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Summary: Natsu is gone away on a mission, leaving Lucy all alone with an addiction to feed. She trusts her friend Gray to help her scratch the itch she has, and he finds himself all too eager to help a friend. Includes: NTR, and Teasing


Lucy blew a lock of hair from her face, glaring at the wall of the Guild Hall. She was bored, as childish as it was to admit. She was alone, with nothing to do, and even the usual excitement of the Guild felt by the numbers. 

Most of her friends weren’t even around. Levy, Erza, and even her boyfriend, Natsu, were all off on missions of their own. Her pink-haired boyfriend was gone with Happy to some faraway town for a mission, leaving Lucy all alone.

Alone and lonely. 

Natsu couldn’t have picked a worse time to leave her. Ever since their first time, Lucy had become addicted to the ecstacy sex gave her. She used to be insatiable when Natsu was here, and with him gone, the unbearable hunger only got worse. 

Her boyfriend was supposed to return within a week, but even that seemed like an impossibly long time. Lucy had been cooped up in her home for the last two days, keeping to herself as she struggled to pleasure herself. She would make herself cum, but each orgasm just made her hungrier for something real.

That was why she was here in the Hall. Lucy was desperate enough to do something she never even considered before dating Natsu. She was looking for someone to take up her boyfriend’s place on her bed. 

It couldn’t just be anyone, of course. They had to fit certain requirements. They had to be attractive, first off. Shallow as it was, Lucy was a human being, with wants and desires. She wanted someone handsome and muscular, like Natsu was. She didn’t want anyone old, out of shape, or just not her type. Secondly, they had to be someone she could trust. If things went poorly, she wanted to know the other person would respect her privacy and her relationship with Natsu.

Considering how many of her friends and guild members were gone, that left with without many options. Thankfully, she did have one prime choice. If he said no, then she was out of options, but if he said yes…

That was when she saw Gray, Natsu’s rival and best friend, enter the hall and walk towards her. He waved with a smile as she returned the gesture, before he sat down in front of her.

“Hey, Lucy. You said you needed to talk?”

“I do. It’s… kind of personal,” she admitted.

“Well, if I can help, I’m here for you, but it can’t wait till Natsu gets back?” Lucy shook her head, her cheeks slowly turning a dark shade of red. Grey took this as meaning it was an urgent problem, so he leaned closer over the table and asked in a hush whisper, “What do you need from me?”

Lucy’s face felt warm. She gulped, her thighs rubbing together as some part of her mind tried to tell her this was a bad idea. It was wrong on so many levels, but her body needed this. She was addicted to the carnal pleasure of sex.

Better to ask for forgiveness, then permission, after all.

“I need you,” she whispered, her voice low, almost seductive. Gray blinked, and his own cheeks flushed red. He probably thought he had the wrong idea. She made the truth clear though as she reached forward and placed a hand on his, gently caressing the slender fingers. “I need you to fuck me.” The word was like sugar on her tongue. “No strings attached, I just… need to scratch an itch. You don’t have to give an answer now, but…”

Lucy lifted a hand to her chest, and with one smooth motion, she undid her top button and allowed her breasts an inch of freedom. The large tits pushed against cloth, giving Gray a hefty peek at her tits. She leaned forward, ensuring he could see them as she licked her lips.

Gray’s eyes widened. He was stunned for a moment as his eyes followed Lucy’s hand, and he took in the glorious sight of her large, bountiful bosom. It was nice. It was very, very nice.

Lucy was gorgeous. Anyone with eyes and a love for the female figure could see that. Gray always thought Natsu was lucky for dating such a woman, but to actually fuck her? Natsu was the luckiest man alive…

Gray could be just as lucky, but should he? Lucy’s gentle fingers stroked his as his loyalty to Natsu wavered. Would it be so bad? What if he did it just once? Natsu would never know. Gray tried to weigh the pros and cons, but Lucy’s soft hand made it hard to think.

Then she undid another button, and her tits almost spilled out of her top, and all the blood in his head went flooding down between his legs. 

“Come by my place tonight, if you want to-”

“Why wait? Let’s go now.” Gray’s lips curled into a smirk, and Lucy’s pink cheeks turned red as she smiled at him. They rose up from their seats and the beautiful blonde’s arms wrapped around his arm, stroking his muscles. Her large breasts enveloped his arm as they walked together.

