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Summary: Yosuke and Chie spend  the night at the Amagi Inn. The passion soon rises, and the two begin to celebrate their years long relationship. Includes: Smut and romance. 


The dinner yesterday was utter insanity. Intelligent, competent, young adults reduced to insane drunks, and those left struggled to keep the peace. Yosuke was one of those left, and he would shudder just thinking of that dinner. He still had nightmares of Chie and Yukiko trying to start a King’s Game...

Thankfully this night was much, much calmer. Nobody got drunk, no King’s Game, no insanity, just a simple dinner with friends. Yosuke thanked his lucky stars for the calm night, which seemed ready to end with him and his girlfriend on their futons, idly chatting as they laid in their room together.

Yosuke found himself smiling as he talked movies with his girlfriend of the last several years. He and Chie argued and bickered in even the best of times, but honestly? The young man loved her. He loved her with every bit of his heart and soul, and he’d scream to the heavens if she asked him to.

He was really, really glad she never asked, though.

Chie was a brave, courageous, badass young lady. She was easily the toughest cop in town, and could probably single-handedly take care of any crook dumb enough to mess with the citizens of Inaba. And behind her rough exterior? A cute, quirky, fun-loving woman that brightened up every day of Yosuke’s life.

These were all reasons Yosuke loved Chie. Her heart, her soul, her mind… He reminded himself of this fact, as his eyes wandered and he thought about the other reason he liked Chie.

Chie was… really, really attractive. Really cute, and even freakin’ hot when she wanted to be. Yosuke wouldn’t lie, he had checked out his girlfriend plenty of times over the last few years, watching her change from his cute, teenage girlfriend to his beautiful, and sexy police woman. 

Fantasies of her arresting him passed by his mind yet again as he glanced at her chest. While he was warning a yukata on loan from the Amagi Inn, she was wearing an old outfit Yukiko and her had found in the former’s closet. The ensemble was from a sleepover years ago, but Chie could still put them on, thankfully. The simple, white shirt and dark shorts would have been fine… if Chie was four or five years younger. 

For the modern day Chie, the clothes were just barely acceptable. The white shirt clung to her body, squeezing her breasts against her chest, making them look bigger and practically drawing his eyes to them. Her boobs were barely held back by the cloth, and call Yosuke a pervert if you want, but he could tell just from looking that his girlfriend wasn’t wearing her bra. 

And those shorts… Her short shorts squeezed tightly against Chie’s ass, pockets hanging out of the sides. They accented her fat butt and her wide, almost motherly hips, making her look even sexier. 

The young man used to think Yukiko was pretty attractive, or that Risette was the hottest person in the world, and while he would never call his two friends ugly, well… It was just a fact that no one made Yosuke feel the way he did around Chie. 

The way she bounced on him, the way she wrapped her legs around him, or, damn, just the way she smiled at him after they made love… Just about everything about her was perfect.

“Man, it’s been a crazy couple of nights, huh?” Chie asked, finally breaking Yosuke out of his fantasies.

“Huh? O-oh, yeah.” He nodded his head. “Yeah. Plus staying at the Inn again...  It’s pretty nostalgic, huh?” 

Chie nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah. Still, wish we had brought some luggage. Some spare clothes or something,” she muttered as Yosuke glanced at her chest again.

“I don’t mind,” he quietly commented. 

Chie didn’t respond, merely humming to herself as she lounged on her futon. Her hands rested behind her head as she laid on her back, one leg bent at the knee, the other stretched down her bed. 

Yosuke tried not to look for all of two seconds, before he began to ogle his girlfriend. For the third time that day, the young man remembered just how lucky he was to have a woman like Chie in his life.

As tough as she was pretty, Chie had a body that many women would have died for. She wasn’t the roundest or most buxom girl he knew, but she more than made up for it was a smooth, slim body that practically burned with beauty. 

Her breasts jiggled as she took a deep breath, shaking ever so slightly as she blew air out. Her butt rubbed against the bed, not even realizing Yosuke was drinking in every inch of her body. Her toned legs, her firm arms, everything about her was fined tuned to perfection thanks to her work out. 

Yosuke was smitten. Completely head over heels with her, and her alone, and he wasn’t sure what to do as he found it harder and harder not to stare at his girlfriend. For a moment, he thought he could calm himself down by imagining a different outfit on Chie. 

That didn’t really work, because the first outfit he thought of was a nurse outfit. His blush got worse as his perverted nature betrayed him.

