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Summary: Jaune and Ruby's love story continues as Ruby considers calling off the affair. Jaune fights for her, though, knowing how wrong it might be, but no longer caring. He intends to show her how much he loves her.  Includes: NTR and Romance.



Five. They had gone five times together. 

Ruby was left panting, trying to catch her breath as sweat dripped down her body. Her bangs clung to her sweaty forehead as she found it hard to move. Yet she had rolled into Jaune’s side, cuddling against his side with a hand on his chest as one of his hands pressed her against him.

Five times… They made love to each other five times, cumming together almost a dozen times together. Ruby had barely managed twice with Oscar, but Jaune…

Her face was burning red hot as Jaune gulped, staring a hole through the ceiling. Neither said anything as they laid on Ruby and Oscar’s bed, laying in silence. 

They had been at it for literal hours. Neither had stopped or taken a break. They just kept going, their desire for each other acting as fuel to keep them going, but eventually they had to stop. 

So they did.

And now Ruby and Jaune were cuddling on a bed that belonged to Ruby and her husband.

Ruby didn’t know what to say. She hid her face behind Jaune’s arm, her face burning as she tried to think of something to say. Something to break this tension. She found nothing, burying her face against his arm as she quietly sighed. 

That was when Jaune spoke up, popping a simple question. “Do you have anything to eat here?” he asked, and Ruby’s jaw nearly shot down to her knees.

“Y-you’re joking, right?” 

“Course I am,” he replied with a chuckle, before averting his eyes as he blushed. “Well, mostly. I mean, all that sex was pretty exhausting. I… um, I am a little hungry.”

“You dork,” she laughed, shaking her head as the tension between them was shattered like a blow from a hammer. She giggled, feeling the weight of her shoulders fading as Jaune chuckled.

“Sorry. I thought a little joke would help ease the tension.”

“Well, it worked,” she quietly replied, kissing his arm. 

He enjoyed the feeling of her soft lips on his body, but there really was a question he wanted answered. One that he wasn’t even sure of how to ask at first. Ruby could feel his muscle trembling slightly, and she tilted her head. 

“Are… are you okay? You’re shaking.”

“Sorry,” he sighed. “I just… I need to know. Where we stand.” 

Ruby blinked, before she sighed, looking down at the bed under her, refusing to meet Jaune’s eyes. He turned onto his side and he placed a hand on her shoulder. She glanced up at him, and he showed her nothing but warmth and honesty in his eyes..

“I didn’t regret it,” he admitted, and Ruby’s eyes widened again.

“R-really? Even though I’m… me?”

“Ruby, there’s no one else in the world I’d rather be with You’re my best friend, and....” And Jaune meant that, but there was more. He loved Ruby, he knew that wasn’t a secret now, but did she realize it…? 

He loved her, and love made people do crazy things. “I’ve liked you for… for a long time.”

“R-really?” Ruby’s face was burning, and she looked away again, before looking back at him. She gulped. “Why?”

“How could I not? You’re funny, and cute, and beautiful, and… and I could go on about this for a long time,” Jaune admitted with a chuckle. His cheeks were a subtle red, but Ruby’s face, neck, and ears were all consumed by her embarrassment. 

“I… I like you too.” She groaned in her mind. Like? Really? That was like saying the ocean was wet. No duh, Ruby. She scolded herself, shaking her head as she sighed. “I… I really like you.” She groaned again. She was clearly very bad at this...

Jaune took her confession the best way possible. He knew what she meant, but he couldn’t help but tease his little Crater Face. “So, do you like me like me?”

Despite everything they had done, despite all that weighed on her shoulders, Ruby found the strength to laugh. She tried to hide it, sealing her lips shut as Jaune continued.

“Or do you like like me?”

“You dork,” she snickered.

“Like like like me?” he teased, stroking his fingers against her hips, tickling her. She snorted, and her laugh was a sweet and serene wave over Jaune’s body. He closed his eyes, savoring the sound as she embraced him.

No one made her like Jaune did. He was the best thing in her life. A sweet, amazing guy. Her guy…. 

Ruby’s happiness faded like someone had blown out a candle. She pulled her arms back and Jaune raised his brow as she took a deep breath. She sat up, her back facing him.


“Y-yeah, Ruby?”

“You should go… Before Oscar gets home.”

Jaune sat up with her and he reached a hand out to her. His fingers stroked her shoulder, but she pulled away, hiding her face from him. 

“Ruby, I’m sorry. I-”

“No, I’m sorry, Jaune, I… I don’t…” She placed a hand on her head and Jaune heard the unmistakable sound of her sniffling. She was holding back tears. “I don’t regret what we did. I needed this. I needed you. You’re my best friend, and… and I was weak.”