Gray could get used to the feeling of her body against his…


Gray and Lucy practically fell onto her bed. Her lips were against his, and Lucy wondered if the raven-haired man had ever kissed a girl before. Natsu and Lucy gave each other their first kiss, and it was clumsy. Passionate, but clumsy.

On the other hand, Gray’s lips felt almost masterful against hers. Like he knew exactly how to suck on her bottom lip, or lick her lips. She opened her mouth to accept his tongue, sucking on it as she tried to take her top off. Unlike before, her fingers were clumsy. Her mind was so distracted by Gray’s kisses she couldn’t even focus on the simple task.

Thankfully, Gray was able to help her. His hands grabbed the fabric of her shirt and he pulled, ripping the top in two, buttons falling to the bedside.

“H-hey, that was expensive!” she giggled. She should have been mad, but she couldn’t deny such an animalistic action made her wet down below.

“Bill me later,” he muttered, before kissing her neck. He sucked on her soft skin, leaving red marks on her like he was marking her. Lucy shuddered as she pulled at his clothes. They broke apart just so she could take his clothes off of his body.

“Usually I take my clothes off myself,” he chuckled, between kisses.

“Mmm...G-glad I could help,” she replied, before gasping as she felt something hard brush against her leg. “Oh… Someone’s excited?”

“Can you blame me?” Gray took his hands to Lucy’s breasts, and for the first time in his life, he got a good look of them. They were amazing. Bigger than Juvia, Erza, and practically every other girl in the Guild. Soft to the touch, with hard nipples on the tips. He groped her chest and she moaned, writhing at his touch. 

“Stop teasing me,” she begged, only for Gray to pinch her nipples in response. He pulled on them, lifting her tits up, before letting them fall and clap against her chest. 

Gray pulled at his pants, tossing them aside, before he slipped a hand down Lucy’s skirt. He was surprised to find her pantyless. 

“Guess I’m not the only eager one.” She just smiled, before they kissed again. Their tongues wrestled against each other as Gray’s finger gently prodded her clit, rubbing the wet pussy. He moved his hand lower, pushing a finger into her cunt and gently fingering her. 

“Ahh,” Lucy moaned. “N-Natsu would always cut to chase… He would never finger me like that.”

“I’m happy to help,” Gray replied with a prideful grin. He kept at it, keeping his finger pistoning in and out of her. Lucy’s hands clung to his shoulders, nails digging into his robust frame. She threw her head back and moaned. Her wet juices clung to his digits as he began to push two fingers into her.

“M-more,” She begged, grinding her body against his. Her breasts jiggled ever so slightly as leaned forward. Her breasts pushed against his naked chest, and Gray found it impossible to deny himself any longer.

He wanted Lucy. He was going to have Lucy.

Off came the rest of his clothes, and he threw them aside without care. He pulled his fingers out of Lucy, savoring the whine she made, before he practically tore her skirt off and flung it aside. She was naked now, just like him, and her jaw dropped as she caught sight of his throbbing, veiny cock.

Gray didn’t want to ask how he compared to Natsu’s size, but he liked to think Lucy’s wide eyes was enough of an answer. 

“Hope you’re not getting any second thoughts,” Gray smirked. Lucy blinked, and she lifted her eyes to stare into his dark, hungry eyes. She steeled herself, and the young man was surprised as she pushed him down. 

He allowed his body to lay down on his back as Lucy’s hands straddled his legs, slowly making their way to his erect penis. She rubbed the tip of it with those soft hands again, before she got on top of him. Her knees were either side of his body as she looked down at Gray. She lifted her hands up to mess with her hair, giving her a sultry, natural beauty, before she brought herself down.

Gray wasn’t expecting Lucy to be so forward, but she did say she needed this. His surprise quickly vanished as he placed his hands on Lucy’s round, peach-shaped ass. He dug his fingers into the firm flesh, as her warm pussy enveloped his rod.

She was so damn tight… and warm, and wet, and perfect. Gray ground his teeth, almost taken back by how perfect her body was. If he didn’t know better, he might have thought she was a virgin.

“Fuck, you are tight,” Gray shuddered.

“Maybe you’re just big,” she teased, bouncing her body up and down the shaft, moving lower each time. 