“See something you like, Yosuke?” Chie inquired, not even glancing at him.

“H-how did you know I was looking?” 

“I didn’t, but you just told me. That’s called ‘tricking the suspect into admitting a major clue.’ Naoto taught me that move,” she grinned, turning to face him.

“Something tells me she didn’t call it that,” Yosuke replied.

“How would you know? You know, Naoto says I’m the best detective she’s ever seen,” Chie stated with a proud grin.

“Pretty sure I heard her tell Nanako the same thing. Guess that puts you on the same level,” Yosuke commented, earning a glare from his girlfriend. 

“Hmph. Well, I still bet Nanako and I could detect circles around you.”

“That’s not how that works.”

“How would you know how detective work works?”

“I’ve seen Naoto find a location from one clue. I’ve seen you get information by threatening to beat someone up. Naoto teach you that one?”

“H-hey! She said there was nothing wrong with following my own path!”

“Pretty sure that path shouldn’t involve a ‘knuckle sandwich’ for picking on younger kids. You’re lucky his parents were actually glad you scared him straight.”

“Hmph. Yeah, lucky. Like how lucky you were to get Rise to perform at Junes… after letting Teddie break the freezers?”

“Hey!” Now it was Yosuke’s turn to blush. “That was quick thinking on my part! I got it so that none of the ice cream went to waste! We sold a ton during the concert.”

“Yeah, but Kanji’s the one who came up with the idea. Kanji thought faster than you, Yosuke. Kanji!” 

And this went on and on, the two bickering for a few minutes as Yosuke slowly moved closer. Their fights had changed a lot since they were young. There was no malice in their words, no real anger. To Yosuke, this was foreplay, and he knew Chie felt the same way, even if she didn’t always say so. 

Chie didn’t even seem to notice Yosuke sitting on her bed, firing back his counterattack after she made fun of his hair. He wasn’t sure how the two got to that subject, but that was part of the fun. The two could talk and joke for hours, going smoothly from one topic to another.

But not this time. Yosuke was done talking. Chie opened her mouth to make another comment, only to squeak in shock as his hand slipped down her stomach and under her short-shorts and her panties. The young woman was blushing as his fingers rubbed her clit, massaging the warm, soft flesh.

“H-hey, what are you-ahh…?” Chie shuddered, biting her lower lip as Yosuke played her with ease. He knew exactly where and how to touch her, rubbing the tip of his middle finger against her clit as her smaller hands grabbed his arm.

Normally Chie could overpower her boyfriend, but not when his hands were pleasuring her. A single finger pushed into her pussy, fingering her as she bent forward.

“Y-Yosuke… q-quit it,” she muttered, closing her eyes as her lips formed an eager smile. Poor Chie couldn’t hide her excitement. She pulled on his arm, as if she wanted his fingers inside of her, not just rubbing her.

“Like that?” he asked, giving his girlfriend what she wanted.Now he was fingering her pussy with two of his digits. She moaned in response, her grip tightening around his arm.

“N-no fair,” she shuddered. Chie glared at her boyfriend, even as his fingers made her feel like melting. Not one to be so easily dominated, Chie quickly formed a plan of attack, smirking suddenly. Yosuke didn’t like the look in her eyes, but he could do nothing as she attacked. 

Chie reached forward, slipping her hand into Yosuke’s robe and going down. Now, normally Yosuke at least wore underwear in the robes but  this was just him and Chie. He didn’t think to, and now Chie’s fingers were wrapped around his erection.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Yosuke cursed his body, but how could he not have a boner? Chie was in his arms, moaning and writhing, all because of him and his fingers. It had gotten hard over the last few minutes, and now Chie knew it.


“You’re already hard? Seriously?” Chie wondered aloud, her voice a mix of amused and impressed.   

“C-can you blame me?” he replied, before glancing at a nearby wall.  His cheeks were a bright, bright shade of red. “You’re really pretty…” 

The officer blushed at the compliment, before she began to move her hand up and down. She said nothing, hoping she could hide her scarlet cheeks with a bouncing, quick hand. She wrapped her grip tightly around the shaft, listening to Yosuke barely hold back a moan.

“C-Chie,” he moaned, closing his eyes as his three fingers pushed into her.

“Y-Yosuke,” she replied. “F-fuck,” she cursed, thrusting her hips back and forth, trying to push the hazel-haired man’s fingers into her deeper, harder. Her breasts bounced on her chest, slapping against her skin as she sang.