Jaune’s brow furrowed and he shook his head. “Ruby, you weren’t-”

“But I shouldn’t do this to Oscar. I just… I need to think this out. I need time to process things.”

The blonde nodded his head, but he chewed on his lower lip as he tried to sort out his own feelings. His lips parted once, before closing it, before he opened his mouth again. “Ruby, I…”

Ruby squeezed her eyes shut. She shook her head side to side. “Jaune, don’t say it.”

They had cried it out while they had made love. They said it again and again as they clung to one another, making it. 

“I love you, Ruby.” She didn’t say anything in response. She kept her head down, burying her face in her hands. 

“Jaune, I-I don’t know how I feel about you,” she lied. “And Oscar,” she groaned. “I… I shouldn’t be doing this with you.”

Shouldn’t. Not couldn’t. Not wouldn’t. Just… shouldn’t.

“I’m sorry,” she sighed. I just need time to process this.”

“Right. I understand.” He nodded his head. “Alright, well… I’ll go.” Ruby didn’t move as Jaune stood up from the bed, grabbing his clothes on the ground and getting dressed. Ruby didn’t move, merely sitting on the bed with her face still buried in her hands as Jaune opened the door.

He looked at Ruby, staring at her as he tried to think of what to say. He opened his mouth, before he sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll see you later, Rubes.” 

“Yeah. Later,” she mumbled, and Jaune walked away from Ruby once again.

The two put some space between each other, but their minds kept thinking of the other. Jaune thought of Ruby’s smile, her silver eyes, her beautiful body, and so much more. Ruby thought of the blonde knight in shining armor who stole her heart when it was supposed to be Oscar’s. 

Neither was sure what to think at first, but Jaune began to realize a simple fact.

He couldn’t let things go back to the way they were. He made the mistake of giving up before. When Ruby and Oscar got married, he did nothing. He just let it happen, even when his heart told him to talk to Ruby, to do… something.

And now, when Oscar and Ruby were growing apart and the woman he loved was falling into a pit of despair, what was he doing? 

Jaune Arc knew he had to fight. He knew he had. He loved Ruby Rose. Maybe his actions would ruin her marriage with Oscar, but wasn’t Oscar already doing that by ignoring Ruby? Making her feel unloved?

Jaune wouldn’t do that. Of all the flaws he had, of all the sins he was about to commit, he refused to let Ruby feel unloved. 

He was going to fight for her. Even if he lost, even if he lost Ruby forever, he had to fight this time. 

Ruby had no idea, but she was about to be at the center of a war for her heart.


Ruby wished that her time with Jaune would have changed her for the better. She wished it would make her realize how much she loved Oscar, and that she and her husband lived happily ever after, but no. 

The truth was, Jaune did terrible damage to Ruby and Oscar’s relationship. No, that wasn’t true. This was Ruby’s doing. Her feelings for Jaune plagued her, and they ate away at her marriage to Oscar. 

Even when Oscar came home, she felt her skin crawl with guilt and… desire? Not for Oscar, but for her best friend. She missed Jaune. Oscar was a sweet man, but he lacked so many of the traits Ruby had fallen in love with from her knight. 

Oscar barely tried to make any jokes, and even though he was nice, he lacked a certain knowledge… Jaune knew what to say to make her happy. He knew what to say to make her laugh and giggle. Oscar tried, but he just didn’t know Ruby. 

Not like Jaune did. 

“How’s dinner?” Ruby asked, smiling as Oscar finished his plate.

“Hm?” he blinked, glancing between her and his phone. “Oh, it’s great. Thanks.”

“How was work?” she asked. 

“Good. They’re asking me to come in tomorrow to finish up, but it’ll probably take a few more days before it's really ready,” he replied, before his eyes widened. He realized what he had done too late. He saw Ruby’s hurt eyes and he groaned. “Sorry, I thought it would be okay. I promise, I’ll be back as soon as I can…”

He looked away, knowing that there really was no way he could convince his boss to let him go early. Ruby smiled at him, though, relaxing his racing heart. 

“It’s alright, Oscar. I understand. You've got to help out your co-workers.”

“I knew you’d understand.” Oscar sighed with relief, and he smiled at her. “If you want, you can hang out with one of your friends. Weiss, or your sister, or-oh! Jaune,” Oscar suggested, and Ruby had to fight the urge to headbutt the table so hard it would shatter from the blow.

She just chewed the inside of her cheek and forced on a smile. “Maybe.”

