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Summary: For the sake of her family's inn, Yukiko sacrifices her virginity to a wealthy and perverted man. She ends up enjoying it more than she thought she would. Includes: NTR and smut. Dark.



Yukiko remembered finding her folks last night, talking to one another, arguing about something. She overheard them, hiding behind their bedroom door as they talked. 

“We have to do something!”

“Well, what can we? We don’t have enough money to keep the inn going on our own.”

Yukiko’s eyes widened at that. What? She knew things had been slow, and rough lately, but she had no idea things were that bad. How could her parents never tell her about this? 

She wanted to help them, but the reality was that nothing she could do would probably be enough to help. She was a young woman, an adult, yes, but she was only one person and her entire income came from her family’s business. 

Yukiko pressed her ear to the door, listening to her parents continue to talk about the inn and the poor conditions they were dealing with. 

“We need money, and he’s the only one who can help us,” her mother sighed. 

“Yes, but what he wants is unreasonable! He wants to buy the entire inn and turn us into his chain! This is our family’s work, we can’t just sell it like some trinket!”

“We don’t have a choice! We either lose the business entirely or sell it to Koji or lose our jobs. At least under him we’ll have a job and a home…”

“Yes, and be some corporate lapdog,” Yukiko’s father scoffed. 

Yukiko recognized the name of the guest. He had come in a few days ago and had been staying at the inn since, not really leaving to explore Inaba. Just sitting around his room, sometimes requesting food. 

Yukiko remembered some members of the staff, the older woman that Yukiko worked with, walking into his room and not leaving for hours. Her eyes blushed as she considered what they did, but she couldn’t imagine anyone being desperate enough to be with such a man.

Koji Ito was every bad stereotype of a wealthy man rolled up into one. He seemed to think little of Inaba, or of the people living there, and he had a habit of staring too long at Yukiko. His eyes would linger on her, and he’d chuckle.

Yukiko remembered how when she first saw him, and how he was clearly undressing her with his eyes. She blushed at the thought, silently fuming as he winked at her, before leaving her behind to go to his room.

Did her family’s legacy really fall into the hands of such a cruel, arrogant man? From what she heard, they did….

Yukiko gulped, before rising up from where she hid and walking away, leaving with heavy thoughts and a heavier heart.


The next day, Yukiko arrived at Koji Ito’s room in her scarlet school uniform. It might have been silly, but she always felt strong in this uniform. It was from her time with the Investigation Team, where she and the others fought monsters and gods, defeating them together… 

Yukiko focused on those memories, drawing strength from them as she thought of her boyfriend. Yu Narukami was a kind and wonderful man. As good as they came. He was strong, intelligent, and he loved her more than life itself, and that warmed her soul. 

He was away now, but he’d soon return to Inaba, return to her, and everything would be okay again. Until then, she needed to be strong on her own, and she took a deep breath, steeling herself, before she knocked on Koji’s door.

The man didn’t respond for several seconds. Then a whole minute. Yukiko knocked again, frowning, before the door suddenly opened. But it was Koji behind the door. The door was opened by one of the Amagi Inn’s workers, a young woman with brunette hair and a curvaceous figure.

She stared at Yukiko, eyes wide. Yukiko mirrored the response, staring at the woman as she opened her mouth. She said nothing, looking away as her cheeks burned red. She quickly walked around Yukiko, leaving the dark-haired woman behind as the older woman scampered away. 

As she left, Yukiko couldn’t help but notice how messy the woman looked. Her hair was disheveled, bangs clinging to her sweaty skin. Her clothes were damp with sweat, and hung loosely on her, as if she had just put them back on. Her lipstick was smudged, a mess on her face as she scurried away, leaving Yukiko alone with the open door.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened here. Yukiko blushed as she stepped forward, walking into the brightly lit room. 

There, sitting on his bed, his body covered in a large blanket, laid Koji Ito. He smiled at Yukiko, raising his brow as he looked at the young woman. She blushed under his gaze, already feeling him undressing her as the corners of his lips rose to a wide smile. 

