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Summary: Akira's dating Sadayo Kawakami, Futaba Sakura, and Haru Okumura all at the same time, but one day he sees all three girls with his boss, Iwai, and what follows is a tale of betrayal, revenge, and cruel, sexual bliss. Includes: NTR, Moresome, and Dark



Akira worked in Iwai’s shop at a steady, if quiet pace. He was wiping down the glass counter as he heard his boss step out of his office. The older man didn’t even bother looking at Akira as he spoke. 

“I got something to do, so you’re in charge, kid.” Not like that meant much, considering there was no one to be in charge of. It was just Akira, alone, while Iwai was out doing whatever it is he needed to. 

Akira just nodded his head in response, letting Iwai go. His eyes followed the older man out of the store, before watching him meet up with a few other people outside. Akira’s eyes widened, before he leaned closer to the glass, staring out the window as he saw three familiar faces. 

Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, and Sadayo Kawakami. The three women were all waiting for Iwai, but that wasn’t the only trait they shared. After all, Akira was dating all three of the gorgeous women. 

It started with Futaba, and how easily Akira was able to win her heart. The young girl was cute, but Akira couldn’t just settle for her alone, no matter how nice her ass was, or how soft her breasts were. 

So he started dating Haru too. The older girl was amazing, with a body of sinful delight hiding just under her clothes. Her tits were huge, and even though he had not yet seen them, he could probably guess their size was past Ann’s E-cups. Not to mention Haru was beautiful too, like a modern day princess. Her kind nature combined with her large breasts made her an almost perfect combination for Akira.

Then he finally got his teacher to agree to his advances. The older woman took a lot of work, but she soon fell for him too. Even when she found out about his other two girlfriends, he was able to hold onto Sadayo, convincing her to be his girlfriend too. 

They kissed, and Akira even got to feel that sexy, older woman’s body through her clothes. Her breasts, just barely smaller than Haru’s, and her ass, which was almost as big as Futaba… She was almost like the best of both worlds, and having her as a girlfriend was one of Akira’s greatest accomplishments.

Having her, Haru, and Futaba as his harem of beautiful lovers was his number one accomplishment. 

Which just made the young man all the more confused as he saw his girls walking away with his boss. His eyes strained as he leaned closer, trying to follow them. Futaba and Iwai seemed to be talking, and Akira’s eyes widened as Futaba wrapped her arms around the older man’s arms, holding it as they walked together. Haru seemed to find the sight amusing as Sadayo leaned in closer, rubbing shoulders with Futaba. 

The four left his line of sight, and Akira moved around the counter, trying in vain to get them in his sight again. Questions and confusion ran through Akira’s mind as he struggled to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why. 

Maybe the girls were trying to get Iwai to go easy on the young man? It had seemed, lately, that Iwai had been harsher with his employee. In the beginning, the two seemed to have a mutual respect, but that had quickly deteriorated the last few weeks.

Iwai seemed angry lately, with a shorter temper as he ordered Akira to work harder, for longer hours, and even less pay. Iwai didn’t even give the young man a discount on guns anymore, and the older man even had the audacity to order Akira to scrub the toilet clean in the store’s bathroom. 

Akira was almost ready to quit the job, but if his girls were trying to get him a break, then maybe he would stick around. Still, why wouldn’t they mention this to him?

Worry continued to dance in Akira’s stomach, and he quickly picked up his phone from where he had left it. He picked up the device and texted Futaba first, trusting her to have her phone on her, and to check it periodically. 

‘Hey, Futaba, what’s up? Are you okay?’ He sent the text, and just as he hoped, he got a quick reply. As soon as he read it, though, his brow furrowed and he tilted his head in confusion. 

‘Fine, Akira. Busy now. Gtg.’

Akira? Not Key Item? Or even Joker? Weird. He followed up with a similar pair of texts to Haru and Kawakami, but Kawakami’s was equally confusing, while Haru didn’t even bother to reply. 

‘I’m busy, Akira. Sorry. Adult stuff.’

Akira’s lips turned into a scowl as he was left waiting in the empty store. He crossed his arms, sighing as he counted how many tiles made up the ceiling.

