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Summary: The girls of the Phantom Thieves, plus Sae, Hifumi, and Shiho go to the famed Amagi Inn to enjoy the hot springs. What follows is a lot of ecchi, silly fun for both the viewer and the girls. Includes: Non smut. 


Makoto Niijima had never been in such a small town before. She had spent most of her life in Tokyo, after all, so the small homes and quiet streets of Inaba was a stark contrast. When Ren suggested visiting the quaint town for Golden Week, Makoto didn’t want to admit she was a bit confused as to why they should spend their week there, but now that she was here she had to admit that Inaba was beautiful. 

It was so different from home. Tokyo was a metropolis, with everyone having to move quickly to their next appointment, but in Inaba time seemed to slow down. It was soothing, almost like a massage on her soul, relieving her of tension. 

It was also a welcome break from her university studies. She and Haru had been hard at work at their new school, earning themselves excellent grades and high marks. Ren made it clear that he wanted both of them to take a break from working so hard, and to enjoy the weekend, something Makoto was only too happy to agree with.

Inaba was a gorgeous town, and Makoto was eager to enjoy the famed hot springs of the Amagi Inn.

“Mako-chan? Are you okay?” Haru asked, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder. The scarlet-eyed woman blinked, before looking at her friend. The two stood inside the inn, with Makoto standing by the window, looking out into the night. 

“I’m alright. Just lost in my own thoughts,” the brunette replied, a smile on her face. 

“Is everything alright?”

“Mmhm. Come on, let’s go meet up with the others.” The brunette motioned to their group of friends, all of whom were walking into the changing room. The only exception were Haru and Makoto, who lagged behind the other girls, and Makoto’s sister, Sae, who was walking towards the two.

“Everything okay, sis?” Makoto asked.

“Yes, I just remembered I have to make a few calls. Go ahead, I’ll be right behind you.”

“Alright. Don’t take too long, though. This is supposed to be a vacation.” The older sister just replied with a knowing smile and a nod, before Makoto and Haru walked after the others.

“Your sister always works so hard. I see where you got your work ethic from,” Haru commented. Makoto smiled and nodded her head in thanks to the compliment, before the auburn-haired woman beamed. “I can’t wait to try out the hot springs! I’ve heard they’re simply divine. A shame the boys couldn’t join us.”

Makoto nodded in agreement. Ren, Ryuji, Morgana, and Yusuke were each occupied with their own activities. Yusuke insisted on capturing the essence of Inaba in a painting, and he dragged Ren with him to find the proper reference. Meanwhile, Ryuji and Morgana were working on burying their hatchet and having a simple dinner together at a nearby sushi shop.

She really hoped they both returned in one piece, and that Yusuke didn’t drag her boyfriend into anything morally dubious. Makoto still remembered the stories Ren told her about getting in trouble with Yusuke at a church for ‘improper behavior.’ 

Still, it wasn’t so bad. This might have been nice. An all girl outing, featuring the women of the Phantom Thieves team, Makoto’s sister, Sae, Ann’s best friend, Shiho, and Hifumi, the group’s mutual friend that Yusuke insisted on inviting, surprising the others.

Not that Makoto was complaining. She was happy to have the Shogi player along for the adventure. Hifumi deserved a vacation from the exhausting city life just as much as any of them did. The young woman was a close friend’s of Makoto’s by now, just like Shiho, and both were aware of the group’s big secret. 

Hifumi had easily worked it out on her own, partly due to Ren’s obvious questioning and her mother’s sudden change of heart. After that, it was easy to look at Ren’s social circle and guess. Shiho was told outright by Ann, though apparently the young woman wasn’t very surprised by the revelation.

Speaking of which, Makoto and Haru stumbled upon said girl. The young woman seemed tired as she stood in front of them.

“Do you need help, Shiho?” Haru asked, walking up to the girl from behind. The dark-haired girl smiled back at the older girl.

“No, but thank you, Haru-senpai. My leg just hurt a bit, but it’s fine now.”

“I hope you know there’s nothing wrong with being helped,” Haru pouted. “You know any one of us would do so in an instance.”

“I know. I’m okay, I promise.” Makoto was proud of Shiho, amazed by her strength. After everything the poor woman had gone through, to see her rise above it was nothing less than inspiring. 

“What are you doing, you slow-pokes?! Hurry up and get in here! I want to check out the hot springs!” Ann’s voice groaned from the head of the group.

“Coming!” Makoto chuckled, ushering in Haru and Shiho. The door closed behind them as the girls began to undress together. Almost immediately, the scarlet-eyed Queen felt her cheeks turn hot. It should have been obvious, but somehow she hadn’t really realized it…

The girls would be changing together. 

It wasn’t like this wasn’t anything Makoto hadn’t done before. She had to change around girls all the time for gym, yet somehow her close friendship with the other girls somehow made it worse. Her cheeks burned red as she walked over to an empty shelf, right beside Futaba and Ann. Haru went to the other side, changing by Hifumi and Shiho.

The other girls were already in various states of undress, with Ann just beginning to change out of her clothes. Makoto tried not to stare, though she had to admit, it was easy to see why Ann was a model. The scarlet-eyed woman kept stealing glances of her friend, analyzing her beauty.

Ann pulled her black shirt off of her body, struggling for a moment. The air in the small town was hot and humid this morning, and the clothes clung to her skin. Makoto found her throat turning dry as Ann pulled the top off, revealing the pink bra she wore. Just one glimpse was enough for Makoto to see how well Ann filled out the bra. 

“Hey, can you help me, Makoto?” the blond asked. Makoto stiffened as the blond motioned to her back. “Can you unhook my bra for me?”

“S-sure,” she replied. Ann turned so her back faced the brunette. The model moved her hair, keeping it out of the way as her friend placed her hands on the bra. With a simple move of her fingers, the bra came undone and Ann let out a sigh of relief. 

“Thanks.” She turned around, and Makoto was face to face with the beautiful model. Without really thinking about it, her scarlet eyes fell down to Ann’s chest, and she witnessed the subtle jiggle of Ann’s breasts.

They were beautiful. They defied gravity. They made Makoto wonder a very odd question as she shot her eyes back up, staring at the ceiling. 

