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Summary: After a morning of fun, Rise and Kanji go to their room to get some sleep. Well, Kanji was planning on sleeping. Rise was planning on having some fun with her boyfriend before bed. Includes: Smut, romance. 


“Man, what a night,” Rise yawned. 

“Mmmhm,” her boyfriend, Kanji, replied. “I’m ready for bed, you?”

“I think so.” She walked towards the bedroom, only to stop as she stood in the entrance. She placed a hand on the door frame and turned her head so that one of her eyes was staring right at Kanji. Her half-lidded gaze caught his eyes as her lips curved into a smile. “No peeking now, Kanji…”

The blonde blushed at the comment, eyes widening, before he turned away frowning. “The hell?! I ain’t gonna peek, Rise!” The scarlet glow on his face was impossible to miss.

“Oh, I know. You’re such a gentleman. That’s what I like about you.” She winked at him, before she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. 

Kanji rolled his eyes before he laid down on his futon. He stifled a yawn as he stared at the ceiling, waiting for his girlfriend to change. 

The young man soon closed his eyes as his mind began to wander. He thought of just how crazy his life had turned out. Not just involving Shadows, Personas, and gods, but involving himself and the idol he never really cared much for before meeting her.

He knew who Risette was, obviously, but before meeting her, he just thought of her as just another chick. Singing bubblegum pop music, probably used autotune, sounding way too peppy and high-pitched for his taste. He thought she was just another fad. 

Shit. Someone upstairs had to be laughing at him, but the truth was he really had fallen for Rise. He loved her, and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her love him back.

The life of an idol’s boyfriend wasn’t exactly what he wanted out of their relationship, but a bit of stress from the limelight was well worth what they had. The laughter, the dates, the kisses… 

Life was good, and Kanji wouldn’t trade it for the world. Even as Chie, Yu, Yosuke, and the others grew up and went off to live their own lives, Kanji had Rise, and she had him. That was more than enough...

It was Rise’s voice that brought him out of his thoughts, and he opened his eyes to look at the white door. “What cha thinking about?” 

“Just everything we’ve been through, I guess. It’s nice seeing the gang again,” he commented. 

“Seriously. You know, sometimes I hate it when my fans find me on vacation, but honestly, those Ann and Shiho girls are so sweet.”

Kanji nodded his head. “Their friends ain’t half bad either.”

A moment of silence as Kanji listened to the muffled sounds of clothes being moved around. “Hey, remember New Years?” 


“Our first one in Inaba together. Remember it?”

“Oh, yeah. The ‘White New Years.’ I remember.” 

“Remember how you held me under the snow?” Her words brought Kanji’s blush back, and his mouth fell open as the memories surged. “Remember how you kissed me that night…?”

He had pushed Rise against a tree. Not to hurt her. Never to hurt her, but his desire for her was driving him crazy. He groped her chest, feeling her tits in his hands, and he remembered thinking how soft and firm they were. He played with them as their tongues wrestled and Kanji grinded against the beautiful idol.

Her moans of approval, her gentle fingers in his hair…

“Oh, and remember that time we all made omelettes together?” Rise asked, changing the subject so suddenly that Kanji was almost falling over from whiplash.

“D-damn it, Rise! You… you freakin’ tease,” he growled, knowing exactly what his girlfriend was doing. He sat up on his bed, adjusting his clothes a bit to try and hide his growing erection. 

“What? Why’d I do?” Her sugary sweet tone made it clear that she knew exactly what had done. He could hear her giggling through the wall as he shook his head. 

The two fell into a comfortable silence as Kanji’s scarlet face began to calm down. His blood went back to his brain as he heard his girlfriend speak.

“Hey, Kanji?”


“You ever think it’s weird how we ended up together? I mean, we always butted heads during the investigation, and we both had crushes on other people, so…” Kanji frowned at her words, and he stood up and marched towards the door. 

“Hey.” He placed his fist against the door, gently knocking it. “I love you, Rise.” 

When their relationship began, this had always been a common demon for them. Both of them. The fear that they were each other’s consolation prize. The fear that their feelings never changed. 

Kanji made sure to stomp on those fears for his love. “Hey. I love you, Rise. You. Not Naoto.” He was over the detective, and no matter how scared he was that Rise loved Yu still, he knew it wasn’t true. “I always will.”

A moment of silence… Kanji opened his mouth to speak, before Rise suddenly did. “You love Yu-senpai?! I knew it!” 

“Huh? W-what?” The blonde’s eyes widened before he heard his girlfriend laughing behind the door. He scoffed, before joining in, shaking his head as he leaned against the door. The two laughed together, but when the giggling stopped, Kanji could hear the pure euphoria in Rise’s voice.

