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Summary: An alternate ending to Maid to Laugh. Tae loses the game and suffers a Penalty Round where she is dominated by Sadayo and Akira, who teaches his girlfriend how to dominate another woman... Includes: Foot Loving, Tickling, and Threesome.


“Ahh! Master!”

Sadayo bit her lower lip. She couldn’t take this. Her Master, her Akira’s fingers stroked her feet, driving her into a fit of laughter. She could barely breathe, she couldn’t even see through the tears in her eyes. Not tears of sadness, but tears of pleasure. 

His hands drove her into a fit of laughter, and every laugh sent waves of pleasure through her body. She couldn’t keep fighting her need, her desire to cum. It was driving her insane trying to fight it, and even if it meant losing to Tae, Sadayo was willing to take that loss. 

She moaned in pleasure, before a fit of giggles overcame her yet again. Tears fell down her face as she let go, but before her moan could even begin, another voice cried out.

“Master, I-aha-I-ahaha!… I’m cumming!” Tae screamed out, and her moans filled the room. Sadayo’s eyes widened as she listened to the doctor’s cries, before she followed after Tae, seconds later.

The two came at nearly the same time, both moaning and screaming out for their Master as their orgasms rocked their bodies. Despite how close they were to cumming at the same time, everyone knew who the winner really was, and that fact brought a smile to Sadayo’s face as she cried tears of joy.

The orgasm she felt after winning was one of the best in her entire life. It was a pure kind of euphoria, made from the pleasure of sex, the childish joy of laughter, and the adrenaline of victory. Sadayo came right after Tae as the teacher struggled to look at the doctor through her own tears.

Tae had a wide smile on her face. Her eyes rolled into her skull as her tongue hung out of her mouth, and tears trickled down her own face. Her voice was high pitched and girlish, nothing like the refined and stoic woman Sadayo heard before. 

The good doctor’s juices squirted onto the bed as her moans mixed with her laughter. Her body trembled as her muscles spasmed, before her body went limp, and she fell onto her side. Drool spilled out of her mouth and onto the bed as Sadayo’s orgasm began to end.

She closed her eyes, riding the waves of pleasure as she tried to claim her victory with grace. She remained sitting upright as Akira removed his hands from their feet, and moved onto the bed. He kissed Sadayo, and the fatigued and exhausted woman kissed back eagerly.

A quiet whine tickled their ears, and the two looked down at Tae. The fucked silly grin was gone as she pouted, trying not to stare at the two kissing and failing miserably. Sadayo knew the doctor wanted to be where Sadayo was now, but that just wasn’t what fate in mind. 

The maid smiled, pulling away from Akira to kiss the air. She blew a kiss at Tae, who fumed in embarrassment and shame. 

Sadayo felt like the champion of their game, but the truth was they both lost to Akira. Tae felt like she had lost, but honestly, she just won the chance to be fucked by both Sadayo and Akira. Soon she wouldn’t even care about this loss…

Akira felt his dick stirring between his legs as he smiled, looking forward to the penalty round even more than Sadayo was. 


Akira allowed both women the chance to rest. He reheated some curry he had downstairs in the fridge and gave them both water to drink and rehydrate themselves. They’d certainly need it after all the fluids they had lost. 

Tae was emptying a bottle of water as Sadayo finished the last of her plate. Akira took this chance to remind the two about the rules of their game. 

“Well, Tae, seeing as you lost-” He chuckled as Tae glared at him for the reminder. “-you have to follow through with the deal. You can’t tell anyone about Sadayo and I-” Sadayo beamed, proud of her victory as she sat up straight, pushing out her breasts as she smiled. Akira made sure to glance at them, before he continued. “-and you have to go through the penalty round.”

Tae huffed as Akira looked at Sadayo. “So, Sadayo, what will you be doing to our little guinea pig?” The doctor’s cheeks turned red as her pet name for Akira was thrown back at her face, and he grinned at her scarlet cheeks. 

“Oh.” Sadayo blinked. She opened her mouth, before closing it, and looking at her empty plate. “I… I don’t know. Honestly, I’m kind of shocked that I won.” She chuckled as Akira blinked, before joining in her laughter. 

Tae fumed where she sat, clearly ashamed that she had lost to someone like Sadayo. The maid looked at the frowning teacher, and the kind nature of the woman began to take control. 

It was easy for Sadayo to just ignore people before Akira came into her life. Before him, she was fine failing and passing students while barely even thinking of them as people. After meeting Akira, though, and seeing the human side of her students, she had been taking her role more seriously.

