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Summary: Marinette and Adrien were in a happy relationship together. Both were bisexual, and both agreed to an open relationship as long as their hearts belonged to one another. While Adrien is away, Marinette and Alya run into a familiar face and give Adrien a show... Includes: Bisexuality, Smut.


‘So what’s the plan for tonight?’ 

‘just girls’ night out nothing special.’

‘Alright. Keep me posted?’

‘You bet, mr. obsessive. :)’

‘Ha ha. Just want to stay in the loop if anything good happens. Tell Marinette I love her.’

‘i told her I love her! the marriage is in a few weeks, and you’re invited!’

Attached to the text was a picture of Alya holding Marinette close to her, one hand on the girls’ shoulder, the other holding her phone. Alya’s lips were pressed against Marinette’s scarlet cheek as they both stared into the camera. Marinette looked ready to die of embarrassment as Alya had her fun. 

Adrien chuckled at the text. He smiled as he texted back a response. He and Marinette had been dating for months now, but there wasn’t a single iota of jealousy or envy from the young man. After all, Alya was a close, personal friend to both of them. He knew she was just messing around and teasing them. 

Not only that, but his and Marinette’s relationship was… unique. The two were in agreement before their relationship even began that they both wanted an open kind of relationship. One where their hearts were tied to one another, but their bodies were free to be with whoever they wanted.

Men or women, both Adrien and Marinette had been with plenty of other people while dating one another. Or in the case of Alya, invited other people for a threesome. Marinette’s best friend seemed only too eager to join them in bed, and those nights where the three were all together under the covers were… well, Adrien was sure he’d never forget them. 

Sadly, his modeling career forced him to leave both of the beautiful girls behind. He was halfway across France, with the only contact he had with the girls being his phone. Alya promised she’d watch over Marinette and let him know if they needed anything, but still. Adrien missed his girlfriend. Cliche, but true.

Alya said she’d text him anything came up, of course for their group, anything could range from Marinette getting the flu to Marinette, Alya, and Chloe having a threesome and sending Adrien pictures. 

He couldn’t lie. Part of him hoped for an update like that, but when his phone finally rang after minutes of silence, it was something else that caught his attention. 

He laid on his back, resting on his bed as he looked at the screen. There was a question, with a picture under it. 

‘Guess who we ran into? :p’ Adrien knew as soon as he saw that familiar teal-dyed hair. It was Luka, and even Adrien felt a rush of excitement at seeing the beautiful young man.

The benefits of being a bisexual. You got the best of both worlds. Adrien loved women, but men like Luka were prettier than half of the female models Adrien met or work alongside. His breathtaking smile, his sharp, yet smooth good looks, everything about him was just perfect. His physique was like a swimmer’s, not bulky, but athletic and strong. He worked out, but only enough to keep his body slim and, well, perfect.

The picture was of Marinette and Luka, both of them side by side with one arm around the other. Luka seemed at peace with the camera, a natural under the lens, but Marinette’s cheeks were a faint shade of pink. Her eyes were on him instead of Alya’s camera, not that Adrien blamed his girlfriend.

He and Marinette were the strongest kind of lovers. The kind that honestly told the other their thoughts and feelings. There was no judgement if one wanted to experiment with something new, no look of disgust or betrayal. Their love was pure, and it was because of that love that they both shared the same fantasy.

Seducing Luka. Getting him into bed and just feeling what those musician fingers could do. Adrien still remembered that night together, curled up under the sheets as they shared what they wanted to do to Luka, or rather, what they wanted Luka to do to them.

“Lucky,” he chuckled, feeling his own face begin to burn. He was getting the same flushing cheeks as his girlfriend, but he ignored the warmth and focused on sending a text back to Alya. Before he could even finish the message though, another message from Alya reached him.

‘What do you think, Adrien? Think I should talk Marinette into seducing him? You know she’ll listen to me if I tell her to.” The image of Alya being the devil on Marinette’s shoulder briefly crossed his mind, but Adrien shook the thought away.

He had something more important to focus on. The actual possibility of Marinette, his girlfriend, seducing and sleeping with Luka Couffaine? He knew Alya. From the way she texted him that, she meant it. She’d do it if given the word…

There wasn’t an ounce of hurt or betrayal in Adrien’s head, after all he knew where his girlfriend’s heart lied, but still. To think she could actually sleep with the man both of them had been fantasizing about...

It was a strange thought, but not one that he was opposed to. In fact, the more Adrien thought about it, the more he wanted to see it become a reality. With a few strokes from his finger, he sent Alya a message, sending her his approval, before waiting for her response.