“Thanks, Kanji. I love you...”

“Love you too, babe,” he replied, before he heard the door begin to open. He stepped back, walking back to his bed, but when he saw her step out he turned around and gawked at her. His jaw almost hit the ground as Rise stepped out.

The gorgeous idol draped herself on the doorway. She wasn’t wearing her yukata, but a pink slip nightgown that showed off her body well. She combed a hand through her hair, letting it fall from her fingertips as her pink lips curved into a smile. 

The gown barely reached halfway down her thighs, showing off the succulent, hairless skin. The slip also revealed her cleavage, and while she wasn’t as gifted as Naoto in the chest department, she was still well-sized. Kanji felt his throat tightened and dry out as he ogled her tits, and she even brushed a finger over them to further draw his eyes to them. 

The only other thing she wore was a pink, transparent robe dragged over her arms and shoulders, giving her an almost reveal appearance as he found himself thinking of Rise as some kind of… goddess of love. He gulped, finally tearing his eyes from her tits to look at her face. 

Her long, copper-colored hair was tied up in pigtails, the same style she wore when they had first met. Her almond eyes smiled at him as he struggled to speak, lips opening and closing. 

She moved forward, swaying her hips and moving just right to make her breasts jiggle for him. Finally Kanji was able to muster up a sentence, though he couldn’t keep himself from stuttering.

“W-where did you get t-that…?”

Rise giggled, before answering with a coy smirk.“Remember our trip to Okina City? The day we got flooded in at the Inn?” He didn’t bother nodding, his eyes bouncing between her naked legs, her canyonesque cleavage, and her beautiful face.

Kanji stepped back, falling onto Rise’s futon. He grunted, laying on the soft bed as he watched Rise move ever closer to him. Her hips swayed and her breasts subtly bounced, hypnotizing him as she traced the outline of her hourglass body with her hands. 

Her smile was wicked, and it caused Kanji to shudder as her dance made him dizzy with lust and hunger. She soon reached the futon, and slowly brought herself down on Kanji, crawling up his legs. She licked her plump lips, eyes sharpening as the predator began to feast upon her prey.

She undid the yukata strap with ease, her eyes never looking away from his, before she pulled the robe open and revealed Kanji’s muscular physique, and most importantly, the clear erection was sporting under his boxers.

“Aww, is this for me?” she teased, gently rubbing her nose against the tent, giving it an eskimo kiss. Her fingers stroked his dick through his boxers, and he gasped as he felt those soft fingers caress and stroke him. 

He gasped, and she giggled at how he crumbled around her. She continued to move up his body, letting her breasts drag along his body as her lips pressed against his stomach. Once again her eyes never left his as she dragged her tongue along his stomach, making tiny circles on his tummy as he shuddered.

Rise was definitely the more sexual of the two of us, and he happily allowed her to take command, finding her beautiful on her throne. She kissed her way up his chest, and she moaned quietly as his firm pecs pressed against her soft lips. Between every few kisses she would lick his chest. 

Feeling her wet, soft tongue against him drove the young man mad, and her lustful, seductive tone only made things worse.

“Mmm. You’re so hot, Kanji. I love you so much,” she moaned, before she continued going up his body. It didn’t take long for the two lovers to meet face to face, and Rise smiled into his eyes as he blushed. 

“Kanji-kun,” she cooed, suddenly looking away. Her cheeks glowed with a faint shade of scarlet as her eyes kept moving back and forth, looking at him, then away, then back at him. “I… I’ve never been with anyone before. Please, b-be gentle with me…”

His eyes widened. He knew that was shit. They had had sex… well, plenty of times. Enough times. He knew Rise knew how to please him, but of course, he also knew she loved roleplaying. That time he found her wearing that cowgirl outfit, speaking with an accent…

Kanji gulped and pushed that thought out of his head. He was already hard enough from Rise’s thighs rubbing against his penis. He didn’t need any help from his memories. 

“Please, I… I know you’ve been with other girls before, I just… teach me?” She brushed one of her bangs out of her eyes, and he could feel his breath being stolen away as she smiled at him. 

She might have been playing the role of a cute, younger lover, but her eyes were those of a woman. A woman who knew exactly what she wanted and how she would get it. “I want to be a good lover for you, Kanji-senpai…”

God, why did hearing her call him that make him go so crazy? He looked into her eyes

Kanji wasn’t sure which part of Rise was driving him crazier. Her sugary sweet voice, her cute, moe performance, or her sultry, seductive eyes that stared at him like a fresh piece of meat. 

“Senpai, please! F-f-” She flinched, as if the word was too obscene for her tongue. “Fuck… me?”