She didn’t want to just teach the kids about history, or math. She wanted to teach them about life, to be their ally, to help them. Akira had taken her beaten down soul and nurtured it into something else… something similar to when she knew Takase.

“Maybe we don’t have to do anything? I mean, I came right after Sadayo. It was hardly a great victory…” Tae’s eyes widened as she looked at the teacher, who smiled back at her. The two blushed as Akira raised his brow.

The young man was a bit divided. On the one hand, he was proud of Sadayo for her maturity and grace in victory. On the other hand, he really wanted to have some fun with the two. 

Guess he had to take things in his own hands.

He clapped his hands, catching both girls’ attention as he grinned. “Well then, how about we go easy on her? I have an idea...” Both women blinked, allowing the young man to take control as Akira’s perviness took control of the penalty round.


Sadayo held back a snicker as she looked at Tae. The doctor was fuming, steam almost blowing out of her ears as she stood in Sadayo’s maid outfit. The usually gothic woman wore the maid outfit well, save for the chest department.

Sadayo took great satisfaction in seeing that Tae didn’t fill out the chest of the maid outfit nearly as well as she did. The teacher’s breasts were bigger than the doctor’s, though Sadayo also ignored how amazing Tae’s hips and slender legs were, even compared to her own. 

The doctor was taller than Sadayo, making it harder to hide her lower regions, and her hips pushed the thread to its limit as Akira drank in the sight. 

Tae also had her hands behind her back, bound by a couple of fluffy handcuffs. The other addition was a collar around her neck, with a leash attached to it, leading to Sadayo’s hand. 

The maid outfit’s original owner stood beside Tae, and she gave the leash a teasing tug, smiling as Tae turned her eyes to her. The doctor’s scarlet cheeks stood out against her pale skin, all as Akira watched with an approving grin. 

He also enjoyed the look of his girlfriend and teacher in his shirt. The oversized shirt covered most of her body, reaching down her figure and almost reaching her knees. Under it, she wore her panties, though Akira could tell just from looking that the woman wasn’t wearing a bra under his shirt. 

The sight of her wearing his shirt just made his pride swell. It was like she was proudly declaring to the world who her boyfriend was, even if she only wore it in his bedroom out of necessity.

“Now, Sadayo, I know you aren’t comfortable being dominant, but why don’t you give it a try? Tae did lose, after all. You earned the chance to own her for the night.”

Tae blushed at his words as Sadayo smiled. While she was sympathetic to the doctor still, her boyfriend was right. There wasn’t anything wrong with having a little bit of fun in her victory, right? 

It was quite the role reversal. Tae was usually quite dominant, even subtly so when it came to Akira. She always moved and spoke as if she was in charge, even if it was something as simple as touring Japan together. Now Sadayo, the literal maid, was in control. Akira almost chuckled at the sight, but he kept his composure as he watched Sadayo struggle with what to do next.

“Let’s see…” Sadayo tried to look confident, but under that mask she was sweating. She wanted to savor this rare chance to be the one on top, but she just didn’t know what to do…

“How about some more water, slave?” Tae blinked as Sadayo released her leash. It fell onto the ground as Sadayo crossed her arms. “Chop, chop.”

“I… Alright-”

“What was that? That didn’t sound very maid-like to me!”

“I mean…” Tae huffed as her cheeks burned a bright red. “Yes...Mistress?” Sadayo nodded with approval, and Tae began to walk towards the stairs, leash dragging along the ground.

“Ahem. I’m also going to need a seat? Move that seat so I can sit down, servant!” Sadayo ordered, pointing at the chair at Akira’s work desk. Tae’s lips curved into a scarlet scowl, before she obeyed, walking to the chair.

Akira watched with a curious smile. Sadayo was clearly going easy on Tae, which was sweet, but now what Akira was hoping for. 

Soon Sadayo was sitting down on Akira’s chair, drinking a bottle of water Tae had handed her. “Aren’t I pretty, servant? Even in this shirt?” 

“Yes, Mistress…”

“You know, this is my boyfriend’s shirt, servant. It feels so good on my body, just like he was holding me,” she bragged, hugging herself as Tae rolled her eyes. “You know, some skank tried ruining my relationship with my boyfriend, but I sure showed her, didn’t I, servant?” Sadayo grinned, flashing a knowing look at Tae as the doctor ground her teeth. 

Sadayo was rubbing her victory into Tae’s face, but honestly the maid was just relieved that her secret was safe. And maybe she was having a bit of fun, but what was wrong with that? She deserved to be a bit happy, didn’t she? 