“Ah!” Yosuke’s annoyance quickly left him. The young man struggled to control himself, to keep himself from cumming, but it was like trying to hold up a dam all by himself. Chie’s hands were so soft, yet firm,  unlike anything the brunette had ever felt.

The two glared at each other, before their battle began. Yosuke pushed his fingers in and out of his girlfriend’s body as her fingers wrapped tightly around his thick dick, squeezing it as her hand went up and down.

Their battle was the stuff of legends, but Yosuke soon came to an unfortunate realization. If they kept this up, he’d probably cum before Chie did. He couldn’t risk the first orgasm knocking him out. What kind of boyfriend left his girlfriend unpleasured after cumming? 

This called for a change in strategy. Suddenly Yosuke pulled his hand out from Chie’s shorts, confusing the young woman. She looked at him, her eyes wide, as if scared that she had made some kind of mistake. Even her hand’s grip loosened around his dick.

Yosuke smiled at his girlfriend, silently telling her that everything was fine. He stole a quick kiss from her lips, before he placed his hands on her body. He pushed his girlfriend down, laying her onto the bed as he climbed on top of her. Chie opened her mouth, clearly confused and shocked. 

“H-hey, what are you do-?” Chie never finished her sentence. Yosuke’s lips caught hers, and the young woman realized they were kissing each other. She gave up fighting in an instant, wrapping one arm around his neck to deepen the kiss. 

Their lips were merely pressed against each other, sometimes giving the other the occasional nibble, but it was Chie who made the next move. Her tongue slipped out from between her lips, licking Yosuke’s lips, begging to be let in. 

Yosuke chuckled to himself, resisting, teasing his girlfriend. She let out a whining moan, gently punching his stomach as she begged for him to respond. He placed a hand on her ass, squeezing it through her clothes as his crotch rubbed against hers. She could feel his member pressing against her body, and she shivered from the size of it.

No matter how many times he fucked her, she always felt his size was just… big.

Yosuke finally opened his mouth and welcomed her tongue into his mouth. Their tongues wrestled for the next few moments, smacking and wrestling with the other as their bodies grinded.

The kiss broke only so they could breathe. Chie struggled to catch her breath as Yosuke kissed her neck, gently biting and licking the soft skin as she moaned. 

“Yosuke,” she whined, trembling as he attacked her weakness. 

“Do you want me to stop?” he teased, and she pouted as gave her butt another squeeze. Her arms wrapped around him, pulling him against her neck as she blushed. Yosuke was more than happy to, continuing to kiss and suck on her neck, leaving marks on it.

After a few more seconds, the two switched positions, rolling on the futon. Chie was on top, and she rubbed Yosuke’s chest as she kissed his neck. The kisses melted the young man, and his legs trembled as he felt close to cumming from the pleasure. He held it back, though, just laying back and enjoying her soft lips against his skin.

“God, you feel good,” he moaned, and Chie’s warm face burned hotter as she kissed his cheek.


This was all the two did for a while. Sex was good, great even, but there was just a simple beauty about making out with the one you love above all others. Just the chance to kiss and press against your soulmate, to breathe in their aroma, to hold their body, to listen to their moaning, trembling voice…

Neither seemed ready to move on for the next few minutes, but eventually they both made a silent agreement to raise their game to the next level.

Now their clothes were beginning to come off. Chie was a dominating and controlling lover when she wanted to be. When she wanted Yosuke’s clothes off, they came off, and this case was no different.

“Try not to rip it like you did my shirt,” he muttered between kisses.

“It happened one time,” she growled back, before she practically ripped the yukata off of his shoulders. There was nothing to cover his chest now as her hands rubbed and stroked his soft skin, feeling his slender and athletic physique.

Chie would never say it out loud, but her boyfriend was pretty hot. 

Meanwhile, Yosuke was having similar thoughts. He pulled Chie’s shirt off of her, freeing her supple tits from their cloth prison. He stared at them, his throat dry as he let out a nervous laugh. God, he loved her boobs. 

Chie noticed his staring, and she found herself actually covering them as she blushed. “I don’t know why you’re freaking out… They’re just tits.”

“They so aren’t just tits,” he chuckled. “They’re yours.” 

The young woman cursed her blushing face, wondering when her boyfriend got so smooth as he gently pried her hands off her breasts. He moved his head down to kiss and gently suck on one of her nipples, before kissing his way back up to her lips.

