her back and spreading her legs for him. 

“Are your wings comfortable?” he asked, looking at said wings pressed against the bed.

“Y-yeah.” She glanced away, then back at him. “Thanks for asking.”

Robin nodded his head, before he laid on top of the woman. He positioned himself, slowly pushing his dick into her, feeling her tremble on his cock as he pushed deeper and deeper. He soon came to a stop as he felt some resistance, but Freya’s hand on his arm told him what she wanted.

The two locked eyes, and Robin gave her an apologetic smile, before he pushed his cock into her, breaking her hymen as she moaned loudly. She dug her claws into him again, and Robin cried out in pain, but he was shocked as Freya actually listened to him.

She tore her hand off of him and clawed at the bed under, moaning loudly as Robin’s cock pushed deeper into her.

“A-are you okay?”

“D-don’t stop,” she replied, glaring at him. “F-fuck me!” Freya demanded, or possibly begged, wrapping her legs around his body as he continued to fuck her. He pulled back, before thrusting into her again, sinking his cock deeper into her with every thrust.

Freya moaned loudly, and Robin leaned down, smelling her hot breath. He was surprised at how sweet her breath was, but he was even more shocked as Freya leaned her face closer to him and kissed him. 

His eyes widened, before he felt her long tongue pushed into his mouth. He kissed back without hesitation, wrestling with her tongue as he moaned against her lips. His hips kept moving, making her tremble slightly from every thrust.

Her arms and legs wrapped around him, trying to hold him. Her fingers pressed against his back, but he could actually feel her holding back in that regard. She didn’t want to hurt him, and that just turned him on more as he quickened his pace, fucking her faster. 

The bed rocked, shaking more coins loose, but honestly neither seemed to care. They focused only on one another, on the heavenly sensations they sent through the other. 

Freya moaned into the human’s mouth, shocked at how… good he felt. His cock pounded her, and she was able to take the entire thing into her. She was sure this human must have been highly sought after in his world, after all, his skills at love making were second to none… Not that Freya had anyone to compare to, but still.

His cock throbbed inside of her, and he would adjust his hips, pressing the tip of his cock against different parts of her inner walls. She moaned loudly at the pleasure, tightening her pussy as Robin fought back an orgasm.

Freya’s womanhood felt so damn good. It was so hot, and so warm, and she would hold onto his shaft so tightly. It felt so good, and it made him want to fuck her faster as she mewled loudly in pleasure.

Robin moved his head, kissing her neck, sucking on her pale skin, turning it red under his lips as Freya moaned loudly, digging her fingers into the back of his head, stroking his hair. He licked the red marks he made on her flesh as she shuddered.

“C-can you… can you bite me? I-it’s a thing d-draah! D-dragons do, a-and-” Robin bit her, and she almost screamed in pleasure. Her muscles spasmed as she quivered, tears falling from her face. “Ahh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Robin just chuckled as he pressed his lips against her neck, nibbling on her soft flesh. He pulled away, making a popping sound, before Freya lifted her head up to lick his neck, trying to return the favor. He let her kiss her neck, and her soft lips massaged his skin as he moaned.

The two continued to make love on that bed for what felt like hours. Every time one of them would feel their orgasm coming, as if knowing, the other would slow down, prolonging their heavenly pleasure. 

Every few seconds she’d mewl again, and her pussy would tighten around his dick, keeping his entire dick still inside of her. Then she’d release him so he could fuck her faster again. Eventually, though, it became too much for Robin.

“I-I’m gonna cum soon,” he admitted, panting as she nodded her head. 

“G-good! Shoot a load i-in meee! Ahh, i-in me, human! That is how I’ll get m-my strength ba-ahhh-a-ack.” That sounded crazy to Robin, but he didn’t know a thing about dragon biology. He just knew he loved the feeling of Freya’s wet pussy, and to finally cum inside a woman, let alone one as gorgeous as her...

He came inside of her, and she let out a loud cry as she came a second after he did. The two lovers felt their juices splattered against the other. They continued to kiss, moaning loudly as they rode the aftershocks of pleasure.

They clung to one another, refusing to let go as his semen spilled into her. His seed coated her inner walls, sticking to them. Freya’s body held onto him as her lips pressed against his face, and Robin did his best to return the gesture, kissing back as they laid on the bed together.

His cum dripped out of her pussy, traveling down to slip past her slender thighs. His cum dripped onto the bed as her limbs began to release him. Her legs laid on the bed below her as her arms still clung to him, even with her relatively weak strength.

Robin was just as awestruck, keeping his cock inside of her. Her pussy would twitch every couple of seconds, tightening around his cock, keeping his shaft hard as the two moaned. “That was… holy shit,” Robin whispered. “That was amazing.” 

Freya had her eyes closed as she took a deep breath, before exhaling. Robin still laid on top of her, and he blinked as he leaned in closer. “H-hey. You okay?”

She kissed him, and he shuddered as her long tongue licked his lips and slipped into his mouth. He sucked on it, savoring the taste, before she pulled away. He licked his lips as she smiled at him, tears falling down her cheeks.

He kissed those cheeks away as she uttered, “T-thank you. I feel it. My strength is returning.”