A-am I bisexual? She wondered. “N-no problem!” She returned to her own locker, fiddling with her own buttons as Ann began to take off her shorts, pulling it off one leg at a time. Calm down. Think about it. Do you find girls attractive? Well, yes, but I don’t want to have sex with them. Then obviously, I’m just acknowledging Ann’s beauty. 

As Makoto went through facts and details in her mind, she glanced at Ann once more. The woman was almost entirely naked now. 

Ann was very beautiful, that was a fact. From her shimmering blue eyes to her radiant, golden blond hair. Puberty had been a kind artist to her, helping mold her into a woman of spectacular beauty. Her figure was curvaceous, and as much as Makoto didn’t want to notice them, her breasts were quite big. They were even bigger than Sae’s.

“You okay, Makoto?” Ann was looking at her, her face a faint red as a smirk shined on her features. That was when the brunette realized her misfortune. Ann had caught her staring. “You’ve been staring for a while…”

“I-I’m not staring!” Makoto’s voice squeaked as she waved her hands back and forth. 

“It’s alright,” Ann giggled. “We’re all girls here.” The blond smiled at her friend. “You’re pretty too...” The statement was awkward, but earnest, and Makoto found herself appreciating the compliment despite her red face.

“Oh. T-thank. I mean, I’m nothing like you, but-”

“Hey, come on, don’t do that! You’re gorgeous! Ren’s a lucky man.” The tease made Makoto’s face burn brighter with embarrassment, as Ann continued to giggle. 

“That’s… I… Uh…” 

“Man, no wonder Ren likes teasing you so much. I-Aaay!” Ann cried out as Makoto suddenly looked up. A pair of hands were on Ann’s body, squeezing each of her breasts, capturing them in the assailant’s hands. 

For a moment, Makoto wondered if some pervert had snuck into the room. She was ready to throw herself forward to defend her friend and attack the depraved bastard, when a familiar voice was heard.

“Whoa! These are huge! Definitely D-cups. You’re so lucky, Ann!” Futaba declared. 

“F-Futaba! Let go!” 

The orange-haired girl obeyed, stepping away from Ann as the blond’s neck and face was coated with scarlet shame. Makoto frowned at Futaba, waving a metaphorical finger at her. 

“Futaba, what do you think you were doing?”

“I was just having a bit of fun!” the younger girl pouted. “Ann’s so pretty, I just wanted a chance to feel them. Not like I can grope my own,” the girl pouted. Unlike Ann, who was naked, or Makoto, who was still mostly clothed, all Futaba had on her was her glasses, and a white towel wrapped around her body. 

“Still, that’s not excuse.”

“Jeez, sorry, Queen,” Futaba continued to pout, before something caught her eye. Makoto was ignored as the short hacker’s jaw dropped, and she stared across the changing room. 

“Futaba? Futaba?” Makoto waved her hand, brow wrinkling in confusion. “What is it?” She followed the girl’s gaze, and the brunette’s dropped just like Futaba’s.

“Guys? Guys? What is with you…?” Ann’s voice trailed off as she followed her friends’ eyes, staring at Haru Okumura. 


Haru wasn’t really thinking when she took her sweater off. Her mind was wandering off, thinking about how absolutely splendid Inaba was. She thought about the young woman she met running the Inn. Apparently she inherited it from her parents, and almost immediately, Haru had felt a close connection to her. 

Perhaps afterwards, she would use Okumura Food’s influence to help the inn? Oh, she could even make deals with June’s parent company. Working together, the three could do great work for the community! 

Oh, but I wouldn’t want to step on any toes, she thought with a far off smile. Perhaps I shouldn’t intrude. 

As Haru’s thoughts aimlessly traveled, she continued to get out of her clothes. With her sweater placed aside, she began to take off the simple, dark pink shirt she wore underneath. It came off easily, before she mindlessly prodded her bra. She continued to think of her company, and just what direction she wanted to take it in, when something broke her concentration. 

“Wow!” Haru blinked as she heard Futaba’s voice, and she turned her head to find her fellow Phantom Thieves staring at her. She blinked at the three women gawked at her, and she looked around.

“Is something wrong?” Haru asked, oblivious to what the three were staring at.

Ann tore her eyes away, looking down at the floor as her face blushed. Makoto quickly tore her eyes away, staring at the ground with her own stunned expression. Futaba was the only one to speak up.


Haru blushed, and she tried to cover her body with her hands. She should have known this was going to happen. She typically wore her baggy sweater, and even when she wasn’t, she tended to prefer looser clothes that hung on her body. Anything too tight would have shown off her obvious flaw…

Still, she didn’t think her friends would have focused on it. 

“S-sorry. I know, I’m a bit… chubby.”

“Chubby? Haru, you’re thicc!” Haru blinked at the word as Futaba practically ran towards her. “T-H-I-C-C! You’re extra thicc!”

“Thick has one-” Makoto’s correction was interrupted as the young girl stopped and bent forward so her face was nearly pressed between Haru’s breasts. 

“I never noticed before, but they are amazing! What size are they?!”

As Haru tried to understand the question, she realized just what was happening. Makoto and Ann weren’t staring at the ground. They were looking at their own breasts, both paling in comparison to Haru’s.

“O-oh.” The auburn-haired woman blushed as Futaba looked at her, or rather, her chest. “I’m an E-cup, last I check.”

“What?!” Ann gasped from behind Futaba. She walked forward, completely naked as the blond’s jaw hung low. “You’re an E-cup?!”

“More like F,” Futaba commented, bouncing from side to side to get every angle of the large breasts.

“I-I’ve been trying to work out!” Haru’s declaration confused the three girls. As Makoto walked over to the others, the wealthy woman tried to defend herself. “I-I know I’m not thin, but I’ve been trying, but no matter how hard I try, they won’t stop growing…”

“Wait, Haru, you’ve been trying to make…” Makoto glanced at the woman’s chest, blushing. “-them smaller?”

“Y-yes.” Memories of her past plagued her mind as the woman sighed. She walked forward, past Futaba and the others, before sitting on a bench that was in the middle of the room. A faint blush was on Haru’s face, shame burning in her heart. “S-Sugimura always called me fat. He would always complain about their size. About how he liked women with thinner figures.”

