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Summary: Meiko and Taichi invite Mimi to travel with them on their honeymoon, leaving Mimi's boyfriend, Koushiro, alone in Japan. Over the course of a few days, secrets are revealed, and Koushiro is left heartbroken and alone. Includes: Dark, NTR, and Threesome. 



“How about here?” Tai pointed at a spot on the map, and Meiko pouted at the suggestion. She tried to hide it, but the young man could read his soon to be wife like a book. “What’s wrong with London? I thought it was nice.”

“I-it rains a lot… I don’t want to go there, and find the place looking gloomy.” She glanced away, a subtle blush on her face. “I-I’m probably being picky. I’m sorry. We can go-”

“Hey.” He took her hand in his, squeezing it as he smiled at her. “This is your honeymoon too, Meiko. I want you to have fun too.” He gave it another squeeze as he looked into her eyes, finding her blush growing under his watch. “More than that, I want you to make memories you never forget.”

Meiko’s heart skipped a beat, and for a brief moment, she wondered how she earned a fiance as wonderful as Taichi. She smiled at him as she nodded her head. “Right… Okay, let’s keep looking for a spot.”

“That’s the spirit.” The brunette smiled at her as the two looked back at the laptop, examining the map of the world they had, and switching tabs to look at specific vacation spots they were considering.

The two were to be married soon, but neither wanted to officially tie the knot until they knew just where they were going to be spending their honeymoon. Even after all this time of looking, they had yet to find the perfect spot. Every location so far just continued to lack that certain something…

That was when a lightbulb went off in Meiko’s head, and she looked at Taichi with a grin on her face. “Oh, what about somewhere in the US?” That piqued Taichi’s interest. He nodded his head in agreement, before another voice gasped.

“Did I just hear you right?!” Mimi popped her head into the living room from the kitchen. The young woman had invited herself in today, though couple was happy to have her cook breakfast for them. She walked out of the kitchen, practically skipping as she grinned. “You guys want to have your honeymoon in America?!”

“W-well, we were considering it,” Meiko explained.

“Well, I’d be happy to be your guide!” Mimi beamed, hugging her glasses wearing friend. “Ooh, we’re going to have so much fun!”

“R-really? You’d do that for us, Mimi?” 

“Of course, Meiko! Anything for two of my best friends! We are going to have so much fun! This is going to be great!” As the two women hugged one another and giggled, Taichi chuckled to himself.

“Pretty sure honeymoons are only meant for two people, but… yeah, sure.” The man watched the two women hug one another as his smile grew, and excitement bubbled in his chest.


The wedding itself had been amazing. The kind of wedding that should have been on the news for everyone to applaud and videotape. The kind of wedding that little girls dreamed of having. All of Taichi and Meiko’s friends attended, and the festivities would never leave the minds of those that attended. 

It was a party to end all parties, and Meiko remembered laying in bed with her husband after all the fun had been had. Both of them were too exhausted for anything more than cuddling, but as they held one another, Meiko felt things were just… right. 

She gave her husband another kiss, and just the knowledge that she was married to Taichi now, that he really was her husband, left her heart racing. She and her loving husband fell asleep in each other’s arms as their honeymoon loomed over them, slowly racing closer and closer to the present. 

Of course, when the day came for their honeymoon to begin, they ran into a slight bump on the road.

Meiko and Taichi waited at their house with eager smiles on their faces, and their guide seemed equally as excited as she arrived with her boyfriend in tow. At first, neither Meiko and Taichi thought much of it. Koushiro was a friend, they imagined he was just there to see them off too, but then they noticed just how much luggage the two had brought. 

Even for a fashion-loving woman like Mimi, there was simply too much for just one person...

“Hey, guys! Are you almost ready? We’ve got a plane to catch!” Mimi beamed.

“We being...?” Meiko asked, glancing at her husband. He gave her a similar look of worry as the two looked at their friends. 

“What do you mean ‘we’ exactly? The three of us?” Taichi inquired.

“Huh? No, silly. The four of us, of course!”

