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Summary: Mineta has Mina, but now it's time to go after the hottest girl in class. Momo Yaoyarozu, and Mina is eager to help him. The two work together, trapping Momo between them as they teach her that Mineta isn't so bad. Includes: Threesome, Mind Break, and Bad End.

Message me with who you think should be next, though I also have my own ideas.


Momo was fuming as she glared down at her fellow student. She couldn’t believe his perverted nature, or his sheer disregard for the rules. Momo crossed her arms around her chest, unintentionally emphasizing her large bust as she glared down Mineta.

“I should alert Mr. Aizawa of your actions, Mineta.”

“I swear, I wasn’t peeking!”

The summer break was about to begin, and Momo wanted to take the time to practice her stamina. She had thought, what better place than the school’s pool? She got the necessary permission and had enjoyed an afternoon of swimming, before returning to the locker room and changing back into her clothes. That was when she saw Mineta’s unmistakeable face poking into the locker room, no doubt trying to spy on her!

“Don’t give me that! I know you were looking into the girl’s locker room! Shame on you, Mineta! Actions such as these are a disgrace to both yourself, to us, and to the school. Have you no shame?”

“Uh… What’s going on?” a voice asked, and both Momo and Mineta turned to find Mina Ashido staring at them in confusion. Her dark eyes bounced between the two as Momo sighed, knowing her friend would help her punish the terrible boy.

“Mina! I found Mineta trying to peek into the girl’s locker room!”

To her surprise, Mina actually looked surprised by the accusation. “What? No way.” There was such… conviction in the girl’s voice. She almost sounded like she really was shocked by the notion. “Mineta was just here to meet me. He’s been tutoring me after school lately.”


“Seriously, Momo. If you’re gonna be mad at anyone, be mad at me. I’m the one who told him to wait outside for me.” Mina walked forward and smiled at Mineta, standing by his side. “Mineta was just hanging out waiting for me, right, sweetie?”

Did Mina actually just call Mineta that…?!

“Huh? Oh, yeah! Yeah!” The boy quickly nodded his head, wrapping his arms around Mina and hugging her, pressing his cheek against her thigh. The pink-skinned woman actually seemed to enjoy his touch, smiling down at him with a purple blush.

Momo wasn’t convinced, but why would Mina lie to defend the shameful, young man? Instead the raven-haired woman ground her teeth and slowly nodded her head, biting her tongue. “I see. Well, I apologize for the misunderstanding, Mina. Mineta.” Momo sighed, turning away. “I should probably go home. I’m… tired.”

“Alright! Don’t work yourself to hard, Momo!” Mina beamed, waving goodbye to her friend. 

Momo gave a quick nod, before she returned to the changing room, leaving the two to stand in the hallway alone. As soon the doors closed behind Momo, Mineta lifted up a hand and squeeze Mina’s ass, digging his fingers into the firm flesh. Mina shuddered at his touch as his other hand rubbed against her panty-clad pussy. 

“Thanks for the save there, babe,” Mineta grinned.

Mina quivered at his touch, biting her lower lip as she nodded her head. “N-no problem…” She gulped, staring down at Mineta with hungry, wanting eyes. “Master.”

Mineta smirked at the title, giving Mina’s clit a good rub as a reward. “So, I bet you wanted me to fuck you, huh?” 

The pink-skinned woman squeaked, eyes glancing at the nearby doors. She hoped Momo didn’t hear that. She hoped no one heard that. Mina glanced at Mineta, nodding her head.

“Well, I’m not really feeling it,” Mineta sighed, pulling his hands away from Mina and leaving her with a moist, but untouched pussy.

“W-what?! Why not!? Mina pouted, clearly distraught over the loss. She was so disappointed, she couldn’t even recognize the irony. Her, disappointed that Mineta wouldn’t fuck her? It was almost laughable. “C-come on, I’ve been a good girl! Y-you loved fucking my throat earlier today!”

The memory was still fresh in both of their minds, and Mineta licked his lips as the memory made his dick throb. “You’re right. I do, but I don’t think you deserve a good fucking.” 

Mina pouted at that, and she was almost tempted to threaten to melt Mineta if he didn’t fuck her. A desperate threat, but a threat nonetheless. Thankfully, it wasn’t needed.