As Chie and Yosuke kissed once more, his hand groped and kneaded her chest. One hand for each breast, and he played with them roughly, squeezing and pushing them like dough as Chie moaned. She loved every second of his rough touch, grinding against his leg as she begged for more.

Eventually Yosuke started pulling at Chie’s shorts, but he found himself struggling. “Man, Chie, how did you get this thing on you in the first place?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she growled.

“Just, you know… you have a big butt.” She gently punched him, and he held his hands up in response. “It’s a compliment! I love your butt! And your hips! All of you!”

Chie rolled her eyes as she turned crimson. “Stupid.” She shimmied her hips side to side, helping Yosuke slowly peel the clothing off of her. The short-shorts were one thing, but her wet panties clung to Chie’s skin, and the brunette felt his heart pound as he slowly took those off two.

“I’ll never get used to how hot you are.”

“Yeah, well… You’re not so bad yourself,” she admitted, glancing into his eyes. “I see you checking me out when you think I’m not looking.” Yosuke’s eyes widened, and she grinned as she suddenly wrestled him to the ground, his body her prisoner. “I always like it.”

“Oh, uh...R-really?” 

“Mmhm. Honestly? I always kind of liked it when you perved on me. Made me feel sexy.” Chie’s voice growled, almost like an animal, and it left Yosuke’s cock ready to burst free. 

The two worked together to get the yukata off of the man, and once it was, both of them were naked. Chie sat on top of Yosuke, staring down at his cock with an almost obsessive stare. She licked her lips as her hand gently rubbed the tip.

“Fuck, it’s huge.” 

Yosuke smirked, rather proud of that comment. He was sure he wasn’t the biggest in the world, but… well, it felt good to be complimented.

“All yours, babe,” he promised.

“Oh? All mine?” she teased, leaning down. “Well, maybe I’ll just tease you. Make you watch as I touch myself.” Her hot breath brushed his face as he shivered. Fantasies of his girlfriend played in his mind as he found it hard to breathe. 

Chie knew exactly what she was doing, and she loved it. She teased her boyfriend, holding him down with her stronger body. 

“Don’t like that, huh? I get to cum, while I leave you wanting me? What are you going to do about it?” Of course, Chie would never do that, but a bit of light-hearted roleplaying was fine. She loved having Yosuke want her… She loved knowing that the man saw her as sexy...

“This.” And before Chie knew it, she was being wrestled down onto the bed, outmaneuvered by her boyfriend. The brunette woman was spun around, laying on her stomach as he laid on top of her.

“H-huh? What-?!”

“You taught me this move, remember, Chie? Pretty ironic considering what I’m using it for now.” Chie blushed at the reminder. She did remember teaching him that move. As she cursed herself, Yosuke took advantage of the moment to push his cock against her pussy.

No penetration just yet. Just grinding his dick against her womanhood, teasing her for the main course. As children, they loved teasing and poking at each other’s nerves. Guess somethings never change.

“C-come on,” she moaned, one eye glaring at him. “Stop teasing me.”

“But I like hearing you moan,” he replied, before he kissed the back of her head. 

“Well, I like hearing you scream,” she shot back, and Yosuke found his heart skipping a beat. Partly from fear, and partly from arousal. “How am I going to get that if all you’re doing is rubbing?” 

She moved her hips, and Yosuke gulped as he felt her warm, wet pussy rub against his shaft. It was clear that she was ready for penetration. Hungry for it, really. Why bother torture themselves any longer?

Yosuke pulled his beautiful girlfriend onto all fours, and he leaned forward, resting her head behind hers. He breathed into her ear, tickling it with his hot breath as he whispered. 

“I love you.”

“I-I love you too,” she muttered back, blushing as he stared into her eyes. “Now please, Yosuke. Put it in me…?” Chie was so meek, so shy, and it made Yosuke’s dick throb. The way she went back and forth between commanding confidence and adorable submissiveness… 

Yosuke pushed his cock into her, spreading her pussy lips with his dick. He had made love to his girlfriend countless times over the many years of their relationship, but it never ceased to amaze him how good her pussy felt.

Her womanhood squeezed tight around his dick, stroking every inch as he pushed deeper and deeper into her. Chie moaned as every inch entered her, closing her eyes and crying out into the empty room as he filled her. She loved every moment of it, trying to squeeze tightly on the shaft as she soon reached his base.

His entire cock was inside of her, and Chie only moaned louder as Yosuke’s hands ran over her breasts. He gave them a gentle squeeze, before kneading them, pressing them together, before pressing his fingertips into them. She let out tiny cries of ecstasy, biting her lower lip as he smirked. Finally his hands released her breasts, going down her stomach as he slowly stood up straight. 