Both Taichi and Meiko’s hearts sank at that realization, and they shared a glance to one another. Taichi silently offered to deliver the bad news, but Meiko shook her head. She’d take this one. She stepped forward, a faint, subtle blush on her face as she looked at Mimi and Koushiro.

“I’m sorry, Mimi. I must have misunderstood you. I only booked three tickets for our trip. You, me, and Taichi.”

“W-what?! Oh…” Mimi bit her lower lip as she looked at her boyfriend. “Koushiro, I’m so sorry.”

“M-me too, Koushiro. I’m very, very, very sorry. This is all my fault, I-” Her husband took her hand in his as she sighed. She calmed down slightly, but it was clear the woman was still ashamed of her mistake.

Koushiro, to his credit, seemed to take the news relatively well. He nodded his head in understanding, before glancing at the luggage at his feet. He took a moment to think things over, before he put on a smile and shook his head.

“It’s alright, guys. You three just go without me.”

“What?” Mimi hugged her boyfriend’s arm. “A-are you sure? I don’t want you to feel left out!”

“It’s alright. Really. I actually still have a lot of work to do. I can keep myself busy while you’re gone. I didn’t even want to go, honestly,” he confessed, and Mimi couldn’t help but look hurt at that statement. Koushiro didn’t seem to realize just how hurtful the statement was as Meiko quickly interjected. 

She took Mimi’s hand in hers and tried to pull her friend away from Koushiro. Mimi held her place though, waiting for an apology from her boyfriend. It never came. Koushiro didn’t even seem to notice the hurt expression on Mimi’s face. 

“Koushiro, I’m… really sorry,” Meiko apologized again. “I can’t believe I messed up like this, I-”

“Meiko, really. It’s alright,” Koushiro replied. “Accidents happen.” He lifted up his arm and placed it on Mimi’s back, pulling her into a quick, one-armed hug. His girlfriend hugged him back, and even pecked his cheek, before Koushiro smiled at Taichi and Meiko. “Take care of my girlfriend, though, alright?”

“We promise,” Meiko nodded her head. 

“You got it, man,” Taichi added. 

“And try to have fun, alright? This is your honeymoon, after all.” Mimi and Koushiro gave each other one more hug, before the brunette pulled away from him. She walked towards Taichi and Meiko, taking her respective luggage with her. 


About a day later, Koushiro got a call from his girlfriend. It was the morning for the young computer expert, but over in America, it was probably night by now. He answered the call and smiled as he heard his girlfriend’s familiar voice.

“Hey, honey!” 

“Hey, Mimi. You okay?” 

“Yep! We just got to our first hotel. How are you doing, hon?”

“I’m alright. Just-”

“Working on your computer?” 

Koushiro blinked, before he blushed. He could hear his girlfriend’s giggling on the other end, and he sighed in defeat. “Y-yeah. You’re right.”

“I knew it. Women’s intuition.”

The young redhead tried to change the subject as quickly and as subtly he could. “So, was the flight okay?” Nailed it.

“Eh. I’ve had better. Some kid spilled his drink on Taichi. It was kind of funny, course, he didn’t think so,” she laughed. 

Koushiro laughed with her. “I bet he took that well.”

“As well as you could expect.”

“Where are they right now, by the way?”

“Oh, they’re just-”

Suddenly a voice interrupted his girlfriend, and Koushiro’s eyes widened. The sound was unmistakable. That was definitely a moan, specifically a woman’s moan. To be extra specific, that sounded like how he imagined Meiko’s moans would sound like.

N-not that he imagined her moans a lot. 

The redhead blushed as his jaw hung low, almost hitting his desk below him. His face exploded in a scarlet blush as his tongue refused to actually articulate any real words. All he could do was stutter for almost a minute, trying and failing to put his thoughts into words. 

Meanwhile, his girlfriend was having the exact opposite reaction. She was giggling, laughing. Whether she was laughing at the moan, or her boyfriend’s reaction, he really wasn’t sure. He just listened to Mimi’s laughter as he finally uttered out a question.