His hands were sweaty, and he was biting the inside of his cheeks as he glanced at the clock on the screen. He was getting impatient. Was Marinette able to seduce him? Did Alya even convince her in the first place? Maybe he should send another text asking if everything was okay?

Adrien never got that chance as he received another text message from Alya. One glance at the message and Adrien’s eyes widened as his mouth fell open. It was just a picture, but as the saying goes, it was worth a thousand words. 

The image was simple. Just a picture of Luka and Marinette sitting on a bench together under the Paris night sky. Stars twinkling in the background, their figures illuminated by the light of a nearby lamppost. Of course, what was special about the image was how the two were seated. 

Marinette was sitting on Luka’s lap, her arms wrapped around his neck, their lips pressed together. He has his own arms around her, one hand clearly on her ass, squeezing the soft flesh through her pants. The other hand was on the back of her head, combing through her dark hair, just like how Adrien loved to.

The blonde leaned closed, swallowing spit down his dry throat as he saw something between the two. Their tongues were touching, wrestling and smacking against one another as they made out. Their eyes closed as their bodies pressed tightly against one another…

Alya’s camera caught every hot, steamy detail, and Adrien wasn’t sure how he could respond at first. What did you say when sent a piece of art?



Alya felt her confident smile deflate, and immediately her fingers began to dance on the screen. She all for messing with the pretty boy and getting him riled up, but actually hurting him? That was too far. She cared about him and Marinette, after all, and she couldn’t live with herself if she actually ruined what they had.

So as Marinette and Luka kissed, Alya sent a text to Adrien. No smiley faces, no cute spelling. Just genuine concern. 

‘Do you want us to stop, Adrien? Honestly? Just say the word and we will.’ And she meant it, of course. The seconds waiting for Adrien’s reply left Alya almost biting at her nails. She didn’t utter a sound, not wanting to concern the eager, and horny, couple, but if Adrien asked her, she’d pull the two apart in an instant…

Finally Adrien’s message reached her, and she read it. Afterwards she let out a silent sigh of relief, her smile returning.

‘Keep going. It’s just… two of the hottest people I know are kissing. You can’t blame me for being a little… hot under the collar,’ he replied.

‘Oh? Two hottest, huh? What am I on that tier list, Adrien? Maybe I should stop giving you updates and just focus on joining in on the fun?’ Alya teased, sending him a smiley face afterwards.

‘Don’t worry, Alya, you’re in my top five. Keep sending me pictures and you’ll be in my top three.’

‘Promises, promises. Maybe I’ll send a picture of them stripping next. Or stripping each other?’ Alya gave Adrien a moment to digest that thought, and as he typed his reply, she sent another, interrupting him. She loved doing that.

‘Or maybe all of us naked, with me and Marinette giving Luka the time of his life? I bet he’d love our double blowjob. You certainly did.’ Alya slipped her phone into her pocket after that, ignoring the vibrations against her thigh.

Time to stop talking about it. She was going to have a lot of fun tonight, she just knew it. Her eyes fell on Marinette and Luka,watching the two with their hands all over each other. Marinette was rubbing the man’s chest, feeling his smooth physique as his hands slipped under her shirt, rubbing her taut stomach and flawless back. His fingers started working at her bra as Alya stepped forward.


Adrien laid on his bed with a thin frown on his face. He wasn’t upset at anyone in particular. Not at Marinette for currently making out with Luka, not for Luka for kissing his girlfriend, and not even at Alya for taking so long sending him an update. 

He just couldn’t take waiting much longer. He wanted to know how things were going, and just what the couple was getting into. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Alya sent him another update. One word, all caps.

‘FUCK.’ At first Adrien wondered if she was just making fun of him, but the worry that something was wrong drove the young model to text back quickly.

‘What’s wrong? Are you okay? What’s happening?’

Thankfully the message was far from life-threatening. ‘Adrien, you know how me and Marinette love talking about how big you are? You know, how you’re really packing in the dick department?’

He blushed, but sent a text in response. ‘Yeah…?’

‘You’re still big, Adrien, nothing changes that, but holy fuck. Luka is fucking… bigger. He’s bigger than you, no, actually he’s absolutely massive! Look at this thing!’

Alya made sure to send another high quality picture, and Adrien immediately knew what she meant. Luka was massive, and as if to mark for scale, Marinette was right by the behemoth. 