Yosuke’s hands held her hips as she bucked back and forth on his cock. Chie was an incredibly strong woman, and she used that strength to bounce herself on his rod, moving back and forth as his dick pressed against her nerves. Every thrust sent shivers of pleasure throughout her body as Yosuke’s hands held her hips.

“God, Chie, you’re so tight,” he moaned, stroking her naked hips, before slowly moving his hands back to her breasts. “And your tits are so soft…”

“B-better than Rise’s?” she stuttered, shuddering as his cock pulsed inside of her. Yosuke would have chuckled if he wasn’t moaning right alongside her. Even after all the times they’ve made love, she was still so insecure.

Well, he was happy to remind her about who he loved most of all. “Way better than Rise’s. Better than Naoto. Better than any girl in the world. You’re absolutely perfect, Chie,” he declared. 

Love was like the perfect spice to the meal. It made it all so much better. The pleasure, the rush, the energy. Everything just came to life as the two lovers pressed their bodies together.

Chie felt like her heart was about to burst with the love she had for her man. Yosuke felt similarly, wanting nothing more than to spend his life with the girl of his dreams. The two pressed their bodies together again, Yosuke’s hands on her breasts, squeezing them as they fell off the edge together.

They came, both hitting their climax at the same moment. Yosuke’s seed filled Chie’s pussy as her body welcomed the stream, happily taking the seed into her. They both trembled as their sweaty bodies pressed tightly against each other. They rode the waves of pleasure as their muscles spasmed and their eyes were squeezed shut. Yosuke’s penis throbbed inside of his lover as her walls tightened and relaxed again and again around the shaft.

Eventually it all became too much for the two, and their bodies fell onto the bed together.

The rush of sex was almost impossible to describe. For the two, it was an almost intoxicating experience. An out of the body sensation that left both panting, their bodies twitching as their muscles spasmed. They laid on their sides, trying to catch their breath as they slowly came down from the indescribable high of pleasure.

Yosuke pulled his dick out of Chie, letting it slowly go flacid between his legs as he held his girlfriend. She smiled, content as he became the big spoon to her little spoon. They laid on the bed, quiet for a moment as their heart rates slowed. 

“That was… good,” Yosuke commented.

“Mmmhm,” Chie nodded. “R-really good.”

“Almost as good as that time we wore our old school uniforms.” That memory made Chie’s cheeks burn. 

As embarrassing as it was for Yosuke to wear clothes a little too tight for him, it was much worse for her. Her old school uniform barely fit on her, and her ass was practically hanging out as her tits struggle to burst free. 

The sex they had afterwards was some of their best ever, and they both agreed it was hard to beat. Just thinking about it made Chie’s pussy twitch…

No, wait… Chie glanced down, noticing her boyfriend groping her chest. She frowned as he continued, as if not even noticing what his hands were doing. “Hey, you want to go see that new kung fu movie next week? What was it… ‘War of the Dragons?’ Looked pretty good.”


“Huh? Chie? What’s up?” His fingers pinched her nipples, and Chie couldn’t stop herself from moaning, though it ended up coming out as more of a squeak.

“W-why are you still holding onto my breasts?!” she hissed, turning her head to partly glare at him.

He seemed taken back by the question, before he frowned and fired back a response. Even as he spoke, his hands continued to grope and squeeze her chest. “Well, you didn’t tell me to stop.”

Chie blushed, and she almost demanded he did before she realized something. His hands felt… really, really good against her skin. Damn, he was so good at groping her! His hands squeezed her nipples between his fingers as she bit her lower lip. 

Damn. He was really, really good at groping her. So good that she was getting turned on all over again.

The brunette woman suddenly forced Yosuke’s hands off of her and rolled over, shifting until she was facing her surprised boyfriend. He looked at her with wide eyes as she let out a slightly annoyed groan.

“You are such a pervert…” She leaned forward, capturing his lips in a kiss. Chie took him by surprise, before smiling against those soft lips. She pulled back an inch and stared into his eyes. “Of course, so am I… You ready for round two?” she asked, her fingers wrapping around his penis, giving it a gentle squeeze.

His shaft came to life in her hands, slowly springing up again as he blushed. She was soon holding his erect cock, throbbing for another go at her perfect body.

Yosuke smiled at her, his cheeks as red as hers. “Hell yeah.”


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