“Was… that…?” 

Mimi interrupted him before he humiliated himself further by uttering out the rest of his sentence. She answered his question with a laugh. “Yep. They did just get married, after all.”

“I… uh.” The young man tried to ignore how warm his cheeks were, as he tried to keep speaking. “A-are the walls between your rooms that thin?! I mean, a-are your rooms sharing a wall? I-I thought a hotel with five stars would have better quality to them, I mean-?!”

“Koushiro, calm down.” His girlfriend gently put her foot down, and he obeyed, becoming silent. The silence was stretched out for a few seconds, before she finally spoke again. “Thank you. I’m okay, hon, I promise. I’m okay listening to whatever they have going on. I really don’t mind.”

“If you say so…”

“I do. Now then, I’ve got to get going. I promise to call you later, okay?”

“Alright… Bye, Mimi.”

“Bye, hon!” Mimi then hung up the call, before she took a long, deep breath and sighed. She just didn’t have the heart to tell her fiance the truth. She wasn’t in another room. Well, technically she was.

It’s just that she was in the bathroom of Taichi and Meiko’s room, listening to the two making love just a few feet away. The three only had one room, and right now the newlyweds were making good use of it fucking each other’s brains out.

Mimi couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She shuddered as she heard Meiko’s moans echoing through the bedroom, and slipping into the bathroom. Mimi probably should have told her boyfriend, but how could she? She gulped down her nerves as Meiko let out another moan. 

The ways things started was so innocent. Meiko and Taichi were just cuddling with one another, no big deal. Then they shared a kiss, and that was normal to Mimi. Their kisses became more passionate, and their hands started grabbing and pulling the other closer, and Mimi remembered blushing at that, but whatever.

They were young and in love. Let them kiss. Let them touch each other.

That’s when things started to get more intense, and Mimi realized that the two weren’t going to just be kissing each other. Taichi started taking Meiko’s shirt off, and she started pulling at his, and it was almost as if neither even realized Mimi was still there. 

The brunette woman didn’t say anything, of course. It was almost like a fever dream or something, just watching the two go at it. She kept expecting them to look at her and laugh, or for her to wake up. 

Of course neither scenario happened. They just kept going at it, too drunk on their love for one another to pay her any mind. Meiko’s glasses hit the floor by their bed as Taichi licked her tongue, and his cock plunged inside of her pussy. 

He fucked her on their bed, and her moans and her arms and legs around his body, made it obvious she loved every moment of it. Mimi watched with a blush on her face, before she stumbled into the bathroom to hide and call her boyfriend.

Now here she was… and they were still going at it.

Their bed was groaning under them, springs squeaking. The two were going at it like rabbits, and Mimi wondered if this was their first time or if they were just this… intimate with each other. It was nuts how wildly they were going at it! 

Really wild.

Like animals.

Mimi bit her lower lip as she felt her body quiver. Oh no. No, no, no. She couldn’t be turned on by them going at it, could she? Well, how could she not the way those two went at it?

Either Meiko had no idea what sexual pleasure was before now, or Taichi was a gift from a god. 

That second idea made Mimi shudder again, and she bit her lower lip as she glanced at the wall. It was like it didn’t exist. The sound was so clear. She swallowed spit down her throat as she walked towards the door, slowly, meticulously moving towards it. 

She opened the door and peeked her head out, trying to be as discreet as possible as she saw the two going at it. Things hadn’t changed much. Their naked bodies sat on their bed, and Taichi had his hands on Meiko’s hips as he fucked her doggy style. 

Mimi found her throat dry and her lips parched as her mouth opened. She didn’t say anything. She was silent as Taichi kept thrusting back and forth, squeezing the woman’s body in his hands. 

Neither of them paid her any attention, and Mimi found herself almost insulted by that fact. She slowly inched her body out of the bathroom. Her eyes never left the two. The only thing keeping her from staring at them for the rest of the night was her need to blink and her hunger to… join in.