It was another side picture, this time with Marinette face to crotch with Luka’s gigantic cock. The cock looked erect, and it hung from between Luka’s legs like some kind of bridge or tower. It was veiny, and throbbing, and Adrien pressed his thighs together as he imagined that thing before him.

Marinette’s tiny hands were on the shaft, her middle finger and thumb barely grazing one another as she parted her mouth. Alya had caught the perfect photo, just a moment before Marinette's lips actually touched that glorious dick. Her eyes were wide, staring up at Luka as her tongue slipped out from her mouth, frozen just an inch away from Luka’s bulbous tip. She was clearly on his knees as he stood before her, but something in the background caught Adrien’s eye.

They were inside his room, clearly about to do something sexual. Luka was going to get a blowjob from his girlfriend in Adrien’s room. Maybe afterwards he’d fuck her on his bed. Both fantasies sent a shiver down the blonde’s spine as he imagined all the dirty, kinky things they’d do to his home.

‘Last chance, Adrien. Marinette’s asking if you’re really okay with this.’

Well, there was only one answer he could give, right? 


Marinette bit her lower lip, chewing it as she waited for her boyfriend’s reply. Her eyes bounced between Luka’s face and Alya’s stoic expression. Luka smiled at her, charming her even now, even as her nipples hardened and her pussy stained her underwear. Alya was calm despite everything, holding onto her phone, eyes locked on the screen.

“H-has he replied yet?” her voice squeaked.

“Marinette, I will tell you when he’s replied,” Alya chuckled. Her best friend gave the dark-haired woman a playful grin. “Having a hard time waiting?”

Marinette didn’t answer, only averting her eyes to the floor. Anywhere but Luka’s cock. She wasn’t sure what she’d do if she stared at that thing for too long.

“Oh, I got a reply.” The young fashion designer’s heart skipped a beat and she looked at Alya with wide, eager eyes, a glimmer of fear in her gaze. Alya’s smile grew, before she handed the phone over to her best friend. “I like his response.”

Marinette didn’t understand at first, but then she looked at the picture and her blushing face was reignited once again. Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment and arousal as she saw her boyfriend’s familiar cock. It hung out, his pants kicked off and boxers discarded, and an unmistakable hand was holding onto the shaft, gently caressing the dick with smooth, soft fingers.

Her boyfriend’s fingers. Adrien’s cock was hanging out, clearly erect, standing tall and proud despite now being the second biggest penis Marinette had ever held. Her boyfriend was hard, and touching himself.

The message was clear, and Marinette felt her heart pound in her chest as she thought about her boyfriend. She’d rock his world when he came back, but for now, Luka was the source of her desire. 

Marinette grabbed at her clothes, pulling the fabric off of her as an intense, strange gimmer sparkled in her eyes. She licked her lips as her eyes stared at that perfect, huge penis.


Adrien was left waiting once again. His fingers stroked up and down his dick, teasing himself just enough to keep hard, but he had to be careful. Let his fingers and mind wander and suddenly he’s cumming all over himself to the thought of Marinette riding Luka’s huge dick… then he’d miss out on the real thing, and he couldn’t have that.

So he waited, and was rewarded with a message from Alya. ‘Holy shit, Adrien. I’ve never seen Marinette like this before. Not even during our threesomes. She’s going wild…’ That comment just built the anticipation in Adrien. He licked his lips as Alya sent him another text, but instead of sending him another picture, she sent him a video call request.

He clicked on it quickly as he could, and he was not disappointed by what he saw. His girlfriend and Luka having sex on his bed, their naked bodies pressed together as tiny moans and grunts spilled from his phone’s speakers.

Their fucking was quiet, but intense. They were trying to keep quiet, as if he was right there, about to catch his girlfriend riding another man’s shaft. Adrien found it hard to breathe as his hand bounced up and down on his cock, pumping the shaft. 

Marinette was sitting on Luka’s lap as he held her petite body. His hands squeezed her hips, before moving down to grope her perky ass. He dug his fingers into her as she shuddered and quivered, biting her lower lip again as her hands touched her small breasts. 

They were clearly enjoying themselves, and Adrien was too, only for the camera to change angles suddenly. Instead of the sweaty, shaking bodies of Marinette and Luka, Adrien was face to face, in a manner of speaking, with Alya.

“Enjoying the show, Adrien?” she teased. “Cause they’re certainly enjoying putting it up for you. I mean, hold on...” Alya moved the camera, showing Marinette again, but zooming in on her face.