Hours passed as Akira waited in sheer boredom. Finally it became night, and the clock hit closing time. Akira began to close up the store, frowning still as he was left with more questions than answers. 

Whatever the four were doing together, he doubted they would still be busy now. He took out his phone as he locked up Iwai’s store, sending a text to Futaba. 

‘Hey, babe. Want to meet up? Your place or mine?’ He was actually shocked at how long her reply took. He was almost home when he finally got a reply. 


That was… annoying. Akira just shrugged it off, deciding he could spend the night with Sadayo. The teacher could give him a massage, and maybe he’d return the favor, and finally get a look under that maid outfit…

He sent a text to her, but she didn’t even reply. Just like how Haru did earlier, but maybe the wealthy woman was free now? Akira sent a text to her, and the answer actually came pretty quickly. 

Akira sat down on his bed, laying there alone. Morgana was off doing his own thing right now, so the young man had the whole place to himself. It would have been nice to have some company, but any hope of that was dashed as soon as Akira looked at the message he had received. 

‘Hey, kid. It’s Iwai. Haru can’t come to the phone right now. She’s kind of busy. Same as Futaba and Sadayo.’

Akira’s eyes widened. They were still all together? Why? He couldn’t imagine anything taking this long. Plus, why was Iwai so casual with Akira’s teacher/maid? A burning sensation of jealousy filled his young mind as he sent a text to Iwai through Haru’s phone.

‘What the hell? Why do you have her phone and what are you guys doing?’

‘Adult stuff, kid. You wouldn’t understand.’ Iwai’s reply only annoyed Akira further. He ground his teeth as he sent another text to the man. 

‘Try me.’

The reply took a full minute, before Iwai sent two text messages. The first was a simple, ‘alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.’ The second was an image, one that stabbed Akira right through the heart as his eyes widened. 

The picture had Haru in it, but it was unlike anything Akira had ever seen of the young woman. She was naked, completely naked, with her tits wrapped around a large cock. Her lips were wrapped around the tip of a cock, sucking on it as her eyes rose up to meet the camera. Her ass swayed side to side behind her, just as naked as her top half as her hands helped keep her tits wrapped tightly around the shaft.

The message was clear. Haru, his Haru, the one he was dating, had her tits wrapped around Iwai’s cock. 

Akira couldn’t breathe for a moment. All he could do was stare, taking in every detail of the image, as if trying to see some evidence of forgery, trying to prove to himself that it was fake. 

He didn’t find one, and his search was interrupted as another image was sent to him. He looked at it without even thinking, not even taking a moment to consider what it could be considering the first image. 

Akira saw Futaba, his younger girlfriend, usually so naive and innocent, face to face with that same cock with Haru nowhere in sight. Futaba was smiling at the cock, eyes wide with excitement as she allowed it to rub against her face. She was just as naked as Haru, but with words written on her body with a dark marker.

‘Iwai’s Slut,’ ‘Iwai’s Woman.’ ‘Real men only.’ ‘No small dicks.’ The messages were clear, standing in high contrast to her pale skin. Futaba wasn’t even looking at him, instead her eyes were on the large cock, and Akira could see her tongue licking her lips, almost drooling at the sight. 

Another picture. Akira slammed his phone against his bed, heart racing as he stared at his ceiling. What was happening? What was going on? This couldn’t be real, but it was. This wasn’t a dream, or a nightmare, it was reality, but why?!

Another message. Akira trembled as he realized the only explanation would be from the source of the images. With a shaky hand, Akira looked at the latest message. 

‘Wish I could say I’m sorry, kid, but a brat like you doesn’t deserve prime bitches like these. They need a real man.’

Akira’s thumb scrolled up. He wasn’t sure why, but he had to see it. The last picture sent was of Sadayo Kawakami, but she wasn’t naked. No, somehow, it was worse. She was wearing her maid outfit, but her hair kept messy and natural. She was making out with Iwai, tongues wrestling between them as her naked breasts pushed into his chest. 

The man was groping her, squeezing her tit as he made out with her. Akira swallowed spit down as he saw both of their hands in the picture… meaning Haru or Futaba was the one taking it. He wasn’t sure what sickened him more. The thought of either of them taking the picture… or his own throbbing erection.