Oscar nodded his head, putting on a smile. “Enjoy yourself. Do whatever you want.” He glanced at his phone and stood up, wiping his lips. “I’ve got to go to bed soon so I can wake up early. You coming?” he inquired.

“I will in a bit. I was actually going to finish a movie I started earlier today.” 

He tilted his head. “Oh? What movie?”

“Just a romantic comedy.” That answer seemed to satisfy her husband, and he stood up and started walking to their bedroom. His hand was wrapped tightly around his phone and he kept his eyes on it as Ruby waited.

She heard Oscar going upstairs and getting into their bed. She waited for several seconds, careful to listen for any signs that Oscar was still up. When all she heard was silence, Ruby walked over to her laptop.

The young woman gulped, feeling a pounding in her heart as her heart drummed on. Ruby sat on the couch, pressing her legs against her body as she tried to make herself as small as possible. She kept glancing around herself, sitting there in the dark as she began to type on the computer. 

She searched two different sites before she found one that satiated her need. A porno site with a large library of videos, but the dark-haired beauty had only one hunger on her mind. She typed into the computer, before hitting play on the highest rated video she could find pertaining to her...peculiar interests. 

It was another porno, just like the one she saw earlier today before Jaune had arrived in their home. Just like the one before, though, it also had a bit more story to it.

Another wife, neglected and alone, falling into the arms of another man. Her best friend, her childhood partner. They acted like brother and sister to one another, but that was only a title. Their feelings were something far more intense as the two began to make love together.

Ruby watched, nibbling on her bottom lip as the man and woman bounced on the latter’s bed. The same bed she shared with her husband. The same husband who left her for a bigger paycheck every week.

The wife knew they needed money. She knew times were rough, but couldn’t the husband stay with her for one whole day? Couldn’t he hold her, and make love to her like her best friend did?

Ruby felt her face burn as she placed her laptop on the cushion next to her and she spread her legs apart. She was panting as she pressed a finger against her clit, rubbing herself to the sight of the two fucking each other’s brains out.

She pushed a finger into herself, panting as she rode her digit. Her other hand groped and squeezed her chest, pushing down on her breast . She played with her nipple, pinching and gently twisting it as she shuddered. 

Ruby closed her eyes, only to open them again as she watched the man pound the woman’s pussy. He kissed her neck, sucking on her skin to mark her as his. Ruby squeezed her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek.

She came from the video, trembling as the man filled his best friend’s pussy with cum. Ruby gasped for air, panting as three fingers thrusted in and out of her. She tried to imagine her fingers belonged to someone else, yet at the same time she tried very hard not to put a face to the feeling.

Ruby knew exactly who she would think of if she gave herself even the chance to think about… about him. The dark-haired woman let out a loud moan, leaning her head back as she gasped for air. 

The dark-haired woman came on her fingers, and her juices spilled onto the cushion as Ruby fell onto her side. She kept pushing her fingers into herself, and her hand kneaded her soft breast, even as she remembered how Jaune treated her.

He was so soft, yet so hungry. He was kind, yet he knew how to treat her rough. He was so big, yet his cock slipped into her with barely a problem. A gentleman, yet he loved her like how she had always wanted to be fucked. 

Ruby rode the waves of pleasure for as long as she could, before she had to settle back down. In the end, she was panting, slowly dragging her fingers out of her pussy as she laid her head down onto the cushion behind her. The hand squeezing her breast fell off her chest, laying limply by her side as she tried to breathe.

She pulled her fingers out of her pussy, and held them close to her face. She admired how they glistened in the light of her laptop. Ruby leaned forward and stretched out her tongue, right out of her mouth.

Was she really about to do this? Oscar would never make her do this…. But Ruby didn’t really care what he did or didn’t do to her right now. All she cared about was the racing of her heart, the excitement tingling her skin… This is what she wanted. 

She had done this a dozen times before in her fantasies. Those fantasies once starred herself and Oscar, then herself and a featureless man… Ruby didn’t want to admit who was in her fantasies now, of course. 

The sinful wife licked her fingers, and she moaned at the sweet taste. It was exciting, and a little gross, but she licked them again, cleaning them. She opened her mouth wider and pushed two fingers past her lips, sucking on them.

Ruby sucked her fingers clean as a certain blonde-haired dork consumed her thoughts. She found her taste to be… okay. 

Not great, but not bad. Better than expected, worse than what porn told her it’d be like.

Once they were clean, she wiped her fingers against her clothes, and fixed herself up. She walked off to the bathroom to get herself cleaned up, before she dragged herself to bed where Oscar was already sound asleep.