Fuck sleep. Kanji could sleep later. He wanted Rise now. He wrapped his arms up from the bed and wrapped them around her, holding her body against his and pulled her into a kiss. Rise squeaked in surprise as their lips connected, and she moaned again as his tongue dragged itself along her lips. She opened her mouth and their tongues wrestled as the two rubbed against one another.

Kanji’s hands roamed over her body, with one moving down to grope and squeeze Rise’s butt as the other went to her hair, gently stroking and caressing the copper-colored thread. Meanwhile Rise was giving as good as she got, licking his tongue with hers as her hands pressed against both sides of his face. 

Rise moaned as she allowed Kanji’s tongue into her mouth, quietly sucking on it as his hand moved from her hair to her chest. He groped her, pressing down on her bosom as she shuddered. His throbbing erection pushed against her thigh, rubbing against the gown and against her moist, wanting pussy. 

“Ahh, my first kiss!” she moaned after breaking said kiss. A thread of saliva connected their mouths and Rise licked it up, before moving her head down to kiss and lick her boyfriend’s neck. Kanji lifted his head to give her as much access as she could have, and he groaned as he felt her soft lips sucking on his skin, leaving a hickey and lipstick on him. 

“You took my first kiss, Senpai… Ah, you’re so cruel to tease me with kisses, though. You’re so, mmm, soft, and ahh, so strong, and I-ahh, I love your musk, and your skin, and ahh! Everything…”

Rise couldn’t stop herself from moaning as Kanji’s hands went to work. He was, after all, a tailor and seamster. His hands knew how to move with precise movement, and that worked well in bed with his girlfriend. His fingers found her nipples through the gown, and he squeezed her tits and pinched her nipples between his fingers, sending jolts of pleasure into Rise.

The idol had always had a weakness for Kanji’s hands. Whether it was him petting her or him holding her or him mauling her breasts, everything about her boyfriend’s hands just drove her wild. She loved how they felt against her skin.

They rubbed against one another, their bodies grinding as Kanji decided that Rise’s clothes were getting in the way of things. He considered just ripping her gown off, she certainly liked it the first time he did that, but he shook his head, deciding that a gentler approach might be better for tonight. She he pushed Rise away, and as the idol blinked in confusion, he rolled over, gasping as she came along for the ride. 

Now she was on her back and Kanji was over her, his bigger body looming over her as her heart skipped a beat. He stroked her cheek and smiled down at her, and for a moment Rise felt the world melt away. There was only her and him, and her racing heart.

Kanji may not have met society’s classical view on beauty, but she didn’t care. To her, he would always be her knight in shining armor. 

“I love you, Senpai,” and she grinned as Kanji blushed. 

He kissed her lips, before he moved down to lick and gently nuzzle her neck. As he did, his fingers slowly began to peel the clothes off of her slender, flawless body. She offered no defenses, other than gently pulling at his own robes.

Kanji didn’t let her get him naked just yet. She was the first to lose her clothes. Kanji unwrapped her like a child’s first present, almost awestruck as he pulled her clothes off with careful grace. Soon Rise’s gown was off her body, and her face turned a deep shade of red. She made no effort to cover herself as Kanji folded up her clothes and placed them by the bed. 

Rise stuttered as she placed her hands jsut under her tits. “Gah! D-don’t look at me, Senpai… Unless you want to, I mean…” Her sweet as sugar voice drove Kanji, and he started tearing at his own clothes as she writhed under him.

As his yukata came off, Rise began to drag her hands over his body. She swept her hands over his chest, feeling his body. His yukata came off quickly and he threw it aside as all he wore was his boxers.

She moaned as she felt his hard, warm erection rub against her body through the thin fabric of his boxers. She could feel it pressing against her, making her body shake as he kissed her neck. Their lips met again, tongues tasting one another as Rise caught her boyfriend’s hands and dragged them up her legs, letting him just enjoy her body. 

Rise led Kanji’s hands up her legs, before reaching her smooth, fit stomach. She giggled as his fingers tickled her sides, before his hands reached her breasts. She released him, letting him explore her tits at his own pace. Her hands stroked his body, feeling him as their hearts pounded at the same time.

The two lovers felt each other, caressing and stroking the others’ body. They explored the other as their lips met in kiss after kiss. Every moment they seperated was followed by another liplock, as Rise’s hands slowly slid down his stomach and reached the rim of her underwear. 

She hooked her thumbs into the boxers and pulled down, pulling the clothes off to release his throbbing hard cock. It rubbed against her body, dripping precum onto her as she gasped. 

“Senpai… I-it's huge,” she cooed, earning a quiet chuckle from the boy. “W-will it fitr in me?”

“Don’t worry about that, beautiful,” he replied, kissing her forehead. 