‘You see, the girls came in looking for better prices for their guns, ever since I upped the prices for you and made you pay the same amount as everyone else, and I thought, damn. What sexy women. I couldn’t help myself! I started hitting on them,’ Iwai sent.

Akira gulped, shaking as he waited for another image, but instead, he got another text. ‘They were actually pretty open to my flirting. Guess they’ve never had a real man flirt with them, huh? Well, one thing led to another, and I gave the three a little glimpse at my package, and, well… They were all eager to get with a real man after that. We’ve been fucking behind your back for, oh… two months, at least.’

‘Remember Futaba’s birthday and when she said she couldn’t hang out with you cause she was busy spending it with ‘Daddy?’ Heh, she wasn’t referring to Sojiro, kid. She meant me, and we fucked the night away with the other two girls. It was pretty amazing.’

‘Why’ was all Akira sent back to Iwai. 

The reply shook Akira to his core. It was a simple message, yet it struck the Phantom Thief like a truck. 

‘Cause when Kaoru was being threatened by Tsuda, you could have stopped him and ya didn’t. My son was attacked and could have died, and you could have stopped it, but you decided that it wasn’t worth your time.’

Akira didn’t move. He hardly breathed as another text was sent. 

‘Didn’t think I’d find out, huh? It’s okay, kid. I’d say this makes us even. Tell you what? Don’t cause a fuss, and I’ll keep sending you stuff to jerk your little dicky to.’ That was the last text Iwai sent as Akira realized what he had lost.

He considered sending pleas to Iwai, begging for forgiveness, begging for him to stop, even swearing revenge, but he knew it would be a waste of time. Instead Akira said nothing, and waited for an image to be sent his way. 

The girls weren’t going to stop. Iwai wasn’t going to stop. And Akira… wasn’t going to try and stop them. 

At least this way he finally got to see those girls naked. 


Iwai dropped the phone and returned his focus to the finer things in life. The three gorgeous women stood before him, smiling as they waited his next order. Each of them were amazing fucks, but he wasn’t sure who he’d start with.

Futaba stood anxiously, nearly hopping in place as she licked her lips. The little pervert had seen so many hentais and adult magazines… Despite being a virgin, she knew all about all the different kinds of things they could do together. 

Haru was just as eager, but she tried putting on a more patient expression. Still, she licked her lips, and he could see her groping herself, playing with her own nipples as her eyes zeroed in on Iwai’s still hard cock. Hours of fucking and he was still ready to go… The wealthy woman wanted nothing more than to match his stamina. 

Sadayo was the only one dressed, but it was all part of the fun. Her outfit was ripped at the top, letting her tits hang out. She didn’t wear any panties under her outfit, meaning he could easily fuck her right now.

He wasn’t sure what Sadayo was thinking wasting time with that loser. Why date a boy when you can have a man? Thankfully he had fixed her after she saw his cock hanging between his legs.

Of course, he had fucked all three of them plenty of times before. He’d fuck them anally, face fucked them, even double teamed them with another woman packing a strap on. But today was the day he struck his blow at Akira. 

He grinned as he leaned back, sitting in the soft sofa. Haru had reserved this room for them with her daddy’s money. Thinking about it, it only seemed right to start the new round with her. 


The large-breasted woman beamed, looking at Iwai. “Come here,” he commanded, motioning her over. 

She obeyed, swaying her hips as she moved closer. “Futaba, Sadayo, put on a show for for while I fuck my meal ticket.”

Haru giggled, loving the humiliating name her boyfriend gave her. She happily gave him whatever he wanted. She was the queen of Okumura Foods, after all. She had enough money to buy entire sections of Tokyo, or to buy a private island resort for her and her Master. 

She had every intention of spending her wealth on Iwai as she sat on his lap, facing him as she began to kiss his neck. Her hips fell down, letting his cock push into her body as she let out a loud moan against his neck. She began to move her body up and down, letting the thick cock split her apart as she panted.

“Who owns you?” Iwai grinned, placing a hand on Haru’s firm ass. 

“You, Master…” She moaned, trembling as his tip kissed her womb. “You own me.”