“Oh, Haru,” Makoto sighed, sat down beside her friend and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You shouldn’t listen to a word that man said. He’s no one worth listening to.”

“Yeah! You’re super hot! You’re even bigger than Ann!” Futaba joked, smacking the blond on the back, making her breasts jiggle. 

Ann rolled her eyes at the orange-haired girl’s comment, before she smiled at Haru. “Futaba’s right. Not about our breasts,” the model frowned at the younger girl, before smiling again. “You’re absolutely beautiful, Haru. Sugimura doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

“R-really?” Haru blinked, before smiling at her three friends. She had never been given so many compliments about her body. “You’re all so wonderful. I’m so lucky to have you girls as my friends!” 

“Aww, we love you, Haru!” Futaba got down on the other side of Haru and embraced her friend. Haru was beaming from the hug, only to suddenly gasp as her friend squeezed her large chest. “Ah!” 

“Futaba!” Makoto groaned.

“Hehe, sorry! I couldn’t resist!”

“O-oh, it’s okay. Let’s just avoid it happening again,” Haru giggled, nervously, her face glowing with embarrassment.

“I promise,” the shorter girl replied, keeping one hand out of sight. Her fingers were crossed as she smiled. She pulled away from Haru as she added with mischievous glee. “Right after this!”

She stepped away from Haru, and she pulled the bra off of the woman like some kind of magic trick. Haru gasped as her chest was exposed, and Futaba giggled as she ran away with her prize, with the older girl in hot pursuit. The two ran around the small changing room as Ann and Makoto sighed. 

“I swear, Futaba has been watching too much anime,” Ann sighed. “She’s starting to act like one of those cliche perverts in ecchi animes…”

“I don’t know what’s gotten into her,” Makoto replied, shrugging as they watched Haru and Futaba.

“Everything okay, you two?” Shiho asked. She and Hifumi were walking towards the two, their bodies wrapped in white towels that accented their beautiful figures. Makoto tried not to stare, scolding herself yet again as Ann looked at the two.

“Yeah, we’re just talking,” Ann explained. 

“Are you girls talking about official Phantom Thieves business?” Hifumi asked, a knowing smile on her face. Makoto opened her mouth, only for the smirking girl to interrupt. “Cause it sounds like you’re just talking about Haru’s breasts…?”

Makoto blushed profusely as Ann tried to muster up a defense. “W-well, can you blame us? They’re huge!” 

“So you like them big, Ann?” Shiho asked, her voice surprisingly teasing despite her innocent smile.  

“T-that’s not what I meant!” 

Shiho and Hifumi chuckled at the two girls’ pouted and frowned, their faces painted a bright red. Makoto sighed, before smiling at the two. Despite just meeting, Shiho and Hifumi had seemingly become fast friends. 

“You two seem to be working together well.”

The two shared a glance, before looking at Makoto with smiles on their faces. “Guess we just bonded over being the ‘boring ones,’” Hifumi replied. 


Moments earlier, before the Phantom Thieves girls realized Haru’s big secret, Hifumi and Shiho were changing in silent. Hifumi quietly changed out of her clothes. She kept her fingers busy, mindlessly prodding and pulling at her clothes as her eyes stared at the girl beside her. 

The girl who, technically, really started the Phantom Thieves. Their origin, their first battle against evil, it stemmed from Shiho Suzui, didn’t it?

Hifumi stole another glance at Shiho. The woman was beautiful in her own way. Not the exotic beauty that Ann was, or the strong athlete that Makoto was, but Shiho was pretty. A cute girl that any boy would be lucky to be with…

Of course, Hifumi knew what the poor girl had gone through. What her own teacher had made her go through… Ann and the others told her after they confirmed that they were part of the Phantom Thieves. 

Part of Hifumi wondered if she should have said something. She had never met someone like Shiho before. True, Hifumi had gone through her own ordeal, but it was nothing like Shiho’s. The poor girl had so much stolen from her, to the point where Hifumi could still see the pain in her eyes whenever she put too much weight on her bad leg…

Honestly, the famed Shogi player had no idea how to talk to Shiho…

Maybe the best way to start is… just like anyone else? Hifumi swallowed spit down her throat, before she spoke up. “S-Shiho?”

“Hm?” THe other girl turned her head to look at Hifumi, who put on her best smile.

“Could you help me take my bra off? It’s just a bit tricky from my angle.”

“Oh, of course. I’d be happy to help.” Shiho finished undoing her shirt, and she pulled it off and dropped it onto her shelf. Hifumi quickly tried to do the same, peeling the tight cloth off of her skin. She then turned away as Shiho’s fingers gently stroked Hifumi’s shoulders. “Wow, you have such nice skin…”

“R-really? You think so?” She was blushing as the fingers continued to dance along her skin. “Thank you…”

Rather than immediately going for the white bra Hifumi wore, Shiho’s fingers stayed on her shoulders. Hifumi could feel the soft, thin fingers of the other girl pressing against her muscles. “You’re a little tense though. Do you mind if I try something to help you relax?” 

“Oh, no. Please, go right ahead,” Hifumi didn’t have the heart to argue anything with the poor girl. If Shiho asked for front row seats for her next tournament, Hifumi was ready to agree...

“Alright, just hold still.” The dark-haired woman placed her hands on Hifumi’s shoulders, before she began to press her thumbs against Hifumi. The intelligent woman was stunned at the sensation, shaking slightly.

Shiho’s thumbs dug into her shoulders, unwinding the muscles with a simple touch. She drew little swirls on Hifumi’s skin, massaging her. Hifumi rode the waves of relaxation, feeling her tension and stress being grounded down into paste. 

“Wow… Where did you learn how to do that…?”

“It was a trick my physical therapists taught me. Whenever my body would ache, they’d ask if they could try massaging my back, or my leg. Most of the time it worked.”

“Oh. I-I see,” Hifumi muttered, suddenly feeling a heavy sense of guilt. She kept her lips sealed tight as Shiho stroked her back, rubbing her fingertips against the other girl’s bra.

“You know, you don’t have to be so scared, Hifumi. I’m not made of glass.” The Shogi player’s eyes widened as she turned around, cupping her sizable breasts with her hands as Shiho smiled a melancholic smile.

