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Pyrrha and Jaune are happily married, but there's one problem. Pyrrha is a cuckquean, meaning she gets turned on by the idea of Jaune cheating on her. Jaune only wants to make his wife, and love, happy, so the two ask for help from Ruby to scratch Pyrrha's itch. Includes: Friendly NTR(?), Smut


Ruby really had no idea what she was supposed to say. She had been nibbling on her cookie for the last few minutes, just to try and ignore the question. She glanced at a nearby window, staring outside the small house to help distract herself. 

There was a pretty looking bird outside, eating from a small birdhouse. That looked nice. Ruby wondered if Pyrrha and Jaune made that birdhouse themselves or painted. Maybe that would be an interesting topic to discuss instead of… this. 

“Ruby?” Jaune called out to her, and she glanced at him, before her face exploded with embarrassment. She glanced down at her cookie, nibbling it, only to stare in horror that she was almost out of cookie. 

She tried to subtly reach towards the plate of them on the table, only for Pyrrha to pull it away.


“Ruby, please. It doesn’t have to be a yes, but can you please answer us at least?” Pyrrha pleaded, looking at her friend. 

“I… I mean, h-how am I supposed to answer?” Ruby replied. Of course, Ruby knew how she was supposed to answer. Honestly. But HOW could she do that when they were basically asking her to do something she would never do, yet wanted so badly to do!? Ruby bit her lower lip.

She felt horrible. She felt guilty. She felt like she just wanted to go home and look up cute pictures of dogs on the internet. She’d rather go back to years ago, and face off against Salem again, because this. This was impossible. 

Ruby had been wrestling with her heart for years. When she first started attending Beacon, Jaune was her first real friend. The nicest, funniest guy she ever met, and he was awesome! She thought that was the end of it, but those feelings only got more intense as the months passed, until Ruby knew what it was.

She had a crush on him. Unfortunately, the day she realized was also the day Pyrrha nearly died, and Jaune and her confessed their feelings for one another. 

Ruby was the first to know, and she bit her tongue and told them how happy she was for them. Then she fell on her bed and cried. She cried for hours until she couldn’t any longer. 

The years went by, and Ruby was happy for those she cared for. That’s what you did if you loved someone, right? You wanted them to be happy? Well, Ruby wanted Jaune to be happy, and if Pyrrha made him happy, so be it. Ruby would fight for the two, for their happiness, no matter how badly it hurt.

Ruby glanced opposite of the window. There was a picture of Jaune and Pyrrha’s wedding hanging up on the wall. Ruby was there as one of the bridesmaids. She was smiling, even though she could easily remember the pain she felt seeing the two kiss. 

And now here they were. Months after the wedding. Ruby thought she was here to have a nice lunch, not be propositioned. 

“You want me to make Jaune cheat on you,” she muttered, both to remind herself of the reality of the situation, and to quadruple check with Pyrrha. Again.

“It’s not cheating. Not really. It’ll just be you and Jaune having sex while I watch.” Pyrrha blushed. “Alright, I know it sounds bad, but Jaune and I have talked about this a lot.”

“I’m okay with it, and Pyrrha is too.”

“But why me?” 

“There’s not a girl I trust more for this mission. You’re one of my closest friends, Ruby.” Pyrrha’s hand touched Ruby’s, and silver eyes stared into emerald ones. “Please. You are the best option. The first one I considered.”

You can learn a lot about someone by looking them in the eyes. After all, OZpin learned a lot about Ruby when he looked into hers. 

When the dark-haired Huntress looked into Pyrrha’s eyes, she felt something in her heart. It was like the two had another conversation, just between them. Ruby wasn’t even sure what was being said, just that some kind of message was hidden in Pyrrha’s gaze...

Of course, it could have been Ruby’s own imagination, but in the back of her mind, she wondered. Did Pyrrha know how Ruby felt about Jaune? Had always felt? Was that why she was offering this to Ruby, before anyone else?

“We don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to, Rubes.” Man, she loved it when he called her that. “But it’d made both of us happy, and, well…” He scratched the back of his head, before sighing. “I guess there’s not much too it beyond that. We wanted to give you the offer, but you’re free to say no, no questions asked.”

