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 Summary: The Amagi Inn Saga continues as Nanako has a wholesome morning walk through the Amagi Inn! Includes: No Smut


“Whoops… Who put that tripped there…? I almost shoe’d!” Yukiko giggled as she kicked her other shoe off, tossing it down the hall. She stumbled a bit, but was at least able to stay on her feet as she marched on. 

She arrived at Nanako’s temporary room within a couple of minutes, and tipsy innkeeper stopped. She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. It was one thing to be wild and loose with her friends after a night of drinking and eating. Yukiko wanted to at least try and maintain a good standing with Nanako. 

Nanako-chan’s respect currently meant more to Yukiko than Chie’s. After all, Nanako was a sweet, adorable angel. Chie and Yukiko were just best friends forever. Respect was optional to the scarlet-faced woman.

She pulled open the door to her room and peeked inside, gasping at what she found inside. Yu’s little sister was sound asleep, the only sound being the soft, rhythmic breathing the little girl gave. She slept peacefully, her arms wrapped tightly around her pet cat.

Wait. “Nanako doesn’t own a cat,” Yukiko muttered, her eyes squinting as she stared at said cat. 

The ebony cat was curled up, wrapped tightly by the short, brunette girl. They laid curled up on the bed together, ignorant of Yukiko staring at them. The older woman had no idea who the cat was, exactly, or who they belonged to, but she shrugged all the same.

Whoever they were, they were absolutely adorable, and adding Nanako only made their cuteness too much for the young woman. Yukiko couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face as she slipped into her room and quietly closed the door behind her.

The raven-haired woman was still a little tipsy from all the drinking she had done, but now she was wrestling with exhaustion as fatigue tried to lull her to sleep. The tired woman stumbled forward, dragging her weakening body to the bed, before falling onto it as gently as she could. She thanked her lucky stars that she didn’t wake either Nanako or the adorable cat Nanako was hugging, before Yukiko fell asleep. 

The three slumbed on the relatively small bed, their bodies pressed together as Yukiko shifted. Her arms wrapped around Nanako’s body, and like two sisters, Yukiko hugged the smaller girl, smiling as she dreamed of the family she made so many years ago. A small smile formed on the brunette’s lips as her own dreams resembled Yukiko’s. 

Nanako smiled as she dreamed of her own family, plus one pretty, soft feline. 


Nanako was used to waking up early. A mix of her own youthful energy and her usual schedule roused the young girl, lifting her out of her dreams and back to reality. It would usually be around now that she’d start breakfast for her father and big brother. 

The young woman let out a yawn, before blinking as she realized how trapped she was. Arms covered in red sleeves held her as a soft, furry body rubbed against her chest. Nanako did her best to look around, but she already had a guess as to who had captured her. 

Just as Nanako predicted, Yukiko laid on one side, holding the younger girl, while Morgana laid on the other side. The two trapped the brunnette, but not for long, she reasoned. 

She was, after all, a Junior Detective. Big Sis gave her the title years ago, and Nanako still wore it with pride. Naoto had gotten out of plenty of similar situations, so Nanako was sure she could escape on her own.

It took a bit of doing, and a bit of imagination, Nanako was embarrassed to admit, but she was soon able to slip out of Yukiko’s arms and off of the bed. The young woman had been wrestling with her imagination lately. Her fantasies were fueled by the many stories Naoto would tell her. Stories of crime and intrigue, conspiracy and mystery, each tale a thriller that left Nanako wanting to follow Naoto’s footsteps.

Of course, Big Sis said Nanako still had plenty of time to choose an occupation, but still… Nanako could imagine herself as the ace detective slipping out of a bad guy’s hotel room, unseen, like a ninja detective…

Soon Nanako was out of the room, leaving Yukiko to grab Morgana and pull the cat close. The feline didn’t resist, just cuddling against the raven-haired woman with a quiet purr. Both continued to sleep as Nanako beamed with pride, quietly opening the door and slipping away to the dining hall for breakfast. She made sure to close the door behind her, before walking off.

Nanako was happy to see she wasn’t the only one up at this hour. After all, breakfast tasted all the better when there were friends to enjoy it with!

Her Big Bro was already up and eating breakfast, but there were others with him. People that the young girl didn’t recognize sitting at the table, joining Nanako’s brother for breakfast. 

