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Summary:  You know how Harem stories always have Cardin or Jaune becoming some pimp daddy over lots of girls? Well, what if the two teamed up and shared the women of RWBY? First up, Ruby and Yang. Includes: Almost parody, comedy, Harem, mind control


Summer had come to Vale, and a long break had begun for the students of Beacon. To celebrate the beginning of their vacation, Yang invited her friends to Junior’s Club to party. 

For Jaune Arc, it was much more than a chance to party. It was a chance to discover just what his Semblance could do. After Pyrrha had unlocked his Aura, the young man had spent the better part of the semester trying to find out just what he could do. 

Shoot fire out of his eyes? Fly? Stretching? No, none of those. Something else entirely, actually. Jaune had the power to charm others. At least, that’s what he thought it was.

It started off pretty easy. He had forgotten to do his homework for Port’s class, and he begged for the teacher to give him another day. To Jaune’s shock, Port told Jaune to just not do the assignment at all. 

That had been peculiar, but Jaune just brushed it off to Port being nice. What happened a week later was what made Jaune think he had discovered his Semblance. 

Professor Goodwitch had been chewing him out for not keeping up with his studies. It was clear he was the worst fighter in her class, and she made that fact known as she scolded him. Jaune, without thinking, told her to shut up, and it worked. 

She fell silent, and stared at him. And kept staring, as if waiting for another command. She didn’t say anything, even as he called out to her and waved his hand in front of her face. He asked her if she was okay, and she nodded her head, and when he asked her why she wasn’t talking, she answered that he told her not to.

After that, Jaune told Glynda to go back to her office and forget this ever happened, and she did, leaving him alone and confused. 

Jaune knew something was up, but it was the third incident that made him realize his gift. 

It was during breakfast with his team, and he was so hungry… He asked Nora for some of her pancakes and she actually gave him the rest of her meal. That was when Jaune discovered just what his Semblance was.

He could charm the daylights out of people, or in this particular case, charm a woman into bed with him. 

Jaune knew it was wrong, but he was also a horny young man who wanted to lose his V-card, so morality only held him back for so long. Especially after stumbling on Ruby in the shower.

He hadn’t meant to! But he was tired, and the girls’ showers were so much cleaner than the mens’ and he didn’t think anyone was there, but Ruby had been training late that night, and… well…

Ruby was a very pretty young woman. Very beautiful, and very Jaune’s type, unfortunately. Cute, quirky, and with a smile that could charm a Beowolf, well Jaune didn’t think it’d be too bad if he used his powers to seduce Ruby, just for one night.

Just one night. They’d kiss, they’d dance, they’d… do other stuff, and then he’d tell her to forget and she would. The night would be little more than a dream to her, but for him, it’d be a cherished memory he’d take to his grave…

Now, all he had to do was find her.


Ruby whined as she pulled on her bra through the dress. She couldn’t believe Yang convinced her on this outfit. It was too tight, forcing her already curvy figure into an outright hourglass shape. It also showed off way more of her body that she was comfortable with. Ruby’s cleavage exposed for anyone to see, and the left side of the crimson dress had a slit to show off one of her long, slender legs. 

And the makeup Yang helped her put on… Ugh. Some blush, some mascara, but most eye-catching of all was the crimson lipstick she wore. 

Ruby had caught several older guys looking at her, and the knowledge that so many men found her attractive made her blush. She was far from the little girl she had been in her youth, and everyone seemed to have notice that…

The young woman let out a sigh, before washing her hands and walking out of the bathroom. She couldn’t hide there forever. She made her way back to the dance floor, only to stop as she found a familiar face walking towards her.

“Oh. Hey, Cardin,” Ruby greeted, trying her best to act polite. Cardin was a jerk and a bully during the start of the school year, but now he was more of an annoying loser than anything else. He’d glare at people and sneer, maybe drop the occasional rude remark, but nothing more. 

Ruby certainly didn’t like him, but if he could pretend to be nice, so could she.

“Heh. Damn, Ruby. Never realize how well you’ve been growing. Looking good.”

Well. So much for pretending to be nice. Ruby rolled her eyes and tried to walk past the older man, but he moved into her way again. She raised her brow, as he stared into her eyes, grinning. 