“You probably know about what happened to me. Most people seem to by the time they see me,” her voice had an inkling of bitterness, probably the most upset Hifumi had ever heard from the woman. “But I don’t want it to define how you see me.”

Hifumi understood Shiho. It made sense, after all. The whole world treated her like a broken mirror. Pitied her. Her horrible past defined her… Hifumi knew this, but actually moving past it was hard.

“I-I’m sorry,” the brunette muttered. 

“Don’t be.” Shiho was quick to shake her head. “I’m not mad. I’m sorry. I just wanted you to feel like you could talk to me like I’m a normal person.”

Hifumi stared at the ground, nodding. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I just…” Shiho’s voice made her pause. 

“Don’t worry about it. You can make it up to me by just being yourself. I want to be friends with you,” the dark-haired girl’s cheeks were flushed as she glanced away. “I love Ann and the others, but I can’t help but feel like the odd one out when we’re together.”

“I understand that. It’s hard not feel a little ordinary when you stand by them.”

“Hard not to feel boring,” Shiho confessed, with a quiet sigh. 

She felt a hand touch her shoulder, and the hazel-eyed girl looked at Hifumi, who smiled at her. “Then let’s work together. Both of us are far from boring. Let’s show off.” Her confidence and smile was infectious, and Shiho was proud to find a new friend in the Shogi player.

“Right… You’re right.”

Hifumi grinned as the two girl’s hands found one another. They held each other, as Hifumi’s eyes went up and down Shiho’s body. “Are you going to change?” she asked. 

“Oh.” Shiho’s cheeks blushed as she glanced down at her body. She was still mostly clothed, with only the buttons to her top having been undone. She bit her lower lip as Hifumi saw the conflict in her eyes.

“Somethings are easier said than done… I know that feeling. Can… Can I help?”

“It’s just… I haven’t been naked with others around since…” Shiho chewed her lip, wrapping herself in a hug. “I’m sorry. I told you not to treat me like glass, but here I am, shattering…”

“Hey. Your pain is not who you are, but it is a part of you, at least for now. I won’t judge you based off of it, as long as you don’t hate yourself for having gone through. It’s going to be okay. You’re surrounded by friends.”

Shiho released her lower lip, and she gave Hifumi a thin smile. “You’re right.” She swallowed her nerves down, before she began to take the rest of her clothes off. Her shirt and skirt fell to the ground, followed by her underwear. 

Soon both girls were naked. They wrapped their bodies in soft, white towels as they heard the other girls talking. They turned their heads and found Haru surrounded by the other Phantom Thieves. The group talked, and Hifumi politely stayed out of the personal discussion.

Suddenly Futaba ran away from the others, Haru’s bra in hand. The auburn-haired beauty let out a cry as her huge breasts jiggled in the open air. Both Hifumi and Shiho were shocked, staring with blushing faces. Haru was huge, and as she gave chase after Futaba, Haru’s breasts bounced wildly on her body.

Makoto and Ann were left muttering to each other, faces red as Hifumi smirked. She looked at Shiho with a smile. “You and Ann are close, right?” The dark-haired girl nodded. “Want to go tease them?”

Hifumi held her hand out to Shiho, who hooked her arm with her. The two shared a grin, before they walked over to poke and tease their mutual friends. 


Eventually the group was done changing. Some of them, like Haru and Ann, walked without anything to cover their bodies, while the other girls wore a towel around their bodies. Hifumi walked by Shiho’s side, helping the other girl as they stared upon the beautiful, shimmering pool of water.

“It’s so beautiful!” Haru beamed, gazing upon the shimmering pool with her friends. 

“Wow… The reviews online don’t do it justice,” Makoto added. 

“What are we waiting for? Let’s-Ahh!” Ann’s voice turned into a shocked scream as Futaba spanked her butt, running past her. “Futaba!” 

“Cannonball!” The orange-haired girl threw her towel aside, before she jumped and fell into the pool with a loud splash. Water shot out from the pool and onto the stone floor around it. The other girls stood back, specks of water falling on them as Futaba’s head burst out of the water.

“Ah! Hot! Hot! Hot!” she cried, thrashing her arms and feet, making more of a splash.

“It’s a hot spring, Futaba!” Ann sighed, rushing over to help her friend with Makoto. “I’m surprised you’re not better used to the heat considering you were an Egyptian pharaoh.” 

“Pharaoh?” Hifumi repeated, sharing a confused look with Shiho.

“It’s a long story,” Makoto replied. “It’s from when we were Phantom Thieves.”

“Well, it sounds like quite the story,” Shiho commented. “I’d love to hear about some of your adventures as Phantom Thieves.”

“Me too,” Hifumi agreed with a nod. 

“Huh? Adventures?” Ann blinked as she held one of Futaba’s arms, helping her stand up from the pool. As they did, a cold breeze blew over the open area.

“Ah! Cold!” Futaba pulled out of the blond and brunette’s arms and dived back into the hot water. “Ah, hot…!” The young woman whimpered as she shivered. “I’ve made a terrible mistake.”

Makoto and Ann shared a laugh at their poor friend’s misery, shaking their heads. They then looked at Shiho and Hifumi, and Ann spoke. “You girls want to bathe together? I was going to wash Makoto’s back. We can share stories, if you want to hear them.” 

As the two girls joined their friends, Haru got into the water and let out a relaxed sigh as the warm water relaxed her muscles. She noticed Futaba swimming nearby, and Haru beamed, motioning her over.

“Futaba, do you want to come here? We can share our own stories!” Haru’s smile was practically glowing as Futaba nodded her head. 

“Sure, thanks, Har-” 

“Boop.” Haru placed her hands on Futaba’s small, almost flat breasts, and she gave them a playful squeeze.

“H-hey! You can’t do that! Q-quit it!” Futaba quickly tried to swim away, but Haru was deceptively strong as she pulled the smaller girl into a hug. The wealthy woman’s breasts pushed against Futaba’s body as the intelligent, young hacker scowled. She glared at the large bosom, her eyes heavy with jealousy. 

Meanwhile the other girls were talking to one another, some of them with their feet in the water as the others brought the soap over.