There was a rather imposing, towering woman with long silver hair that could have looked like a long lost relative of Nanako’s, were it not for her piercing, fiery red eyes. She quietly ate her food, eyes on her phone as she texted someone something. Probably something threatening, judging by the frown on her face, Nanako noted. 

Beside her was a boy that looked around Nanako’s age with long, orange-colored hair and a pair of glasses on her face. She was chowing down with a wide grin, scarfing food down her throat as Nanako giggled. Nanako wasn’t sure why, but there was something she liked about the young girl. Maybe it was how silly she looked, or maybe it was how she stole food from her friend’s plate with a mischievous giggle.

“Hey, Futaba! Stay on your plate!”  

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ren.” ‘Futaba’ giggled, before her eyes widened and she began to gag and cough. It was clear that she was choking on her pancake, and Nanako felt ready to leap into action to do… something, when suddenly another girl smacked Futaba’s back.

The food was smacked free, and Futaba gasped as a brunette woman with short hair and crimson eyes frowned. “Futaba! Please, chew your food!” 

Futaba pouted, looking away as she swallowed her pancake. She blinked, before smiling as she licked her lips. “Mmm. Just as good a second time. Thanks, Makoto!”

Nanako found herself giggling at the orange-haired woman’s antics as Makoto and Ren sighed. The two seemed nice, their clothes simple, but still good-looking. Nanako found herself smiling at Makoto’s equally brown hair and Ren’s messy, bushy, black hair. Ren even had eyes that resembled her Big Bro’s, what with his eyes just as silver as Yu’s. 

All in all, Nanako felt somewhat equal to Futaba, being roughly around the same age as her. It was the other who left Nanako feeling a bit small. Makoto and Ren were a bit intimidating to the average teen. To the young preteen, it was looking a cop in the eyes, daring them to rescue her.. 

Still Nanako’s concern was mostly on one individual.  That scary, silver-haired lady.

“Hi, Big Bro!” Nanako greeted her brother, sitting across from the silverette as he smiled at her.

“Hey, Nanako. How’re you feeling?”

“Great! I had a super awesome night of sleep!” The young woman beamed, eyes gleaming with joy.

“I’m glad. The storm really did a number on Inaba, but we’re through the worst now.” He smiled at her as she grinned back. Her smile was seriously infectious. “That said, unfortunately I have some bad news.” Nanako tilted her head as Yu scratched the back of his neck.

“The storm was really bad last night. The whole area around us has been flooded in, so we’re all stuck at the Amagi Inn.”

“Oh…” Nanako wasn’t sure how to respond, before her eyes widened. “Oh, does dad know? Is he okay with it?”

“I already talked to him,” Yu smiled. “He knows, don’t worry. He just wants you to text him when you have time to make sure you’re okay.”

“Oh!” Nanako sighed with relief, smiling back at her older brother. “That’s good. I’ll make sure to text him after breakfast then!”

“Good. But for now, you should focus on eating up.” Nanako nodded her head, eager to have some delicious egg, bacon, and toast. 

On the table there was so much food, ranging from muffins, to sausage, to even cookies. As Yu began to serve her food, picking up various things she would like, Nanako’s eyes roamed over the table once more. Futaba was still scarfing food down her throat, but Makoto and Ren were looking at her now. Then there was the silver-haired woman. She let out a long sigh, digging a corner of her phone into her forehead.

She reminded Nanako of some kind of queen, or princess, fed up with her kingdom wanting so much of her. She was certainly pretty enough to be royalty…

The silver-haired woman simply gave off an aura of leadership and authority, almost like her brother, but while Yu could control that aura, even replace it with something more fun and light-hearted, the scarlet-eyed woman seemed to always stand above everyone else, looking down at them.

As if noticing her hazel eyes staring at her, the silver-haired woman turned to look at Nanako, making the young girl freeze. 

“Oh… Hello.”

Nanako tried to reply, only for nothing to come out. She averted her eyes, blushing faintly. The older woman raised her brow, gazing down at Nanako.

“Oh, this is Nanako, my little sister,” Yu explained.

“Hello, Nanako. I’m Makoto Niijima,” the brunette greeted, a friendly smile on her face.

“I’m Ren.” The black-haired man elbowed Futaba, glaring at her. “Ahem. Hey, Futaba, stop stuffing your face for a second?”

“Hm?” Futaba swallowed a mouthful of egg and biscuits, licking her lips, before looking at Nanako. The brunette certainly felt more on Futaba’s level than the beautiful, silver-haired woman’s. “Oh, hi! Sorry. I’m Futaba.”