The camera caught every detail of Marinette’s moaning, fucked silly expression. Her tongue hanging over her lip, her eyes half-lidded, her bangs clinging to her sweaty forehead…

“Did you ever make Marinette moan like this, Adrien?”

“N-no,” he grunted, holding the camera with one hand as his hand pumped his cock with the other. He was short of breath, like his girlfriend, as Alya turned the camera back to her own face. “W-what’s it like?” he asked, breath shuddering.

“Like watching a work of art in motion. A front row seat to the best porno ever,” Alya giggled. “I mean, holy shit, these two are going at it.”

Alya was merciful, thankfully, turning her phone towards the couple again so that Adrien could enjoy the show. Adrien took long, slow breaths as his hand gripped tight around his dick. Clinging tightly to it, like how Marinette’s pussy was squeezing Luka’s throbbing shaft.

“Well? How does it feel, Marinette?” Alya asked.

“S-so fucking good!” Adrien loved hearing his normally innocent girlfriend cursing. It was a testament to how good the pleasure was. It broke her, reducing her to something primal as she bounced on Luka’s lap. 

“And you, Luka?”

“S-she’s tight, Adrien. You got yourself a great catch,” the musician moaned, and Adrien felt something stir inside his heart. He felt pride well up in his chest as Luka stared into the camera. “I hope she can still feel you when I’m done with her.” Luka smirked with pride, and Adrien gasped as his balls throbbed.

He needed to cum, and thankfully, so did his girlfriend. “L-Luka! I’m going to cum…”

“Go ahead, Marinette. You want my load inside you or out?”

Both Adrien and Marinette gave the same answer. “Inside…”

Luka was kind enough to follow their plea, holding Marinette against his body as she pressed against him. Their bodies clung to one another, stickicking to one another because of the films of sweat on them.

Marinette and Luka’s hands found one another, interlocking as he thrust his hips into her. His balls slapped against her cute butt, and his entire cock was inside of her as the two came together, as one. His cum filled her pussy, coating the walls that Adrien used to cover with his own semen. 

The musician’s load was bigger, and thicker than the young model’s. Both he and Marinette knew it, but as if to prove the fact, Adrien began to cum as well. He squeezed his dick, squeezed his eyes shut, and felt jets of semen shoot into the air, before falling back down to splatter against his hand, arm, and crotch. 

He was left out of breath, vision hazy as he stared at the screen. A low hum hit his ears, slowly turning into the sound of Marinette and Luka’s moans. They were bordering on screams as the two came together, Marinette’s walls milking the man’s dick for every bit of semen he could give.

The dark-haired woman quivered for a moment, muscles spasming before she went limp. She nearly fell on top of Luka as she giggled, a large grin on her face. Luka helped her sit up as she turned her head to face the camera, staring at Adrien as he struggled to catch his own breath.

“Adrien… Alya’s so wet. She’s soaking, trying not to touch herself.”

The blonde grinned as Alya tried to save face. “Oh, I- uh…”

“Why don’t you take Luka for a ride? Here, I’ll record for you…” Marinette reached for Alya’s phone, as Luka smirked. 

“I mean, if Luka’s okay with it…”

“More than okay, Alya. Come here. Why don’t you start by licking my cock clean?”

“Mmm. Alright, big guy…”

Adrien watched as the two girls switched positions. Marinette took the phone as Alya began to strip her clothes off. His girlfriend was nice enough to give Adrien a shot of Alya’s ass, before turning the camera towards her smiling face.

“He’s amazing, Adrien. Better than our fantasies,” Marinette giggled. “I can’t wait for you to come back and join us.”

“Honestly, I’m tempted to hop on the first plane back now,” the young man commented.

“You better clean yourself up first, hon,” she teased, making the model blush. 

“Well played, buggaboo.”

“Thanks. Unfortunately, this is all you get for now.” Adrien pouted, glaring at his girlfriend as she smiled. “Don’t give me that look. You’ll get plenty more when you come back home.” And with that, the call ended, and all Adrien saw was a reflection of his emerald eyes on a black screen.

“Man…” Adrien rested his head on his pillow as he finally caught his breath. He swallowed spit down his dry throat as he imagined his three friends. Suddenly his phone rang, and he looked at the number calling him.

Shoot. Another photoshoot? Adrien rolled his eyes as he sat up, looking at the mess he had made on himself. Cum all over his crotch and right hand, and it was quickly drying and sticking to him. 

Looks like he had to take a quick shower. Before he got up, though, he sent his friends one last message. 

‘Can’t wait to get back. Love you, guys.’


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