“And Akira?” 

Haru giggled. All of her regret, all of her guilt, all of it amounted to a simple wayward glance. “I’m sorry about Akira, but… the heart wants what it wants, right?” She gasped, shuddering as a hand smacked her ass. 

“And what is it that you want, Haru?”

“Ahh! I want you. I want your cum in me, I want your babies, I-I want to be fucked by you every day.” She placed her hands on his shoulders, using them to lift her body up and down. She did all the work as Iwai played with her body, one hand on her ass to grope the firm flesh as his hand played with her large breasts, pulling on her nipples. 

Iwai grinned at her words, looking over her shoulder to spy on Futaba and Sadayo locked in a passionate embrace. The two made out with one another, licking each other’s mouths as their hands groped one another. 

“Ahhh, I want tits like yours, Sadayo!” Futaba whined, pouting. She moved her head down, and wrapped her lips around the teacher’s nipple, sucking on it as the woman moaned. 

“Ahh. You’ll get there one day, Futaba,” the other woman giggled. “Maybe if Master pumps you full of sperm tonight… Getting pregnant will definitely make your tits grow bigger.” 

Haru’s pussy squeezed around his cock, and Iwai moaned at the sudden sensation. His vision was blocked by Haru’s bouncing breasts as she spoke. “Master… Pay attention to me! I want your cum!” 

Iwai chuckled at the greedy slut, pinching and pulling on her nipple as she moaned. “Greedy slut. Fine then. Take it!” His hands grabbed her hips and took control of the rhythm, fucking Haru at a rate too fast for the young woman to match.

“Oh, fuck!” she screamed. She had only started to curse recently. Iwai taught her all the naughty words her father tried so hard to keep from her… She mewled, tongue hanging out of her mouth as tears of joy formed in the corners of her eyes.

Haru was brought to an explosive climax, cumming on her Master’s thick shaft as his sperm filled her waiting pussy. The sticky, white semen coated the inside of her womanhood, even filling her womb as her walls squeezed tight, taking every drop with quivering, shivering bliss.

Iwai smiled, relaxing in his seat, before he gently pried the woman off of him. Haru whined, before allowing her Master to pull her off. He gently laid her down on the other side of the sofa, letting his semen leak out of her and onto the leather surface. 

“Futaba, Sadayo. C’mere, you sluts. Your next,” he grinned, motioning the two women over. Both girls beamed, pulling away from one another and crawling on all fours towards him. 

“Yes, Master?” they asked, before taking his balls into their mouths. Their tongues wiped him clean, bathing his testicles in licks and kisses as they awaited the next order. Iwai grinned, watching the two work for a moment. 

“Mmm. Tell me who has the bigger cock? Me, or Akira?” As he said this, he grabbed Haru’s phone and held it up, recording the two as they grinned. 

Futaba lived out the fantasies of her favorite doujin. Fuck, she had a bad NTR fetish. She just loved the idea of a true love story between a woman and a big cock. Part of her was sorry Akira had to be the loser who lost the girl, and yet she was so glad he was there to play that role.

She lived out her fantasies with Iwai, speaking her mind. “You, Master! Duh!” She stared into the camera, imagining her former Key Item was there. “I thought Akira was so cool and tough, but his penis is super tiny compared to you! You’re my real Key Item.” She dragged her tongue along the cock, tasting Haru’s cum with a moan as Sadayo followed up.

“Mmmhm. I saw him when he was changing in the bathroom once. I was hoping he’d be a man. I was hoping he’d at least reach five inches… too bad he barely made it to four,” she giggled. 

Sadayo was more like Futaba than anyone could have expected. She was just a big pervert, hungry for a man to be her Master. She thought that man was Akira, but she knew better now.

“But Master… Your cock is twice his size! There’s no contest. You have the better cock, just like how you have the better body and mind!”

“Yeah! Akira’s a joke character compared to you!” Futaba added. “A total loser!” 

Oh, Iwai’s cock throbbed hearing that. He grinned, patting his lap as he looked at Futaba. “Get on.” 

“Really?! Yay!” Futaba beamed with joy as she climbed onto Iwai, shaking her hips side to side as she smiled at him, lowering her body down so that his cock slowly began to push into her. 