Futaba and Haru continued to wrestle and struggle with each other in the water. Futaba grappled with the older girl, who easily overpowered her. Makoto had her feet in the water as Ann brought over some soap to wash her back. Hifumi had her own feet in the water as Shiho began to lather her back with soap.

“So what were these ‘Shadows’ like?” Shiho inquired, rubbing her hands along Hifumi’s back.

“Terrifying, but also spectacular, in a way. Like scenes from a crime. Haunting, but fascinating…”

“Jeez, Makoto. You sound like Yusuke,” Ann chuckled as she rubbed her hands on Makoto’s back. “Personally, most of them were pretty gross.” She stuck her tongue out as the brunette chuckled.

“And your Personas? Where were they like?” Hifumi asked.

“Oh, man, Carmen’s awesome! But I think Makoto here lucked out in that regard.”

“I…” The brunette didn’t say anything, averting her eyes as she blushed.

“Really? How come?” Shiho questioned.

“It was a motorcycle, then it was transforming motorcycle! It became this cool robot thing!”


“Wait, really? That’s amazing!” Hifumi was beaming as she imagined how spectacular such a vehicle would have been.

“S-she’s exaggerating,” the scarlet-eyed brunette muttered as Ann giggled.

“A great boyfriend, and an awesome Persona… You’ve got it all, don’t cha?” The blond suddenly attacked her friend, sneaking her arms to Makoto’s front and groping both of her supple breasts. The brunette gasped in shock as Ann snickered. 

“A-Ann! S-stop!” 

Hifumi watched with an amused smile as Shiho chuckled. “You haven’t changed at all, Ann. You saved the world, but you’re still my best friend.” She glanced at Hifumi, smiling. “She used to do the same thing to me when we went to a bathhouse together.”

“Oh yeah…” The blond grinned at the memory, only for her smile to falter. “Those were good times,” she mumbled.

Each of the girls could read the Ann’s mood. They could see it deflating as her blue eyes looked away, and she sighed, before Shiho reached her hand down into the water. With one swift clap against the water’s surface, it splashed onto the four, surprising them. 

“Remember when we were kids Ann, and we used to have splash fights? I’m pretty sure I won our last one...” 

Makoto and Hifumi watched as Ann blinked, before grinning. “Oh, you are so on!”

Before either of the other girls could say anything, Ann and her best friend fell towards the water, diving in and splashing the water at one another. Hifumi blinked as Makoto sighed, before smiling.

“At least she’s happy.”

Hifumi nodded her head in agreement, before looking at her short-haired friend. “Do you want me to finish washing your back?”

“Oh…” Makoto blushed, before nodding her head. “Y-yes, that would be lovely. I can do you afterwards, if you want.” Neither spoke for a moment as they thought about her last sentence. Hifumi snickered as Makoto turned red, rubbing her forehead with an exasperated sigh. “That came out wrong,” the scarlet-eyed woman mumbled. 

“What would Ren say?” Hifumi teased, moving behind Makoto. She picked up where Ann left off, lifting her hands to the other girl’s back and rubbing her hands against the smooth surface, massaging the skin. “How are you two?”

“Oh, g-good. We’re good.” Makoto blushed slightly, a common problem whenever the subject of her and Ren’s relationship was brought up.

“I’ve always heard maintaining a long distance relationship is hard.”

“It was at first, but things got easier with time.” Makoto closed her eyes and began to relax. She thought of her boyfriend, and a smile formed on her lips as Hifumi continued to stroke her skin. The Shogi player’s hands felt so good, especially when they rubbed Makoto’s slender neck. “That feels nice…” she moaned. 

“Oh, uh… I’m glad.” Hifumi clearly wasn’t expecting that reaction. Before the situation could get more awkward, they were attacked.

Futaba burst out from the water and headbutted Makoto, right in the chest. In other words, she pressed her face right into Makoto’s boobs, shocking the girl  and making her almost headbutt Hifumi as she reeled back. 

The younger girl shook her head between the soft breasts, before pulling back. “Nice C-cups, Makoto!”

“F-Futaba! What do you think you’re doing?!” the brunette growled, cheeks almost as red as her eyes.

“Just messing around! So, is it true?” Before Makoto could really scold Futaba, the small, intelligent woman laid out her trap.

“Huh? Is… is what true?” 

“Ren said you two are sharing a room. Does Sae know?” Futaba’s grin was almost cattish as Makoto burned under her gaze.

“You’re sharing a room?” Hifumi chuckled. “Wow, was that his idea? Or yours?”

“N-neither! I mean, both! I mean, we were just trying to save money!” Makoto twiddled her fingers together, avoiding both girls’ knowing grins. “S-Sae doesn’t know, though. She thinks I’m bunking with Haru.”

“Ooh, scandalous.”

“Just try not to make too much noise. I hear the walls are pretty thin,” Futaba teased, before she and Hifumi giggled at Makoto’s embarrassment.

The group continued to have fun, laughing and joking, and best of all, teasing Makoto over her relationship status. Each time the young woman thought they were done talking about it, it was brought up again, but the last time it was brought up was easily the strangest, most surreal part of that night.

It started with Futaba, who continued to try and cause a metaphorical fire that night. She poked and prodded, as if she wanted to watch the ensuing chaos...

“Man, Makoto, you’re so lucky,” Futaba pouted. “You’ve got a great man all to yourself! Meanwhile, the rest of us are sitting over at Singleville, population: Us.”

“It would be nice to have someone,” Haru thought aloud. “I’ve always imagined the perfect date. Walking together on the beaches of Brazil, sharing a nice lunch together in the United States, seeing the Eiffel Tower together, and then we can fly off to London for some fish and chips!” She continued to list off ideas, earning confused stares from the rest of the girls.

“I think some of us might need to save up for a few weeks to enjoy that date,” Shiho chuckled.

“Not to mention the kissing,” Futaba giggled. She puckered her lips and kissed the air. “Minus Makoto, I don’t think any of us have kissed anyone.”

“Oh, that also sounds lovely!” Haru agreed. “To press your lips against another’s… To be swept off your feet. To feel that spark… It sounds so magical.”