“Yes, ma’am… You sure showed her,” Tae grumbled.

As the two talked, Akira walked over to his desk and began to search one of the cabinets. He smiled as he pulled out just what he was looking for. A small, glass vial, with a few pink pills inside it.

“Ahem. Miss Kawakami?” Sadayo looked at her boyfriend, and Tae’s eyes followed hers as Akira smirked. He held up the vial between his fingers, and Sadayo continued to stare in confusion as the doctor’s eyes widened.

“How do you have tha-?”

“I’m a Phantom Thief, my good doctor. You should know that I have a certain assortment of skills.” He winked at Tae as her jaw dropped, before he looked at Sadayo. “This is one Tae’s ‘failed’ drugs, though personally, I think it’s a roaring success.”

“A drug? Really? She made that?” 

“Indeed, and we’re going to be using it on our little guinea pig. You see, they’re an aphrodisiac that causes the person to be in a heavy sexual heat. It turns the entire body into an erogenous zone. Tae got rid of it because it messed with her tests too much, but I was able to keep a few for myself, just in case.”

Akira gave the vial a shake as he looked at his teacher. “Just one pill and our little guinea pig’s mind will be too weak to resist you.” 

Tae’s face blushed as her pet name for Akria was thrown back at her. She considered trying to grab her drugs back, but she glanced at the leash Sadayo had in her hand. Not to mention Akira was right. He was a Phantom Thief, and she was just a normal woman.

“I-I don’t know, Akira. I don’t think I want to drug her,” Sadayo muttered, and for a moment, Tae felt relief. She let out a quiet sigh, almost thankful for her former rival, when Akira’s silver tongue quickly went to work.

“Really? Well, Tae didn’t show nearly as much restraint when she used it on me.”


It wasn’t a question. It was a reaction. A growl. Sadayo’s sympathy was burned away, just like Tae’s relief. The doctor’s eyes widened as her eyes bounced between the furious teacher and her smirking student. 

Sadayo’s eyes zeroed in on Tae, watching the doctor panic where she stood. Judging by her reaction, it was obvious she had done something to her boyfriend, and that simple fact sent her into a rage.  

“You did do something, didn’t you, Tae?” 

“I…” She knew lying was impossible now. She had dug her own grave, and she let out a quiet grunt as Sadayo tugged on the leash. 

“Take the drug, Tae. It is temporary, right Akira?”

“Oh, yes. Temporary.”

“Then consider this karma, servant. Take the drug.” Akira was quick to hand the drug to Tae, who looked at it with wide eyes. While it was a temporary drug, that didn’t mean she was eager to take it. 

Still, the doctor had no choice, and she’d be lying if some small part of her wasn’t curious. She almost wished she could videotape this scene and get some research out of it, but Tae shrugged that thought off and dropped the pink pill into her mouth.

Sadayo handed her the bottle of water, and Tae swallowed the pill with a mouthful of cool water. The pill was sweet, and slid down smoothly as Tae shivered.

It hit like a truck in an instant. Her body tingled, feeling it tingle as she stood in the bedroom. Her feet rose up from the ground, and she gasped quietly as she felts jolts of pleasure rising up her body. 

Her mind began to feel hazy, falling into a fog as she felt Sadayo’s maid outfit squeeze her body. It felt so tight all of a sudden, and she moaned as the fabric dragged along her skin like smooth, tender fingers.

Sadayo had only just begun, though. She took a moment to think about some of her first few days working as a maid, and the perverted actions she was requested to do. Now thankfully, she was able to put her foot down and refuse, but Tae was in no such position. 

It would certainly help that Sadayo, unlike her past customers, had free range on Tae’s body. She could touch her all over and there would be no repercussions…

“Come here. I want you to push yours tits against my body.” The teacher stood up as Tae’s mouth hung open.


“You heard me.” Sadayo tugged on Tae’s leash, and the doctor stumbled towards her. Their chests bumped into each other, and Sadayo grabbed a handful of the doctor’s ass, groping it through her skirt. “Mmm…” Sadayo licked her lips as her large breasts pushed against Tae’s. “You’re kind of small, aren’t you?”

She wasn’t, but most girls appeared small compared to Sadayo. Tae blushed, feeling the other woman’s nipples pushing against her body. The clothing did nothing to dull the sensation of their bodies rubbing against one another, if anything, it only enhanced the pleasure.

“You’ve got quite the ass, though.” Sadayo gave it a slap, and Tae jumped at the sudden blow. “Turn around and shake your ass for me.” The mistress pushed her servant away and returned to her seat, smiling as Tae blushed.