She laid on the bed with him, eyes shut, but mind racing. She couldn’t stop thinking about Jaune. Her body still felt hot, and her skin was so sensitive. Her shirt brushed against her nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through her body. 

She wanted it to stop. She just wanted everything to go back to normal, but she couldn’t stop thinking. About Oscar, about herself, and most importantly, of Jaune. Even after cumming, Ruby still felt a fire inside of her every time she thought of her best friend. 

Ruby didn’t get much sleep that night, and what sleep she did was plagued by dreams and nightmares.


Oscar was gone by the time Ruby had woken up. She woke up alone, groggy and cranky. She dragged herself out of bed and went to brew herself some coffee. She didn’t know what she was going to do today. Sit around? Watch TV? 

She had no idea how her mom could stay at home and just tend to the house. 

Maybe she could call her sister or something…

As Ruby drank her coffee, swiping through articles and tabs, her phone rang. Her face turned hot as she saw who it was calling her. Jaune Arc. 

Ruby’s thumb hung over the phone for a moment, unsure of what her brain was trying to tell it. Part of her said ignore it. Part of her said answer it. Part of her was mad. Part of her was happy. Eventually she couldn’t stop herself from answering the phone, and she gulped as she heard his familiar voice greeting her.


“H-hey,” she replied.

“Hey, um… i-it’s Jaune. Obviously. You knew that. Caller ID is a thing.”

“Yeah… It is.” Ruby’s blush traveled down her neck, and she took a deep breath. “Jaune about last night, I… I meant what I said. About not regretting it.” Her eyes bounced off the walls, as if waiting for Oscar to come barging in out of nowhere. 

“Yeah. Me too.” And she could hear Jaune’s smile in his voice, see it when she closed her eyes. She took another deep breath.

“But I think… I think we should stop-”

“Wait, Ruby.” Her voice was caught in her throat. She didn’t say anything, giving him the chance to speak. She nibbled on her lower lip as Jaune’s voice came through. “I know what you’re about to say. I get it, I do, but give me a chance.”

“A chance to do what?”

“A chance to… to show you how much I love you.” Ruby felt her heart rise and fall in the span of a single second. She didn’t know what to say, and she lightly pressed the corner of her phone into her forehead as she tried not to cry.

She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what to feel. 

“I love you, Ruby. I have for a long, long time, and I just want the chance to show you how much you mean to me.”

“What are you thinking?” she asked, in a quiet, hushed whisper. She wiped her eyes, trying to calm her racing heart. 

“One night. Just give me one night to show you how much I care about you.” Ruby gulped, biting down on her lip. She glanced at the ring around her finger, before she squeezed her eyes shut. 


Once upon a time, Ruby would have said yes without hesitation. She would have given herself to Jaune, but that was years ago. She was Oscar’s, wasn’t she…?

She should say no. She should tell Jaune to drop it. She should-

“Okay.” She couldn’t. There was a part of Ruby, a big part of her, bigger than she’d ever admit, that wanted Jaune to show her how much he loved her. That rooted for him to win her over. 

“Really? G-great! Alright, um, I-I’m ready to pick you up whenever you are ready.” 

Wait. She heard him say that twice, one right after the other. Ruby’s eyes widened, and she stood up as she rushed over the front door. She opened it, finding her best friend right outside, a phone in his hand. 

He smiled sheepishly, blushing as he waved his hand at her. “H-hi,” he greeted. Ruby blinked, her blush painting her ears as she found herself laughing. 

“How long have you been outside?”

Jaune’s voice answered her both from his lips and from the phone in Ruby’s hand. “Longer than I’d like to admit. Hope that doesn’t come off as too stalkery.”

“A little,” she replied, before the two both glanced at their phones, and they let out an awkward laugh as they both ended the call together. The two smiled at one another, before Ruby motioned him inside.

“C-come on. You can sit down, while I go get ready.”

“R-right. Thanks.”

Ruby went up to her bedroom to get changed while Jaune waited in the living room for her. The young woman avoided his eyes as she made a dash up the stairs, and the blonde waited patiently for her. 

In the back of Ruby’s mind, a little part of her gave a voice to her subconscious thoughts. She thought about how handsome Jaune looked in his outfit. Nothing too special, but form fitting enough to accent the athletic body he had worked for. He was also much taller than Ruby, something she always did like about him. 

He was so much bigger than her, and she really, really liked how he looked. Was that shallow of her? 

Speaking of appearances, what was Ruby going to wear? Her knowledge from the movies she saw yesterday offered her an answer. Something sexy, and slutty, something to draw his eyes to her breasts and ass. 

