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The Merchant of New Borealis Ch. 3 (Original)

  • Grab some supplies and go investigate the screams! Save them if you can! 6
  • Lay your head back down. Listen to Yuya's advice and just try to ignore it. 4
  • 2019-08-16
  • —2019-08-18
  • 10 votes
{'title': 'The Merchant of New Borealis Ch. 3 (Original)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Grab some supplies and go investigate the screams! Save them if you can!', 'votes': 6}, {'text': "Lay your head back down. Listen to Yuya's advice and just try to ignore it. ", 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 18, 18, 0, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 16, 18, 38, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


 $1 - $5 = 1 vote, $9 to $15 = 2 votes. Anything above $15 = 3 votes

Summary: Yuya the Succubus joins your party, and you enter the forest together! No Smut, Comedy


You sigh. You don’t have many options for protection. You got lucky against this Succubus, but if something else comes, something worse, well, you’re going to need help to protect yourself. 

Especially considering you’re going through that forest filled with more Demis.

“Alright. Fine. You can come with me,” you reply, and the Succubus grins as she claps her hands together. 

“Yes! Alright! You won’t regret this, pervy! I promise.”

“Please don’t call me that,” you sigh, though that does make you think. “So, what do I call you?”


“Your name.”

“Oh. I’m Yu-” For a moment, her eyes glance away. Her lips part, but she doesn’t say anything for just long enough for you to notice. It couldn’t have been longer than a half second before she stutters out, “Yuya. I’m Yuya the Succubus! What’s your name, perv?”

Okay, there might be a red flag there. Still, you tell her your name, your eyes watching her as she smiles at you. You hope you can trust this thing, but who knows? First chance she gets, she might eat you…

“Alright, human, shall we get going? You’re not getting younger!” she chuckled at what she thought was an amusing joke, and you roll your eyes. 

You turn to the forest, staring at the dark trees and listening to the quiet chirping of the animal life. “You sure you can protect me…?”

“Sure I’m sure!” She grins at you, and you see her sharp teeth glistening in the light. 

You gulp, before sighing and marching forward. “Alright. Let’s get going.” You don’t hear her following you, but when you glance behind, you see her floating just behind you. What really catches her attention is where her eyes are.

They’re staring at your hand.

Memories of your little ‘moment’ with Yuyar makes you wonder just what her obsession is with hand holding. You hold out your hand to her, raising a brow. She does seem to want pleasure as a reward, though you wonder if your body can take rewarding her…

“Do… you want to hold hands or something?” 

Her eyes widen, and she almost darts back as her cheeks turn a dark shade of purple. “W-what?! Hold hands?! What?! H-ha! W-what kind of pervert would want to hold hands?! That’s just ridiculous! P-pervert!”

“Fine, whatever.” You roll your eyes, only for her to suddenly fly in front of you again. 

“I-I didn’t say no!” You watch her glance at your hand again with her bright, amber eyes, before she reaches down and catches your hand with hers. “T-this’ll make it so you don’t get separated from me.”

“Uh huh…” You start walking, and she follows like a balloon would follow a child. She’s certainly quieter now.  You enter the forest together, walking down the dirt path as silence overtakes you. 

At least until you hear the Yuya’s soft moans and gasps. You turn to look at her, finding her masterbating in the air, jamming her middle finger into her pussy as she follows you. 

“Clean-minded human…”


Needless to say, you stopped holding hands for a bit after that. You two just keep walking, moving through the forest. Sometimes you hear the occasional hiss or growl, even a howl now and again, but Yuya smiles at you and tells you not to worry. 

Whether or not you stop, you stay quiet, marching down the path.

The fact that Yuya isn’t walking behind you is actually starting to make things even creepier. You can’t hear the sound of footsteps behind you. Makes you feel all alone…

You’re about to speak up, just to make conversation, when you suddenly freeze.

“H-help! Please, someone! Help!” Your head whips around, trying to find the source of the cries, only for Yuya to grab your shoulder. 

“Ignore it.”

“What?!” You look at her, and you’re surprised to find her frowning face.

“Ignore it. There are lots of monsters that can sound like that. Plenty smart to lure in unsuspecting victims.”