Futaba leaned forward, across the table, and held a hand out to Nanako. The other girl reached her own hand out, only to stop as she noticed the ketchup on a couple of Futaba’s fingers.

“Oh, whoops! Let me get that.” Futaba brought her hand to her mouth, only for Makoto to suddenly scold her.

“Do not lick your fingers, Futaba.”

“Oh. I-I wasn’t going to lick them,” the orange-haired girl explained to Nanako, putting on a wide grin. Judging by her tone and smile, Nanako’s Junior Detective Senses told her that Futaba was, indeed, going to lick her fingers.

Futaba wiped her hand against her shirt, wiping it clean as Makoto groaned. Nanako didn’t mind. It was kind of funny, and she laughed as she and Futaba shook hands. Futaba seemed to appreciate the laughter, laughing right along with the brunette. 

“Sae Niijima.” The silver-haired woman finally had a name, and it shared a last name with Makoto.

Nanako’s eyes bounced between the two, before a question slipped past her lips. She didn’t even really mean to ask it, but the thought crossed her mind, and then fell out of her mouth. “Are… you Makoto’s mom?”

Futaba burst into laughter, while Ren barely stopped himself from doing the same. He still had a wide smile on his face as both Niijimas blushed. Judging from the looks on their faces, Nanako was very, very off.

“Um… C-cousins?” she asked, trying to salvage the conversation.

“They’re sisters, Nanako,” Yu explained, patting his sister’s head. 

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” The short teen blushed, mortified as she tried to explain herself. “I-I didn’t know! Y-your hair- I mean, I didn’t-” Nanako stopped trying as her big brother stabbed a piece of sausage with a fork and handed her the utensil.

A silent suggestion that she should just focus on eating. Probably good advice…

“You know, that’s a good point,” Futaba commented, looking at the two sisters as they blushed. “What is up with the hair? Does Sae dye hers, or something?”

“I do not dye my hair,” Sae sighed. “This is it’s natural color.”

“Preach,” Yu chuckled, motioning to his own hair. “Hear a lot of ‘grey hairs’ jokes?”

“More than I’d care to admit.” Yu chuckled as Futaba looked at him and Nanako, who quietly ate away at her food. 

“Okay, Nanako, Yu, same question. What’s with the hair?”

“I’m a natural silver,” the young man replied.

“And you guys are siblings?”

Nanako grabbed the hem of her skirt, squeezing it as she continued to blush. Now she suddenly felt like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “Um, w-we aren’t actually siblings. Big Bro’s my cousin...”

“Then why-?” Makoto was interrupted as Yu spoke up, looking right at Nanako.

“Because we’re more like siblings than cousins. I’m proud to have a little sister like Nanako in my life. We just clicked when we met, and it just felt natural to call each other Big Bro and Little Sis.”

“Aww, that’s cute!” Futaba commented. “Ren, be my big brother!” 

“Oof, I’m not ready for that kind of commitment. Can I put you up for adoption or something?” Ren joked, laughing as the smaller girl pushed him slightly. The two laughed, already acting like bickering, teasing siblings as the others watched with amusement. 

Nanako smiled at the two, before glancing at her Big Bro. Yu grinned at her, giving her a subtle nod, as if to tell her he meant every word. She beamed in response, nodding her own head in return. 

The young girl had her brother. Whatever awkward mistakes she made, she’d laugh about later. She happily continued eating, ignorant of Sae’s scarlet eyes glancing at her smiling face.


After breakfast Nanako found herself aimlessly walking around the inn, without a destination in mind. It was just like her big brother taught her. The fun was in the journey, not the destination. 

So Nanako walked and walked down the halls, until she found herself outside the Amagi Inn’s kitchen. She heard a loud shout coming from inside, and the young girl peeked her head inside, curious about what was going on.


“H-Haru, be careful!”

“I-it’s okay! I got this! I think…”

Fire. A large, towering, pillar of fire, swaying like a cobra about to strike. That was all Nanako saw at first as she poked her head into the room. The fire reflected off of the young girl’s eyes, before finally dying down as Nanako saw four girls standing by the stove. 

She only recognized one girl, though: Chie Satonaka. The other girls present were a mystery to Nanako, with one having big, beautiful blond pigtails, another having a black ponytail, and a girl with bushy, soft-looking hair that went down to her chin. 