Sadayo dropped the leash as Tae blushed, and began to move her hips back and forth. “That’s right. Not bad for someone your age.” Tae huffed as Sadayo giggled. “Faster. Shake it. Dance for me.” 

Tae bounced her ass for Sadayo, who flipped the skirt up, giving her and Akira a better view of Tae’s ass. The dark-haired woman blushed as her butt bounced and swayed, and Sadayo laughed as she swung her hand and smacked Tae’s jiggly butt. 

The doctor squeaked from the blow, before Sadayo grinned. “Turn around. Sit on my lap.” Sadayo had lost count how many times some perv asked her to do that. Tae squeezed her eyes shut and obey, sitting on Sadayo’s lap while refusing to look at her. “Kiss me.”

Tae’s eyes shot towards Sadayo, who smirked. “You heard me. Give us a kiss, cutie.” Tae growled, fighting against the command for a moment, but more importantly, fighting against herself.

The drug had consumed her body. Soon it would do the same to her mind. She felt hot all over, and her sweaty skin made the outfit cling to her body. The white on it was beginning to become transparent as she panted, chest bouncing up and down. Now here she was, legs on either side of Sadayo, their chests pressed against one another, their body heat combining to burn Tae’s insides.

Tae licked her lips, before darting forward to peck Sadayo’s lips. She quickly pulled away, but Sadayo stopped her, placing a hand on her cheek to force Tae to look at her.

“No. I want a real kiss, slut.” Tae’s body shuddered at that last word. Before Sadayo puckered her lips and leaned forward. The two kissed, and Tae’s eyes fell shut as her lips tingled from the touch of another. 

Sadayo wrapped her arms around the other woman as Akira watched, grinning as he watched the two make out. He saw Sadayo’s tongue push into the doctor’s mouth, and Tae’s eyes shot open, before falling shut again. 

The kiss was passionate, but more than that, it was dominating. Tae felt the other woman’s tongue explore her own, tasting her mouth, tasting her saliva. Sadayo’s tongue smacked against Tae’s, wrestling it down, pinning it, before slapping it. Tae couldn’t defend herself as Sadayo’s hands grabbed at her body, one hand on her ass, the other playing with her breasts. 

Tae was being violated, and her body loved it. Her heart raced as pleasure built inside of her, little jolts of ecstasy running through her body as Sadayo’s fingers kneaded her tit. Tae found her body moving on its own, as she began to hump the other woman.

Sadayo made things a bit easier for her, picking Tae’s leg up and adjusting her. Now Tae was sitting on one of Sadayo’s legs, free to rub her pussy against it. Tae broke the kiss, moaning as a line of saliva fell on her chest. 

“Enjoying yourself, you little whore?”


“Good. Because I have another job for you.” Sadayo turned her head to look at Akira, who was watching them with a toothy grin. “I want you to suck my boyfriend’s cock.”

Tae’s face turned red as Akira’s grin grew. “What do you say, guinea pig? Oh, what am I saying? You don’t have a choice.” Sadayo forced Tae onto her feet and snapped her fingers, pointing at Akira. The usually stoic doctor folded, obeying her mistress as she walked towards Akira.

The young man grinned, and he unzipped his pants, revealing his hard cock for the women. “I could use some satisfaction.” He took his cock by the base, and when Tae got on her knees to follow through with the command, Akira gently tapped his dick against her scarlet cheek. 

“Go ahead, whore.” Sadayo spanked Tae’s ass, before handing the leash to her boyfriend. “Deep throat that cock.” 

Tae pressed her lips against the cock, before she opened her mouth and took the cock in. She sucked on the tip, as Sadayo frowned. Tae looked at Akira, staring into his eyes as she slowly sank down his cock. She got halfway, before she started to pull head head back up.

Sadayo growled, grabbing Tae by the back of her head and forcing her down. Tae’s eyes shot open as the cock plunged down her throat, stretching it out as she struggled to breathe. Akira moaned as her throat squeezed tightly around his dick, and he smiled as he felt Tae’s chin pressing against his balls. 

“Like this, stupid! Like this! Suck that cock! Come on!” Sadayo growled. “Now do it right!” She took her hand off of her head, but Tae tried to meet Sadayo’s expectations. 

Tae pulled her head up, and then slammed it back down on Akira’s cock. She tasted the hard member on her tongue, and every inch of dick flesh that passed along her tongue made her shiver. She felt sparks of pleasure in her body, and her hot body began to move on its own, eager to obey her superior. 