“So you’re not going to die?” She nodded her head as he let out a sigh of relief. He smiled at that, before they both realized something. They were both still holding onto one another. “Um… Are you going to let go?”

Freya’s eyes widened, and her cheeks burned a bright red as she glared at him. “H-how can I when you won’t let go of me?!” she asked, and Robin blushed in return as he tried to slip his hands out from under her.


The two separated, laying on the bed together. Robin sat up, and he was surprised to see Freya not only sit beside him but lean her head onto his shoulder. Her large wings stretched out, and actually pushed him closer to her as the two blushed. 

“I’ll be able to absorb more mana from my surroundings, but to get back my full strength, I’ll need to go find sources of mana.”

“Ah. Okay…” Robin had no idea what she was talking about. “So sources of mana are like… magic hot spots?” he asked, raising his brow.

“Something like that. The point is, I’ll be able to absorb the energy there to return to my full strength.” She lifted her head slightly, glancing at him. “You’re welcome to stay here a-and wait for me if you want.”

Robin blushed, and Freya did the same as the two looked away from one another. “O-or you can go. I-I mean, I can find you no matter what. Y-you have a particular smell.”

The young man considered her words. Did this make them friends? Friends with a dragon… That was pretty amazing.

Actually, was this whole world as amazing as Freya? As dangerous? As beautiful? This was a world of fantasy, wasn’t it? A world of magic and titanic beasts, but there had to be regular people out there too…

What did Robin have waiting at home for him? An uncaring world of normality? He’d die alone and unmourned there, but here, at least one person liked him… 

And who knows what was outside this horde? A whole new world, unexplored and open to him...

“Actually, I kind of like the idea of exploring this world.” Robin grinned proudly as Freya raised her brow. “Robin the Explorer. Or the Robin the Warrior. Or-”

“Robin the In Over His Head,” Freya scoffed. “Have you ever even fought a single day of your life?” 

“Uh… Well…” 

Freya rolled her eyes, before she pulled away from him. She walked away, before taking off and flying from him. He watched her go, before she returned almost a minute later with a large bag. 

“Here. You can borrow this stuff if you’re gonna go explore. It’s dangerous to go alone out there, so you should take this.” She dropped the bag in his arms as his eyes widened. 

“R-really? He beamed, nodding his head. “Thanks, Freya!” She blushed as he stood up, fixing his pants as he got off the bed. “Alright!” A rush of happiness and excitement rushed through his body as he took his first step on his journey. “Let’s see what this world has to offer!”

He stepped forward, only for Freya to hold her hand out in front of him. “Do you know the way out of here?” He blinked, and he groaned as Freya shook her head. “Wasn’t that the whole reason you came back for me? Or did you forget.”

“Er, well…” 


Freya led Robin out of her chambers, letting him change into his new clothes on the way. The clothes were padded, with little bits of armor. Enough to protect him, but letting him stay mobile as he walked. 

He left the rest of the gear in the bag, feeling it weigh heavy in his arms, but he did his best to look tough for Freya. Sometimes he’d catch her smiling at him as they soon reached the entrance to her cave.

The two walked out, gazing upon a sea of stars high above them in the night sky. Robin marveled at the sight, eyes wide. He had lived in the city so light pollution prevented the sky from ever being so clear. 

He was amazed by the sight of so many stars as Freya continued to stare at him, blushing as her eyes looked him over. He looked at her and she quickly looked away as she spoke.



“Promise me you’ll be careful? I don’t want my broodmate getting hurt.”

“B-broodmate?” His eyes widened as Freya moved closer to him. 

“Y-yes, broodmate. We had sex together, didn’t we? Unlike you humans, that means something to us dragons!” She moved closer, blushing as their faces were only inches apart. “So you have to keep yourself safe, got it? Don’t die out there, or I’ll kill you.”

He pecked her lips, and she squeaked, stepping back and covering her lips. Her face burned red as he grinned. 

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he chuckled.

“G-good,” she muttered. “You’re obligated to come visit now and again… a-and sometimes, I’ll come check up on you. S-sometimes. When I want to.”

The two said nothing for a long moment. Neither was sure who moved first, but suddenly Freya pounced on him just as he wrapped his arms around her body. One hand on her cute butt, the other going through her hair as she wrapped her legs and arms around him.

He held her in his arms as the two shared one last kiss, tongues dancing as they savored the sweet taste of the other. Robin’s tongue licked her sharp teeth, before sucking on her own tongue exploring his mouth.

She rubbed her ass against his hand, pressing her tits against his chest. She clung to him, almost scared to let go, covering his face in kisses as the two moaned quietly. 

Eventually the two parted, panting as Freya licked up the trail of saliva that linked their mouths. She wiped her lips as Robin blushed profusely. 

“So, broodmates, huh? What exactly does that mean?” Robin teased, and Freya’s blush spread down her neck and even coated her ears.

She quickly transformed before him, turning back into a dragon, though she was much smaller than the first time he saw her. The horse-sized dragon looked at him, green eyes shining, and he could see the woman behind the mighty beast. She turned away quickly, no doubt intimidated by the human, before she took off.

Robin watched her fly away, a smile on his face as he watched her figure vanish over the horizon. Now it was his turn to go… 

Time to see what this world had to offer. 


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