They were so nice about it, and weirdly enough, that just made this whole thing harder. Should she have sex with Jaune? Should she let Pyrrha watch? It all felt so strange, but these were two of her closest friends. If they were offering her this, with no repercussions if she said yes, or no, what was wrong with taking it?

Besides, how many times had Ruby touched herself to the thought of being with Jaune? Too many to count, probably. 

One hundred and ninety-three times, starting when she first met him, to now, almost five years later. 

Ruby glanced at Pyrrha’s eyes, and there was that same feeling. There was just something pleading in those eyes, like Pyrrha wanted to beg Ruby to say yes. It was those shimmering eyes that drove her to speak.


“Really? You’ll do it!? Oh, thank you, Ruby!” Pyrrha cheered, throwing her arms around the younger girl, almost throwing herself over the table. Ruby blushed from the embrace, doing her best to hug her back as Jaune sighed in relief. “Oh, I need to go get something upstairs! Is there anything you need to get ready? You can just borrow my pill if you need, but if there’s anything else, let Jaune know, okay?”

“W-wait, we’re doing this right now?!” Ruby squeaked, watching Pyrrha pull away and rush up the stairs. The redhead was gone, leaving Jaune and Ruby alone, both flushed with embarrassment. 

“So… we’re doing this,” Jaune chuckled.

“Please don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts!”

“I’m not! I’m just...  I’m glad you’ve agreed to do it.” Jaune smiled at her, and Ruby’s legs knocked against each other. “Pyrrha didn’t say it, but I think it’s fair you know what this is all really about.”

“I… just assumed it was a weird adult sex thing.”

“It kind of is,” he confessed. “But the truth it, Pyrrha’s a cuckquean.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, it’s a female cuckold.”

“Okay. What’s that?”

Jaune stared at her, before chuckling. “Sorry. Basically, Pyrrha gets turned on by the idea of me cheating on her with another girl.”

“Huh? How the heck does that turn her on?”

“Well, she’s a masochist, so the idea of being betrayed and hurt like that actually turns her on.”

“Oh. Okay.” Ruby didn’t really understand it, honestly. “How… how can she be turned on by that?”

“She just is, I guess. I didn’t really want to pry.” Jaune glanced behind him, at the stairs. It was like he was waiting for Pyrrha to come down any moment, but when she didn’t, he leaned towards Ruby and whispered something to her. “She’s also really broken up about being turned on by it. I had to convince her to agree to this, and only after I said we should try it with you first.” 

Ruby burned crimson that she was the first suggestion Jaune gave. 

“When she told me about this fetish, she was crying.” The dark-haired woman’s eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. Jaune looked at her with a look of sympathy. He must have had a similar reaction. “She was saying we should break up because I didn’t deserve a ‘broken’ woman. She was sobbing, telling me that she was a freak. I held her in my arms over almost an hour, arguing with her that she was still the woman I loved.”

“Poor Pyr… Why would you she think that” Ruby asked.

“Guilt, I guess. I think that’s why she’s so happy to hear you agree. It helps her come to terms with her fetish.”

Help her… Those words unleashed something in Ruby. Pyrrha needed help, and as her friend, and a hero of Remnant, Ruby had to help her, right? Even if it meant riding Jaune’s dick, she had to make sure Pyrrha didn’t feel like a freak any longer!

Ruby could not believe she just thought that, but the point still stood. She was going to help Pyrrha. 

“Jaune.” Ruby swallowed down her nerves. “Let’s do this.”


It felt almost like going to war against Salem again. Ruby, Jaune, and Pyrrha prepared for the night, working together to ensure everything would go according to plan. The couple would do the deed in the bedroom, while Pyrrha watched. Both Ruby and Jaune had to pretend the redhead wasn’t there, a fact that was difficult for the youngest of the three, but not impossible.

She hoped. 

Soon the night was ready. Pyrrha was sitting on a chair by the bed, watching Ruby and Jaune strip. It took Ruby a second, her eyes darting between the blonde and the redhead. Pyrrha was taking off her own clothes, revealing her dark underwear, while Jaune was stripping down to his boxers. 

Ruby took a deep breath, before sighing and taking her clothes off. She found it hard to breathe, and whether she looked at Pyrrha or Jaune, her cheeks burned. She felt hot, and for a moment she considered walking away.