She quickly took that idea and threw it down into the deepest, darkest corner of her mind with a fiery blush on her face. 


Jaune waited for Ruby downstairs, staring at a picture sitting on a shelf. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, glaring at the image. It was Oscar and Ruby on their wedding day. Jaune remembered being there, watching the two swear themselves to each other, watching them kiss, before Oscar carried Ruby out.

He dropped her back onto her feet halfway down because he couldn’t carry her. 

Jaune didn’t consider himself a bad guy. He knew he should go easier on the young man. He knew that Oscar had a good heart, but he couldn’t let him keep Ruby’s heart.

Not when he treated her like this.

Jaune knew how selfish he was being. He wouldn’t be here, trying to prove to Ruby how much he loved her if he wasn’t selfish. He didn’t care. He’d rather be selfish and try to win Ruby over than to be ‘nice’ and let Oscar have her. 


He blinked, brought back to reality as he turned his head. “You ready, Ru… Ru… Ruby?” He gulped. He stared at Ruby Rose, his best friend, and the most gorgeous woman he had ever met.

Ruby wore a cute, almost gothic outfit. Black was featured heavily on her clothes, but there were streaks of red mixed in too. The crimson color gave so much life to her ensemble. 

She looked so damn cute. To her top and jacket, down to her skirt and leggings. Her hair was parted just like it was when they had met all those years ago, letting her silver eyes shine bright as Jaune tried to pull his jaw up from the floor. 

He beamed at her, walking closer as she blushed, eyes falling down to her feet.

“H-how do I look?”

Jaune placed a hand on her shoulder, and Ruby turned her head up to face him. Then he leaned down and captured her lips, and Ruby felt a shiver run down her spine, before spreading throughout her body.

The two stood like that for a few precious seconds. Their lips pressed together, Jaune’s hands on Ruby’s body… One hand on her shoulder, the other stroking her cheek as she savored the feeling of his hands on her body. She moaned quietly, before reality came falling back onto the two.

Ruby pulled away first, panting as Jaune blushed. She stared at him, silver eyes shaking as she tried to say anything. Her face was consumed by her blush, just like his face was painted red by his own. Eventually Ruby just muttered something under her breath. 

“W-we should get going.”

“R-right. Sorry. I got carried away.”

“No problem... “


The hours passed by. Jaune and Ruby left the latter’s home around morning, and now the sky was dark. 

Jaune and Ruby returned to the blonde’s home in a fit of laughter. They leaned on one another, laughing and smiling as they recounted the night’s event to the other. A pointless endeavor, considering both were there, but neither cared about being logical at the moment.

They were still reeling back from the utter joy and excitement they felt together on this fateful night.

Jaune took Ruby to her favorite restaurant, a place she had only mentioned once to her friend. Yet not only did he remember, he had been planning on taking her there for weeks as a birthday surprise. 

The recent events just speeded up the events. Jaune called the place last night to reserve them both a table, and the two happily enjoyed one of the most delicious meals Ruby had the fortune to eat in a long time.

They talked for hours at the table. It almost like they weren’t on a date, like they were just two friends together, hanging out. Jaune treated her like his best friend, and she loved it. It was the way she wanted to be treated by a man.

Like a best friend with some special added benefits… 

Eventually the two left the restaurant together, walking side by side through the park. They continued their conversation, not even missing a beat as they continued to enjoy the night air. Eventually they returned to Jaune’s home, and two stepped inside with smiles on their faces. 

The two talked with one another, and everything just fell into place for them. They just talked and talked, and in a moment of silence, they kissed.

Ruby wasn’t sure who leaned in first. Her or him. Whoever it was, Ruby found herself kissing Jaune. Her eyes widened, only to fall shut as he intensified the kiss. He didn’t force his tongue into her mouth, he just kept their lips pressed together, before they broke the kiss. 

Neither said anything. They weren’t sure what could have been said. Instead they went into Jaune’s bedroom together, hearts pounding with every step. They entered her room, and Jaune kissed Ruby again, melting her mind with his soft, sweet lips.

Ruby laid on her back on the bed, panting as Jaune began to pull at her skirt. She helped him take it off of her body, and it, and her panties, were pulled off of her as Ruby’s heart pounded. Her wet pussy met the cold air as Jaune smiled at the woman.

He glanced towards her eyes, and Ruby gulped as she saw a question in his eyes. He was asking for permission, and without any hesitation or even real thought, she nodded her head.

