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Summary: Izzy had yet to tell Mimi how he felt for her, and despite feeling the same way, Mimi won't wait forever... So while she waits, she has some fun with Tai, not knowing Izzy catches them in the act. Involves: NTR.


Izzy wiped the sleep from his eyes, fighting back a yawn. He shook his head and reached for the energy drink he had been sipping at, only to find it empty. He tossed it into the nearby trash can as he stood up and stretched his arms to the ceiling. 

It was getting late, and he had spent the better part of the day in the school’s computer lab, working to finish a school project. Honestly, it was probably at an acceptable level before he started working, but he wanted it to be perfect. He wouldn’t settle for anything else. After all, if he had a poor grade in computer programming, he might as well have just hung up his keyboard.

Izzy glanced at the clock and cringed at the time. It was getting late. Without a word, he picked up his things and pushed them into his schoolbag, walking out of the computer lab without a second thought.


Izzy was on his way out of the school when he noticed something very odd. A voice, two of them, clearly talking to each other. His brow furrowed as he wondered who else could be at the school this late. At first, he shrugged it off to just a custodian, but as he walked down the hall and got closer to the voices, he was proven wrong. 

The voices were ones he recognized, intimately, in fact. One was his close friend, Tai, but the other voice was higher pitched, and softer. It was Mimi, and just the thought of her brought a tint of red to Izzy’s cheek.

The young redhead gulped, feeling himself turn warm at the serene voice of his crush. He inched closer to the sounds of their voices, finding them in a classroom, with the door left slightly ajar.

He didn’t hear either of their voices as he slowly moved closer to the door. He peeked through the small crack between the door and wall, and what he found made his blood turn cold. The reason he couldn’t hear either of their voices was because they weren’t talking anymore. 

They were kissing, their arms wrapped around one another, Tai’s left hand placed on Mimi’s ass, while the other hand was on her large, supple breast, squeezing it. Mimi was happily accepting his embrace, her arms wrapped around his neck, and her fingers gently petting his spiky hair. Her fingers were slowly combing through his brunette locks, gently caressing him.

Izzy felt his breath getting caught in his throat. He almost choked on it. He covered his mouth and shivered as he watched the two kiss like something right out of his fantasy. Their lips parted apart, and he could see their tongue wrestling under the light. Their bodies were almost silhouetted in the dark, like some kind of disturbing painting. 

The worst part was how… happy both seemed. Their tongues tasting one another, their lips nibbling on one another. There was just something about the way they held each other that told Izzy that it was meant to be. Maybe he was just seeing things. Maybe it was all in his mind… But the fact was that Tai and Mimi were holding each other like lovers, kissing with the kind of passion Izzy had dreamed about, except it was him where Tai was. 

Izzy felt his legs tremble, but they did not move. He didn’t move, glued to where he stood, hiding in the dark as he watched the two. Questions raced through his mind. How could Tai do this? Didn’t he know how Izzy felt about Mimi? The young tech expert thought the two boys were friends, but now he just wasn’t sure. And Mimi… How long had she been seeing Tai? Was this their first time, or had they met at the school before to kiss and touch one another?

The young man’s eyes fell on Tai’s hand. He was groping Mimi, kneading her breast through her clothes. Izzy gulped, sliding down until he was sitting by the door, still staring at the two.

He told himself to do something. Walk away, storm inside, something, but his body refused to move. His thoughts became heavy, like a fog was filling his mind. Were he more aware of his own personal situation, and not so focused on the couple, Izzy might have noticed his growing erection. His dick pressed against his clothes, pushing against the fabric and trying to break free.

Meanwhile Mimi and Tai were still locked in each other’s arms, their lips playing with one another. It felt like they had been kissing forever now, but Izzy tried to tell him he had just found them. Then again, how long has they been kissing before he got here…?

Izzy tried to pull his body away from the two, telling himself that whatever their relationship was, spying on them was wrong. But then Tai broke away from Mimi’s lips, a trail of saliva linking their mouths. Mimi licked it up, giggling as Tai uttered a word that made Izzy freeze.

“What about Izzy?” 

She giggled, playing with a lock of hazel hair in her hands. “I like him,” she admitted, and despite everything, Izzy’s cheeks turned red. “But…” She let the word hang in the air, as if she knew Izzy was there, as if she relished the idea of teasing someone she couldn’t even see.

“But?” Tai asked.

“I’m not going to wait forever, and I’m still a person. I’m young, I want to have fun. I want to enjoy myself,” she explained with a pout. “If Izzy wants me, he can make a move and come have me.”

“Well, Izzy’s not here,” Tai uttered. “I am.”

“Oh, trust me. I know.” Her fingers slipped down from his hair and gently stroked his cheeks. She licked her lips as she admired his handsome features. “So, what should I do with you? The same thing I did last week?” Izzy gulped. “Or a little surprise I planned for you?”

“I do like surprises.” Tai kissed her lips, and he smirked. “Show me what you’ve got.”