Her pussy quivered as Meiko’s moaned out loud again. Mimi bent forward, quietly placing her phone on the ground, before she stood up straight again. Her hands caught the hem of her shirt and she began to pull, blocking her view of the show for just a moment. 

Mimi began to walk towards the two, taking off her clothes with every step until her naked body loomed over the two. Meiko blinked, and looking at Mimi through the fog of ecstasy and pleasure Taichi held her in. Her boyfriend soon joined her, and the two stared at Mimi as she placed a hand on her breasts.

Their eyes were almost glazed over, almost like they were just hypnotized by their love for the other. Mimi would give almost anything to be looked at like that Held like that. Fucked like that. 

She gave her own breast a squeeze as she smiled at the two. “So… Is there room for one more?” Meiko blinked, and Taichi’s eyes widened, before they both smiled. 

Meiko pulled herself off of her husband’s cock and pulled Mimi into her arms. The brunnette got on the bed as her lips met with the dark-haired woman’s.


Two days later, Mimi was on the phone with Koushiro again. The young woman had a giggle in her voice, a sugary sweet tone that Koushiro hadn’t heard in a long time. She sounded so happy as the two talked. Koushiro wondered what had happened to get her like this.

“And then we went shopping and Taichi got me the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen! I mean, this thing is stunning, Koushiro! Like something out of a fairy tale.”


“Oh, and tomorrow, we’re all going to a beach together. I’ll work on my tan, try on that new swimsuit I got…”


“Koushiro, are you listening to me?” 

“Huh? Oh, sorry, Mimi. I was just finishing up some work.” Koushiro heard Mimi breathed into the phone, and he raised his brow. “Sorry, but if I get this work done ahead of schedule, I can work on another project I have lined up early. Get that done before it’s due, and-”

“And you can work on another project early?” There was a moment of pause as Koushiro wondered what was bothering his girlfriend. “Work, work, work. You know you can take a break, right? Maybe you and I can go somewhere when I get back?”

“I don’t know, Mimi. I don’t really like traveling. Why don’t we just stay at home? Watch a movie or something?” 

Mimi scoffed, her fingers tightening around the phone as she clenched her jaw. She was sitting in Taichi and Meiko’s new hotel room, and the happy couple looked at her, noticing her scowl. They moved closer, sitting on her bed as Mimi’s eyes bounced from one to the other. 

She took a deep breath, before she sighed. “Meiko and Taichi are trying to make a baby.”


“Yeah. They talked about it, and they mentioned it to me last night. Isn’t that wonderful? Meiko’s so excited…”

“Uhh, yeah, I guess that’s good for them…”

“Could you imagine… could you imagine having a baby with me, Koushiro?”

“W-what?!” The redhead sounded like he was choking on his own spit, and he struggled to speak as Mimi’s frown grew. “I-I don’t know! I mean, t-that’s a, I don’t…”

“Oh, come on, Koushiro. You know how much I’ve wanted to have your child, and-”

“I-I know, but I don’t know if I want, a-and it’s not the right time at all, Mimi!”

“Well, when will it be the right time?! You said it wasn’t the right time last year, and the year before that! When will it be the right time? We have a house, we have money, we have everything we could ever need!”

“I’m not ready, Mimi!”

“When will you be?!”

“I-I don’t know!”

Mimi’s fingers squeezed the phone, and she spoke through ground, shaking teeth. “If you had to pick, would you have a child with me, or break up with me?” 

His silence spoke volumes, and Mimi hung her head as tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. Suddenly Meiko took the phone from her friend, and she spoke with a level of confidence that shocked Koushiro.

“Koushiro! How could you be so mean to your girlfriend?! You’d really break up with her for this?!”

“I didn’t say that!”

“You didn’t say anything!” Meiko growled. “You let Mimi down. She needed you. Needed your support. Even if you were open to the possibility… But no. You’re blind to her needs and what she wants from her boyfriend.” 

Koushiro wasn’t sure what to say. He had never heard Meiko sound like this before. She sounded so angry. She didn’t stutter, she didn’t apologize, and even through the phone, he could feel her eyes glaring at him. 