Jaune placed his lips between Ruby’s legs. The dark-haired woman was shaking, shivering as she felt his gentle breath against her pubic hair. She felt so ashamed of herself, and her fingers dug into his scalp as she whimpered.

“P-please, don’t look.”

“Why not?” he replied, almost chuckling as he nuzzled her bush with his nose. She groaned at his affectionate touch.

“I’m gross,” she muttered, and Jaune scoffed loudly at that.

“Liar. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” He kissed her clit, and Ruby gasped. The blonde stuck out his tongue, giving the small nub a gentle lick as she panted. He had a guess why he was getting such a reaction from her. 

“Did Oscar never do this?” he asked, and Ruby shuddered again as she shook her head. 

“N-no. Never.”

“Well, I hope you like it when I do.” He dragged his tongue from the top of her slit, all the way down. Ruby moaned loudly, feeling his wet tongue lick her entrance. 

Her moans only grew louder as his tongue penetrated her, licking the inside of her pussy. He didn’t show any hesitation. He happily tasted her, and she dug her fingers into his head again. 

Jaune moaned against her pussy, and the vibrations went throughout Ruby’s body. Her legs rose up and wrapped around Jaune, hooking behind his back as he moaned in approval.

His lips began to nibble on her pussy, and Ruby had to fight back a scream as his lips kissed and gently sucked on her cunt. It only got worse, or better, when Jaune brought a hand to her pussy. 

The golden-haired man’s fingers brushed against her slit, and she mewled as he gave her clit a soft pinch. He then pushed a finger into her, thrusting it in and out with his tongue. He moved in rhythm, making sure something was always inside of Ruby, filling her wet pussy.

One finger became two as Jaune continued to pleasure Ruby, and the dark-haired beauty just fell into his rhythm. She closed her eyes, combing his hair with her fingers. 

She felt so good. He was making her feel like she was in heaven, and all it took was his lips and fingers. Hell, even when he kissed and licked her pussy, that made her heart race. It wasn’t just the act, but the fact that he was willing to press his lips directly against her pussy.

Ruby remembered bringing up the idea with Oscar, and he got so embarrassed. He refused the idea, acting as politely as he could with the subject. Ruby took the loss with as much dignity as she could, but she couldn’t deny that she wanted something more. 

Jaune gave her that ‘something more.’ 

Speaking of which, he was currently giving her more. Three fingers pushed into Ruby’s pussy, and she trembled against him.

“I-I’m going to cum,” she warned, and that just seemed to spur Jaune on. His tongue and fingers went faster, and Ruby was almost screaming in ecstasy as four fingers pounded her womanhood. 

His thumb pressed against her clit, pushing it down as Jaune’s tongue licked up her dripping juices. He moaned at the taste, but what pushed Ruby over the edge were the words he whispered against her quivering quim.

“I love the taste of you, Ruby. You’re so sweet…” Just the love and adoration he showered upon her…

Ruby came with Jaune’s lips against her pussy, and he showed no problem with getting her juices splattered against his face. He licked her juices up, moaning once more at the taste as Ruby laid her head down on his bed.

She rested her head on his pillow, wiping her sweaty forehead with her hand as she struggled to catch her breath.  Jaune gently tapped her stomach with her free hand, and Ruby’s eyes widened as she realized she still had her legs locked around Jaune’s head. She freed him, and he lifted his head out from between her legs. 

Ruby cursed her best friend at that moment. How did anyone look so good after having licked a girl’s pussy? It shouldn’t have been possible to be as handsome and sexy as Jaune was being, and yet…

“Mmm. I don’t know what Oscar’s problem was. That was great,” he chuckled, licking his lips clean. He watched Ruby sit up and he raised his hand to try and gently push her back down. “Hey, careful-”

“My turn.”

“W-wait. Are you serious?” he asked, and Ruby nodded her head as she looked at his pants. He was hard, and she could hear him fighting back a moan as her hand rubbed against his erection under his pants. 

“You made sure I came first,” she muttered aloud. 

“Er, yeah. You’re important to me, and I just wanted to make sure you felt good,” he mumbled, cheeks scarlet as Ruby gulped. 

She suddenly stood up on the bed and kissed him. His eyes widened as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing his lips against her own. Without thinking, he kissed back, holding her in his warm embrace. 

Ruby’s tongue pushed against his lips, and Jaune tried to keep them sealed. Not because he didn’t waste to taste Ruby’s tongue, he always wanted that, but because he knew the taste of her pussy juices were still fresh on his tongue.

Ruby did not share his caution. She fought for entry, and she won after a few seconds. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, wrestling with his as the two moaned quietly. Jaune’s hand slid down Ruby’s body to give her ass a squeeze, and she shuddered as she pushed her tits against his chest. 