“Something I can do for you, Yuki-chan?” She blushed at his words, swallowing spit down as she tried to stand her ground.

“I’m here to negoti-.”

“Excuse me? Speak up, sweetie, I can barely hear you,” he chuckled, mocking her. 

Yukiko’s cheeks burned hotter, before she tried to stand up taller, trying to make herself seem imposing. “I said, I’m here to negotiate. I’m here to talk to you about the deal you offered to my parents. Regarding our family’s inn.”

“Oh? Yes, I think I remember that deal now,” he nodded. “I told them that I’d turn this dump into a little brothel. Let wealthy men come in to meet gorgeous, sexy sluts and fuck them.” His crass, brutal words disgusted Yukiko as she pressed her thighs together. “It’d be one hell of a rest stop. Probably the nicest place in this little town. I mean, from what I’ve seen, plenty of the girls seem ready to take a ride on a real man’s cock.”

She continued to blush. She wanted to attack this man, to beat him, to threaten him with fire and cuts if he ever spoke that way about her town or her family ever again. But she held back her tongue and took a deep breath.

Yukiko sighed, before looking at the man. “Look, I… P-please do not buy my family’s inn from us. C-can’t you just loan us the money? We’ll pay you back when the inn gets busy again, but please, you can’t buy our home and turn it into your own amusement park!”

“Ha. That’s exactly what I can do, I’m just not turning it into an amusement park. I’m turning it into a paradise of sexy women for men like me.” 

Men like him. Yukiko tried not to sneer at his words as a shiver went down her back. She bit the inside of her cheek to focus her mind and calm down, before looking right into Koji’s eyes. “Sir, please. There must be some compromise we can work out. There’s no need for you to destroy our family because of your… needs.”

“B-besides, our home has many wonderful charms if you just step out of your room!” she argued. “Just take a moment to enjoy our tea, perhaps, o-or venture into Inaba to-”

“No. I don’t take orders from little girls, but I’ll tell you what. There might be a compromise you and I can make that will let both sides win.”

“Really?” Yukiko’s eyes lit up and she beamed at him. “What do I need to do?”

“You need to strip for me, and let me fuck your slut pussy. Maybe if you impress, I’ll work out a new deal with your folks.”

“W-what?!” Yukiko stepped back, eyes wide as she stared at the man. “Y-you can’t be serious! You’re too old for me, a-and-”

“And if you don’t, then your family is either going to lose this entire inn, and their home, or I’ll eat your inn alive and leave you as the workers of my own business. I mean, hey, maybe I’ll take this deal to that mother of yours. She looks pretty good for her age, and lord knows she could probably use a good pound-”

“Stop! Don’t you dare treat my mother so… so shamefully!” Yukiko growled. 

“What would you prefer? I’ve already gone through most of your female staff here. You’re the only woman I haven’t gotten my hands on. Only woman I want right now. Makes you pretty lucky, if you ask me,” he chuckled, smiling at her. His eyes went up and down her body as he licked his teeth.

“You’re gorgeous.”

Yukiko blushed as she looked away, trying to reason with herself. Her insides were twisted, palms sweaty, heart racing as she tried to think of what to do. Her family needed her. The Amagi Inn needed her. 

She had to do something. 

This was… She just needed to be strong. If she was confident, and faced this with the same strength she faced Izanami and the other evils that plagued Inaba, she knew she could get through it. 

Yukiko took a deep breath, before she let out a sigh. She turned her eyes to the man as he raised his brow back at her. He waited, and she opened her mouth, before he cut her off.

“Alright, if you’re just going to ignore my humble offer, guess I’ll just take the entire deal off the table. I’ll tell your parents they won’t have to deal with me at their inn any-”

“Wait!” He began to stand up from the bed, but Yukiko stopped him with a cry. He paused, looking at her with a curious stare as she trembled where she stood. She thought she was making the choice herself, but really, she only fell to his manipulations. 