“Help me out with something, and I’ll fuck you hard, I promise, babe,” Mineta chuckled, gently spanking Mina’s ass. 

“Help you? With what?”

Mineta grinned, squeezing Mina’s firm butt as he began the first part of his plan. With Mina’s help, he’d finally get what he wanted since getting into UA…


Momo walked into the girls’ locker room without any fear or worry in her heart. Mina had invited the raven-haired woman to practice in the pool together, an offer Momo was happy to accept. The two hardly did things together, and while they were friends, Momo was happy to deepen her bond with the pink-skinned girl.

“Mina? Hello?” No answer. That was odd. Momo had received a text saying from Mina saying she was already inside. “Mina?”

“Surprise attack!” The shout was sudden, and despite the words, Momo was still taken by surprise as a pair arms wrapped around her body. Both of her breasts were groped by a familiar pair hands, squeezing the bountiful bosom. “Ooh, nice size, Momo!”

“M-Mina!” The brilliant student’s cheeks were burning hot with shame as she stuttered. “W-what-?” Mina released her, and gave a teasing grin.

“Slow reaction time, and you barely tried to get me off. Tsk, tsk, tsk. For shame, Momo.”

“E-excuse me?!”

“Aw come on, isn’t it obvious? I told you we would be training, didn’t I?”

“T-that isn’t what I thought you meant by training! I assumed you meant swimming, o-or underwater combat!” Momo argued, her cheeks still red.

“Huh? Oh, I mean, we can, but come on, Momo. We’re not Tsu. When I invited you, I meant for some reaction time combat!” 

“R-reaction time combat?” Momo gulped, suddenly feeling self-conscious in her clothes, even though they were fairly conservative. “I understand the reasoning, but-” The raven-haired woman was interrupted as Mina reached her hand down. Momo watched it move, confused for the tiniest second, before she felt the hand smack her butt. The loud clap echoed through the locker room as Momo squeaked.

“Left yourself open again.”

Momo stepped back, holding her hands over her breasts and trying to keep her butt away from Mina’s hands. Ironically, this just made her assets more noticeable, as if she was trying to show off her large breasts and equally large, round ass. Mina admired the sight, understanding exactly why Mineta liked groping the intelligent student.

“I-I’m not sure how comfortable I am with this kind of training.”

“Hey, come on, Momo. How are we going to be great heroes if we can’t deal with a pervert or two? Here, you give it a try. Give my girls a squeeze.” Momo blushed at the request, watching as Mina took off her loose, pink top and tossed it aside.

Mina’s large breasts bounced free, clad only in a pink bikini top that left little to the imagination. Her chest was held poorly in the top, and when Mina jumped in place, Momo could almost see the woman’s nipples peek free. 

“Here.” The horned woman took Momo’s hands in her own, and the other woman relaxed her arms. Mina placed Momo’s hands on her bikini-clad chest, letting her feel her breasts. “See? We’re just girls bein girls. Don’t sweat it, Momo-chan.”

Momo blushed, and she tried giving one of the breasts a squeeze like Mina had done. It felt soft, yet also firm. They weren’t as big as Momo’s, but they were still probably the second biggest in class. The more Momo squeezed and groped them, the better they felt, and soon Mina was letting out tiny, quiet moans from her friend’s touch.

If there had been any part of Mina against the plan, against selling her friend to the small, perverted devil, Momo was ironically destroying it. Her hands on Mina’s tits spoke to the basest, most animalistic part of Mina’s body. The part that wanted pleasure, the part that wanted to be handled roughly. What Momo lacked in skill, she more than made up for in pure, physical appeal, and Mina loved it.

“S-see? It’s nice, right?”

“I-I suppose it is.”

“Course, the point of the training is that we can avoid being touched like this.” Mina grinned, and suddenly her hands shot forward, grabbing onto Momo’s butt and pulling their bodies together.

The two slammed into each other, and while neither was hurt, Momo was blushing once again from the sudden contact. Their breasts were rubbing together, pressed firmly against each other as Mina rubbed their chests together, trapping Momo’s hands in between.