The two continued to kiss as Ruby tasted herself on his tongue. She had been worried it would taste gross, but on the contrary… It tasted nice. Sweet. Then again, maybe that was just all Jaune. He always had a unique effect on her. 

Ruby broke the kiss, but only because she needed air. She panted, nearly falling against her knight. He held her, stroking her body as the trail of saliva linking their mouths broke between them.

“Wow… I do taste good,” Ruby weakly commented, a smile forming on her face.

“Told you,” Jaune shot back, sliding his hand up Ruby’s body, stroking her back. “Are you sure you want to-?”

“Positive,” she replied. She kissed his chest, and sank back down to the bed, though Ruby couldn’t help but press her hands against Jaune’s muscular frame. She admired his muscles with a perverted grin, before she kneeled before him on the bed.

She took his pants in hand, unzipping and unbuttoning them, before she pulled them down to his feet. They fell to the ground as Ruby’s silver eyes widened. She admired his dick once more, and she marveled at the girth and length.

“Wow…” Just hearing her whisper that made Jaune feel a rush of excitement. He tried not to rush her, but just staring at the beautiful woman inches from his dick was difficult.

Ruby shook her head slightly, before she moved so she was on all fours. She looked like she was ready to take it doggystyle again, but instead she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the tip of his dick.

Jaune moaned at the sensation, feeling her lips hold his dick as her tongue pressed against the head. She moved her tongue up and down, licking a circle around the shaft as her eyes fell shut. 

Ruby didn’t have much experience pleasuring cocks with only her mouth. Actually, she had pretty much zero experience, but she made up for her inexperience with passion as she coated Jaune’s dick with love. 

She pushed her head forward, sliding her lips along the shaft, before slowly pulling back. She did this again, feeling his cock drag along her wet tongue as she breathed in through her nose. She tried not to focus on it, but every breath she took was filled with the scent of Jaune’s penis.

It wasn’t nearly as bad as she would have thought. 

Ruby kept bobbing her head, moving back and forth, letting the bulbous head of his dick press against the inside of her cheek. She moaned, letting him feel the vibrations throughout his shaft. Precum dripped into her mouth, yet Ruby happily licked it up. 

She sucked on the tip of his cock, tasting his precum with elated moans and shivers throughout her body. She placed a hand on his body, using it to stable herself as she moved faster, taking more than half of the cock into her mouth.

The young woman could feel a tear going down the side of her face. It was getting harder and harder to take the enormous cock, but she was so close to taking all of it. She pressed on, pushing her face forward and letting her cheeks and lips sting from the pain. 

It didn’t matter to her. All that mattered was that she took the entire length of his cock into her mouth, pressing her nose against his pubic hairs. She inhaled his musk, salivating at the aroma, which just made it better for his cock.

Ruby moved her body back and forth, going from the tip to the base of the dick again and again. She felt the throbbing rod press against her cheek and tongue, before sinking down her throat. She loved the sensation, and even as more tears fell down her face, she continued to try and take his cock.

She bobbed her head back and forth, and her saliva began to drip down her chin and onto the bed. Just like her pussy juices. Ruby wasn’t even touching herself, and yet her pussy was soaking wet. It dripped onto his bed, staining the sheets just like her saliva, yet neither of the two could care less.

Jaune’s cock throbbed inside Ruby’s mouth. “I-I’m going to cum,” he warned her, but when he tried to push her off of his dick, she fought him. She kept her nose pressed against his crotch, and Jaune couldn’t fight her on the choice. 

He came down her throat, shooting his seed straight down her throat. Ruby trembled, before she came with the man, feeling a powerful, burning sensation throughout her whole body. It felt amazing, like lightning coursing through her veins as she came with her man.

Her pussy juices spilled onto the ground as Ruby took every bit of cum, trying to suck the man dry as his semen slid down her throat. Jaune couldn’t believe it. He felt Ruby’s tongue licking along his dick, wiping it clean of any left over semen he might have had.

Once she was satisfied, Ruby pulled her head back. The dick popped out of her mouth, still hard and throbbing as Jaune watched Ruby lick her lips. She gulped down the rest of his semen, before looking at him with a proud grin on her face.

“Mmm. That tasted even better than I thought it would.”

“I… Y-you swallowed it all? Seriously?” 

“Course. I’m Ruby Rose.” She winked at him, just trying to tease the man, but she gasped as the cock throbbed inches from her face. She smiled coyly, looking at Jaune with a knowing grin. “Someone’s ready for the main course.”