For a moment, Ruby felt nothing more than revulsion for the way he was staring at her, but there was something in those eyes that made her pause. A spark, as bright and fast as lightning. She blinked, before shaking her head and trying to walk past him again.


“No.” His hand grabbed her shoulder, and suddenly Ruby was slammed into a nearby wall. The sudden collision didn’t hurt, but Ruby found herself frozen as the much larger man pressed against her.

His chest was against her, squeezing her breasts as she felt something hard rub against her leg. Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened to yell at him… yet nothing came out.

“Big, isn’t it?” Cardin whispered. “Have you ever seen a man’s cock?” he inquired, his breath tickling her ear. Ruby shook her head as she felt Cardin’s… cock rub against her inner thigh again. 

It was big. Thick. Hard. Warm. Burning hot with a need for release… or was that her? She wasn’t sure. 

Ruby shook her head, trying to fight through the fog that was overtaking her mind. What was happening to her? She could barely think straight. Everytime she tried pushing Cardin away, her eyes would be drawn back to his and she’d see that flash again and… and suddenly she wasn’t sure why she wanted to leave in the first place.

“You know, Ruby, you’ve been catching my eye recently.”

“I… I have?” Her cheeks turned red, matching her bangs as she swallowed spit down her throat. 

“Yeah. You’re turning into quite the sexy slut.”

“R-really?” She should have been angry. He was talking down to her. Insulting her. She should have been mad, but all Ruby could muster was a quiet stutter. Cardin pressed against her again, grinding her throbbing cock against her body, the thin material of their clothes keeping their bodies apart…

That thin fabric was all that laid between Ruby and Cardin’s big, hard dick. His hand caught her chin, lifting her up so that their lips were only inches apart. He smirked, his eyes flashing again as Ruby trembled. 

He leaned down, but just before his lips touched hers, something happened. 

A fist connected with Cardin’s face, and the bully was knocked to the ground. He hit the ground, hard, and Jaune stood before Ruby, panting as his eyes burned with rage and jealousy. 

“Jaune…?” she whispered, and he turned to meet her eyes. Ruby felt her legs give out when she saw into those beautiful blue eyes. She fell forward, landing in his strong arms as she breathed in his aroma. 

“You okay, Ruby?” 

“Ah! What the hell?!” Cardin growled, glaring at Jaune. He stood up, holding his cheek as he fumed.

“What the hell were you doing with Ruby?”

“Foreplay, ya dick!”

The two soon began to yell at each other, but honestly, Ruby couldn’t bother listening to their shouting. She was too distracted by Jaune’s wonderful scent and his strong arms and his handsome features. She wrapped her arms around his body, nuzzling her face against his chest as he called Cardin various naughty words.

Jaune was so good to her. Saving her from Cardin. A regular hero, straight from her childhood fantasies. And so handsome too. So strong…

Ruby bit her lower lip, shaking as her pussy quivered. She could feel her panties getting wet the longer she breathed in Jaune’s scent. Her lips pressed against his neck, gently kissing the soft flesh, before licking a line down to his collar bones.

Jaune liked her, didn’t he? Ruby had caught his eyes staring at her before this night ever came. She had caught him staring at her swaying hips and her growing, jiggling breasts… A dream long buried played in her mind like a movie.

He had caught her showering, opening the curtain to find her naked, soaking body on full display. He would ogle her, before pressing her against the wall like how Cardin had, and his hard cock was push into Ruby’s soaking wet pussy, a-and...

Jaune stopped yelling at Cardin, turning to look at Ruby as she rubbed against him. She licked his skin, pulling gently on his shirt as he blushed. 

“Uh… R-Ruby? What are you doing?” 

“Whoa.” Cardin and Jaune watched as Ruby ran on her most basic of desires. She slowly fell down to her knees, and she unbuckled the blonde’s pants with a giggle. “Whoa!”


“Jaune… I want your cock. Please, please fuck me!” she moaned, pulling Jaune’s pants to the ground. His boxers came with them, and the blonde’s semi-hard cock sprang to life as Cardin held up his hand.

“Ah, hold crap, Jauney-boy. Ever hear about manscaping?”

“W-whatever it is you’re doing, Cardin, stop it! Let Ruby go!”