He would have laughed if it wouldn’t have broken the tension in the air. Yukiko gulped, playing with her hair as she nodded her head. 

But Koji wasn’t satisfied with a mere nod. “Say it,” he ordered.

“I-I’ll sleep with you, a-and in exchange, you won’t buy my family’s inn.” She stared into his eyes as she tried to put on a brave face. “You’ll still help us, though. You’ll give my family the money they need. For free.”

“Deal. Now then, strip off your clothes. I want to see that body of yours naked.” Yukiko blushed at the blunt order, but she nodded her head. She looked down at her scarlet uniform, unsure of where to start, before she took a deep breath and began to move. 

Strippers danced, didn’t they? Yukiko knew how to do that. She didn’t have a lot of experience, but some was better than none, right? She moved her body side to side, moving to a silent song as the man nodded his head in approval.

“You’ve got a gorgeous body, Yuki-chan,” Koji commented with a grin.

She didn’t reply, taking her scarlet clothes in hand and pulling on the outer layer of her clothes. The cloth was pulled off, slowly, sensually, she imagined, before Yukiko looked for a place to put it. Yukiko caught Koji’s annoyed frown, and she callously dropped the clothes onto the ground, before resuming her strip show.

It was humiliating, and yet it sent a chill down her spine. She had always dreamed of herself in a similar situation with Yu. Alone with him, dancing for him, taking off her clothes for him. She imagined being his woman and showing it to him. 

Maybe it was best for her if she just imagined he was here, watching her. She closed her eyes, following her own advice as she began to pull her skirt off her body. She moved her hips back and forth, letting the skirt slide down inch after inch as she smiled. 

Yu would have liked her show. She knew he would. Her skirt fell to the ground, leaving her in her panties. She stepped out from the skirt and kicked it away, before she began to remove the last of her clothing. 

Soon, all she wore was her underwear, a simple red bra and panties that covered her privates. Koji spoke, taking Yukiko out of her dream as she finished her dance.

“You’ve got some amazing dance moves, Yuki. Now, why don’t you come here.” He pulled the blanket off of his body, and Yukiko’s eyes widened as she stared at his naked body. He had been naked under that blanket? His muscular, large body was open to view, with his dick slowly rising up between his legs.

Yukiko had never seen such a thing before. Unlike other young women, she had never even seen them on the internet. Her parents closely watched her internet search history, so she was left at a complete loss for words as her eyes stared at the hard, throbbing cock. It twitched, making her thighs pressed together as her heart pounded. 

It was big. Very big.The mighty, fleshy member was supposed to go in her, wasn’t it? But how could it when it was so big? She could see the tip of it push out from under his forehead, throbbing almost like a heart as Yukiko’s dark eyes clung to it. 

“Come here, gorgeous. Give me a kiss,” he ordered, sitting up and moving his body so that his feet were on the ground. His voice knocked her out of her stupor. He sat on the edge of the bed as Yukiko slowly moved closer. He motioned her to lean forward, and she obeyed, closing her eyes as he leaned towards her.

Their lips met, and the kiss was nothing like Yukiko had felt with Yu. Their kisses were awkward and shy, mere pecks. They would brush their lips together, rarely being anything more than fleeting moments of passion. Their kisses had only become more passionate towards the end of their time together, before Yu was forced to leave.

This kiss was passionate from the start. He mashed his lips against hers, placing a hand on the back of her head and forcing her lips to stay against his. Yukiko moaned into his mouth, shaking as his fingers stroked and carressed her hair, slowly sliding down to firmly hold her neck in place. 

His tongue pushed out of his mouth and gently grazed her lips, and Yukiko whimpered into the kiss as she opened her lips. She had only kissed Yu like this a handful of times, and now a man, who was practically a stranger, was pushing his tongue into her mouth, moving his tongue inside, smacking against her tongue as she shivered. 

His other hand fell on her back, sliding down the smooth surface before he reached her bra. He found the strap and stroked it, before he began  to undo the hooks with only one hand. Yukiko’s eyes shot open, shocked as he undid the bra in one swift move while her own boyfriend had struggled with it. 