“I-I mean, only if you are.”

“I think I am…”

Jaune had wanted nothing more this morning than to show Ruby the time of her life. He hoped he was doing just that as the two peeled off any clothes they had left, even kicking off their socks, before the man laid on top of Ruby.

They stared into each other’s eyes as Jaune took his dick by the base and he slowly began to push into her. Once he was sure, he removed his hand and placed it on Ruby’s breast as he began to move his hips back and forth.

Ruby moaned under him, quivering slightly as he filled her once more. It felt right. It felt amazing. His dick trembled slightly inside of her, and Ruby flexed her muscles, trying to tighten her pussy around the shaft.

“J-Jaune,” she moaned, staring into his eyes as he kissed her chin. When he pulled his dick back, almost slipping out of her, he kissed her neck, gently sucking on the skin. Ruby moaned louder, wrapping her arms around him as she panted into his ear. “M-more…”

He pulled his lips off of her marked neck, before he kissed her lips once more. She moaned quietly, pushing her tongue into his mouth. Their tongues danced as the two closed their eyes and Jaune began to fuck his Ruby harder, faster.

The bed rocked gently under them, springs groaning every time Jaune’s balls clapped against Ruby. He filled her, and her juices spilled onto the bed as her moans were muffled by his mouth.

His hands played with her tits, and every squeeze and grope made her heart rush. Her pussy caressed the sides of his dick, trying to drown it in pleasure as Jaune fucked Ruby faster and harder.

Ruby felt Jaune make love to her, and she could feel the passion and raw emotion behind every thrust. She began to understand him as her eyes opened slightly. She stared at Jaune, but she no longer saw a mere man. He wasn’t just her friend. Not even her best friend.

He was something more, and tears fell down Ruby’s face. A trickle of guilt, but a tidal wave of joy. The way Jaune made her feel, the way he made love to her… Jaune kissed those tears away, and Ruby felt her heart pounding inside of her. 

Ecstasy coursed through her, and Ruby cried out in joyous euphoria, feeling him fuck her even faster now. He was panting, yet he kept fucking Ruby as quickly as he could. The bed rocked louder, heavier, yet Ruby kept her arms tightly wrapped around Jaune, trying to match her hips with his. 

She loved his cock. Adored it. She wished it was the cock that had been inside of her on their honeymoon… She wished Jaune Arc was her husband. She wished that they could make love like this almost every night. 

“J-Jaune!” She cried out, holding him tighter. “I-I’m going to cum!”

“Me too, Ruby,” he panted, and when she didn’t make a plea for him to pull out, they both knew what was about to happen.

They kissed one last time, their voices muffled against the other’s lips as they came together. Ruby’s pussy squeezed his cock, milking it for his seed. Jaune came inside of her, coating the walls with his cum. She felt herself being filled, her stomach growing slightly from all of the cum that was being pumped into her.

The two clung to one another, trembling in each other’s arms. Their eyes met, and both knew that they had only just begun to have fun. 

The second time they came together, Ruby was on top of Jaune, bouncing on his cock, riding him as his hands played with her tits. He squeezed her breasts, playing with her nipples as they bounced in his hands. He smacked her tits around, hearing her sweet moans as her fingers stroked his chest. 

He came inside of her once more, overfilling her pussy and making her drip cum down onto his bed again. The young man waited for Ruby to ride out hero own orgasm, before the two flipped around. 

Jaune Arc fucked Ruby doggy style, pounding her pussy as he spanked her ass. She moaned louder under him, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as he kissed the back of her neck, desperate to feel her skin against his lips. 

They went at it a fourth time, fifth, before finally finishing after their sixth orgasms. They fell on the bed together, panting, sticky with sweat and the other’s juices.

“N-new record,” Jaune panted.


“New record.” Jaune turned his, smiling at Ruby. “We came five times together last time.”

“You counted?” she snickered as Jaune blushed. She moved closer, pressing her body against his as she inhaled his musk. “Dork…” The young man wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as his face burned hot. He was about to say something when Ruby spoke up again. 



“Oral, remember? I sucked your dick, you… you know,” she muttered, hiding her face against his chest.

“Oh. Yeah, you’re right.” He chuckled, and Ruby laughed with him, a tired, exhausted giggle as the two cuddled together.

Tomorrow would bring more questions. More worries. More fear, but for now, Ruby and Jaune enjoyed their time together. They clung to one another, knowing who they were meant to be now… 

“I love you,” he whispered, as Ruby lifted her head up to peck his cheek.

“I… I love you too, Jaune.” 0


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