It was like a battle of the breasts, and Momo wasn’t sure how to respond. It almost felt like a fever dream, not helped at all by how good Mina’s body felt against hers. The way their breasts rubbed against one another, fighting for dominance. The skill in Mina’s hands as they massaged and kneaded Momo’s ass, traveling up and down her back. How close their faces were… It was like some kind of perverted fantasy Momo had locked away in the deepest, recess of her mind.

Momo opened her mouth to give some kind of argument, only for Mina’s lips to suddenly catch hers. The raven-haired hero in training froze, her eyes widening at the sudden contact. Her first kiss… stolen by another girl? T-that didn’t make any sense, and neither did Mina’s tongue… It didn’t make sense how good it felt, licking against Momo’s lips, trying to find a way in.

“W-wait!” Momo broke the kiss, and she tried to pull away, but Mina kept their bodies pressed together, trapping her hands. Momo could struggle more, but every time she did, she felt this… jolt of pleasure go down her body. 

She blushed as her hand brushed against something hard and small, and that blush intensified as she realized it was Mina’s nipple.

“W-we should stop.”

“Why?” Mina replied, pecking Momo’s nose. 

“B-because we shouldn’t be doing this. We-”

“Wanna know something, I learned recently, Momo?” The Creation Hero was stunned, her face hot, and her body trembling as Mina suddenly changed positions. 

Momo was simply out of her element. Mina’s touch had left her wink, blushing, and faint. Now suddenly she was being pushed away from Mina, and Momo couldn’t help but notice how cold her skin was without Mina’s touch…

No. No, it wasn’t just Mina’s touch. It was the fact that Momo’s clothes were almost completely torn apart. Her clothes, including the school approved swimsuit she was wearing underneath, were eroding away! Momo was shocked, crying out as she watched the front of her top fall off of her, taking her bra with it. 

“Acid. Just strong enough to get those prudish clothes off of ya without hurting you. You’re welcome,” Mina grinned proudly, watching as Momo’s skirt was slowly eaten away until it too had fallen off. 

All Momo had on was her panties, and even those were beginning to fall off. The naked woman quickly placed an arm over her breasts, covering her nipples as she used her other hand to keep her panties against her body. Unfortunately, that just left her looking even more provocative.

“M-Mina! S-stop this at once!” the woman ordered, but her stuttering and crimson cheeks destroyed any chance of her orders being obeyed. Much like how Mina was currently destroying her own bikini, melting it away with just a bit of acid, just enough to get rid of the bikini and no more. 

“What do you think, Master?” Mina teased, ignoring the blushing, quivering woman. 

Momo’s mind was moving a mile a second, and it only got worse as she felt a hand on her body. It wasn’t Mina’s, no, someone was behind her, caressing her ass. Before she could say anything, the hand suddenly spanked her ass, and Momo jumped, turning around to find Mineta standing behind her. 

The short student smirked smugly as Mina placed her hands on Momo’s shoulders. Momo was trapped between the two, and her face was as red as a ruby as she felt Mina’s nipples brushing against her back.

“W-what are you doing here?! Mina, what-?” Mina lifted up her arms, grabbing Momo’s chest again and pinching her nipples. “Ahh!” Momo’s eyes widened at the touch. She had never felt anything like it before. Coming from a wealthy, sophisticated family, taught how to act from a young age, Momo had no defense against the carnal pleasures she was experiencing. 

“Calm down, Momo,” Mina whispered, licking Momo’s ear. “Just relax,” she urged, leaving several kisses down her friend’s neck. Each kiss sent another jolt of pleasure through Momo’s body, but she shook her head. 

“I-I don’t understa-ahh!” Oh god. Momo’s body… It felt like it was on fire. Like electricity was coursing through her veins, right into her brain. The woman had never felt anything like this before. She had never even touched herself! Yet what she felt was driving her wild, making her weak, she would have fallen to the ground had it not been for Mina holding her body up.

Momo’s eyes fell shut as she felt her legs being pulled apart and her hand pushed aside. What remained of her panties fell to the ground as she felt something small and wet touched her sacred womanhood, leaving her writhing and shaking from the fire it ignited in her.