“W-what did you call this dish again, Haru?” Chie asked, watching the younger woman cook something on a pan. 

Judging by Haru’s frown and sharp eyes, she was intensely focused. “I don’t really have a name… I haven’t really cooked it before.”

“W-what?! You said you cooked it a hundred times!” the blonde gasped. 

“I said I imagined cooking it a hundred times,” Haru replied, blushing slightly as she used a spatula to mix the burning vegetables.

“Um… Can I help?” a quiet voice asked, and all four girls turned to see the young teen staring at them.

“Oh, Nanako-chan!” Chie beamed. “You know how to cook, right? Can you help us?”

“I know how to cook!” Haru pouted, tearing her eyes away from the dish. “Well, I’ve been taking lessons…”

“Nanako’s a master chef! She can totally help us!” the older brunette beamed as Nanako blinked in confusion.

“Um, help with what?”

“We’re trying to cook a recipe Haru found in a book back at her place,” one of the girls explained, gesturing to which of them was Haru. “I’m Shiho by the way. This is my best friend, Ann.” 

The black-haired girl and the blond smiled at Nanako, and she smiled back. Talking to people was so much easier when everyone smiled. 

“What kind of recipe?” Nanako inquired.

“It’s supposed to help with hang… hang… uh,” Shiho blushed, hesitating as she looked at her blond friend. “Hanging…?”

“Oh, uh… H-hanging people!” Ann shouted, and a deafening silence filled the room. Even Haru turned off the heat and released the pan to just stare at the blond. “W-what? It was the first word that came to mind!”

“Why is that the first word?!” Shiho wondered, trapped between dropping her jaw in shock and chuckling at her friend. 

“Are you guys trying to cook something to help with your hangovers?” Nanako asked, earning the girls’ attention. Ann’s mouth hung open as the brunette looked at the food, and then them. “I can help, if you want.” She smiled at them as her eyes gleamed. 

Junior Detective Nanako was on the case! ‘The Mystery of the Hangover Healer!’ Well, not really a case, but still! She wanted to help!

“My dad used to get them all the time, and I’d cook him stuff to help fix him up!”

“That’s a concerning statement,” Ann muttered.

“Really? You’d help us? Oh, you’re the best, Nanako!” Chie grinned, throwing a fist to the air. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Ow!” Ann groaned, holding her head. “Not so loud…”

As the other girls smiled, Detective Nanako noticed something. Haru was smiling like the others, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. 

That was one of the most important lessons Big Sis taught Nanako! Look to the eyes. People can easily fake emotion around their lips. Pretending to frown or smile was easy, but eyes were always a give away…

“I’m happy to help fix you guys up some food,” Nanako grinned. “But I’ll need someone to help me prepare the food. Um, Haru-senpai?” The teenager looked at the older woman. “Can you help me?”

“M-me? Oh, um, o-okay…”

Nanako beamed, her brother’s influence shining through like a beacon of warmth and friendship.


The others were soon ushered out of the kitchen, freeing up space for the two as they quietly worked. Well, Nanako worked, while Haru stood behind her, only working when asked to do something specific. 

It wasn’t out of laziness or malice, Nanako knew that in an instant. Haru was incredibly soft spoken, and very polite, but she also seemed to be mulling over something. 

Nanako intended on finding out what and helping her, just like what her ‘siblings’ would do. She just needed to get Haru to open up to her.

“Um, so what’s on your mind, Haru-senpai?” Smooth. Nailed it. Hopefully. 

Please open up to me, Haru-senpai...

Thankfully, Haru was honest with the other girl. “I’m… I’m really sorry,” the older girl sighed. “I’m sure having me standing around is useless. I-I just don’t want to ruin this dish too.”

“Ruin?” Nanako repeated, pouring broth into a large pot. 

Haru put on a smile. “I’m sorry. It’s nothing. I should probably step out.” She took a step towards the exit, but Nanako moved in front of her. Despite being shorter than Haru, Nanako stopped the auburn-haired woman. 

“W-wait! Please, don’t leave.” Nanako stood her ground, not sure what to say after that. Haru blinked as she stared at the brunette. “You’re upset.” Her Big Bro always made this look so easy. He just… knew how to talk to people.

Nanako didn’t, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try. “C-can I ask how come?”

Haru blinked, before glancing away. She let out a quiet sigh. “I really want to know how to cook. I’ve been burying my head in book after book, and I thought I could impress my friends with the skills I had picked up…” Haru crossed her arms, her fingers pinching and squeezing the fabric of her sleeves as she glared at her feet. “But I messed up. My chance to impress my friends, and I screwed it up.”