Then she glanced into Pyrrha’s pleading eyes. Then she looked into Jaune’s compassionate, loving sapphire gaze. She couldn’t walk away, but most importantly of all, she didn’t want to.

Ruby dropped her shirt to the floor, revealing her dark red bra, before she pulled her skirt down her slender legs, letting it fall at her feet. 

“Are you two ready to begin?” Pyrrha asked, and Jaune looked at Ruby for answer. 

He was ready. Was she?

“Ready,” Ruby replied. This was all about helping Pyrrha. Being a good friend. Being a compassionate, strong, pillar of-

Jaune kissed Ruby, and she let out a tiny squeak as she realized the other huge benefit to this whole situation. Her brain shut down for a moment as his lips just pressed against hers, and if Ruby could turn her gaze to Pyrrha, she’d see the redhead smiling, biting her lower lip with a look of utter excitement in her eyes. 

The kiss stole Ruby’s breath away. He was soft, yet firm, and when his tongue brushed against her lips, she parted hers and happily welcomed his. Their tongues touched as Ruby’s arms wrapped around Jaune’s neck, moans slipping out of her mouth as their tongues danced. 

“You’ve been cheating behind my back for months,” Pyrrha whispered, shivering from her own words. Ruby couldn’t hear the other girl. Jaune barely heard her. “You’ve wanted to end things, but you can’t control yourself. You need to fuck… fuck a real…” Pyrrha slipped a hand under her panties, gasping as her fingers found herself already moist.

Meanwhile, Ruby was blown away by how good of a kisser Jaune was. She always fantasized about it, but the reality blew her dreams away. She ran her fingers through his golden locks, loving how they tickled her fingers. They parted, eyes staring into each other’s as Ruby felt a new heat consume her.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Jaune whispered.

“Are you?” she replied, glancing away. “I-I’m not as big as Pyrrha. I’m not-”

He kissed her lips, and there was something in that kiss that stole her breath away. “You’re perfect.”

Fuck, Ruby wanted him, and when she felt something hard and throbbing pressed against her thigh, she knew he felt the same way. Maybe he didn’t love her, but on some physical level, he wanted her. 

That was good for her, considering she really wanted him. Her hands slipped down from his neck to his chest, feeling his firm, smooth chest. He had grown up well from the awkward, clumsy teen she fell for. 

“Fuck her, Jaune,” Pyrrha’s voice begged. “Please…”

It was like her pleas blended with Ruby’s mind. They both wanted the same thing, and everything just seemed to fall into place for them. Ruby’s hand stroked down Jaune’s chest, reaching his boxers, and she pulled the dark fabric down his body. 

His cock sprung free, smacking against Ruby’s legs, and she barely held back a moan. She shifted her leg, brushing her thigh against the erect penis, and Jaune moaned in response. 

She took a moment to worship his cock, like she had always fantasized about doing. She got down on her knees, parted her lips, and gave the tip of his dick a soft kiss. He moaned again at the sensation, and Pyrrha did the same.

“Does Pyrrha ever such your cock?” she asked, but he wasn’t the one to answer.

“N-no. I-I’ve never… I-I haven’t…”

Jaune just shook his head, watching Ruby nuzzle his dick like it was an affectionate pet, before she gave the side of it another kiss, before letting her tongue slip out. She dragged her tongue along the length of his shaft, shuddering from the delicious taste. 

“That’s not right. What kind of wife… doesn’t suck her husband’s cock?” Ruby wasn’t sure what overtook her. She had never been sexually dominate, never the teasing and sadistic type, but there was something about hearing Pyrrha and Jaune’s moans that made her happy. 

It was like being bad was exactly what they wanted her to be, and she was only too happy to oblige. 

“Your cock is so big… There’s no way Pyrrha could ever handle this,” Ruby giggled, before she opened her mouth and took the cock into her mouth, closing her soft lips around the shaft and sucking on it. 

She bobbed her head up and down on the shaft, her tongue just under the cock, dragging along the bottom of it. She let out a low groan, feeling it stretch her throat. It felt good. She went deeper, taking more and more of his cock as Pyrrha gawked at her and Jaune’s legs trembled. 