She offered to help Yu with her bra, but he denied her, too shy to accept her help. This man, though, clearly had a gift with his fingers. He undid her bra and she pulled away to help take it off, tossing it to the ground. She lifted her hands up to cover herself, only for Koji’s hand to catch her arms. 

“Don’t. I want to see your body.” He grinned, watching her lower her arms to show off her breasts. Her cheeks and neck were red, and she brushed her hair from her eyes, avoiding his eyes as her heart pounded in her chest. 

Koji grinned, before he took his hands and pulled her panties down. Yukiko helped him, stepping out, revealing her pussy to him. His strong, rough hands stroked her body. 

She was naked now. Completely naked, just like him, and his hands caressed her body as she panted. Her breasts jiggled slightly as she turned her eyes to look at him. 

“You’ve got a gorgeous body,” he complimented. “Now come here. Let me take you for a ride,” he grinned, and he pulled on her body, bringing her onto the bed. 

She sat on top of Koji, a stark contrast with the rugged and adult man. He was strong, bursting with muscles and strength, far beyond her own slender boyfriend She blushed, not meaning to think of Yu at this moment, but there was no time left to think of anything else as he took her hips in his hands and brought her down onto his cock.

For a moment, all she felt was pain. Her eyes widened and her heart felt like it had just stopped as that massive monster of a member filled her pussy. She didn’t have a hymen thanks to the difficult and physically vigorous life she lived, but that didn’t make the cock filling her pussy easy. 

No, what made it easy was her own juices lining the walls of her pussy. She had not realized it at first, but now that the cock was sliding into her so easily, she realized how wet she had felt. Her pussy was glistening, moist with her own arousal as the dick slid into her, stretching her apart. 

Every inch pushed into her was like a bolt of lightning coursing through her. She couldn’t describe it beyond a pure and holy emotion. Bliss. Any pain that she felt during his first thrust was gone as she slid halfway down the cock, before she was lifted up once more. 

Koji was the one in full control. Yukiko didn’t even do anything as he held her body, moving her up and down his cock as her pussy walls clamped down tight around the veiny shaft. Yukiko felt numb, and yet alive all at the same time. 

She found it hard to think of anything else as his fingers dug into her hips, holding her like a toy as he brought her crashing down onto him once more. Her body pressed against his as his entire cock vanished inside of Yukiko, and she let out a long and shuddering groan. 

Her lips curved into a smile as Koji grinned, before taking his hands off of her. “Now you do it,” he ordered, and when he saw the hesitation in her eyes, he sealed her fate with a simple statement. “For your family.”

That justification could have made Yukiko do damn near anything. Including placing her hands on the chest of an older man and lifting her body up his thick shaft. Her butt was lifted off of his body, before slowly falling back down. 

The tip of his dick kissed the entrance to her womb, making her shudder as she explored this sinful pleasure. She shouldn’t be enjoying herself, but… why not? 

Why couldn’t she have some fun with this large cock? Learn about it? Make the best of a bad situation. Yu might even thank her when the two of them eventually did… this.

That was the last thought Yu consumed for the moment. Yukiko focused herself on saving her family’s inn, and if that meant bouncing on this cock like some kind of… floozy, then so be it. Yukiko had never seen much porn in her life, but there was a darker part of her that embraced the attention this man was giving her. 

Her Shadow, ever a part of her, loved his strong hands on her body, squeezing her ass and playing with her tits. He squeezed and held her body, even sitting up to better kiss her neck. Yukiko gasped, trembling as his lips sucked on her skin, leaving a scarlet mark on her flesh as she wrapped her arms around him.

His cock pressed against the walls of her pussy, and she gasped at the tip pressed against a cluster of nerves inside of her. She bit her lower lip, holding back a moan as she tried to repeat that motion again. 

She moved her body on top of the man, trying to move his cock against her in just the right way to send that jolt through her again. Koji noticed her struggles, before taking her ass in hand and pounding her himself. 

