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Summary: Chapter 4 of the Friendliest NTR Story, where Pyrrha invites her own mother to steal her husband from her. Includes: NTR 


Pyrrha and Jaune smiled as they enjoyed the calm, Sunday afternoon. The decided to just lounge the day away, sitting on their couch together in the living room, watching movies together. The two enjoyed the moment, watching the masked slasher hunt down the inept teenagers. 

The two were content to just enjoy the moment when there was a knock on their door. Pyrrha raised her brow as Jaune did the same.

“Were you expecting anyone?” he asked.

“No. Were you?” He shook his head in return as she stood up and walked for the door, opening it for the guest. “Mom!?”

Jaune could hear her cry from the lounge and he paused their movie as he stood up and walked over, finding Pyrrha embracing an older woman with hair almost as red as hers.

Athena Nikos was a beautiful woman, even at her age. She reminded Jaune of Willow, in a way, though Willow was clearly more sexually forward. Athena was a beautiful and attractive woman even in her older years. Her long, scarlet hair flowed down her back like her daughter’s did, though Athena’s hair clearly had a few strands of grey. 

That only made her more beautiful, and her emerald eyes shined behind her glasses as she and her daughter hugged one another. Her face still had some evidence of youth and her body was still fit, kept strong and slender by her work out routine.

The older woman squeezed her daughter, before releasing her.

“Hello, Pyrrha, honey. Hello, Jaune.”

“H-hey, Mrs. Nikos. What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I just wanted to come by and visit my daughter and son in law. Do you mind if we talk?”

“Of course not. Please, come in,” Pyrrha smiled, motioning her mother in. Athena smiled, walking forward and as Pyrrha closed the door, Jaune noticed Athena’s eyes on him. 

Her fingers brushed against his as he raised her brow, a slightly rose colored tint to his cheeks. He wasn’t sure what that was about, but he tried to just brush the thought aside as he followed Athena.

He also tried to just brush off thoughts of Athena from his mind entirely. Willow must have done something to him, because damn, he couldn’t keep his mind off of the older woman. Women like her and Willow, women who just commanded attention. 

Maybe it was a mother thing. 

Jaune and Pyrrha walked into living room with Athena and the three sat down. The married couple looked at Athena as the older woman twidled her hands together.

“It’s not that I mind, mother, but why the visit?”

“It’s… it’s because I wanted to talk to you. About your father.” Pyrrha frowned at that, but nodded her head. “Have you heard from him recently?

“No,” she replied, the same answer she always gave to that question. “Father hasn’t wanted to speak to me. He’s made that clear,” Pyrrha answered.

Jaune gulped, watching the two women stare at one another. He knew plenty of Pyrrha’s father situation. The man was, to put it lightly, a scumbag. Bigoted towards Faunus, sexist towards women, arrogant to the lower class, he made Weiss’ father look like a saint. 

Athena was married to the man, before eventually having Pyrrha. Things quickly fell apart after that and Athena and her husband soon divorced when Pyrrha was six. 

In the years Jaune knew Pyrrha, he reached out her father a few times. Every time he insulted and spat at Pyrrha’s hospitality. 

Needless to say, Jaune did not have a high opinion of the man.

“I never gave you an answer as to why we broke up, did I?”

“Never a direct one, but I could only assume it was his many problems. Smoking, drinking, cursing-”

“T-there were many problems with our marriage, yes, but the one that ruined everything was partly my own fault, you could say.” 

That confused both Jaune and Pyrrha. They looked at one another, before looking back at Athena. 

“I… Don’t understand. What do you mean?” 

“Your father he… Well, he discovered a secret of mine that I held very close to my chest.” 

Jaune nodded his head as he picked up a cup of juice he had poured for Pyrrha and himself. He sipped at it, letting the cool drink calm his warm face as Athena continued. 