“I’m not doing a damn thing to her! Why would I make her go crazy on your dick, I was trying to make her go crazy on my dick!”

“What?!” Both boys turned their heads down the hall as Ruby carressed and stroked Jaune’s dick. As Ruby taught herself how to give a handjob, Cardin and Jaune saw Yang standing at the end of the hall, glaring at them with glowing, red eyes.

“What are you doing with my sister?!” 

“Son of a bitch,” Jaune and Cardin whimpered as Yang let out a terrifying roar. 

She charged at them, and Jaune tried running away, only to find Ruby pulling him back by his dick. She giggled, stroking his shaft with her fingers, and despite the pants-shitting fear he felt, his dick was growing harder and bigger.  

Cardin ran on his fighting instincts, and without any plan or common sense, threw himself at Yang. He was actually able to grab her, slamming her into the wall like he had with Ruby. As soon as he did, he turned on his Semblance and prayed for mercy.

For a moment, Yang’s scarlet eyes returned to their lilac color, and she blinked as she felt Cardin’s cock press against her leg. And his eyes… They glowed as he stared into her eyes, pulsing with a captivating light. 

Her new sense of serenity lasted for all of a moment as her eyes flashed red again, and she shoved Cardin away.

Cardin stepped back, but before Yang could kill him, Jaune ran over, sliding in between the two. As he did, Ruby pouted, left where she was kneeling, whining for Jaune’s dick to come back.

“Y-Yang, wait! We can explain! A-actually, we can’t explain, we have no idea what’s happening either!”

“Jaune! Come back! I want your cock!”

“I swear, I don’t know why she’s saying that!” 

Yang just snarled, resembling an Ursa more than a human. Her very hair seemed to burn, until she came to a stop. Jaune’s eyes were… pretty, she realized. They crackled like lightning, and the more she stared into them, the more she imagined Cardin’s eyes, and the more she imagined his eyes, the more a fog swept over her mind…

Cardin saw Yang’s eyes turn into their natural color, and thinking quickly, he ordered the buxom blond. “Hey, Xiao Long, how about you join your sister and get on your knees? My cock needs sucking.”

Jaune was ready to scream and punch Cardin again, but he was silenced as Yang actually obeyed the command. She sank down to her knees, crawling on all fours around Jaune, as Cardin undid his belt and dropped his pants.

“Holy shit, it worked!”

“What worked?! Hey, what did you do to Ya-aah!?” Jaune jumped as Ruby’s lips suddenly wrapped around his cock, gently squeezing it as she sucked on the tip. “Oh fuck,” he groaned, shaking as the warmth of her mouth sent shivers up his body. 

The two men soon found themselves back to back, prey to the two beautiful women. Ruby and Yang’s minds were consumed by a fog of lust. Ruby was pushed by love, the feelings she had long buried for Jaune, the desire she had whenever her mind thought of him. 

Jaune was a perfect gentleman, a kind and amazing soul. She wanted him. She needed him. She made those feelings known as she sucked on his cock, staring at him with bright, silver eyes as her hand gently stroked his balls, and her lips dragged along the sides of his cock.

Pink hearts danced in Ruby’s eyes as grabbed Jaune’s waist, bobbing her head up and down faster, pressing her nose against his pubic hairs as she loudly slurped and choked on his dick.

“Oh, fuck, Ruby, that’s amazing…” Ruby would have thanked him, but that would mean getting off his dick, and she just wasn’t ready for that. 

Yang went through something similar, though also quite different. There was no love between her and Cardin, but there was lust. As much as she hated to admit it, Cardin definitely had a body to be proud of. A strong manly man, bursting with power. Totally her type, if she was forced to admit.

And his personality. An arrogant asshole, a jackass bully. Someone who barely played by the rules, who didn’t give a shit about right and wrong, only his own personal definition of it. A bad boy who daddy would have told her to stay away from. Cardin disgusted her...

Fuck, just thinking about how much of a dick Cardin was made her pussy tremble. Her heart raced as she sucked on his cock, finding the sheer size a pain to wrap her jaw around. She didn’t give a shit though. Pain was something she had gotten used to. Her Semblance needed it, after all. 