Tae’s head bounced up and down Akira’s cock, and she felt it plunge down her throat, before her hands began to move over her body. Sadayo grinned. She didn’t even order that, but the little slut was touching all on her own volition. 

The doctor groped her own breasts, pulling on the cloth to let her tits pop free. Her breasts clapped against her chest as Akira stroked her hair. Her tongue slapped against the sides of his cock, trying to lick it as her throat squeezed it. 

Drool spilled down her bottom lip and fell onto the ground. Sadayo’s hand stroked Tae’s ass, giving it a spank every few seconds, as the doctor’s body suddenly stiffened, and she began to tremble.

“You little whore,” Sadayo hissed, pulling Tae’s head off of her boyfriend’s cock. She held Tae by her hair as their noses touched. “Did you just cum? And without making my boyfriend cum? How dare you?”

Tae let out a meek whimper, before Sadayo dropped her. The dark-haired woman laid on the ground, her lipstick ruined as she watched her mistress crawl towards Akira. Without saying a word, Sadayo welcomed Akira’s cock into her mouth. She tasted the delicious dick flesh, but also Tae’s saliva, and it made the teacher moan as she bobbed her head up and down the shaft.

Akira moaned loudly, placing his hands on Sadayo’s head as she bobbed up and down. He gasped for air, feeling the tip of his dick press against her cheek as her tongue lovingly and lavishly bathed his dick in her saliva.

It didn’t take long for the young man to cum, filling his teacher and maid’s mouth with his semen. Her cheeks puffed out, taking in the load, but she easily began to swallow it down, taking mouthful after mouthful of his semen until she pulled her head off of his shaft. She opened her mouth, showing nothing left of Akira’s load. 

“Better than that worthless little slut, aren’t I, Master?” Akira smiled at the title as Tae whimpered, her hands still on her own breasts. She tried to return to touching herself, but Sadayo grabbed her by the wrist.

“What do you think you’re doing? Who said you could touch yourself?!” Tae’s eyes shot down to the ground as Sadayo licked her lips, tasting her boyfriend’s cum. “I’ll give you one last chance to please me, slave, but if you fail again, I’m going to have to punish you. Understand?”

“Y-yes, Mistress.” To Tae’s hazy mind, there was no other name to Sadayo Kawakami, at least none Tae could say. 

“Good. Now, you’re going to lick my pussy as Akira fucks you. If you make me cum before you do, then congratulations, but if you fail… If you can’t control your little tart body, then I’ll make you pay dearly, understand?” 

Tae nodded her head as Sadayo grinned. Akira watched with an approving smirk. This went better than he could have expected. He allowed his girlfriend to take control as the three got into position. 

Sadayo sat on the ground, her legs spread apart and her wet pussy in Tae’s face. Tae was on her belly, her ass lifted up as Akira sat behind her on his knees. He stroked the older woman’s naked ass, admiring it as the three laid on his bed. 

“On three, slut. One, three.” Sadayo grabbed Tae’s by the back of her head and pulled her into her pussy. Tae’s eyes widened, before she stuck out her tongue and licked her mistress’ lower lips. 

As soon as Tae began, Akira did the same. He held Tae by her hips and pushed forward, slamming his cock into her pussy. He was happy to find his suspicions were confirmed. She was wet, and his dick slid into her quickly. 

He bucked his hips back and forth, slamming into her again and again, his balls slapping against her. Sadayo, meanwhile, held firmly onto Tae’s head, digging her nails into the other woman’s scalp and showing no mercy to Tae. 

“Keep licking, slut, or you’ll never win.” 

Tae did her best, but it was an uphill battle. Her tongue darted into the other woman’s pussy, licking up and down, but Akira’s cock was picking up speed. It moved like a piston, fucking her faster and faster. Tae’s moans were muffled by Sadayo’s pussy, and the dominant teacher moaned at the sensation. 

Tae felt a glimmer of hope in her chest as her tongue licked and smacked against Sadayo’s clit. She kissed the edges of her pussy, gently nibbling on her womanhood, before Akira’s hand suddenly smacked Tae’s ass. 

The doctor cried out in pleasure, shaking as her tongue stopped. She tried resuming, only for another blow to hit her ass, making her stop and moan once more. The pain felt so good. It was like she was a naughty child, and when Tae’s eyes drifted up, that was exactly how she felt.

Sadayo’s dominant eyes stared down at her with a mix of pity and amusement. Akira’s dick pushed in and out of her, his tip kissing the entrance to her womb as his member slid along the walls of her womanhood. 