Sadayo was still on the ground, staring with jealous eyes as her Master’s cock vanished inside Futaba’s pussy. It slid into the younger woman as Sadayo took her frustration out in a positive manner, licking and kissing Iwai’s balls.

“Say it again,” Iwai moaned, squeezing Futaba’s ass while she sank lower down his shaft.

“A-Akira is a...ah… He’s a loser! Ahh, h-he sucks. Compared to you, Master, he just doesn’t compare. An NPC to the hero! Ahh!” Futaba’s pussy reached the end of Iwai’s cock, and she sat on his lap as he spanked her ass with his free hand.

The camera was still on Futaba, and she smiled at it as she began to lift herself up. “Hey, Akira,” she greeted. “Sorry, but I’m dumping you. I just met a man who… was everything I needed, mmmh, and more… Bye, los-ahhh!” 

Futaba bounced her hips on Iwai, and he let her do all the work as her pussy, her tight, tight pussy, squeezed around his dick from all sides, keeping it snugly between her moist walls. The orange-haired woman let out a loud cry as she came, and she felt another load of cum spill into her as Iwai grinned. 

Futaba was such a freak. He loved it. The young woman was an amazing fuck. Give a few years and some tutoring, and she’d be perfect. Iwai helped Futaba off of him and she laid on top of Haru, kissing the fucked silly woman as Sadayo rose up. 

“No more girls, Master. Don’t you want to fuck a woman?”

“Course I do, gorgeous. But why don’t you say goodbye to Akira before we have our fun?” 

Sadayo grinned, looking right into the camera as she played with her tits. “Akira? Go find yourself a girl your age, and hope she doesn’t run into Iwai. Bye.” She then took the phone from her Master and hit send before falling onto his thick cock and bouncing on the shaft just like Futaba and Haru had. 

The two adults had their fun, and Iwai made a special move to suck on Sadayo’s tits as she bounced on him. The teacher moaned, letting her other breast smack against the man’s face as she grinned. 

“Akira always wanted a taste of these. I caught him staring all the time… How do they taste, Master?”

Iwai let the breast pop out of his mouth as he spanked Sadayo’s firm, round ass. He smiled at her as he let her take things slow, rising up and down, letting her wet cunt cover his cock in her juices as he finally answered. 

“Perfect.” He gave Sadayo’s breasts a squeeze as the woman looked down at him, shuddering as her slow pace finally brought her to orgasm. 

“Ahh! M-Master! I’m cumming. P-please, fill my pussy! I want yo-oou...” Her pussy tightened around his shaft as he grinned, letting his cum fill her as he wondered if he should fuck Sadayo again at his own pace, or go back and fuck Haru or Futaba.

Ah, decisions, decisions…


Akira looked up as he heard the door to the store open. He kept his head down, but his eyes were locked on the three pretty faces walking in. He gulped, blushing as he looked their outfits over. 

The warm, summer heat gave the girls the perfect excuse to show off their bodies, though he was sure the real reason was to catch their Master’s eye. 

Futaba wore only a loose tank top, letting it hang off of her body, showing off her shoulders and even a bit of cleavage. Her short, cut off jeans clung to her round ass, with her pockets hanging out as she walked around the store. 

Kawakami’s outfit would have been scandalous for a woman half her age. The sundress she wore now was a mix of punk and prep. It was a bright yellow, but ripped in the front to help show off her large breasts. The dress barely covered her ass, and she seemed to know this as she teased him while facing away. She pretended to be interested in some items on a lower shelf, bending forward so her naked ass was aimed at Akira. 

And Haru… Gone was the prim and proper woman’s outfit. Gone was the modest, loose outfits that failed to accent her curves. Now she wore clothes to catch the eyes of men, specifically one man.

The woman wore a top that showed off her smooth midriff, and barely covered her breasts. The shirt used to be longer, but it was clear that Haru had cut chunks of it off. That included a cleavage window to show off her large breasts. Her pants clung to her body, accenting her generous rump and long, slender legs. 

Staring at it, Akira realized he had gotten her that shirt.