“I… I just don’t know why you have to be so mean to Mimi. It just isn’t right. She’s your girlfriend, and she wants to have your child, and you’re not even willing to listen to her?!”

Koushiro tried coming up with some kind of defense or justification, but his jaw snapped shut as he heard another familiar sound. His brow twitched and he swallowed spit down. Was that… was that a moan? No, it couldn’t have-

“Are you scared? Is that’s what’s stopping you? Or do you not want to just take that step with Mimi? Do you think there’s something wrong with her?!”

Meiko continued to scold him, but Koushiro wasn’t listening. He heard that sound again. It was definitely a moan, but it wasn’t coming from Meiko, obviously. It was a woman’s voice. Did they have a video playing?

No. It was getting louder. Along with a wet, almost pounding sound…

“C-can I talk to Mimi?” he asked, his voice shaky.

“I don’t think she wants to talk to you right now.”

Koushiro swallowed spit down his throat as the pounding got louder. Now he could clearly her moans and tiny gasps. The familiar grunts and cries of his girlfriend. 

Another thought popped into his mind, and his stomach churned as he asked, “What about Taichi?”

“He’s busy.”

Koushiro bit his lower lip. He felt his fingers tremble as part of him warned about speaking out. He considered just staying quiet, ignoring what he was hearing now, quite clearly. 

“Ah! Taichi! R-right there! Please, right there!”

“Ah, fuck… Mimi, your body is so tight…”

The redhead squeezed his eyes shut, before he uttered the question. “What’s going on, Meiko? What are Mimi and Taichi doing?”

“What does it sound like they’re doing?” Her tone was snarky, almost amused by his question. She wanted to hear his guest, obviously.

“Ah! Taichi! Yes, yes, yes! I-I’m…. Oooh!”

“It… it sounds like they’re having sex,” Koushiro answered through gritted teeth. “Are they?” 

“Of course they are, stupid.” The insult was like a cut across his chest, and her laugh was a dash of salt in his wound. “Someone has to make Mimi happy. Give them what she needs. What she deserves… She’s a young woman with a growing need to become a mother. Taichi and I are happy to help.”

That was a stab to his heart. Koushiro’s vision blurred, but he rubbed his arm against his eyes as he tried to comprehend this betrayal. He gasped for air, shaking in his seat as he struggled to form the words.


Taichi, one of his closest friends, was fucking his girlfriend. And from the sounds of it, she loved every moment of it. He couldn’t believe his ears, but by now, the couple had given up any attempt at keeping their fucking quiet. They were screaming each other’s names as the sound of Taichi’s cock pistoning in and out of Mimi’s pussy filled Koushiro’s head.

“They didn’t plan this,” Meiko sighed. “Taichi, and Mimi. I did this.” Koushiro’s eyes widened, and his breathing raced as she continued. “I saw my best friend time, and time again, being manipulated and hurt by you. I saw her sobbing, I was there when she was crying for someone to listen to her, to hold her. I saw how you hurt her again and again. How could I be expected to do nothing, Koushiro?”

“I saw you two driving to the end of a cliff. Whatever happened, your relationship was going to make you both crash and burn. This is me helping my best friend.”

“You… you planned all of this?”

Meiko didn’t answer, yet Koushiro could practically see her toothy grin. 

“I convinced Mimi to let Taichi scratch her itch. How long has it been since you last touched her, Koushiro? Weeks? Months? I’d even believe years,” she sighed. “Poor, poor girl.”

“Ahh!” Mimi had just cum. That sound was unmistakable. Koushiro’s mind betrayed him, imagining the cum gushing out of her pussy as Taichi continued to pound her. 

Even if his mind didn’t visualize it, Meiko put the act into words. “She came again. That might be… the third time today? God, she’s still riding my husband, though. She’s clearly been pent up. She needed this, Koushiro. I hope you can understand that.”

“Now, where was I? Oh. She came along for the honeymoon, and for the last few days, she’s been with Taichi… and with me.”