Her legs quivered, but something held them still as that her vagina… her pussy felt things she had never even imagined before. Momo cried out, moaning loudly until Mina placed a hand over her mouth, muffling Momo’s voice.

Mina used Momo’s body like a puppet, forcing her to look down. Momo told herself to fight back, told herself to create something, but every time the thought of rebellion formed in her mind, another jolt of pleasure would burn it away. It was just so hard to think..

The Creation Hero’s eyes widened again as she realized just what was giving her this pleasure. Mineta’s face was between her legs, and he was licking her pussy. Momo told herself to break free yet again, and her will reignited as she began to kick her legs. Mineta just smiled at her, taking his fingers and rubbing just above her womanhood as his tongue smacked against her folds yet again.

Momo screamed against Mina’s hand, drool slipping out from under the horned woman’s fingers. The brilliant student was reduced to a quivering, weak mess, breasts jiggling against her chest as the pleasure continued to course through her. 

“It feels good, doesn’t it? It’s okay, I know what you’re probably thinking. I thought the exact same when Mineta fucked me,” Mina whispered, gently kissing and licking Momo’s ear between sentences. “But I’m going to tell you the same thing that made it all worthwhile… How can anything that feels this good, be bad?”

How, indeed… As Momo’s melted mind took in Mina’s words, Mineta continued his plan. He began to finger the taller girl, and suddenly Momo’s vision was reduced to blurry lines and explosions of colors. Mineta’s fingers pumped into her body, letting her sexual juices flow onto the ground as she writhed. It wasn’t to escape Mina’s grasp, this time. It was just because Momo’s body was so unused to the pleasure, so easily broken in by it…

“Lay her down, Mina. I want to fuck her pussy.”

Mina nodded her head, removing her hand from the other girl’s mouth. Mina started to lay Momo down, positioning their bodies so that Momo’s face rests between Mina’s breasts. The black-haired woman felt Mineta’s hands on her hips, pulling on her as her face was pressed between soft, pink tits..

Momo had her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she felt Mineta’s fingers on her pussy, fingering her once more, even teasing her clit. The pleasure was overwhelming, and Momo could feel her sense of rationality and will to fight leave her, crumbling away as Mineta’s hands reduced her to putty.

It was too much, and Momo found herself not wanting to fight it anymore. Mina was right. It felt good. If she just let go, release herself to the pleasure, what was the harm in that? No one would be hurt if she just gave herself up…

Suddenly Mineta’s fingers pulled away, and Momo whined, humping the air. Her voice was muffled by Mina’s tits as the horned woman and her Master shared a victorious look. A hand slapped Momo’s ass, making her moan into Mina’s chest, before Mineta began the final part of his plan. 

Momo had spent a good part of her life training to be a hero. She worked out both her mind, and her body, and one of the effects of her training regiment meant that her hymen broke long ago. That meant when Mineta pushed his cock into her, there was nothing but pleasure as his dick stretched her hot, wet pussy open. 

“Ahhh!” Momo screamed into her Mina’s tits, and the horned woman pushed one of her breasts into Momo’s mouth to help silence her. Besides, the vibrations and hot tongue felt good against her hard nipples…

“Finally!” Mineta grinned. “I finally get to fuck your hot, teasing body! Oh, I’ve waited for this for so long!” he shouted, spanking Momo’s butt as he bucked his body back and forth, each thrust driving Momo’s head deeper into her friend’s rack.

“It feels good, doesn’t it, Momo?” Mina kissed the top of her head. “It feels good when his cock thrusts in and out of you. When he spanks you like the naughty girl you are.” 

Were she in a better state of mind, Momo would have wondered if either Mina had some kind of brainwashing Quirk because what Mina was saying made sense. Momo never thought words like that could, but she felt so good right now! Being fucked by Mineta felt amazing!

“Mineta’s not so bad, is he? If we just let him have his fun, everyone wins. We thought he was so bad… I think we owe him an apology,” Mina teased, before she lifted her friend’s body up and pressed their lips together.

Mineta pounded away at Momo’s pussy, his balls smacking against her as his hands painted her ass red with slap after slap. He only fucked the buxom woman harder as he watched Mina and Momo kissing, making out, tongues slipping in and out of each other’s mouths.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Mineta roared, hammering away at Momo’s body like he was a jackhammer. The wet slap of their pounding bodies, and the wet sloshing of his his fucking her cunt, filled the room. It filled Momo’s mind as she gave up her old self, and embraced these new feelings. 