“But-” You look down. They sound scared.

“Trust me. You’ll be happier ignoring it.” She ruffles your hair, like you’re a child, before she grins. “Let’s keep walking. They’ll stop when they realize no one is coming.”

She floats ahead of you, and you stare into the dark forest. There are so many trees and shadows around you, it’s impossible to see almost anything. All you can see is the trees, and the path you’re on. 

You don’t hear anymore yelling. It stops, and you couldn’t figure out where it was coming from even if you tried. 

You sigh, and follow Yuya.  


Eventually the two of you agree to stop and set up camp. Your feet are aching, and Yuya complains about her wings stinging…

Though you don’t actually see those wings move when she flies. Huh. Weird. 

You place your bag on the ground and Yuya watches you as you reach into your bag, taking out a rolled up sleeping bag.

“Wait, what the hell?! How the heck did that fit?!”

“Bag of Holding,” you explain. “It can fit whatever I want inside it and weighs the same no matter what.”

“Whoa…” Yuya blinked, before floating over, reaching her hand into the bag. You watch her, careful of her stealing something of yours, before she takes out a banana. She grins, moaning with joy as she looks at you. “Can I have this? I love bananas!”

“Uh, sure.” You nod your head as she beams, peeling the banana. It’s while you’re taking out another sleeping bag when you hear her moans. You groan, wondering just what she’s doing now, before you look at Yuya.

She peeled the banana’s skin off, and now she’s practically jamming the thing into her mouth. Back and forth, letting the tip press against the inside of her cheek. She moans, thrusting it along her lips as you hear her tongue smack against it inside her mouth. She pushes nearly the entire thing down her throat, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes as you wonder if she’s trying to choke herself. 

“H-hey! Do you have to eat it like that?” She glances at you, before taking the banana out of her mouth. The fruit is ripped in half, and what’s left is all melted and gooey from her saliva. 

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Can’t you just… you know… bite it?” She blinks, staring at you. You mimic what you mean, biting an invisible banana as she blinks again. 

Yuya does what she’s told, biting what’s left of the banana and chewing. She moans again, quieter this time. “Delicious!” She quickly finishes the rest as you sigh, shaking your head. 

Let’s hope when the chips are down, she really can protect you…

Eventually, you and Yuya go to sleep, sleeping on the rolled up beds you brought. You rest for about ten minutes before you are woken up by the sound of someone sawing wood. 

Oh, no. That’s just Yuya’s snoring. Her loud, obnoxious snoring. You glare at her, watching her drool spill onto her pillow… which is really yours, that you lent to her. She snores again, sucking in air as one of her hands brushes against her breasts. She moans, biting her lower lip as she slurps up her own saliva.

Wow. When you first met her, she seemed like this intimidating, scary monster. Now that you’ve actually spent time with her, well… What do you think of her? Is she a little dumb? A little annoying? Maybe even cute and endearing? 

You consider just suffocating yourself with your pillow until you black out, when suddenly something catches your ear. 

“H-help! Someone, please help!” Another cry for help. It’s different than the first. A hell of a lot closer.

Your mother and father always wanted you to be a good person, so they taught and instilled morals into you at a young age. You have to fight the instinctive desire to help whoever is screaming. Yuya’s warning rings through your head…

What do you do?

“Help! Please, someone help me!” 

Lay your head back down and follow Yuya’s advice? Try to go to sleep and just… ignore-


That. It could be a monster! Something bigger, and worse than Yuya! It could rip you apart, or eat you, or rip you apart and then eat you. 

Or it could be a young woman in genuine need of help, in which case, if you don’t help her, she could die, or worse… 

You glance at your Bag of Holding. You have some weapons in there to protect yourself, plus a lantern to shine your way in the dark. You could try and save them, or lead them to safety… 

You glance at Yuya. You consider waking her up to get her help, but chances are she won’t. She’ll probably just tell you to go back to sleep and to ignore the screams like she did earlier. She snores so loudly you almost don’t hear the scream when they happen at the same time. 

Well, what are you going to do? Will you try and save that screaming woman, or will you lay back down and try to ignore it…?

“Please…! S-someone help me…” 


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