“I’ve burned a ton of omelettes cooking breakfast for my family,” Nanako confessed, blurting out the fact suddenly. Haru lifted her brow as Nanako quickly tried to articulate the right words. “I mean, everyone makes mistake. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have cooking, you can still mess up. I messed up a pasta I made my dad a few weeks ago!” 

Nanako smacked a tiny hand against her chest. “It’s just like Kanji said! ‘I’m not a man if I don’t try!’” The brunette’s face was a bright shade of red by now as the older woman stared at her. The idea of throwing in the towel briefly crossed her mind as she wondered what else she could say to help her new friend, before Haru chuckled.

“Good advice,” Haru commented, her voice still carrying an undertone of sadness. 

“Great advice!” Nanako shot back with a smile. “I-I know messing up can really suck, but… but you can’t let one bad dish beat you! You’ve got a million good dishes in you! You just got to get through a few hundred bad ones! I’ll even help!”

“You really seem to want me to feel better,” Haru commented with an amused smile.

“My Big Bro taught me to always help people if I can! And I wanna help you!” 

“It sounds like you have a lot of people around you eager to help you learn…”

“So do you! You’ve got me!” Nanako blushed at her shout, and she looked at a nearby wall as she stuttered. “Um, i-if you’re okay with me helping you…” Haru lifted up her hand and placed it Nanako’s shoulder, squeezing it gently.

“Only if you’re okay with me helping you!”

The two girls smiled at one another as Nanako felt Haru’s spirit burn once more, reignited by the young brunette’s optimism and determination. The two gave each other one last smile, before they resumed working on food together. 

With Haru helping her, Nanako was suddenly having a much easier time cooking the soup. It was clear to the younger girl that Haru had a talent for cooking, she just had a tendency of doubting and second guessing herself.

Nanako coached Haru through the meal, making suggestions and offering ideas whenever Haru asked. The older girl was an excellent student, listening and asking questions to her ‘senpai,’ until the stew was ready. 

Together the two brought their food to the dining table where Shiho, Chie, and Ann saw. The two chefs placed the stew on the table, resting it on a metal grid so it didn’t mark the table itself, and they began to serve it to their friends.

“Mmm! That smells so good,” Chie moaned.

“This stew always got dad to relax after a bad hangover. He’d always feel better after.” Nanako explained. “We hope you all enjoy it!”

The girls were quick to take a bowl of the stew for themselves, and Haru and Nanako watched with pride as their friends ate the soup, moaning from the delicious taste.

“This is so good!”

“Mmm, the meat’s practically melting on my tongue!”

“You two are amazing!” Ann complimented, her voice light and bubbly as the three enjoyed their bowls.

“Nanako-senpai did most of the work,” Haru commented. “You should have seen her working! It was like poetry in motion!”

“Nanako-senpai?” The young woman repeated the words, as if unable to understand them. Haru blushed, playing with her bushy and curly locks as she explained.

“Well, you’re clearly my superior when it comes to cooking. Um… Is it weird calling you that?” the older girl asked, her cheeks a rosy hue. “I-I’m sorry, I-”

“Y-you can just call me Nanako,” the brunette blushed, but wore a warm smile all the same. “And I’d be happy to teach you some of my recipes, i-if you want to learn.”

“Oh, that would be simply delightful!” The two were practically beaming at one another as Ann giggled. 

“Aww, you two are cute together. Careful, Haru, Futaba might get jealous that her ‘big sister’ likes Nanako more!”

“What?! I-I don’t like Nanako more!”

“Huh? You’re Futaba’s big sister?” Nanako inquired, tilting her head in confusion.

“N-no! Not exactly. We’re just so close that-”

“We’re practically siblings!” Nanako gasped, clapping her hands together. “My Big Bro and I are exactly the same way! We’re actually cousins, but he’s just like a big brother to me!”

“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Haru complimented, though in the back of her mind she hoped and prayed there was less groping and practice kissing for Nanako and her brother… It was weird enough between Haru and Futaba, they didn’t need any competition for ‘strangest siblings.’


Nanako eventually left the other girls, walking away to continue her walk. It didn’t take her long to run into another familiar face, and she beamed as Morgana stared at her with his pretty blue eyes. 