“Jaune, Pyrrha, have either of you ever heard of the word ‘Neato-rare?” Jaune spat out his drink as Pyrrha’s eyes widened. Athena gasped, rushing over to Jaune’s side, quickly dapping at his face with a tissue she had in her pocket.

“Jaune! Oh, dear, are you okay?!” The young man coughed into his hand, spitting out his drink as Pyrrha gulped. 

“M-mother… W-where did you learn that word?” 

“Well… I believe Willow was the one to tell me, but suffice to say, it’s a fetish about stealing one’s lover and-”

“S-stop!” Jaune coughed, holding up his hand. “D-don’t… You don’t have to... “

“Why are you and Weiss’ mother talking about that?!” Pyrrha asked, face red.

“Well, what do you think we talk about over tea? Grandchildren and cookie recipes? I was young once too, Pyrrha.” She stroked Jaune’s head in a motherly nature, patting his soft, blonde hair as the young man blushed. He stared right at Athena’s tits, gulping as his heart pounded in his chest. 

Fuck. She was bigger than Pyrrha, a discovery that made him think of all the other woman he had recently had sex with with that… shared feature.

“But… why?” Pyrrha groaned as Jaune coughed one last time.

“W-what does this have to do with Pyrrha’s dad, anyways?” Jaune added. 

“Oh. Yes, well…” Athena returned to her seat, sitting back down as she took a deep breath. “I’ve always had a… fascination to the fetish. Of being stolen away by something so primal as a man’s… c-cock.” Hearing the kind older woman utter such scandalous words made Jaune’s heart race. He stared at Athena, blushing as she continued. 

“I was so ashamed though. I saw myself as a freak. I lost count of how many times I cried alone in our bedroom, thinking of all the terrible things I was because of what made me happy.” She looked at Pyrrha now, staring into her daughter’s eyes. 

“When your father found my private collection, he quickly realized the shared theme of the stories I had. He confronted me, and when I tried to answer, he… struck me.” Jaune and Pyrrha fell silent, and neither spoke as Athena closed her eyes. 

“It was then that I realized what I had to do. If he could strike me, he could strike you, and I swore at that moment to never let that happen. The drinking, the smoking, the bigotry, I almost thought I could take that as long as he could be there for you. But I could never raise a child with a man… like that.”

“I told him I was sorry for my addiction. For this sickness in my chest,” Athena muttered, placing a hand over her chest. “Before I told him to leave and never come back to my home… He did, and I have not seen him since.”

“T-that’s why he left you? Because… because you had a fetish?” Pyrrha uttered.

“Because he thought there was a chance I would cheat on him. Or that I would want him too... I offended him and broke our marriage, but that gave me the chance to raise you, Pyrrha. Hopefully right…”

“Mom…” Pyrrha stood up suddenly and walked towards her mother. Athena’s eyes widened as the younger woman embraced her mother, squeezing her. “You raised me perfectly. Better than perfect in fact…”

“I know, but…. But I gave you my sickness.” Jaune cringed, afraid that this would happen. He stood up and moved closer, readying himself to protect his wife. “Willow told me, Pyrrha. Get that woman drunk and she’ll admit almost any secret… Pyrrha, what were you thinking?”

“Mom, I…” Pyrrha pulled away, blushing as she avoided her mother’s eyes. Jaune quickly stepped in.

“Mrs. Nikos, it’s my fault. I-I mean, not my fault, but I love Pyrrha. When she told me about my fetish, I didn’t care. All I cared about was making her happy in the most mature and responsible way possible.”

Athena looked at Jaune and he gulped as her eyes peered into his. “Were you mad when you heard, Jaune? Were you angry when Pyrrha explained her desires?” 

“No. Confused, yeah. Maybe even a little frustrated, but Miss Nikos, I swear, I would never get mad at Pyrrha like your husband did to you.” 

“Jaune’s right, mother! He’s been nothing less than perfect to me! He’s kind, and considerate, and even with all I put him through, we love each other. Our love has only grown from talking about our… our desires.”