“Heh. I imagine it would be pretty nice,” Hifumi nodded. “Meeting the right person and sharing your first kiss…”

“Thanks for volunteering!” Both girls blinked at Futaba’s loud statement, and Shiho, Makoto, and Ann each watched the orange-haired girl beamed. “Cause I was thinking, what’s a girls’ night out without some truth or dare? And I dare you both to give each other a kiss!”

“W-what?! N-no! No way!” Hifumi argued, as Haru covered her blushing face.

“Aw, come on, Hifumi! What are you? Chicken? Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk!” Futaba flapped her elbows, imitating said animal as Hifumi rolled her eyes.

“Really? A chicken?”

“I-isn’t there supposed to be a bottle, o-or something?” Haru mumbled.

“Sounds like fun to me. Come on, you two! Do it, and then someone else can go,” Ann declared.

“I’m with Ann. It sounds fun,” Shiho admitted. “Come on, you two! Kiss! Bawk, bawk!” Shiho and Futaba looked at one another, before they both began to laugh. The two girls continued to squawk at their friends as Hifumi looked at Makoto, silently begging for assistance.

Makoto held up a hand and shook her head, choosing not to dare face off against the overwhelming might of Futaba and the others calling her a stick in the mud.

“I’ll do it,” Haru finally declared, shocking her still unwilling partner.

“Yes! You’re my favorite, Haru!” Futaba grinned.

Seeing that she was without allies, and that Futaba and Shiho’s endless barrage of bird noises was not going to end, Hifumi sighed and nodded her head. “Fine. I’ll do it…”

“YAY!” Futaba and Shiho clapped their heads together, proud, victorious smiles on their faces. “Get out of the water so we can see!” the smaller girl commanded, gently patting the stone edge of the pool.

Haru nodded her head as Hifumi took a deep breath, and lifted herself out of the water. Both women were soaking wet and dripping water as they walked along the edge of the pool, meeting one another in the middle of the area. Ann, Shiho, Futaba, and Makoto watched as the two girls stood in front of one another.

Hifumi tried to think of her best move. Escape was no longer an option. Suddenly fainting seemed like a decent idea, but she didn’t know how long it would work, or if the fallout would be worth it. Attack everyone in the room and leave in a huff?

Hm… No, probably not a good idea.

That meant it was checkmate. She was caught, with only one choice left before her. Accept her inevitable defeat.

Hifumi tried not to react when Haru placed her hands on the Shogi player’s shoulders. The brunette just took another deep breath, before closing her eyes and trying to imagine she was in a boy’s arms. Hifumi imagined the most handsome, dashing man she knew holding her, bringing her in for a kiss.

Unfortunately, that meant she was imagining Ren holding her in her arms. It’s not that she had a crush on the young man, it was just… Well, he was a handsome, kind, young man. How couldn’t she be attracted to him?

It wouldn’t hurt if she just imagined him holding her, right…? No, it would be fine.

What Hifumi didn’t know was that Haru was going through a similar ordeal. She was trying to justify to herself that it was alright if she imagined Ren was in her arms, lips inches apart.

Haru wasn’t proud of it, nor would she ever admit it, but she had a crush on Ren once upon a time. It was a strong attraction, and it used to be so bad that just thinking about the young man would make her swoon. Then he started dating Makoto, and Haru’s dreams were dashed.

Heartbreak hurt. It wrought anger and sorrow on the young woman, and she cried the night away.

It took a long time for Haru’s wounds to heal, but love and friendship gave her what she needed. She was happy for the couple, she really was, and she only wished the best for them. Of course, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t find Ren handsome anymore….

She imagined Hifumi was him, and she imagined that they were on the balcony of a castle, glowing under the light of the moon. Haru started the kiss, gently pressing her lips against Hifumi’s. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard Futaba and Ann cheering her own.


“Get it, girl!”

The kiss was chaste, almost cold. The two girls just kept their lips pressed together, feeling each other’s soft bodies. That’s when things began to change, slowly heating up. Haru moved forward, pressing her large breasts against Hifumi’s smaller ones. The cold air was almost damning for them. It brushed against them, chilling the water dripping from their breasts, sending shivers from their nipples into their minds.

Hifumi moaned, and her tongue slipped between her lips and touched Haru’s. The Shogi player felt her cheeks glow with shame as she tried to break the kiss, only to shiver as she felt the other girl’s tongue prod her mouth. That stunned the brunette, and she lifted her arms up to try to end things. She placed her hands on Haru’s breasts, pushing into them, feeling her hard nipples against the palms of her hands.

Haru moaned, and Hifumi hated how soft, yet firm the breasts felt against her fingers. Her own tits were nothing like this… She gave them a firm squeeze, earning another moan from Haru. That lit a match in both their hearts, a fire of lust blazing inside them.

The kiss suddenly began to intensify. The other girls watched with wide, opened mouths as Haru and Hifumi began to rub their bodies against each other. Hifumi moved her leg, pressing her knees against Haru’s legs. Haru opened her legs slightly, allowing Hifumi rub her thigh against the auburn-haired girl’s pussy. 

The kiss only got more passionate as their hands groped at each other, squeezing one another’s breasts, before pushing them against one another. Haru’s larger breasts pushed and knocked against Hifumi’s as they opened their mouths and their tongues began to wrestle.

By now the other girls were moving on from shock to trying to stop the two.

“H-hey! Haru! Hifumi! Stop!” Ann shouted.

“G-girls! Hey!” Makoto was about ready to climb out of the water when Haru and Hifumi finally opened their eyes. They stared into each other’s pupils, before their eyes widened into the size of dinner plates.

They pulled apart in less than a second, practically throwing the other away. Haru moved first, running from Hifumi and jumping into the water. All the others saw was a reddish blur, no doubt the embarrassment that was painted on the wealthy woman’s cheeks. Hifumi’s head bounced between the changing room and the pool, debating which would be a better hiding place.

In the end she chose the closer, though questionably better option of just walking back into the pool and sinking so low that only the top half of her head stuck out. She closed her eyes and did her best to ignore everyone as an awkward silence hung in the air. 

“So… Who wants to go next?” Shiho finally asked, chuckling quietly.