The two kissed and held one another, but eventually the foreplay was becoming too much for the blond. He let out a growl, sounding almost like an animal. The sound made Rise shudder as he began to speak. 

“E-enough playing, Rise. Let’s finish this…!” His words sat on the border of begging and demanding, before eventually tipping into the latter. “P-please. I need this!” 

Rise giggled, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend’s neck and embracing him so that his face was squeezed into her breasts. He moaned against the soft flesh, playing with her nipples and breasts as she smirked. 

In an instant, her ‘young, innocent lover’s’ act was ended, and in her place was the vixen hungry for her boyfriend’s lover. She licked her lips as her eyes gleamed, and she rolled the two over again. 

Now Rise was on top of her boyfriend, and despite the size difference, Kanji was too happy to let the woman take the reins. She lifted herself up with her hands and moved her hips, and Kanji moaned loudly as she ground against him, humping him, but refusing to actually let his cock enter her pussy. Her heaving, large breasts rubbed against his chest, nipples dragging along his skin as his cock rubbed against the entrance of her pussy and her inner thighs. 

She teased her boyfriend for a few more moments, watching him moan, writhe, and gasp, before she finally brought them to the next level. She sat up and brought her hips down, letting the thick cock slide into her pussy. She bit her lower lip, squeezed her eyes shut, and trembled as the dick filled her moist womanhood.

Rise bounced on top of her boyfriend, letting their bodies clap together as she placed her hands on her head. She moved her fingers through her hair, shaking her hips side to side as Kanji’s member stretched her apart. They had fucked dozens of times before, and it all felt so natural now to have Kanji’s cock in her, filling her. 

“Ah! Kanji, I-ahh! I love your cock… I love you! You’re so perfect, and-ahh! Strong! I-I love you! I love you! I love you!” She fell forward, her hands landing on his chest as she rubbed and lovingly stroked his naked skin. 

Kanji didn’t just lay down and enjoy the show. He stroked Rise’s thighs, digging his fingers into her soft flesh, before gently massaging her body. He didn’t want to hurt her, yet the way her pussy was squeezed around his erection was driving him crazy. 

He felt her hands lead his again, moving them to his chest, and once again he played with her tits. He groped and squeezed her tits, rolling her nipples under her fingers as she held his hands against her bosom. 

“God, I love your hands! They’re so fucking good,” the idol gasped. “P-please, never stop fucking me! I love you, I need you, ah!”

“I-ahh! I love you too, Rise!” he grunted, moving one of his hands down to spank and squeeze her bubble butt. 

Rise could feel his dick pressing against her G-spot, and she made sure it make contact again and again. Her hands released Kanji’s, going through her hair once more so he could see her entire body. She wanted him to see how his love and affection affected her. 

Both of them felt their orgasm coming, and they opened their eyes to stare at one another. Rise stroked her boyfriend’s chest, smiling at him as he returned the gesture. He sat up, wrapping his arms around her to hold their bodies together. Rise took his entire shaft inside of her, biting her lower lip as she hit her climax. 

Her pussy wrapped tightly around his cock, squeezing it, milking it as she gave her boyfriend a clumsy kiss. He kissed back, moaning as cum filled her waiting pussy, coating the walls of her womanhood with his seed once more. 

Their bodies trembled, before the two fell back onto the bed. Rise laid on him, panting, unable to move her body for the first few seconds. Kanji wasn’t much better. 

Eventually Rise rolled off of her boyfriend, but she did not pull away. She wrapped her arms around him, kissing his shoulder and neck as she sighed. She had a content smile on her face as she commented, “You know, there are probably a thousand fans of mine who would kill to fuck Risette… You’re pretty lucky.” She kissed his red cheek as Kanji chuckled.

“Yeah, maybe… Course, I think I’m really lucky cause I get to fuck Rise Kujikawa.” That comment made her pause, and Kanji wrapped an arm around her as he grinned. “Beautiful, quirky, silly, supportive.”

Rise blinked, a blush spreading to her own cheeks. “The way you always cook such spicy food for yourself, but tone it down for everyone else. Plus how you taught the gang how to play instruments and be in a band… or hell, how you always try to give real answers to fans who send you messages, not just the same BS response. I mean, there’s a lot to love about Rise Kujikawa.” 

“The way you get mad, the fire in you when you when really bad folks get away with stuff, the passion in you when you try and catch them, that cute snort you do when you lau-mmph.”

Rise silenced Kanji with a kiss. Part of her fear he’d go on forever. Part of her wanted to. But all of her remembered how lucky she was to have a man like him in her life, to love and to treasure. After the two made out for a few more minutes, they broke the kiss and cuddled against one another, drifting off to sleep and dreams of one another. 


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