“Then you are very lucky…” There was a hint of sadness to Athena’s voice, despite her smile. She looked at her daughter and then at Jaune. “You both are so very lucky, I… I wish I could have met a man like yours growing up. It would have been nice,” she muttered.


“Mrs. Nikos, I… I’m really sorry.”

“Here I was, scared you two were getting in over your heads. From the way Willow described it, it sounded like you both were just being young and dumb-”

“That might have more to do with Willow’s personality than anything else,” Jaune chuckled.

“But look at you,” Athena continued. “Happy and in love. And honest with one another. I…” She sniffled, and Jaune wondered if she was holding back tears. “I’m so happy for you,” and her voice trembled as she smiled at the two.

“Mom, enough,” Pyrrha begged, grabbing her mother by the shoulders. “I can see it in your eyes. I know how much pain you must be in, because I know what a fraction of what it’s like to be you.” 

The younger woman hugged her mother, squeezing her as Jaune blinked. What pain was Pyrrha talking about?

“How long have you just hated yourself? How long have you seen yourself as a monster because of what turns you on…? I know how much it hurts, and I know it only gets worse with time. Has there been anyone you’ve been able to talk to about this beyond Willow and us?”

“I… N-no,” Athena shivered, holding back tears as she squeezed her eyes shut. 

“That’s not right. You shouldn’t feel like you’re alone. No one should, least of all my mother. That’s why…” Pyrrha’s face is growing redder and redder as Jaune watches in silent anticipation. “That is why, I want you to steal my husband from me.”

“What?” Athena gasped. 

“What.” Jaune repeated, jaw hitting the ground.

“I want you to live your fantasies. Let Jaune take you, and you take him from me. I want you to know the happiness I’ve felt.” 

Jaune opened his mouth to protest and comment on the ridiculousness of the idea, before Athena begins to cry, squeezing her daughter in a tight hug.

“Oh, thank you, Pyrrha! Thank you, thank you! I-I will! I will steal your husband!”

“N-nothing would make me happier, mommy,” Pyrrha cried, embracing her mouth as Jaune’s mouth slowly shut. 


Jaune wondered how his life became one porno after the other as he stood in his and Pyrrha’s bedroom with his wife and mother in law. In his boxers. Athena blushed as she took off her dress, revealing the underwear she wore under it.

“I-I hope you don’t mind being with a woman as old as me, Jaune,” Athena whispered, as she revealed her supermodel like body.

Holy crap, she was hot. She undid her bra with ease, letting it drop to the ground as the goddess’ tits bounced on her chest. 

Pyrrha sat in a chair, already slipping her fingers into her panties as she smiled. “Start whenever you’re ready.”

Athena looked at Jaune and smiled. “Jaune, would you mind pinning me down on your bed and fucking my brains out? I-I like it rough,” the mother giggled, and Jaune couldn’t help but think of how sweet and innocent the woman seemed when he first met her. 

“I want you to be rough. I want you to hold me down and smack my tits around. Just be rough with me! Show me how much of a man you are and-” 

Jaune obeyed, taking the role that had become easier and easier for him to take as the days went by. He grabbed Athena’s tit, squeezing it as the mother gasped. His fingers dug into her titflesh as he pushed her, almost slamming her onto the bed as he got on her naked body.

She gasped, feeling his other hand caress her cheek as he spat down on her. She shuddered, shaking as she stared at him.

“Take me, you fucking animal. Fuck me up. Make me your little whore. Everything I am. Everything I have. It’s yours if you can fucking prove to me that your my-mmph!” She was silenced with a kiss, and her legs wrapped around Jaune’s body as his cock slipped into her. 

His cock was bigger than Athena’s fingers, and certainly bigger than her bastard of a husband. He pushed into her wet, slick womanhood and began to fuck her with the ferocity of an animal. She loved it as her arms wrapped around him, holding him tight as he rocked the bed.

