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Summary: Chapter 2 of this story. Lucy finds herself alone and hungry again. She needs someone to help scratch her itch, and thankfully, Bisca and Alzack are ready to make their relationship a bit more open. Includes: NTR and Threesome.


Lucy found herself pondering the meaning of the phrase, ‘deja vu.’ Despite her new arrangement with Gray, the ice wizard had left town to run a few errands in a neighboring city. That left Lucy alone, and with a very familiar itch that needed to be scratched.

So she went back to the Guild, and she looked around, hoping to find someone who could help her with her problem. She needed someone she could trust, who could also satiate the hunger in her body.

As she scoped out the Guild, her hazel eyes caught someone moving. It was Alzack. He and his wife, Bisca, were in the middle of what looked like a heated argument. The raven-haired man must have lost his cool for a moment, because he had stood up and nearly slammed his hands on the table between them, but he took a deep breath and relaxed. He sat back down as Lucy tried to walk closer to the two to eavesdrop on their conversation. 

What she heard made her eyes widen, her heart race, and an eager smile grow on her face.

“I’m not saying you’re a bad lover. It’s just… I want something new. Something special,” Bisca whispered. 

“I… I’m sorry for losing my temper, it’s just… I don’t want you getting bored with me,” Alzack admitted with a huff. 

“I could never be bored of you. I love you,” Bisca swore. “I need some spice in our relationship. Something new…”

“Well…” Lucy could practically hear Alzack blushing. “You mentioned last night about inviting someone to join us…”

“Huh?” Bisca sounded surprised by that. “I mean, I did, but I was sort of joking. Would you really be willing to have a threesome for me?”

“Be willing to try…”

Lucy watched as Bisca kissed her husband from across the table, before she grinned. “You’re the best! I love you.” But then her smile faded as her finger tapped on the desk. “But who would we ask? Has to be someone we can trust, not to mention someone who can keep a secret…”

“Not to mention most of the Guild might not like the idea of sharing anything,” Bisca muttered. 

This was too perfect, Lucy thought. Her heart pounded in her chest as she thought about how absolutely perfect this was for her. If she played her cards right, she could do it with a married man, plus with another woman!

Lucy was an eager, young woman, and one who had had many fantasies in her life. She’d be lying if she said she never imagined what it would be like to be with another woman. Fairy Tail was full of hot studs and gorgeous women. This was a rare chance to live out her fantasies…

Time to make an entrance. Play it cool, Lucy… She steeled herself, and lifted a hand to her chest to undo the top few buttons of her shirt. Her breasts nearly spilled out as she walked towards the couple, a confident smile on her lips. She sat down beside Bisca and gave them both a seductive, half-lidded stare.

“Alzack. Bisca.” They gawked at her, confused by the sudden intrusion. “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.” That made the couple’s eyes widen. They shared a glance, before looking at Lucy like she was some kind of lioness, and they were her prey.

“Lucy-” Alzack opened his mouth to try and defend himself and his wife, only for Lucy to interrupt him and place her hand on Bisca’s shoulder. 

“And I think I can help.” Before either couple could really understand the words, Lucy moved forward and stole a kiss from the emerald-haired woman’s lips. She could hear Alzack’s words die in his throat as Bisca gasped against the blond’s lips.

Lucy had never kissed a girl before. Bisca’s lips were soft, softer than Gray or Natsu’s, and her ruby lipstick felt sweet and sticky. Lucy rather liked the taste as she deepened the kiss, gently nibbling on the woman’s lower lip.

It was a risky move, but Lucy thought it was the perfect, forward action that would bag her a threesome. As luck would have it, the blond wizard’s gamble paid off. Bisca’s lips suddenly pushed against Lucy’s, matching the other woman’s passion. Her arms wrapped around Lucy, and Lucy mirrored the gesture. 

Their breasts rubbed together, and that was one of the greatest sensations Lucy had ever felt. She shivered as Bisca’s slightly smaller rack kneaded her own, large tits. All too soon, the kiss ended and the green-haired woman was pushing Lucy back.

“W-wait.” She held Lucy back, careful not to accidentally grope the woman. “What about Natsu?” Bisca was panting, her chest heaving up and down as her cheeks glowed with scarlet shame.

Lucy just smiled, leaning back as she tried to calm down her rosy cheeks. “Natsu has my heart, but when he’s gone, I still need someone to satiate my needs. Gray is my lover when Natsu isn’t around, but now Gray’s gone…”

Bisca gulped down spit. She was following where this conversation was going, and her cheeks burned brighter.