Her strength suddenly returned to her as Momo broke the kiss she and Mina had. The Creation Hero pulled away from Mineta, surprising both him and his pink slave. Momo had her chance to escape, but the idea didn’t even cross her mind as she reveled in this debauchery. She pulled at her hair tie, tearing it off and letting her long, ebony locks flow down her back. Then she sat down, facing Mineta.

Momo licked her plump, soft lips as she spread her legs. She placed her hands on her chest. The large size of her breasts used to annoy her, but if Mineta approved of them, maybe she could use them to make him make love to her even harder! She played with her own breasts as she looked at Mineta with lust-filled eyes.

“P-please, put it in me again, Mineta…”

“Master,” Mina corrected, sitting behind Momo, pressing her chest into the other woman’s back. “He likes being called Master It makes him fuck even harder.”

“Master… Yes, Master Mineta. Put it in me again! T-teach me the way of carnal pleasures!” 

Mineta couldn’t believe how perfect his life had become. His greatest wet dreams weren’t this perfect. He shook his head, telling himself to stop wasting time, before grinning at the two girls. 

“Alright, sluts!” Both women shivered at the insult, but neither seemed to mind. Mina placed her hands on Momo’s chest, groping and kneading the tits as Mineta moved forward. “Let’s get started!”

The purple-haired man slammed his cock into Momo, and she screamed in pleasure as she wrapped her arms and legs around his body. She cried out, eyes rolling into her skull, before suddenly he kissed her, muffling her screams. Momo kissed back without any hesitation, giving her mouth, tongue, everything about her to Mineta. She felt his large tongue enter her mouth, coat her inner walls with his saliva, before he wrestled her tongue in a battle of dominance.

Mineta won, of course. 

Momo didn’t care if what she was doing wrong, if what she was doing went against everything she had worked hard for. It felt good. Didn’t she deserve this? Didn’t she deserve to feel good? To feel this amazing, wonderful, pure form of ecstacy every day? Of course, she did, and she would make sure Mineta would give it to her, even if she had to earn it.

Their tongues continued to press against each other, before Mineta found Momo’s sweet spot. It made her break the kiss and moan, loudly, leaning her head back onto Mina’s shoulder.

“Who am I?” Mineta grinned, groping one of Momo’s huge boobies as Mina squeezed the other.

“M-My Master!” 


“Y-you’re my Master!” 

“And I. Own. You!” Mineta came. He filled Momo’s pussy with his seed, and the woman felt it flooding into her. Her eyes rolled into her her skull, her body muscles tightened, she went stiff, quivering on his cock as she followed right after him, cumming on his shaft.

It was the first, and greatest orgasm of her life. It left her mind blank, and when Momo could see straight again, she was not the same girl. She was Mineta’s Momo, and she gazed lovingly into his eyes, smiling.



Mineta sat on a bench in the girl’s locker room, leaning his head back into Momo’s pillowy tits as Mina bobbed her head back and forth on his dick. Mina was loudly sucking on his cock, rubbing her hands against Mineta’s balls. Meanwhile, Momo embraced Mineta from behind, letting him rest on her breasts as she watched Mina.

“S-she’s taking it all in her mouth,” she whispered, shuddering.

“You’ll be doing the same afterwards.” Mineta kissed Momo’s cheek, and she blushed, though she didn’t reject the idea. He kissed her cheek, and she puckered her lips so the two could properly kiss. Their lips were gently nibbling each other, before Mineta pushed his tongue into her mouth. She quivered, sucking on his tongue, before the two pulled apart. Momo licked her lips as Mineta grinned. 

Momo Yaoyarozu, the hottest girl in his class, and Mina Ashido, a close second, were his girls now. His lovers, his sluts. Mineta let out a quiet groan as he came, giving Mina her daily meal of semen. The horned woman happily accepted his gift, closing her eyes as she swallowed each drop. 

As Momo marveled at her fellow slave’s skills, Mineta wondered what he should do next, or perhaps the better question was, who?


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