Soon Ruby’s nose was pressing against his crotch, before she pulled all the way back. The dick slipped out of her mouth and threads of saliva and drool connected her mouth to the saliva-coated rod as she asked him a question. 

“Do you want to… fuck me, Jaune?” Ruby inquired, her voice almost teasing the man.

“Yes...” He grabbed her by the ass as soon as she stood up, digging his hand into the soft cloth of her panties. “I want to fuck you Ruby, right here.” On his and Pyrrha’s bed. A place that was supposed to be sacred…

“Please, oh, fuck, please. Please,” the woman cried from her seat, pressing a finger into her pussy. She pushed it in and out as she stared at the two. “Fuck right where I sleep. L-let me wallow in your juices every night I go to sleep…”

Ruby and Jaune were only too eager to make that a reality. Jaune pulled the girl’s panties down as she unhooked her bra. The hesitation Ruby had faded away, even the desire to help Pyrrha became lost in the fog of lust Ruby found herself in.

Soon the two were naked, and they fell onto the bed together. Jaune was on top of Ruby as their lips found each other again, tongues smacking against one another as his fingers fingered her pussy. Like Pyrrha, Ruby was soaking wet.

“Don’t be gentle.” For a moment, neither Ruby or Pyrrha were sure who said it, but after a half second, Ruby realized it was her voice. She stared into Jaune’s beautiful eyes as she repeated herself. “I lost my virginity a long time ago.” His eyes widened, and she blushed as she turned her eyes away.

“N-not like that. I’ve never been with anyone, I just… I-I work out, and… y’know.” She sighed, as Jaune chuckled and kissed her cheek. 

“I know.” Their lips found each other again, tongues dancing as Pyrrha watched.

“F-fuck her,” Pyrrha moaned. “Fuck her harder than you’ve ever fucked me…”

Jaune’s hands dug into the pillow Ruby’s head was resting on. She stared up at him as he loomed over her, his cheeks red and his breath short. She had her hands on his sides, stroking his skin as his the tip of his dick rubbed against her slit.

Slowly, he pushed into her, and she trembled, fingers digging into his skin as he slowly penetrated her. He went slow for her benefit at first, scared of breaking the small girl.

Pyrrha bit her lip, her lips parted, but the words never reached her tongue. Ruby spoke them instead. 

“Harder. Fuck me harder,” she begged, pulling their bodies together, letting her hard nipples brush against Jaune’s chest. His eyes widened, before her legs wrapped around his body. “Fuck me harder than you ever fucked that little girl.”

Her voice sent a jolt through Pyrrha’s body, and she let out a mewling cry as her single finger became three, pistoning in and out of her womanhood. 

Jaune could hear his wife’s screams, and he swallowed his own nerves down. He nodded his head, thrusting the rest of his shaft into Ruby with one, fast push. She moaned in response, shaking from the pain and pleasure as she was split apart. 

Ruby’s legs held onto Jaune as he pulled his hips back and thrusted them forward, pounding her tight pussy. She moaned as he filled her, licking his lips when he leaned in close. Her arms wrapped around his head, stroking his golden hair as she spoke, just loud enough for Pyrrha to hear.

“I’m tight, aren’t I, Jaune? Tighter than that little red-haired bitch?” Pyrrha cried out, rubbing her breast with her free hand as her other hand fingered her pussy. “She’s too hard. Too muscly. How could you ever fuck something like that?”

“I-I love her,” Jaune muttered, before he sucked on Ruby’s tongue, moaning at the taste. Her pussy walls quivered, tightening around his shaft and making him moan. 

“No, what you love is fucking my body. Just like how I love your big. Hard. Cock.” Her voice was hot against his ear as he moaned into her neck, pounding faster into her. The bed groaned as their rhythm quickened. 

Pyrrha pinched her own nipple, rolling the piece of flesh between her fingertips as Ruby continued. “Her fat udders are useless. She never treats you right with them. Not like me. Every part of me is made to be fucked by you, Jaune. You own me. So use me.”

“R-Ruby…” Jaune almost sounded scared. Maybe Ruby was taking this too far, and for a moment, she considered stopping. Then Jaune kissed her, and he began to really hammer away at her pussy, earning a cry of surprise and ecstasy as his balls slapped against her.