Even licking Sadayo’s pussy began to feel like it was more for herself than her mistress. The drug turned Tae’s whole body into a pleasure zone, and she could stop herself from cumming once more. Her muscles spasmed as her pussy wrapped tightly around Akira’s shaft, and the young man couldn’t stop himself from cumming. 

But even that felt like a loss as Akira pulled out of Tae and shot his load onto her ass, marking her with his seed as Sadayo shook her head. She grabbed Tae by her hair again and pulled the girl up. 

Sadayo shook her head, clicking her tongue like a disappointed mother. “Tsk, tsk. How disappointing.” She laid Tae’s head down on her lap. The exhausted doctor gasped for air, trying to catch her breath as Sadayo looked to her man.

“We need to punish our naughty little maid, Master.” 

Her words sent a shiver down Tae’s spine as Akira nodded his head and grabbed the doctor’s body. With his great strength, he flipped her over so she was on her back, her head still on Sadayo’s lap as her feet hung in the air by Akira’s head. 

“I think I have an idea on how to punish her,” he grinned. 

He then pushed his cock back into her pussy, fucking her once more he took one of her legs in his hands. Tae moved her arms, lifting them up, by Sadayo grabbed her arms and held them against Tae’s chest as Akira bucked his hips back and forth. 

The man grinned as he pulled Tae’s leg towards his mouth, and he flashed her a smile as she realized just what he was going to do. She shook her head as Akira began kissing her feet, and she trembled as his soft lips pressed against her soles. 

His lips were so soft and almost loving against her skin, but the way he fucked her was frantic and animalistic. Sadayo released Tae’s hands, and the dark-haired woman covered her face, trying to hide her shame and muffle her moans. She failed though as Akira stuck out his tongue and began to lick her foot, sliding his tongue up and down the side of the foot.

“N-nohoho!” Tae laughed, giggling as Akira’s fingers danced on the bottom of her feet. She laughed, before a moan interrupted her giggle. Her fingers opened up, letting her stare at Akira through her fingers. “Stah-stah-stahp! P-pleheheheh!” 

His tongue continued to lick Tae’s foot, drawing small circles with it on her foot. Once he was done with one foot, he’d move his attention to lick and kiss the other foot. He sucked on her skin, before he licked her foot again, finding the taste of her skin to be delicious. 

He wasn’t the only one to feel pleasure from it, though. Tae’s body was so consumed by the drug at this point that everything, from his tickling fingers to his tongue drove her crazy. His tongue felt so soft and warm against her skin, and even the saliva he left on her felt hot on her. 

When his fingers tickled her feet and played with her toes, it felt like another cock was pounding the inside of her sou. Her whole body was on fire, and she screamed with pleasure as every inch of him entered and pulled out of her. 

“P-please, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I-ahaha!” 

Tae’s pleas for mercy were interrupted by her own laughter as Sadayo began to join in. The woman began to wiggle her fingers along Tae’s hips, making the woman giggle madly. Tears fell down Tae’s face as she continued to laugh, squealing and snorting 

The gothic woman’s stoic expression was ruined. Her reputation was in tatters. If anyone ever saw her like this, she would lose all respect in her life. She would be seen as a laughing stock. Too bad Tae couldn’t bring herself to care as she continued to laugh, and laugh. 

Even as Sadayo removed her hands from Tae’s hips and brought them to her tits. The maid began to pinch her nipples, squeezing and rolling them in her fingers. She pulled on them, grinning as tears fell down Tae’s face.

“Ple-please! H-hahaha! He-hehehehee! Haha! H-help meeee!” she squealed, sounding like a little girl begging her parents to stop tickling her. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sohohahahary!” 

“You’re sorry? Whatever for?” Sadayo teased. 

“I-I’m sorry fohohoho!” Tae couldn’t even get the words out as she began to laugh again, cackling like a hyena as Sadayo’s fingers tickled her hairless pits. “I-I’m sorry for everything! E-eheh-everything!” 

“Everything you did to MY Akira?” 


“And for trying to steal him from me?”

“Yes, yes! I’m sorry, I’m-!” Akira took his hands off of Tae’s legs for the moment and grabbed her by her hips. He continued to pound into her, and the wet pounding filled the room. It was so loud that Tae couldn’t even be heard as the bed groaned below the three. 

“I’m sorry, slut! I can’t quite hear you!” Sadayo teased. 

“I’m sorry for… for trying to steal him, Mistress!” Tae cried. 

“Aww, well in that case…” Sadayo’s hands rose up, off of Tae’s body as Akira came to a sudden stop. His cock was still deep inside of the doctor, pushed all the way into her womb as the dark-haired woman quivered below him. Tae’s body was shaking as Sadayo gave her a warm, yet somehow seductive smile. 