“So… You need someone to help scratch your itch?”

Lucy nodded her head. “Plus, I have some things I want to cross off my list. Be with a woman,” she cooed, stroking Bisca’s arm with her soft fingers. “Be with a married man.” She glanced at Alzack, who had watched the show with his jaw on the ground. His eyes were like dinner plates, and Lucy could see him rubbing some blood from his nose. She giggled. “And be in a threesome with two other hot, beautiful people…”

“So you’re okay with this? It’s just sex. No romantic feelings, no ulterior motives. Just sex?” Bisca slowly inquired. Lucy nodded with a smirk. “And you’ll keep this our little secret?” She nodded again. 

That was all Bisca needed to hear. She pulled Lucy into a hug, stopping only when their lips were less than an inch apart. The blond moaned as her breasts rubbed against the older woman’s, and she tried to kiss Bisca. The cowgirl avoided her lips, before she glanced at her husband. She flashed a ruby smile as she uttered a question.

“What do you say, hon? Want to get between this?”

Alzack finally spoke after being mostly silent during the conversation. He swallowed spit down as he asked, “Is Asuka home?”

“She’s with Wendy,” his wife quickly answered.

“Then we better hurry back.” He stood up, and the two women laughed as they stood up with him. The three quickly left the Guild, Lucy bubbling with excitement as she felt a pair of hands on her body, leading her back to their home.


The three arrived at the bedroom and didn’t waste any time. Lucy gasped as Alzack grabbed her arm and pulled her into his embrace. He masked her lips against hers, and the woman was reminded why she loved men.

Bisca, and all the hottest women at Fairy Tail, were soft and sweet, but men like Alzack were rough and strong. They took what they wanted, they were brutal and savage, and that made Lucy swoon as she gave herself to the kiss. She practically climbed onto the man as she wrapped her arms around him. She even jumped up to do the same with her legs, letting him hold her ass with his hands. 

Lucy kissed Alzack passionately, their tongues slipping out of their mouths to wrestle with one another. The blond moaned as Alzack actually walked with her in his arms, before he suddenly dropped her onto the couple’s soft, wide bed. 

“My turn,” Bisca grinned, getting onto the bed. She tossed her vest aside and undid the bikini top that covered her glorious breasts. She dropped it onto the ground as Lucy marveled at the sight of her tits.

“You’re beautiful,” Lucy complimented, before a kiss captured her lips. Bisca sucked on Lucy’s lips, before their lips popped apart and the green-haired woman smirked.

“Look who’s talking. I wish my rack was as big as yours…”

“Hey, yours are great.” Lucy placed a hand on one and gave it a soft squeeze. “Mmm. I love how they feel.” Bisca giggled as her eyes caught her husband watching them. He was sitting on the bed, watching, his cock already out and free.

“Mmm… What do you say about giving my husband a show, Lucy?” The blond grinned, and nodded her head as the two stood up. Bisca began to help the gorgeous blond mage take her top off, a task that was rather difficult as their lips kept meeting. 

Alzack moaned as he watched the show, witnessing his wife slap the other woman’s plump rear. She slipped her hand under the fabric and dug her fingers into the pantyclad ass. Lucy lifted her hands up to wrap them around Bisca’s back, pressing their boobs together as the two giggled.

Eventually the two women were able to get Lucy’s shirt off, leaving her in a white bra that looked ready to snap apart. The two turned so they were facing Alzack, with Bisca behind the younger woman. She began to slowly pick at the bra as Lucy blew kisses to the raven-haired man.

Finally the bra came undone, and Lucy’s pillows fell out, free and bouncy. Alzack began to jerk himself off faster, stopping only to tear his own shirt off. 

Bisca got down on her knees, pulling down on Lucy’s skirt and helping it fall to the ground. The married couple saw the blond’s wet panties, and they grinned as she blushed and shook her hips for them. Lucy moaned and trembled as the older woman spanked her, the loud claps echoing through the room. 

“More,” Lucy moaned, and Bisca laughed as she reached around and groped Lucy’s tits, covering the large breasts. The green-haired woman massaged the slut’s chest as Alzack kicked off his pants and boxers. 

“Looks like you’re all ready,” the older woman moaned. 


Bisca pinched Lucy’s nipples, electing a moan from the blond, before she moved her hands down to take off her own skirt. Bisca dropped her skirt and panties to the ground, before she whispered in the blond’s ear.

“Go over there and suck my husband’s cock. I’m going to finger you, slut.” Lucy shuddered as Bisca pulled her panties down. 