“Hey, Akira, where’s my Key Item?” Futaba asked. Gone were the days she referred to him as her Key Item. Now he was just Akira. The way Futaba looked at him… It was like she was one of the NPCs in her games, a piece of the scene. 

“Oh, uh…” Akira didn’t get a chance to finish his statement as Iwai walked in from the backroom. 

He grinned, opening his arms as the three women beamed, flocking towards him. Futaba threw herself into his arms, jumping off of the ground to wrap her arms around his neck. She pressed her lips against his as Haru caught her, helping Futaba reach the older man’s lips as Kawakami made her home by his side, pressing her tits against his body as Futaba’s tongue began to slip into his mouth. 

The man moaned, reaching his hand along Futaba’s back, before he began to grope and play with her perky ass. He squeezed it, digging into the cut off fabric as Futaba’s tongue slipped out of her mouth and into his. 

The two made out with one another as Haru stepped back, letting Iwai hold Futaba against him, before he finally freed her. Futaba fell to the ground on shaky, quivering legs as her scarlet face smiled. She looked almost woozy, drunk on his saliva. 

“W-wow,” she moaned. “I feel like I got hit with a dizzy status.” 

Haru and Kawakami giggled, before both women moved in for their own kiss. Akira’s face burned red as he tried not to stare, but that only made it worse as he heard the three make out with one another. 

Both women held him against their bodies, letting their breasts push against him and each other as he stuck out his tongue. Both women licked his tongue, sucking on it as they moaned in his embrace. The three way kiss made Akira’s dick harden, and he let out a weak sigh as the two giggled in Iwai’s arms. 

The two girls gave Iwai one last kiss each, before he released the three, grinning as Akira finally looked at him. The raven-haired boy could see three different sets of marks on his face, each one shaped in a kiss. The lipstick marks were color coded for the three girls. Futaba was green, Haru was pink, and Sadayo was a scarlet red. Each mark stood out on his skin as he smirked.

“Akira. Watch the store.” He reached one hand down to squeeze Futaba’s ass, while another moved down to grope Haru’s large chest. Sadayo pouted, rubbing her body against the man, kissing his neck in clear sight of Akira. Iwai did nothing to hide his actions as the two women moaned with smiles on their faces. “I’ve got some private business in the back…” 

All three girls giggled, as if what they were about to do wasn’t obvious. Despite this, Akira put on a smile and nodded his head. 

“Y-yes, Iwai.”

“What was that?” he frowned, and Akira gulped.

“Y-yes, sir.”

“That’s what I thought. Come on, girls.”

“Bye, little boy,” Sadayo giggled, waving goodbye to her ex-boyfriend. 

Haru and Futaba looked at Akira with a mix of pity and amusement. They used to look at him with respect and admiration, knowing he was the leader of their group. While he might have been their leader as Joker, the respect the two girls once had for him as a lover was gone forever. They giggled with one another as they followed Iwai to his office.

“Bye, little boy,” Futaba repeated, snickering at the title as Akira blushed. 

“We’ll see you later,” Haru added, waving goodbye to Akira as she closed the door behind her. 

It didn’t take long for the moans to start. Akira gulped, swallowing down spit as he heard the three girls’ moaning from behind the closed door. The sound of flesh slapping against one another as, judging by the sound of those particular cries, Sadayo moaned.

Akira continued to quietly clean the store’s front desk, before his phone buzzed. He checked it quickly, feeling his heart pound as he looked at the image. All three girls on their knees before Iwai’s cock, with the long rod of flesh resting on Haru’s face. Futaba was kissing one of his balls as Sadayo kissed 

Akira stared at the picture, gulping down the air as he sent a reply. 

‘Cover their faces in your cum. Send me the pictures…’

The reply came fast, as Akira walked to the front door to flip the sign to close. He began to close the blinds and cover the store’s windows as another text was sent to him. All three girls smiling, coated in Iwai’s semen. 

Futaba held up two peace signs as Haru blew a kiss with her cum-covered lips, and Sadayo groped her own semen-coated tits. All of them staring at the camera, at Akira, but with love only for Iwai. Akira grinned, shaking with excitement as he walked to the bathroom, cock throbbing under his pants. 


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