Sympathetic, yet merciless, Sadayo smiled at the broken slut. She brought a hand down to stroke Tae’s cheek, and the drugged doctor nuzzled the hand, finding pleasure in even a gesture as innocent as that.

“I’m sorry…”

“If you’re so sorry, slave, then…” Sadayo’s fingers slid along Tae’s body, going down her slender neck and slowly reaching out to her heaving bosom. “You’ll take your punishment, just like a good little whore.” 

And with that, Akira began fucking her once more, all while Sadayo’s hands returned to Tae’s nipples. She pulled and tugged on the thick nubs, playing with them between her fingers with sadistic glee. 

Tae’s eyes widened as she lost control. Her intelligent, focused mind melted in her skull, reduced to mush as she tried to cover her crimson face. She was stopped with a single word.

“No.” Tae froze, her body so madly fucked that it almost seemed hard coded into her to obey her mistress. “Don’t you dare cover your face. We want to see your pretty little face, slut.”

Tae obeyed, placing her hands on Sadayo’s hands. For a moment, the powerful, dominant woman thought she would try to get her mistress to stop, but instead Tae joined Sadayo. She held Sadayo’s hands as she groped the doctor’s tits, and Tae’s hands squeezed hers as drool spilled out of her mouth and onto the bed.

Akira fucked Tae harder and harder, and every thrust pushed Tae towards her mistress. Sadayo’s hands played with the doctor’s nipples, pinching, and even twisting them for her own amusement as the doctor mewled. Akira took one of Tae’s legs back into her hands and he began to attack it with kisses and licks, switching back and forth between the two tactics so quickly that it made Tae’s head spin.

His cock stretched out her pussy. Her mistress dug her fingers into Tae’s tits. Her master’s hand was all over her. One hand holding her foot against his lips as his other hand moved up and down her body, randomly tickling her every few seconds. Tae had no defense as she began to cum, screaming out in pleasure between her superiors.

Even then, neither of her owners showed her mercy. Their fingers kept touching and tickling her body, and Akira’s cock continued to fill her cunt. Even as Tae’s body convulsed and trembled from the force of her orgasm, her owners threw her into another one. One climax flowed into another as Tae’s mouth widened in a silent scream of pleasure. 

Her pussy tightened, wrapping tight around Akira’s cock as her second orgasm hit her. The walls of her cunt clung tightly to his dick, sliding along the warm insides as his tip pressed against her womb, yet Akira’s will was iron. 

He didn’t cum, even as Tae’s pussy tried desperately to milk him for all he was worth. Tae’s eyes rolled into her skull as she let out a quiet whine that was almost buried under the sound of Akira fucking her, before Sadayo held up her hand. 

Akira came to a stop balls deep into Tae, before his girlfriend spoke. “Pull out. I don’t think our slave deserves your cum inside of her.” Tae’s quivering body let out a quiet whimper as Akira obeyed, pulling his slick, glistening dick out of the doctor. 

Sadayo then took the cock by the shaft, and with Akira’s help, the two aimed it right at Tae’s face. The gothic woman could do nothing as the teacher’s fingers stroked up and down the veiny, throbbing shaft, and before long, cum spilled onto Tae’s face.

Sadayo was able to make Akira cum with just her fingers, while Tae’s pussy couldn’t do the same. In the mind fucked mind of Doctor Takemi, it was clear to her who was superior. 

Semen spilled out of Akira’s cock and fell on Tae’s face, splattering against her forehead and cheeks, some even landing on her closed eye. More of it fell onto her dark red lips, and her tongue clumsily slid out to try and catch of the thick, sweet nectar. Some of the cum even fell onto Tae’s hair as Sadayo giggled and adjusted herself.

“There. Now all is forgiven, slave,” the kind mistress declared, before she leaned towards Tae and licked a gollop of cum from the slave’s cheek. Tae didn’t reply, her mind falling into unconsciousness as Akira dropped the last few jets of cum onto her flawless face.

Sadayo beamed with pride, admiring the cum caked face of his rival. He had won…


Sadayo had to admit, there was a rush of euphoria with being on top. A burst of adrenaline and energy that was almost addicting. They numbed her hesitation, getting her high on the power like how Tae was high on her own drug.

Of course, like any drug, Sadayo eventually came down from high, and when she did, she blushed, feeling nothing but shame for how she had acted towards Tae. 

Tae was little better as the two laid on Akira’s bed with the young man laying between them. The two adults avoided to even glance at one another as the student grinned, arms wrapped around each beauty.