That was a nice way of saying Yang was a masochistic slut who loved being hurt. A blond bimbo who wanted to give herself to the biggest stud in Beacon and suck his cock on his command. It was wrong, it was so fucking wrong, but that’s what Yang loved about it.

She was a woman with desires and fetishes she hid behind a mask of confidence. She flirted and played hard to get because she liked it, and now she was sucking Cardin’s cock, bouncing her head back and forth, even letting him pull on her hair, because she loved it. 

Pink hearts danced in her eyes as her tongue slipped under the dick, sliding along the bottom of it as her drool spilled out from her mouth. It got on her tits, which bounced and jiggled under Cardin’s smiling gaze.

“R-Ruby, w-we should sto-oh god, how are you so good at this…?” 

Ruby finally freed his cock, gently poking it with her nose as she admired the way it glistened in the light. It was covered in her saliva. “I watch a lot of porn.” She then got up, and turned around, pulling her pants to her feet as placed her hands on the wall and pushed her ass out towards him. “Fuck me?”

“W-wait, what?!”

“Fuck, she said fuck her, Jaune! It isn’t that hard!” Cardin replied, face fucking Ruby’s sister beside him. He tugged on her hair, even accidentally pulling a couple of strands out. Yang didn’t notice or care, too busy bouncing her scarlet face on his dick. “Hey, slut, I want to feel those tits around my cock.”

Yang pulled her head off of his shaft and nodded, pulling on her dress and letting her tits spring forth. She wrapped them around his shaft, squeezing them around the spit-covered rod as she smiled. “Y-yes, sir.” 

She jerked her body up and down, sliding her tits along the sides of his cock as Ruby whined. “Jaaaune! Fuck me, please? I want your cock! I need it!” She turned her head to stare at him, and her bright silver eyes seemed to glow. “I need you, Master…”

Okay, fuck morals for one quick second, Jaune couldn’t pass this up. He grabbed Ruby by her hips and slammed his dick into her pussy. She screamed in pleasure, having long lost her hymen to working out. This left her cunt perfect for Jaune’s penis, and she moaned in pleasure as he moved his dick back and forth.

His cock rubbed against the tight walls of her pussy, her saliva mixing with her own juices to give Jaune easier access. Soon his entire cock was pounding Ruby’s insides, and his balls were slapping against her body as mewled.

“Jaune… I-I love you,” Ruby confessed. “I-I love you! P-please, make me yours!” 

“Ruby, I-I love you too!” Their bodies reacted to their confessions, Jaune’s cock pulsing inside of her as Ruby’s womanhood tightened around his dick. 

They went over the edge together, cumming at the same moment. The blonde man’s sperm shot forth from his dick, filling Ruby’s pussy. He coated the walls with his sperm, and when he bucked his hips forward, he filled her cunt with more of his seed. Ruby reacted accordingly, screaming his name as her tongue hung out of her mouth and her silver eyes nearly vanished into her skull.

“Aww, that’s cute,” Yang commented.

“You know, after my parents divorced, I was scared it didn’t exist, but I guess true love is real, huh?”

Yang nodded her head, her chin brushing against his dick, when suddenly the taller man groaned. Sperm shot out of his dick, splattering against the blond’s face. She gasped, opening her mouth and getting some of it onto her tongue. Even more jets seemed to hit her bangs, getting into her hair as Cardin moaned. 

The last few streams of his seed fell onto Yang’s breasts, and he stepped back as Yang panted, looking at herself. Her dress was ruffled, ruined by her sweaty body and Cardin’s cum. Her bangs, coated in seed, clung to her forehead as the same white substance pooled in her mouth. She swallowed it, even slurping up a strand that had nearly fallen out, before looking at Cardin.

“Ready for round two, Master?” she teased.

“Round two, round two!” Ruby cheered. 

“W-wait, s-shouldn’t we try to figure out what’s happening? I-I mean-”

“Jaune!” Ruby whined. “Shut up and fuck my brains out… Please?” she pouted, giving him a surprisingly innocent look, her large, silver eyes glistening with desire.

“I-I... o-okay, one more, but after that we’re figuring out what’s happening!”

Gods help the club’s custodians once they discovered the puddles of cum the four would leave behind. And gods help the ladies of Remnant, once Cardin and Jaune realized the power they had together. 

This was gonna be the best summer ever.


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