That brought a grin to the man’s lips, and he lifted his back up. His hands moved up her back, holding her hips down as he tried pulled her all the way down. Lucy screamed, closing her eyes as pain and pleasure struck her body. Gray either didn’t notice, didn’t care, or knew the pain was worth it as he buried his face between her large breasts. 

He sucked on one nipple as he used a hand to play with the other breast. He pinched and pulled on the nipple, before rubbing his thumb against it, pushing it down and into her supple flesh. 

“F-fuck, you’re good,” Lucy giggled. Her eyes fell shut as she continued to bounce on Gray’s body. His cock was filling her completely now as the bed creaked. She wrapped her arms around her lover, trying to remind herself that Natsu had her heart. 

She was just letting Gray have her body tonight… Though, if he asked for more, she wasn’t sure what kind of answer she’d give the handsome man. 

“Ahh!” The blonde cried out as Gray gently bit down on her nipple, before he sucked on her teat like he was expecting fresh milk. Lucy could feel her orgasm coming, and she tried to warn the man. All that came out were loud, passionate moans as her body exploded with pleasure.

Her muscles spasmed as she trembled in his arms, melting as he molded her body with his strong, firm hands. Gray buried his face between her tits, kissing the sweaty skin as her pussy clamped down around the long shaft of his cock. 

The man’s orgasm soon followed hers, and he released a stream of cum into her. Any fear or worries of pregnancy was ignored as Lucy welcomed the white load. 

Lucy wasn’t sure what she expected when she invited Gray to her home. She was lucky enough that he was such an amazing lover, but what he said next practically made her cum again. 

He pulled his head out from between her breasts as he flashed those sharp, predatory teeth. “Not enough.”


Lucy lost count of how many times she came that night. Gray was an amazing lover with a wealth of stamina, and a natural talent for love making. His hands knew just where to grab her, knew just how to hold her, and justhow she liked her breasts being played with. 

She melted in his arms, becoming his plaything as his semen coated the walls of her pussy. She was on all four right now, bouncing her ass against Gray’s body, moaning and mewling as his hands slapped her butt. Her cheeks were turning red as she shuddered from another orgasm rocking her body.

“Where do you want this load?” Gray asked, though he already knew where the slut wanted.

She confirmed his suspicions as she screamed out the word, “Inside!” Gray smirked, before leaning forward so his chest was pressed against her back. His hands squeezed her tits yet again, kneading the soft flesh as he bucked his hips into her.

The bed groaned as his balls slapped against Lucy’s body. His head was next to hers, and he licked her cheek as he came inside of the beautiful, blonde summoner. They came together, their bodies almost stuck together from their hot, sweaty bodies. 

This orgasm was the most intense of them all, and it drained Lucy of her remaining strength. She fell forward, her head falling onto her pillow as Gray pulled his throbbing cock out of her. He sprayed a few strands of his cum onto her used pussy, before letting the rest drip onto the bed. 

The man let out a content sigh, before he fell beside Lucy’s body. He gently stroked her back as she struggled to catch her breath.

“How was that?” he asked. 

“G-good,” she moaned, biting her lower lip as his fingers massaged her back. “S-so good…”

“Do you want to do this again?” Gray asked. He knew how wrong the question was. He was fucking Natsu’s girlfriend behind his back, but if she said yes, then who was he to deny Lucy his touch?

He felt relief and excitement bubble in his chest as he watched Lucy’s lips grin, and a glimmer of desire spark in her eyes.

“Yes…” She moved her body closer, kissing Gray’s chin, before lifting her body up to peck his lips. “I don’t think I can go back after knowing what this was like… It kind of makes me wants to do it with the others…”

“Others?” Gray asked, raising his brow. 

“The other members of our guild,” she explained, licking her lips. Gray felt his dick tremble, and slowly rise again as he stared in shock. 

“Huh… Hope you’re not planning to leave me behind.”

“Never,” she pouted. “Natsu will always have my heart, but… well, we still have a week before he gets back. Want to help me work on my endurance, Gray?”

“I’m always happy to help a friend,” he replied, before he lifted himself up. He got on top of Lucy’s body, his arms digging into the bed on each side of her head. She smiled at him, like a hungry animal, and he returned the look.

The night, just like their week, had only just begun.


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