“I’m going to do just that. I’m going to steal you from your bitch of a husband, and I’m going to show you what a real man is,” Jaune growled, playing into her fantasies as Athena’s heart skipped a beat. 

“Yes, yes, yes! Fuck, my stupid daughter didn’t know how good she had it,” the mother moaned, and Pyrrha moaned with her, fingering herself as her mother called her stupid. 

“Yes… yes, mommy. Call me stupid. S-steal my man from me…” 

Athena moaned, tightening her pussy around Jaune’s cock as she kissed the man’s neck. “Feeling a young man’s cock… It’s so much better than my husband’s… Please, Jaune, steal me from that little dick bitch!” 

Jaune nodded his head, fucking her faster as his balls slapped against her body. “Your husband’s a…. Piece of shit, isn’t he?” he panted, before he leaned his head down to kiss and suck on Athena’s neck. 

“Yes! Yes! I hate him! And I love your cock, Mas-taaah!” Athena was so much like her daughter, and Jaune certainly wasn’t upset to insult Athena’s bastard of a husband. He arched his back, placing one hand on Athena’s rack and squeeze and smack her tits. “Oh, fuck… Play with my tits, sir… They’re all yours.”

“And your pussy? Is your pussy mine too?”

“Yes! Yes! It’s all yours! It’s-ahh!”

Jaune kept moving back and forth, fucking the woman’s pussy as the bed groaned under them. Their lips met again, tongues dancing as Pyrrha shuddered. She continued to finger herself, trying to match Jaune’s pace as she watched her husband fuck her own mother.

Knowing that her mother, her closest and dearest friend, was sleeping with her husband was… Fuck, it drove Pyrrha wild, and she moaned loudly as her mother brought her fantasies to life.

“My stupid daughter’s pussy isn’t this tight, is it? She’s not nearly as gorgeous as me… Look at me, aged like fine wine. She’s a cheap whore. She’s weak and pathetic, but I’m perfect, aren’t I?” She moved her hands, placing one on Jaune’s hand as he squeezed her tit. 

“Aren’t my tits better than hers? Softer? Bigger?”

“Fuck… Yeah, they’re perfect. They’re so much better than Pyrrha’s.”

“Yes…!” Jaune’s wife moaned, shuddering as her other hand began to play with her clit. “Oh, fuck… I-I’m going to cum soon.”

“Hear that, hubby?” Athena teased, stroking Jaune’s cheek. “My slut of a daughter is going to cum soon. Why don’t we show her how a real woman cums?”

“Fuck… You’re so much hotter than her,” Jaune moaned. 

“I know. It’s a shame Pyrrha didn’t get my beauty…” The two kissed once more as Jaune picked up his pace, fucking her faster and faster, shaking the bed as she held onto him, moaning into his mouth.

Athena trembled, imagining this man stealing her away from her husband. She imagined forcing himself on her and ruining her for other men, ruining her entire family. All because of a cock. God, it was her wildest fantasies to have her life ruined by a young man’s hard, throbbing cock. 

Feeling it pounding her pussy, sliding along her walls, sending jolts of pleasure through her… 

Athena ended up cumming on Jaune’s shaft, tightening around him as the young man shuddered. He came right after Athena, filling her full of his seed. In the back of her mind, Athena savored the idea of raising another child, the child of her son in law….

It was so fucking hot. Athena and Jaune held one another as their orgasms came to an end, and they smiled at each other with panting, exhausted smiles. They stared into each other’s eyes, only for the happy moment to end as Pyrrha whined.

“I haven’t cum yet,” she pouted, and both Athena and Jaune looked at their cuckquean with apologetic smiles.

“Guess we have to go again, stud,” Athena grinned.

“Guess so, Miss Nikos…”


Lord of Debauchery

Amazing chapter Leaf. You’re truly the master of NTR writing