The group tried their best to simply move on from the earlier incident. They tried to continue their game of Truth or Dare, and for the most part, it succeeded in distracting them. Ironically, the only one not distracted by the game was Futaba, the one who started the whole thing. She was preoccupied with something else, namely, two somethings.

Futaba watched as Ann finished recounting a story from her and Shiho’s past, and soon both girls began to laugh. The others joined in, but Futaba barely heard the story. She had a thin frown on her face as she watched Ann’s breasts jiggling from her giggling. Futaba sank herself down into the water, until her nose were slightly submerged in it.

She was about to swim out towards Ann to give her breasts a squeeze, when suddenly something grabbed her. With amazing strength, Futaba was pulled right into Haru’s open arms. Without warning, Haru snapped her arms around Futaba in a tight hug. The smaller girl opened her mouth to protest, only to blush as she felt Haru’s hard nipples against her back.

“Futaba, what were you planning on doing?” the older girl whispered.


“Hm…” Haru rubbed her nose against the girl’s wet hair as Futaba blushed a brilliant shade of red. “Truth or dare?”

“Uh… Dare?”

“Then I dare you to tell the truth. Why are you acting so funny? You’re upset, and I want to know why.”

“U-upset? I’m not upset...!” Futaba struggled to keep her voice down, glancing at the others who were now goading Makoto to enact their dare. Haru raised her brow as Futaba struggled to escape, but the older girl was insanely strong, especially compared to her smaller friend.  

“You keep frowning and glaring at everyone when you think no one is looking. I want to know why.” 

It was clear that Haru wasn’t going to be letting her go, meaning Futaba didn’t have a choice… She mumbled something, and the auburn-haired girl raised her brow. “I’m sorry, Futaba, what did you say?”

“Everyone… Everyone is bigger than me,” the girl muttered. A wave of understanding washed over Haru as the girl continued. “Y-you’re huge, Ann’s huge, even Makoto, Shiho, and Hifumi have decent racks, but I… I’m small… No guy is gonna want me, and it’s just… frustrating. So I decided to mess around a bit to… get back at all of you.” Futaba attempted to sink her head down into the water, but Haru’s embrace refused to give way. Instead the young girl just fumed and blushed in Haru’s arms, glaring at her own reflection in the water.

“Don’t you see how beautiful you are?” Haru’s grip loosened, just enough to turn Futaba around and pull her in for another hug. Futaba stiffened up, blushing again as her smaller breasts pressed against Haru’s rack. The auburn-haired girl rested her head on Futaba’s shoulder as she spoke. 

“You are a beautiful woman, Futaba, and you will make someone very happy one day.”

“H-Haru, come on. You don’t have to say that just cause we’re friends…”

“I’m not. Futaba, you and the other Phantom Thieves taught me how to speak my mind. You taught me to be honest. Even in the changing room, you told me not to look down on myself, or listen to someone like Sugimura.”

“...” Futaba bit her lower lip as Haru pushed her back, just so their eyes could meet.

“Why do you think you’re not beautiful?”

“W-well… I’m short.”

“So? Lots of guys find short girls attractive.”

“I’m… small,” Futaba glanced ather chest as Haru shook her head.

“I think you’re absolutely beautiful. Stunning even.” And to emphasize the point, the hazel-eyed woman placed a hand on Futaba’s breast, squeezing it. Futaba blushed brightly, unsure of how to react from the physical contact. 

Haru giggled, before she pulled her friend in for yet another hug. “I love you like a little sister, Futaba. You’re an amazing and wonderful young woman, with a mind to rival the very best in any field. The others told me how hard things used to be for you… The things you had to overcome… I know what it’s like to lose a mother…”

The smaller girl’s eyes widened as she remembered that both Haru and her lost their mothers and were raised by their fathers. Of course, the big difference of who their fathers were made them who they were today. 

“I think the girl you are, the woman you’re growing into, is nothing short of amazing.” Haru released Futaba, dropping her arms from the girl’s sides. 

“Haru…” The two smiled at one another, before Futaba lunged forward to hug her friend. She squeezed Haru tightly, who giggled and stroked the other girl’s back.

“There, there. I’ve got you…”

“Hey, are we missing something here? Why are you two so huggy all of a sudden?” Ann asked, glancing at Haru and Futaba. The two just smiled at their friends, releasing one another, before realizing the elephant in the room.

“What’s with Makoto?” Futaba asked, looking at the brunette who was standing outside the pool, shaking with a blushing, scarlet face. 

“We dared Makoto to sing for us. Were you guys not listening?” Ann asked, raising her brow in confusion.

“Sorry. We were having a sisterly discussion,” Haru smiled, placing a hand on Futaba’s shoulder. The other girl blinked, before beaming, flashing her teeth. 

“Yeah! Sisterly discussion.”

“Aww, that’s so cute!” Shiho grinned.

“Yeah, I guess it is,” Ann nodded, smiling, before looking at Makoto. “Don’t think we forgot about you! Start singing, Makoto!” The girls began to splash the water together, demanding a performance as the poor woman blushed.

“Why did I agree to this…? Fine!” she groaned, finally silencing the group. She took a deep breath, before exhaling and beginning her performance. “I-I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me, I still feel your touch in my dreams…” 

Makoto’s performance and nervous shaking was met with a lukewarm reception as Futaba began to snicker. The only person to still cheer her on was Haru, who clapped and cheered for her friend. 

“F-forgive me, my weakness, but I don't know why...Without you it's hard to survive…! Cause everytime we touch, I… uh..” The girl finally stopped, staring at the ground as she blushed brightly.

“All the songs in the world, and you pick that one?” Ann asked, her voice deadpan.

“It was the first one that came to mind!” 

“I thought it was great, Mako-chan! Please, keep singing!” 

Before Makoto’s torture could continue, the door to the pull area opened and the naked Makoto felt overwhelming fear. She ran into the pool, leaping into it to hide her nude body and shame as a familiar voice called out to the group.

“I’m sorry for keeping everyone waiting.” Each girl saw Sae stand in the entranceway with a warm smile on her ruby lips.

Immediately, the already warm air of the springs began to heat up, and almost all of the girls thought the same thing. The only exception was Makoto, who was beginning to look at her friends one after the other. They each had the same dumbfounded, awestruck expression on their face.