He seized control from her, and Yukiko screamed in pleasure as the dick pressed against her G-spot. She saw a flurry of colors, stars blinding her as she cried out loudly into the large room. The bed groaned as she bounced on top of him, coming closer and closer to a body-shaking climax. 

Yukiko came on top of the large man. Her muscles tensed, before they went wild, and her body trembled from the explosions inside of her. She came from the pleasure of being fucked, forgetting entirely of why she was doing this, or even with who. All that mattered was this force taking over her, controlling her, leaving her gasping for air and out of breath. 

Yukiko almost went limp on the older man, but he caught her, moving her body so that she was laying on her back on the bed. Her heart raced as she closed her eyes, almost falling asleep until a strangely familiar sound stung her ears. 

Her brow wrinkled and she stared at the wall in confusion as Koji pulled out of her. She was left empty, whimpering from how cold she felt without his body against her. She lifted herself up with her elbows, catching the wealthy man going through her things.

“H-hey,” she weakly muttered, only to realize what that annoying buzzing was. Her phone. 

“Who is Yu Narukami?” Koji asked, with a curious smile. He looked at Yukiko, and she swallowed spit down, trying to avoid his eyes. His hand caught her chin, though, forcing her to face him as he continued to smile. “Your friend? Classmate?” No response. “Your boyfriend?”

He clearly caught her subtle change in expression, and he grinned as he nodded his head. “Well, he clearly wants to talk to you, Yuki-chan. Answer him,” he ordered, handing her the phone.

“B-but-” His frown silenced her. Just that small gesture was enough to stun her to silence and destroy that spark of rebellion inside of her. Instead Yukiko nodded her head, taking the phone and answering the call as Koji returned to the bed.


“Yukiko, are you done talking to that man? How did it go?” Yu’s voice was kind, concerned, yet Yukiko found herself distracted as she watched Koji get back on the bed. He took her legs in hand, pushing them so they were by her head as he aimed his cock towards her pussy once more.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Yukiko remembered telling Yu about her choice to confront Mr. Ito. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she regretted that choice. But Yukiko couldn’t dwell on her choices for long, because suddenly Koji’s cock was pushed into her, filling her pussy as she cried out in pleasurable bliss.

“Yukiko?! Are you okay?!” her boyfriend’s voice asked. 

“I-I’m okay, Yu! Ahh… I-I just stubbed my t-toooe!” she gasped.

“Oh… Alright. You scared me, Yukiko. I was worried about you.”

What a sweet man…. Yukiko placed a hand over her mouth, muffling her cries as the older man fucked her pussy once more. He pushed in and out of her, filling her womanhood as the tip of his dick hit her sensitive spot once more, making it hard not to scream in pleasure. 

“Well? Did you talk to Mr Ito, Yukiko?” 

“Y-yes!” She looked at said man, watching his toothy grin as she smiled at him. “Yes!” Her body bounced on his cock and she used her hands to try and match his pace as she tried to answer her boyfriend. “H-he and I came to an understanding!”

“That’s great. I knew you could do it.” 

Yukiko bit back another moan as Koji pushed his cock into her, letting her take the whole thing in her. “I’m going to cum,” he mouthed, giving her a fair warning. 

“I-I have to go now, Yu-kun. I’m sorry!” 

“Oh, alright. Bye. I love-” She hung up the phone, and it was forgotten as she moved her body on his cock, bouncing on his shaft

As soon as the call ended, Yukiko cried out in pleasure, almost screaming as she came right on the dick of an older man. Her eyes nearly rolled into her skull as he fingers dug into the bed, and Koji grinned. 

“Do you like my cock, Yuki-chan?”

“Y-yes! I-I love your cock!” she replied, shaking as her orgasm made her tremble.

“Good. Tell you what, you keep being my little fucktoy, and I’ll support your family’s inn, no strings attached!” If Yukiko had a moment to collect her thoughts, to consider the ramifications of her actions, she might have said no.