“You asked for it.” Mimi leaned forward and pecked Tai’s lips, before Izzy watched sink down onto her knees. The intelligent, brilliant man was utterly dumbfounded by what he saw. The way Mimi was acting, the way she bit Tai’s metal zipper with her lips and slowly pulled it down… It was like something straight out of his fantasies.

Izzy shivered, not from the cold, but from excitement. His mind was in conflict, but his body was enjoying the show. He glanced down, ashamed as he realized just how erect he was.

And he wasn’t the only one. Tai was sporting his own tent as Mimi pulled his pants down, revealing the brunette’s light blue boxers. When Izzy leaned closer, almost touching the wooden door, he realized a shocking fact.

Comparing one’s penis was something Izzy always thought of as juvenile. It was a childish, testosterone-fueled jealousy that only neanderthals took part in. That said, Izzy was proud of his size. He was far above the average for boys his age, and probably bigger than some men older than him.

But Tai? Tai was in a whole other league, a belief that was confirmed as Mimi pulled the boxers down and was nearly slapped in the face by the tremendous cock Tai was wielding. The young man grinned with pride as Mimi placed a hand to her plump lips.

“I never get tired of seeing this… It’s… it’s so amazing,” she uttered, gently caressing the veiny shaft with her hand.

“I’m glad you approve.”

“It’s even bigger than Izzy’s,” she uttered, shocking the redhead. He also smacked his face against the door as he listened to Mimi giggle. “I thought he was big that time I peeked into his room, but Tai, you’re like a tree. God, it’s as thick as my arm!” Mimi beamed, holding her forearm up against the cock as if using it as a reference. 

Izzy had no idea when Mimi had caught him with his pants down, literally speaking, but he still burned with embarrassment and shame as the two talked about him.

“You’re the biggest cock I’ve ever seen… Fuck me hard enough with this bad boy and I might not even want to date Izzy afterwards. Fuck me ever harder, and I might just start dating you,” she teased, her fingers now wrapped around the long shaft, pumping it up and down. She had to use two hands to hold the massive beast, and even then, her fingers were barely touching one another.

Tai laughed, he actually laughed at the idea of stealing Mimi from Izzy, and the redhead wasn’t sure how to react to that. Part of him wanted to be mad, even outraged, but the other half of him was panting, trembling with lust as he licked his own lips and watched Mimi’s fingers work.

She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She brought the cock down to her mouth, her soft, slick tongue acting like a landing pad for the girthy dick. Mimi’s lips wrapped around the tip, and she took the cock into her mouth with shocking ease. 

Izzy felt his mouth turn dry. Mimi was sucking Tai’s cock, bobbing her head back and forth. She closed her eyes as the sound of her sucking on his dick filled the room, and slipping into his ear. Tai had his hand on her head, helping her get lower and lower down his cock. She moaned against the thick rod in her mouth, but she sounded happy…

“Fuck, you’re so good at this,” Tai moaned, leaning his head back. 

Mimi opened up a single eye, and it gleamed with pride as she took her hands off of his cock. Her fingers moved to his balls, massaging and stroking the large nuts, squeezing them between her soft fingers. Izzy’s hand fell on his leg, digging into the fabric as his penis strained against his clothes. It wanted out. It wanted to feel Mimi’s lips. At this point it would have settled for anything, just a fraction of the pleasure Tai was feeling.

Speaking of the brunette, Tai moaned as he came in Mimi’s hands, unleashing a load of cum into Mimi’s waiting mouth. She showed no strain as she took the load. It was almost beautiful how effortless it was. Tiny spurts of cum slipped past her lips and stained her face, but that was all that happened. 

She pressed her face lower, down onto his cock until her nose was pressed against his pubic hair. Her cheeks expanded, filled to the brim with semen. Mimi took a deep whiff of his musk, before she opened her throat and gleefully began to swallow his cum.

Izzy could practically see the cum going down her throat. She swallowed it in large clumps, letting it slide down her throat and pool inside her stomach, before Mimi pulled her head off of the massive dick. Even in such an obscene movement, she looked beautiful, and after she licked her lips clean, it was almost impossible to tell what she had been doing. 

She opened her mouth, and judging by Tai’s reaction, it was wiped clean of cum.

“Fuck, you are amazing,” Tai panted, a grin on his face.

“Not as amazing as that cock of yours. Mmm… Maybe you should be asking me out.”

Izzy’s heart jumped, before Tai just chuckled. “I wouldn’t do that to Izzy. Once you two start dating, I’ll back off.”

“Oh? Think you can keep that promise?” she inquired, her hand stroking up and down his cock with a smirk. Judging by the sound of her voice, it almost sounded like she wanted to see him break it…

Tai just chuckled at the ‘joke.’ “So, what’s next?” He smiled at her. Mimi giggled, a knowing smile on her face.

“I think you know. The question is how badly you want it.” The way they talked, the way they teased each other, the way they stared into each other’s eyes… All signs pointed that this was not their first time. Izzy found that hard to swallow as his hand reached into his boxers, and he found his own cock, throbbing with desperation. 