“Oh! Morgana! Hey!” She ran to the cat, bending down to pat and massage his head. The cat purred, nuzzling his head against hers as a voice called out ot them.

“Oh? Friend of yours, Morgana?”

Nanako looked up and found four familiar faces. Her Big Bro, her Big Sis, Makoto, and Ren. The silver-haired sister to Makoto was nowhere to be found as the four smiled at her.

“Hey, Nanako,” Yu greeted as the black-haired boy joined Nanako in petting the cat.

“Oh! You know Morgana?” The young woman quickly put two and two together, eyes glancing between the two. “Are you his owner?”

“No one ones him,” he joked. “Morgana wouldn’t allow it, but I do take care of him and let him sleep in my room. Still waiting on that rent.” Morgana smacked his tail against Ren’s hand, scowling at the man. He laughed in response, before looking at Nanako. “So how do you know him?”

“Oh, um…” The young girl blushed as she explained to the four older individuals, regaling them with how Nanako had cuddled with the small cat. 

Funny enough, Yu seemed to find the whole scene rather adorable, commenting on the fact. “Aww. I’m not sure which one of you is cuter,” he laughed, reaching a hand down to pet Morgana’s head. The cat seemed to take offense at the compliment, trying to bat Yu’s hand away from him.

“He is pretty adorable. Like a little furry babe,” Ren chuckled, before reaching down to join in petting Morgana. 

The cat glared at his legal guardian, hate burning in his soul. He didn’t utter a word, but there was a silence promise between the two. Morgana would rip apart Ren’s clothes for this, but the raven-haired youth didn’t care. He just cooed, teasing Morgana with headpats. 

Naoto and Makoto chuckled at their boyfriend’s similar nature, as Nanako beamed. She joined the two boys in petting Morgana, and unlike the others, the cat gave a warmer reception to the young girl, purring at her touch.

“Big Bro, we should get a cat! One just as cute as Morgana!”

“That’s something Dojima-san would have final say in,” Yu thought aloud. “Besides, don’t you think we’re more of a bear family, Nanako?”

“Oh! Yeah! We’re beary much a bear family!” She snickered, thinking of a particular pun-loving pal.

“Bear family?” Makoto repeated, clearly befuddled by the statement. She looked at Naoto, brow raised as the detective chuckled.

“A family in-joke.”

“Ah.” Makoto was still clearly confused as Yu stopped petting the cat.

“What are you up to, Nanako-chan?” her older brother asked.

“Oh, nothing right now. Just walking around.”

“Hm. Well, if I could make a suggestion, maybe you wanna check out the baths? The weather’s cleared enough, and besides a tiny bit of flooding-” Nanako giggled at that humorous comment. “-It’s ready for use again.”

“Ooh, really? Sure! I love the baths here!” Nanako grinned. “You sure it’s okay?”

“Of course.” The brunette began to move past the group, off to the baths, before coming to a stop. “Oh, I never asked. What did you guys do last night? I tried asking Chie, but she didn’t really give me an answer... I’m pretty sure she was hungover.”

Yu blushed, but that was nothing compared to Naoto’s expression. Her face exploded in scarlet shame as the silverette answered the question. “Oh, just some adult stuff. Talking about taxes and drinking and stuff.”

Nanako’s eyes narrowed slightly, her Junior Detective Senses tingling, before she smiled and nodded her head. “Okay!” If the young woman picked up on Naoto’s crimson face, she didn't comment on it. She left the group alone as the detective sighed.

“The sooner I forget about last night the better…”

“You could try alcohol,” Yu commented, gently elbowing his girlfriend with a coy grin. “You know, maybe that’ll help you forget.”

“I don’t see a problem with that,” Ren chuckled, joining his older friend in teasing the young woman.

Makoto gave her idol a sympathetic smile as the detective reached for a hat that wasn’t there. She groaned, walking ahead of the group as the two boys chuckled.


Nanako sneezed into her elbow, frowning as she felt her head weigh heavy on her neck. She cursed her illness, foolishly believing it was finally gone. But no, it had simply been waiting for the Junior Detective to show a moment of weakness before it striked again.

The brunette hoped the Amagi Inn’s baths would help her feel better as she walked into the changing rooms. 

Only to come to a sudden stop.

Nanako’s blood ran cold, and she froze where she stood. Her eyes widened, taking in the tall and imposing figure of Sae Niijima. The older woman was in the middle of undressing herself, her top laying on the ground as her hands pulled down her pants. She seemed frozen by Nanako’s intrusion, but quickly composed herself. 