The idea of the two beautiful women kissing, groping, and… and doing more sexually explicit acts with each other made Koushiro’s heart skip a beat. He felt blood slip away from his brain, making this all even harder to comprehend, as his dick began to grow hard and throbbing between his legs.

“Things are better this way, Koushiro. We’ll take care of Mimi. We’ll show her the love and care she always needed, and deserved. And we’ll give her a family. Everything she’s wanted and deserved. You’re free to pursue your profession. It’s what’s important to you, after all.”

Meiko pulled the phone away from her ear and she stretched out her arm towards Taichi and Mimi. The almond-haired lovers were fucking each other still, with the man on top of the beautiful woman, slamming her into the bed with every thrust.

Her body trembled under him, and Koushiro could practically see them right before his eyes. Mimi’s eyes rolled into her head, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, and Taichi’s lips so close to hers. 

Taichi kissed Mimi, muffling her cries. Yet they were still clear to Koushiro as the wet, moist pounding went faster and faster. Harder and harder. Until Mimi was screaming into Taichi’s mouth, with his tongue in hers. 

The two came together, semen gushing into Mimi’s already creampied cunt. They must have broke their kiss, because the last thing Koshiro heard was their voices. Their voices, and the sound of cum pouring out of Mimi’s jizz-filled, stretched out pussy.

“Ahh, that was amazing, Taichi… Thank you, thank you, thank you… I love you so much.”

“Anything for you, Mimi… Love you too.”

And that was the last thing Koushiro heard, before Meiko hung up the phone. All he heard was the beating of his heart as the phone fell from his hand and he was left all alone. As his mind fell to despair, his body was outlined by the faint glow of his laptop.

Meanwhile, Meiko decided on joining Mimi and Taichi’s dance. The two welcomed her, moaning and grinning as she took off her clothes and kissed Mimi’s lips. Their tongues met, and Meiko could feel her husband’s semen on her friend’s tongue as they fell onto the bed together.

They adjusted, moving into a 69 position. They brought Mimi’s kinky fantasies to life as Tai watched, slowly touching himself to the sight. Meiko showed no hesitation pushing her lips against Mimi’s cum-filled pussy.

The normally shy woman was happy to suck and lick the semen out of her friend, and the action almost made Mimi cum on the spot. She didn’t consider herself attracted to most women, but to have her jizz-filled, creampied pussy licked by another woman had always been a dream of hers. 

Izzy certainly wasn’t going to help her make it come true. She would have thanked Meiko and Taichi if she wasn’t so busy moaning, nearing another orgasm. Until then, Mimi did her best to return the favor, dragging her tongue along Meiko’s wet, wanting folds.

Taichi watched the two beauties clean each other, before he made his choice. He aimed his cock just over Meiko’s head, and the woman gasped as she watched her husband push his cock into Mimi’s pussy, fucking Meiko’s best friend right before her eyes.

There wasn’t an ounce of jealousy in the young woman. No, she loved what she saw. She did her best to help, flicking Mimi’s clit with her tongue as the dick pushed in and out. The thick, girthy cock pushed semen out of Mimi’s pussy and down onto Meiko’s face, who moaned with joy as her face was dirtied.

As the dark-haired woman licked her lips, scooping cum into her mouth, Mimi’s pussy squeezed down on Taichi’s dick. The warm, wet walls of her cunt hugged the man’s shaft, wrapping tightly around it as the tip of his cock kissed her womb.

Eventually her orgasm came. It was, of course, inevitable. Taichi pressed their bodies together and filled her with his semen once more. Cum gushed out of her pussy, dripping down onto Meiko once more as Mimi came right after him. Her walls tightened around his cock as all three moaned and cried out from the wonderful pleasure consuming them.

As Mimi rode the aftershocks of pleasure, she wondered if she should have felt guilty, or ashamed. She didn’t, funny enough. All she felt was joy, and excitement at finally having the life she had always dreamed of.

No. This reality with Meiko and Taichi was better than any dream she could ever have. 


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