But it was so hard to think on Koji’s cock.

“Y-yes! Yes, sir!”

“Heh. Call me Master, slut!” And with that, he unleashed his load into her, filling her pussy with his seed, letting it coat her inner walls as Yukiko came once more on his dick. His seed filled her, pumping into her until it was spilling out of her tight pussy and onto the bed itself. 

As her third and final orgasm rocked her body, Yukiko mewled out with a wide grin one single word. A word that sounded like music to the older man… and even Yukiko herself.



Yukiko fixed her hair in the mirror, smiling at her own reflection as she looked at herself. She looked good. She smiled at her reflection, before she felt her body under the scarlet uniform. 

Master Koji liked the look of her body in her old school uniform, and she was happy to impress him. Months after that first night together, Yukiko felt like a whole new woman. Not just mentally, but when she looked at her reflection, she saw someone new.

Someone more confident, more proud of their good looks. Yukiko stroked her hands over her body, feeling her hips and curves with a nod of approval. 

She glanced at her phone, raising her brow as she looked at it. Yu. He was calling her, but she was content with ignoring the call. She gave her body some last finishing touches, even applying some bright lip gloss to her plump lips, before a text caught her attention.

Yukiko looked at the phone and found Yu had just texted her. ‘Hey, gorgeous. I got a surprise for you! Guess who’s on their way back home? I should be in Inaba in a few minutes.’ Yu was coming back to Inaba. Hm. Well, she hoped the others knew so that there was someone to greet him at the station.

It wasn’t that Yukiko didn’t care about her boyfriend or anything, she just couldn’t bare to leave her Master alone without someone to help him cum, and as his favorite slave, a title she held with pride, she was happy to serve the man.

Koji was a man of his word. He had loaned Yukiko’s family the money they needed and their business had been saved. There was no reason for Yukiko to be here, but here she was, because she chose to be. 

Yukiko ignored her phone where it laid, before she walked towards the bathroom door and she pushed it open. Koji Ito, the primal, dominant man who stole Yukiko’s heart and mind, smiled at her as he sat on her own bed, naked just as the day he was born.

He smiled at Yukiko, motioning her over as he patted his lap. “Hey, sexy,” he complimented. 

“H-hello, Master.” She smiled, leaning forward so that her braless tits could press against her clothes, showing off her full size. Her uniform had been altered slightly, just so she could show off her full, supple tits for the man. “Are you ready for me to serve you?”

“Always.” Yukiko smiled, before moving forward, kissing the older man as her phone buzzed in the bathroom. The two kiss, lips nibbling one another, before she began to climb onto his naked body.

His strong, full fingers stroked her body, feeling her moist pussy as she shuddered from the touch.His fingers gave her clit a gentle poke, before she fell onto him. The two kissed like young lovers for the first time, before Koji moved their bodies. 

Yukiko was pinned under the large man, yet she had never felt so free. She smiled at Koji as he smiled back, before he took her hips in his hands and aimed his cock at her pussy. The raven-haired woman panted with wide, hungry eyes as she nodded her head.

“P-please, Master. Fuck me…”

“Heh. Tell me who owns you, slut?”

Oh, how she loved being his slut. Yukiko beamed, licking her shimmering lips as she nodded her head. “You, I want your cock, Master. I want you. You own me. You own my young, sexy body. It’s all yours, if you just please… please, fuck me.”

Koji grinned, and Yukiko swooned at the sight as the two kissed once more. Their bodies pressed together as her womanhood welcomed his cock into her once more, taking it into her and shuddering as she began to bounce on top of him. 

His hands held her by her hips, sometimes smacking her butt as Yukiko’s phone continued to buzz. Neither seemed to care though as their moans filled Yukiko’s bedroom, followed by the cries of passion as the two began to cum together.


Kevin Perales

Sorry about the late response but I was busy with some stuff but this turned out better than I thought it would since there were few idea's for it can't wait to do the other story.

Lord of Debauchery

When are you going to post this in Hentai-Foundry?