“Oh, h-hello, N-Niijima-san!” the young teen stuttered, blushing as she cursed herself, thinking she had only made a fool of herself to the older woman.

“Nanako-chan, correct? Hello there…. Were you planning on using the bath?”

“Y-yes, I mean, no, I mean, I don’t want to bother you, I can go!”

“Nonsense. Please, you’re free to join me.” And with that, Sae Niijima returned to undressing herself. Nanako stood by the entrance, awkwardly fidgeting with her fingers, before she stepped forward, walking deeper into the changing room.

The brunette began to change out of her clothes, her eyes glancing towards the adult across from her.

Sae was a very pretty woman. No, that didn’t do her any justice. Calling her pretty was like calling the ocean ‘big.’ Sae was sexy, a word that Nanako didn’t use often. Sae was sexy, her body a curvaceous hourglass.

Nanako’s eyes went up and down her figure, watching as her long, silver hair reached down her smooth, flawless back. Her pants came down, revealing her slender, toned legs. The woman reminded Nanako of a sharp spear. Something long and elegant, but also intimidating if it was pointed at her.

Sae brushed her silver locks from her face, before she began to take off her underwear. Her bra came off in one quick motion, revealing her hefty, sizable breasts. Those breasts blew Nanako’s still developing body out of the water, and when Sae bent forward to pull down her panties, well…

There was simply no comparison. Sae’s body was full, and curvy, and every movement seemed to accent her lithe figure. To her large breasts, to her hips, to her legs, and even her red eyes. Everything about Sae seemed unique, powerful, and alluring.

Compared to Nanako, with hair of hazel and a flat chest. Her own body was dull, unimpressive, and easily forgotten. Just a dull, little girl, compared to a mature, elegant queen…

Nanako’s lips fell into a deep frown as buried insecurities dug their way to the surface of her mind. She hated these thoughts, but no matter how many times she tried to ignore them, they always found their way back to her…

Sae walked out of the room, her every step burning with confidence and grace, even without a thread of clothing. Nanako’s own naked body was wrapped in a towel as she followed, frowning slightly.

The pool was empty, save for the two of them. Sae walked towards the wash station as their feet clapped against the soaked floor, stepping into tiny puddles. 

“Nanako-chan, would you like to join me?” she asked, and the good-natured child couldn’t find a reason to say no.

The two sat at the station, using it to wash their body of whatever filth clung to them. From Nanako’s perspective, that meant she was filthy, covered in imaginary dust and grime, while Sae seemed to only enhance her already stunning good looks with a thin film of water. The sun’s rays reflected off of Sae’s body, making her practically glow as Nanako silently groaned.

Sae made no attempt to hide her body, casually washing her arms, hair, and even her chest. Her breasts jiggled against her hands. Nanako’s eyes almost ogled the older woman’s nipples, barely stopping herself. 

The young girl did her best to keep herself covered as she quietly washed herself, wiping her body clean as he held the towel tightly against her unappealing body.

The silence did not go by unnoticed by Sae. She glanced at Nanako, quietly analyzing her as they sat side by side. Dealing with children her age was a lost art to the silverette.

She used to be able to talk to them easily enough when she was just a few years older than them, but now she was an adult woman, and, well… As an example, she and Futaba Sakura seemed to be speaking entirely different languages half the time.

Still, the young woman was clearly uncomfortable, and Sae wanted to help her, however she could.

“Are you-?” No, asking was silly. Sae felt her lips fall into an accepting sadness as she spoke. “I’m sorry if I scare you, Nanako-chan.”

“H-huh?” The young girl’s eyes widened, like Sae was a truck about to hit her. The look cracked Sae’s heart, but she wouldn’t let it stop her from doing what was right. 

“You seem uncomfortable by my presence. I’m sorry, my profession helps me read people, and you just seem, well, scared.”

“I-I’m not scared,” the brunette muttered, but the statement was met with a skeptical look from the silverette. Nanako sighed, keeping her eyes on the ground. “I’m… a little scared, b-but it’s not just that.” She flinched, wishing she had her brother’s articulate tongue. “I’m sorry. I-I don’t want to ruin your bath, I can come back lat-”

Sae’s hand fell on Nanako’s shoulder, and while the smaller girl stiffened for a moment, she soon relaxed when nothing happened. Nothing but Sae smiling at the girl. “It’s okay, Nanako-chan. You can talk to me. I know we just met, but I don’t want to see you upset. If I can help, I want to.”