She was able to get them off one leg as the younger woman stepped forward. They were still hooked around one leg as Lucy got onto the bed and opened her mouth. She was on all four as she brought her head down and took the cock inside her mouth, sucking on the thick member with quiet moans. 

Alzack opened his legs, giving Lucy open access as he rested his head back and closed his eyes. Bisca got on to the bottom of the bed and made good on her promise, rubbing her fingers against Lucy’s wet cunt. 

Lucy bobbed her head up and down, feeling the dick press against her cheek and tongue, shuddering as the taste and musk overwhelmed her. She even placed her hands on his balls, gently massaging his testicles as she humped Bisca’s fingers.

This was like heaven for the beautiful, blond mage. Surrounded by love and sex. It made her quiver, and it made her hungry for more. She brought her head lower, pressing her nose against Alzack’s crotch. Her tongue stroked the underside of his dick as she felt his cock throb and his balls quiver. 

He came inside her mouth, and Lucy welcomed it with hunger and lust. She felt the warm, salty cum spill into her mouth. She swallowed it, accepting the gift with closed eyes and an almost serene expression. 

Alzack moaned, placing his hand on the back of Lucy’s head and keeping her impaled on his cock. Lucy didn’t need to be held down, though. She wouldn’t miss a hot, heaping serving of cum for the world… And his was especially tasty, even compared to Grey and Natsu. 

When the man finally released her, she lifted her head off of his rod. She licked her lips several times as Alzack struggled to catch his breath. Bisca was still fingering the blond, pumping two fingers into her soaking pussy. 

Lucy opened her mouth for Alzack, revealing her empty mouth, and she savored the impressed look on his face. “Damn. Not bad, Lucy. She actually swallowed it all, Bisca.”

“She’s an excellent slut.” Bisca upgraded her attack to three fingers, and Lucy moaned, leaning her head back as the pleasure rocked her body. “Time for the main course, Lucy. I want you to ride my husband’s cock. I’ll get his face.”

Lucy nodded her head eagerly as Alzack’s heart drummed in his chest. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was as the three adjusted their positions. Alzack laid on his back as Lucy brought herself down on his cock. She didn’t go slow, she didn’t waste time, she got on his cock and rode it with wild passion, bouncing on it. Her tits jiggled as her ass bounced on his lap. 

Her pussy was tight, despite the other men she had inside her. Alzack moaned as her tight, wet walls squeezed on his cock. It felt amazing, and his paradise only got better as Bisca got on top of him and brought her pussy down on her husband’s face. He eagerly grabbed onto her legs and dragged his tongue along her slit, making her mewl as he tasted her. 

The two women moaned and cried out in pleasure as the man pleasured them. Lucy bounced on the cock faster, her tits clapping against her chest as rested her hands on Alzack’s firm chest. 

“S-soo good!” 

“I’m glad you approve. My husband is one of a kind,” Bisca moaned, rubbing her pussy against her husband’s lips. He let out a moan from below her, the vibrations making Bisca shudder with ecstacy. 

The three were content with this position for a while. The two women moaned as they pleasured themselves with Alzack’s body, who was happy to be used by the two gorgeous women. Eventually though, the man’s thick cock began to take its toll on Lucy. 

“I-I’m going to cum!” Lucy announced. 

“Then cum, slut!” Bisca leaned forward, grabbing a handful of Lucy’s hair with one hand, and her shoulder with the other, before bringing Lucy into a passionate kiss. Ruby lips met light pink ones as the two women moaned, tongues wrestling for dominance. Alzack moaned below them, wishing he could enjoy the sight of them making out as his cock throbbed. 

He soon came inside of the blond, filling her womb and marking her walls with his seed. She came right after, squeezing Bisca in her arms, pressing their tits together. The emerald-haired beauty finally fell off the edge with them, succumbing to the pleasure and cumming on her husband’s face.

The three were consumed with pleasure, cumming together. Lucy was filled with cum, while her lips were still pressed against Bisca’s. She was in heaven.


The night was far from over as Bisca and Lucy got into a new position. Lucy was on the bottom as Bisca got on top of her. Each girl was facing the other’s pussy, as Alzack got into position to fuck his beautiful wife. 

He slammed his cock into her, and Bisca cried into Lucy’s pussy. The blond shuddered from the feeling, stopping her oral assault. Lucy was the first to break, cumming on Bisca’s scarlet lips as the blond cried out in pleasure. 