“O-oh god…!” 

“I’ve been wanting a taste of you for so long. Every moment I’m with her, I’m thinking of you!” Jaune confessed, and they could both hear Pyrrha moaning in approval. “Every kiss I give her, I want to give ten times as many to you. I-I want to fuck you, not her.”

“It’s not, oh fuck, i-it’s not her fault,” Ruby giggled, staring into Jaune’s eyes. “She’s an amazing fighter, and a good person, but she has a glaring weakness.”

“What? What is it?” Pyrrha moaned, digits thrusting into her as her hand moved down from her chest to rub at her own clit. “Ruby, please tell me, I-I want to be weak, I-”

“I’m a better woman. A real woman. Not like her.” They could hear the mighty warrior screaming as her cum stained her own panties. “Say it, Jaune.”

“You’re a better woman.” 

“Oh fuck, yes…!”

“Your pussy is tighter. Your breasts are nicer. You’re perfect compared to her!”

“Yes, yes, ye-ahh!” Pyrrha’s body was spasming, but she wasn’t the only one. Jaune and Ruby embraced one another, holding their bodies together as jizz flowed into the young woman’s body. 

Ruby’s silver eyes rolled into her skull, leaving her blind and dazed as her body exploded with pleasure. She could feel her pussy being marked by the blonde’s seed, staining the moist walls of her pussy, filling her with his sperm.

Jaune moaned into her neck, trying to catch his breath as his cock throbbed inside of her. Her pussy was milking him dry, and Ruby made sure to twist the knife. She held Jaune against her as Ruby lifted her head up and looked Pyrrha in the eyes.

Pyrrha stared into those silver eyes, eyes she trusted, the eyes of the innocent and compassionate Ruby Rose, her friend.

“Pyrrha could never make you cum like that. She’s too weak.”

The redhead’s eyes widened, and she squeezed them shut as her legs pressed together. Her fingers pushed into her once, twice, before she let out another moan, cumming one last time on her own fingers, leaving her own juices on her panties. 


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jaune repeated, as he, Ruby, and Pyrrha sat on the bed. Ruby sticked out her tongue, gagging at the stains she and Jaune had left behind as the emerald-eyed woman beamed.

“I feel better than I have in weeks! Oh, that was simply amazing! I-I still can’t believe it happened! It was just like my fantasies!” She embraced her husband, squeezing him against her sweaty body, before she did the same to Ruby.

Ruby’s own nipples, still hard from the pleasure of being fucked by Jaune, brushed against Pyrrha’s skin, a fact that made the younger girl blush.

“A-and you’re sure you know we love you?” Ruby’s muffled voice asked, her lips pressed against Pyrrha’s shoulder. 

“Of course I do! Only people who loved me so could have done what you two did! I still feel woozy. My legs are shaking. It was all so perfect!” 

Jaune chuckled as Ruby was finally released. The dark-haired woman blushed as she glanced at her blonde friend.

“Um… Good working with you, Jaune?”

“Er, yeah.” He was blushing as he looked away. “You too, Rubes.”

Now came the awkward question of what came next. Ruby looked at the happy couple, specifically the beaming, practically glowing Pyrrha. “Um, it’s getting late. Would it be weird if I slept here for the night?”

“Not at all.”

“No problem, Rubes. I can go make sure the guest room has fresh seats.”

“Cool. Oh, but I should probably text Yang and tell her I’m staying with you two for the night. Hey, Jaune, you mind getting my phone? I left it in the living room.”

Ever the gentleman, Jaune happily obeyed, standing up and walking out. As soon as the door was closed behind him, Ruby looked at Pyrrha with sharp eyes.


“Hm? What is it, Ruby?”

“I just want you to know that you’re not a freak. I still think you’re one of the coolest people I know.”

Pyrrha’s widened, before she smiled and wrapped her arms around Ruby and squeezed her tight. She had heard Jaune say that so many times, but it just felt… good to hear that from someone else. There were tears in Pyrrha’s eyes as she nuzzled her face against Ruby’s neck, tickling the other girl.

“Thank you..”



See, if Pyrrha really wanted to feel hurt, she should have had Jaume fuck Cinder.