“You remind me of my big brother,” Nanako chuckled, and judging by the smile forming on the girl’s face, that was a compliment. She sighed, and Sae feared her mood was plummetting again, only for Nanako to open her mouth and confess. “It’s just… when I look at you, I realize everything wrong with me.”

“What? What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, you’re one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen!” Sae blushed at that compliment, only to listen to Nanako continue. “You’re like the queen of a castle, like this perfect, super cool lady a-and I’m… boring,” she sighed. “I feel so boring compared to you, and sitting here, next to you, it’s just… It makes me think I’ll never get to where you are…It makes me feel like I’ll always be boring.”

Sae’s eyes widened, and memories of Makoto’s youth came back to her. There was a time when Sae proudly talked to and supported her sister, comforting her and being there for her as a shoulder to lean on.

Then their father passed, and when Makoto needed her older sister, Sae wasn’t there…

“I’m far from perfect, Nanako. There was a time I was as far as can be from it.” Nanako tilted her head, and the young woman sighed. “I’ve been aggressive, unfair, even cruel in the past. Despite my age, I acted like a spoiled child not too long ago, making those I love suffer because I didn’t get what I want…”

“What happened?” Nanako wondered, and Sae gave the girl a melancholic smile.

“That’s… a long story. Just know that I’ve made my own fair share of mistakes, and know that once upon a time, I was just like you. A little girl, insecure and worried about her future.”

“Really?” Nanako blinked, before glancing to the side, as if trying to find someone watching them. She leaned towards Sae, her voice a hushed whisper. “Did you ever get zits?” 

Sae didn’t skip a beat, leaning towards the brunette and whispering just as quietly. “Don’t tell anyone, but… I did.”

Nanako gasped, before giggling, laughing at their conversation. “I’ve failed plenty of times,” Sae admitted. “And this body that you think is perfect?” She motioned to herself, and Nanako blushed as her gaze went up and down Sae’s body. “It’s the result of hard work and luck. Two things I’m sure you can mimic.” 

Thoughts of Chie exercising with her brother passed Nanako’s mind, and she smiled, nodding her head. “Yeah! I can do that!”

“I’m sure one day you’ll be as beautiful as you think I am. Probably moreso,” the older woman complimented, making Nanako grin.

“I’d like that…” She blinked, before grabbing her hair and pulling it into a pair of pigtails. “Um, Niijima-san?”

“Please, Nanako, you can just call me Sae.”

The younger girl smiled at that, nodding her head. “Sae, did you ever used to wear your hair like this?”

“I did, actually. When I was much younger, though. Why?” 

Nanako couldn’t help but smirk, smiling with pride at the similarity. “No reason… Just curious!”


The two girls soon finished washing up, but now the air between them was filled with conversation. The two talked about their individual families and Nanako bombarded Sae with questions about her work.

Nanako proudly admitted to being a Junior Detective, a fact that impressed the older woman. She played it up, of course, but Sae smiled all the same. It was nice to see someone so young feel so passionately about their future. 

Eventually the two slipped into the actual pool, sinking into the warm and welcoming water. As the younger of the two asked Sae about her opinion on bears, they both heard familiar voices greeting them.

“Hey, sis,” Makoto greeted, waving at the two.

“Oh, Nanako-chan! What are you doing here?” Haru beamed, holding a towel tightly around her body.

“Nanako and I were simply getting to know each other,” Sae explained as Nanako nodded her head. 

“Mmhm! Sae said we’ll work a case together in the future,” the young girl joked, giggling with Sae as the other girls smiled.

“Cannonball!” Futaba shouted, and all Nanako and Sae could was watch with wide, almost terrified eyes as the orange-haired girl ran forward and leapt into the pool, making a huge splash, getting both of them.

“Futaba! The sign says no cannonballs!” 

The girl’s head burst out of the water, gasping for air through a fit of laughter. “I’m a criminal! I don’t care about rules!” Futaba declared proudly, only to turn stiff as she noticed the shadow looming over her. She turned her head, finding a well toned stomach facing her, before lifting her head up and beholding the unamused, frowning face of Sae Niijima. “Oh… Uh… I plead not guilty?”

As the other girls laughed and chatted amongst each other, Nanako smiled, relaxing along the surface of the water, drifting with a smile on her face. 

Today was going to be a good day.


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