Meanwhile Alzack was fucking Bisca harder than he had in the last few months. It reminded the mother of their honeymoon. She closed her eyes and embraced the pleasure, feeling him drive her insane as her brain melted from the sheer, raw pleasure.  Her husband was stretching out her walls, and she moaned as she wondered if her husband had always been this big, or if he was just pushed beyond his limit by the threesome…?

She couldn’t exactly blame him. The cum on her face, the cock pistoning in and out of her cunt, it was all overwhelming her. The beautiful, alluring mother could only bury her lips in Lucy’s pussy, licking and sucking on the sweet nectar as she came. Her pussy squeezed Alzack’s penis, stroking and massaging it, and helping it unleash yet another load into her pussy, possibly the biggest he had ever given.

Bisca was left with cum leaking out of her pussy, and juices cling to her face as her eyes rolled into her skull. This was one of the greatest moments of her life, and part of her wished it didn’t have to end.

Sadly the end was inevitable. Eventually the three adjusted so that Lucy and Bisca were working together to service their man. Alzack sat on the bed as the two gorgeous women gave him a double titjob, one of them on each side, covering his shaft with their soft, round tits. He moaned, only growing louder as they each kissed the tip of his penis.

The two beauties stuck out their tongues, licking the bell-shaped head together, not caring if their tongues touched. In fact, the two were happy to kiss one another as Alzack enjoyed the show. The women made out like they were lovers, passionate, their hands pulling the other closer, and his cock was trapped in the middle.

The women shared one last kiss, with Alzack’s dick right between their lips. Their tongues smacked against it and each other as the black-haired man’s will crumbled, and he came once more. His seed shot out like a geyser, and both girls were marked by it. It fell on their breasts and onto their faces as they opened their mouths to savor the thick seed.

Lucy played with the cum in her mouth, smacking her tongue around as Bisca did the same. The two women rubbed their breasts together, spreading the cum until it was a thin film on their chests, and they kissed one another, licking each other’s faces to collect more cum.

The two pulled apart, a thin trail of saliva linking their mouths together as they looked at Alzack. 

“That… was amazing,” Lucy moaned. 

“Do you want to do this again?” Bica inquired. Her husband just tried to catch his breath, but the older woman wouldn’t be asking if she didn’t know he was all for another threesome.

“Maybe… Or maybe you and I should make something for your husband? A sex tape starring you and me?” Lucy giggled.

That got Alzack’s attention as he stared at the two, eyes wide with disbelief. The two girls giggled as they seperated, both getting onto the bed and sitting on each side of Alzack. The two women laid their heads on his chest as their sticky breasts rested on his stomach.

“Looks like my husband’s a fan of the idea,” Bica cooed, glancing at the man’s hardening, growing cock.

“One more round?” Lucy smirked.

“One more round.” Alzack put a hand on each girls’ head, a toothy grin spreading on his face. The ladies smiled back, grabbing onto his dick as they kissed one another.


Cana Alberona had no idea just what she was going to stumble onto when she left to visit Bisca. All she wanted to do was speak to her old friend, just hang out, but what she found left her jaw on the ground.

When she came to the house, she heard low, rapid sounds. It took her a moment to realize it was grunting, and was that moaning? It sounded like it. 

Cana told herself she shouldn’t be surprised. Alzack and Bisca were married with a kid now. Time for sex was probably few and far between. She told herself to just walk away, come back later, yet something pulled her towards the back side of the house, towards a window she knew would help her peek inside their bedroom.

Every step made the sounds grow louder, and her throat turn more dry. They were definitely having sex, she realized. 

She found the window and saw that the curtains were parted, meaning all it would take would be a quick peek. Her cheeks were turning red as she stretched her body up to peek through the curtains.

Cana expected to find Bisca and Alzack. What stunned her was seeing Lucy there too. That was how she ended up here, watching Lucy and Bisca pleasuring Alzack’s cock together. They were licking and coating it with kisses as the man moaned under them. Sometimes he’d spank their butts, sometimes he’d push a finger into their pussies. 

Stunned amazement soon gave way to arousal as Cana picked her jaw up off of the floor. She swallowed spit down as she watched the three go at it, ignorant of her presence. Cana quickly hid herself, hiding behind the wall as she pondered what she would do after seeing that.

She should have just walked away. Left it alone. They were all adults, so they could do what they wanted… Yet another idea popped into Cana’s mind. She smiled to herself, despite everything, and joy bubbled in her heart. 

The words ‘blackmail,’ came to mind, but if she was going to be doing anything, she’d need time. Cana grinned as she started walking away from the house, perverted ideas popping into her head. 


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