Tai spanked Mimi’s ass, making her gasp, before he showed her just how badly he wanted her. Without any effort, he placed his hands on her round, firm ass and just picked her up without any sort of effort. She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the ride as he dropped her butt on a cold desk. She shivered, either from the sudden cold or from excitement, Izzy wasn’t sure. 

“Badly enough to not care what you think.” Mimi’s face turned flush. “Badly enough to just take it.” He placed his hands on Mimi’s shirt and he pulled, forcing the buttons to come undone, even breaking one and causing it to drop to the floor. Mimi wasn’t wearing a bra under her shirt. Izzy found himself staring at the beautiful woman’s naked breasts as they jiggled from their sudden freedom. .

Tai then grabbed Mimi’s skirt, hooking his fingers into her panties, and he pulled down, nearly tearing the clothes off. The skirt fell to the ground with ease as Mimi’s pink panties hung off of a single leg. Her wet pussy was exposed, and Izzy couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his fingers around his cock. He started pumping himself, imagining Mimi’s hand on his.

“Fuck, you’re so bad,” Mimi beamed. “I love it… Huge dick, heroic on the streets, bad boy in bed… You’re perfect.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Tai whispered. He leaned in close to Mimi, their cheeks pressed together, and he whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened, before Tai took his cock by the base and aimed it at her wet snatch. In one single thrust, he slammed his cock into her.

Mimi screamed in pleasure, pulling Tai into a hug. Her tits pushed against Tai’s chest, her nipples poking him through his clothes. The brunette man just smirked, holding Mimi by her plump rear as he fucked her, bucking his hips back and forth. She cried out and gasped with each thrust, trying to catch her breath as Tai used her. 

They rocked the desk under them, pushing it with every body-shaking slam. For a moment, Izzy wondered if they had ever done this to his desk, and that thought made him shudder as he tightened his grip on his cock. He kept jerking himself off, imagining how tightly Mimi was probably holding onto Tai.

“You’re! So! Big!” Mimi moaned with each thrust. “I-I love it!” 

“And you’re. So. Tight!” Izzy watched as his crush’s legs wrapped around his best friend’s body, keeping them pressed together as they continued to make love. 

Her wet walls were probably squeezing Tai’s entire cock. Izzy couldn’t have imagined how good it must have felt. He wished he could have made Mimi scream like that, but it wasn’t just about cock size anymore. It was about what kind of lover Izzy would have been, and he knew in his heart that he could never just tear a girl’s clothes off and fuck her in the middle of a classroom. That just wasn’t him. 

But it was Tai. Tai was exactly the kind of man to just fuck who he wanted to fuck, and Mimi was the kind of girl to do what she thought was fun. It was a hell of a match, Izzy realized, as he watched the two continue to fuck. 

“I-I’m going to cum,” Mimi moaned. “P-please, cum with me!”

“You want me to cum with you? You’re going to have to wait a little longer for that,” Tai grunted, quickening his pace. Mimi bit her lower lip, crying out as tears welled up in her eyes. Tears of pleasure, no doubt. Then Tai said something so quietly that Izzy almost didn’t hear. But he did hear those words, and they made Izzy pump his cock even faster.

“Or maybe you can say something to make me cum,” Tai growled.

“Master…” The word was weak on Mimi’s tongue at first, before her eyes rolled into her skull and she trembled in ecstacy. Her voice screamed out the words, growing louder and louder. “Master! Master!” 

Izzy realized what was happening after a moment. Tai must have found Mimi’s sweet spot. Her G-spot… Or maybe Tai found where it was a long time ago. The very thought made Izzy pump even faster, his toes curling in his shoes. He wanted to cum with them. He wanted to imagine himself in Tai’s place, fucking his crush’s pussy…

“Master, fuck me with your huge, giant cock! I need it! I want it! Please!”

“Alright, slut! Here it cums!” 

Tai lifted Mimi off of the desk and he held her in his hands as he came inside of her, filling her with another warm serving of his cum. Izzy squeezed his eyes tight and he shuddered as he came as well, creaming his own boxers and marking his own underwear with his cum.

Embarrassment and relief swirled in Izzy’s mind as he watched Tai fill Mimi with cum. She took the load with a welcoming grin, her tongue hanging from her mouth as she leaned her head back. Tai nestled his face between her breasts, motorboating them the two rode the waves of their orgasms. Their muscles tightened and released, as Tai made sure every drop of his cum ended up inside Mimi…

Izzy had seen enough, he thought. He stood up on shaky, weak legs, pulling his hand out of his pants. He had to go. He wasn’t sure what emotion he was feeling at this point. Anger, lust, sadness, desire… 

Fuck, watching Tai fuck Mimi had made him cum harder than he ever had…

He shook all those thoughts away, and replaced it with something logical. He had to go to the bathroom, clean his boxers up. Afterwards he’d head home and mull this all over. Yes, that’s what he would do…

Izzy began to stumble away as Mimi’s hazel eyes slowly turned to the open door. There was nothing behind it now. Tai was still burying his face in her breasts as the beautiful woman smiled. Her smile was small, but also peculiar, as if she knew something no one else did...


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