Sae Niijima was beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. This was the first time most of the girls had ever seen her nude. Sae’s body was just… on a whole other level than them. Her breasts were just a bit smaller than Ann’s, meaning they were still both a handful. Her body curved and dipped like an artist had molded her figure. Her long, silvery hair fell like a waterfall down her back as she walked towards the girls. 

“Is my nose bleeding?” Futaba muttered, earning an especially confused look from Makoto. The young woman rolled her eyes at her friends, feeling nothing but mortified and embarrassed among them.

“Everything go okay with the call, sis?”

“Yes. Again, I’m very sorry for keeping you all waiting.”

“N-no problem,” Ann mumbled, her eyes traveling up and down Sae’s body. The others were only slightly better, tearing their gaze away from the silver-haired woman, only to inevitably look at her again.

They watched as Sae cleaned herself, lathering her body in soap, before washing herself clean. The girls even watched as the older woman cleaned her own supple chest, making sure to wipe the top and bottom with soap. Somehow Makoto could just feel that if her sister asked for help washing her back, many of the girls would have eagerly volunteered. 

Eventually Sae walked into the water, standing by Makoto’s side as she sighed. Sae gave herself to the water, laying her head back as she smiled.

“This is amazing… I heard the stories, but I expected them to be all talk.”

“It is pretty nice,” Makoto agreed.

“You look like you’re enjoying yourself, Sae-san. Er, Miss Niijima. Er-” Ann was at a lost for words as the older woman laughed.

“Just Sae is fine, Ann. You don’t need to speak to me so formally.” Sae lifted her body out of the water, and light reflecting off of the moist film made her almost glow with radiance. “I’m just Makoto’s older sister. That’s all.”

Eventually Futaba couldn’t play this game anymore. The young woman dived into the water and snuck up behind Sae, like the tiger shark she was. Makoto saw the trail of orange hair only too late. She opened her mouth to warn her sister, and scold Futaba, but the predator made her move. 

“Rawr!” Futaba burst out of the water and clapped both of hands on Sae’s chest from behind. This lasted for all of one moment as Sae’s elbow shot like bullet and slammed into the small girl’s forehead. 

Futaba went down in an instance. There was a large, red bump on her forehead as she fell into the water. There was a cloud of silence as the group stared at the girl, watching her unmoving body quietly drifting on the pool’s surface. She bobbed slightly, like a cork in the small pool.

No one said anything, until Shiho finally broke the silence. “Is… is she okay?”

Sae opened her mouth to apologize, only to look away, avoiding everyone’s stunned stares and gaping mouths. Haru quickly swam over to Futaba to pick the girl up. 

“Futaba? Are you okay? Say something?” 


Haru sighed with relief. “She’s okay.”


“I’m… very sorry,” Sae apologized, watching as Haru sat by the slumbering Futaba. The unconcious girl had an ice pack strapped to her head as she quietly snored.

“It’s alright, Sae,” Haru smiled. “You didn’t mean to knock her out, and she might have deserved it after what she did.”

“It’s kind of funny,” Ann chuckled, sitting at a small table with the other girls. 

“Poor Futaba… That looked like it hurt,” Shiho commented. 

“Guess we know where Makoto gets it,” Hifumi teased, earning a blush from both sisters. 

Each of the beautiful women wore a yukata gifted to them by the inn. Each of them filled it out well, though it was inevitable that some filled out certain parts better than others. Still, neither of them cared who filled out what better. The group just enjoyed their time together.

“So, what now?” Ann asked.

There was no answer, and each of the girls just looked at one another. Futaba quietly snored in the background as Hifumi made a suggestion. 

“Well, I brought a Shogi board. We could play that. Special free for all rules.”


“Hiya!” Within the confines of the Shogi warzone, Ann swung her whip and made a large gash in Makoto’s motorcycle. The bike sparked from the large hole, before it crashed onto the ground. The injured rider struggled to get up as Ann aimed an uzi at her friend’s head. “Nothing personal, Makoto, but you’re the first one out!”

Makoto stared down the barrel of the gun, showing no fear to her leatherclad enemy. Before Ann could pull the trigger, though, a chainsaw tore through the gun. Ann’s eyes widened, before she backflipped out of the way of several bullets.

“I don’t think so,” Sae growled, wielding a minigun with one hand as the other held a large chainsaw sword. “Makoto, get up. This battle isn’t over yet!”

“R-right, sis!” 

As Makoto and Sae stood up, something caught their eye. The three girls looked around the barren wasteland as they saw two titans arriving to the battle. In the air, they saw a plane flying overhead. Something fell from the jet, and it took the three a moment to realize it was Shiho, dressed in a skintight, pink spadex uniform with a helmet sitting on her head. 

“Justice Sentai, go Mega Jetter! She pointed to the sky as her jet flew low to the ground. Before everyone’s eyes, it transformed. Arms and legs pushed out of the ship as it landed behind Shiho, a towering giant of steel and justice.

“Whoa! A giant robot?!” Ann gasped, staring at the mechanical marvel.

“Haha! Is that really the best you have?!” The group turned their head to find Haru dressed in a black dress, cleavage exposed, with dark make up on her face. She looked like some kind of dark Magical Girl superhero, or even a villainess herself. “Behold! The ultimate Kaiju! Killtrocitus!” 

The ground split open as the massive beast rose out of the ground. It’s skin was as black as Haru’s dress, with eyes a bloody red and claws of glittering gold. It roared as it rose even taller than Shiho’s robot.

Haru licked her lips, her sadistic side shining clear for this battle. “That look of fear on your faces... I love it. I will cherish forever as I seize my victory!”

“The forces of Great Justice will never surrender to you, Empress Haru!” Shiho stood on one leg as she waved her hands in the air. “Go, Justice PUNCH!” Her giant robot charged forward, throwing a punch at the gigantic kaiju. 

Ann took out another uzi and fired wildly at the air as Sae fired her minigun with one arm, and swung her chainsaw with the other. Makoto picked up a busted piece of her motorcycle and threw it as whoever was closest to her.

Hifumi floated in the air, enjoying the madness of the battlefield. 

This was the Free For All Shogi Battle Royale. The battle to end all battles…

But that, is a story for another time.


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