He was the only one smiling as Sadayo tried hiding under the bedsheets and Tae tried shrinking herself into a tiny noodle in the corner of Akira’s bed. Both women pouted, ashamed of how they acted towards the other...

Funny enough, both women tried pinning the blame on something else, other than the man literally between them. Tae blamed the drug and its ridiculous effect on others, while Sadayo blamed the rush of power clouding her judgement. 

“It was just the drug, it was just the drug,” Tae muttered to herself as Akira looked at her.

“Come on, Tae, you can’t deny you had a good time. You’ll feel better if you just admit it.” Tae’s eyes widened, and she looked away as Akira looked at his girlfriend. “Sadayo, I think Tae will feel a lot better if you tell her the truth.”

Despite their ages, it was clear who was the most mature. Sadayo buried her face into Akira’s chest for a moment, before she began to mutter. “I… I had fun, Tae. Despite how I acted, I… I uh… I hope you don’t hate me, o-or Akira.”

“Hate you? I-I could never!” Tae replied. Akira flashed her a knowing smile as the doctor’s cheeks burned red. “A-alright, I’ll admit it. It was… fun leaving you two in control.” Tae squeezed her eyes shut as she forced her body up, rising out of the bed on two shaky legs. 

Speaking of leaving, it was time for Tae to go. She had no intention of wasting her time where she wasn’t wanted, but when she began to move, a hand caught hers. Tae expected to see Akira holding onto her, but it wasn’t her. It was Sadayo Kawakami, smiling at her.

“W-wait. Tae, listen. I… I think I may have a deal for you.”

Tae blinked, turning to Sadayo as the maid began to rise out of the bed. The two stood face to face as their hands stayed linked together.

“You care about Akira, don’t you? I mean, really care about him?”

“Of course, I do! He’s my little guin…” Tae closed her eyes and sighed. She couldn’t exactly call him that anymore, now could she? “He’s my… close, personal friend.”

“Do you love him?” Tae’s eyes shot open as Sadayo stared into her scarlet orbs. Sadayo didn’t need a verbal answer as Tae’s lips parted and closed like a fish. “I thought so… He makes your heart race, doesn’t he? He’s so kind, and cool, and just… perfect, isn’t he?”

Tae’s head moved up and down, almost compelled to answer the question. Shame burned her face, ears, and neck as Sadayo leaned forward to peck the other woman. “Then… why don’t we make it so we all won?”


“You heard me. You, me, and Akira. The three of us all… being together… together.” Sadayo began to lose steam with every word, and her own cheeks burned red as Akira watched the two from his bed. 

Tae’s eyes widened, and her jaw hung towards the ground as she tried to wrap her exhausted brain around the statement. “Are… are… are you serious?”

“I like that idea,” Akira added. “Why not? We all deserve to be happy, after all.”

“Exactly!” Sadayo beamed, relieved to see she wasn’t the only one to consider the insane idea. 

That left Tae as the odd one out. She opened her mouth as her eyes darted back and forth between the two. What was left of her logical mind wanted to argue the dozens of reasons this was wrong, why they couldn’t do this…

Yet her heart skipped a beat thinking about repeating tonight’s sinful fun. The challenge. The threesome. Her punishment. All of it, even now, made her pussy quiver and her heart race. She swallowed spit down as her lips curved into a small smile.

“Okay.” She laughed at her simple answer, leaning forward as her legs quivered. “Alright. Let’s… let’s give it a try.” It was stupid, and illogical, and insane… It made Tae feel young again as she stepped forward and embraced Sadayo Kawakami, squeezing her once-rival in a tight embrace. “It’s a deal.”

Sadayo’s eyes widened, before she returned the embrace, hugging her new… well, girlfriend, in her arms. “It’ll be nice to have someone I can talk to… Someone a bit more my age.” Akira chuckled behind her, as Tae’s hand slipped down.

She squeezed Sadayo’s ass, making the woman squeak as their tits pushed against one another. “On one condition.” Tae pulled back so their eyes could meet, and she smiled as Sadayo blushed. 

“I want payback for what you did to me.”

“Wha-?” Sadayo was pushed back, and the two fell onto Akira’s bed as he moved out of the way just in time. They fell onto the bed, blushing as Akira watched the two kiss. Their lips and tongues danced as Akira moved closer, placing his hands on their bodies. 

He stroked them, tickling their sides as the two girls moaned and giggled.

“Heheh, stop that,” Sadayo protested, but her weak resistance did nothing to stop the two from having their way with her.


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