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Summary: Ryuji and Ren are called to Miss Kawakami’s room during the Hawaii trip. None of the other students know what happens behind the closed door. Includes: Threesomes and spit roast.


Ren Amamiya and Ryuji Sakamoto were in Hawaii, and the two friends couldn’t have been more excited. While their class got acclimated and everyone found out where their rooms were, they stood by the window, looking out into the famous setting of Honolulu. The warm sunlight fell down on their bodies as they stood in the hotel, eager to enjoy the famous sights.

“This is gonna be great, man!” Ryuji beamed. “Sun, surf, and sexy girls in bikinis!”

Ren nodded his head in agreement. Despite his quiet nature, he was just as eager to enjoy the trip.  

Unfortunately, they would have to wait just a little bit longer for their chance to enjoy the beach. 

“Sakamoto, Amamiya, a word.” Both boys stiffened and they turned their heads to find their homeroom teacher, Miss Kawakami, walking towards them. The small crowd of students watched the three, some of the students laughing as Ryuji groaned. 

“Something wrong, teach?” Ryuji asked. 

“Come with me, now.” Her expression was almost completely flat, her usual, tired state, save for her eyes. Her eyes glittered with something akin to mischief. Behind her, more students chuckled and teased the two boys as they shared a look with one another.

Their eyes gleamed as the two grinned. They quickly hid their smiles behind masks of confusion and fear, and left with Sadayo Kawakami, following the older woman to her room. 


Behind a closed door, Sadayo, Ryuji, and Ren drowned themselves in sinful pleasure and fun. It was their little secret, a chance for the three to live out their sexual fantasies. Inside the large hotel room, Miss Kawakami laid on her knees, sucking off Ren’s cock, as her hand  stroked the shaft of Ryuji’s dick. 

This unique affair started with Ren and his teacher. Somewhere along the line, the older woman had fallen for her student and savior. They had made love one night, and it sat as one of Sadayo’s most cherished memories. But Ren wasn’t satisfied with simply fulfilling Sadayo’s childhood dreams of true love. When she confessed to having a fetish for threesomes and gangbangs, Ren pulled her deeper into a sea of carnal pleasures.

The first time Ryuji had been invited into their relationship, Ren had blindfolded his lover, and she thought she was sucking her boyfriend off. The look on Ryuji’s face when their naked teacher walked into Ren’s room, led by dark-haired teen, was priceless. The look on Kawakami’s face, when she found out whose cock was in her mouth was equally priceless. 

That had been over a month ago, and things had only gotten better. Ryuji made no secret his feelings for Sadayo were mostly physical, but that didn’t bother either his best friend or their teacher. It would have been awkward if he had. Ryuji’s relationship with Kawakami was purely based on lust, and a bit of respect, and that was just the way the three wanted it. 

“Oh man… She’s gotten so good at this,” the blond moaned, leaning his head back as Kawakami played with his shaft. 

Their teacher let out a moan of approval, a glimmer of pride in her hazel eyes. She moved her head back and forth on Ren’s dick, letting the girthy cock push against the inside of her cheek, before she licked the underside of it. Ren moaned loudly, the man’s silence broken by her skill.

Sadayo pulled her head back, gasping for air as took her hand off of Ryuji’s cock. She admired the two penises in  front of her, licking her lips as she caught her breath. Ren definitely had length on his side, but Ryuji was no slouch either. His shorter cock was fatter, with more girth to it. Either way, both of the cocks were perfect just the way they were, and Sadayo knew Ryuji was going to make a young woman very lucky one day…

“Glad you improve, Sakamoto,” she teased. Then she switched things up, wrapping a hand around her boyfriend’s saliva-coated member and wrapping her lips around the tip of Ryuji’s cock, kissing it, before she opened her mouth for it.

She brought his cock down on her tongue, allowing her to coat the underside of it with her saliva. Sadayo kept her lips tightly wrapped around the penis, sucking away at it as she closed her eyes and savored the taste. 

Of course, the older woman made sure her boyfriend wasn’t feeling left out. She loved being Ren handjobs. It made the obvious length of his cock even more apparent. The beautiful woman held it firmly in her hand as she jerked it back and forth, brushing against his balls every time she reached the base of his cock.

“Oh, fuck!”

“Careful,” Ren warned with a smirk. “Don’t want anyone to hear us…”

“Dude, can you blame me? Ah, fuck… she’s so warm,” the other man moaned, shaking. “And tight…”

“And beautiful, and sexy, and a million other things.” Ren placed his hand on Sadayo’s head, gently pushing her faster and faster on Ryuji’s cock. “She’s perfect.”

The older woman blushed at the compliment. Her boyfriend knew her exact weakness, and she hated how much she loved him. She took her anger out on Ryuji, sucking his cock with even more vigor, letting the wet, choking sounds fill the room. 

Sadayo eventually pulled the cock out of her mouth, and she placed her other hand on it. She began to pump both of the cocks, squeezing them as she smiled at the two boys. 

“You two both look ready for us to take this to the next level,” she commented, a coy grin on her plump lips. 

“Oh, hell yeah!” Ryuji beamed, nodding his head. “You know it!”

“Hmm, but maybe I should just please Ren first?” The teacher pressed a finger against her cheek, looking away as Ryuji’s eyes widened.

“W-what?! Hey, come on! You said next time we did this, we could do it at the same time!” Ren chuckled as he reached into his pocket. He took out his phone, checking it as Sadayo teased his friend.

“Hm, I don’t know,” the woman muttered.

“Come on, Kawakami-sensei!” Ryuji quickly realized just what he had to do to get what he wanted, and he smirked. “I want a chance to eff that hot body of yours. You’re so freakin’ hot. You got huge tits, and a big, round butt, and a beautiful face…”

Sadayo’s eyes widened, and she looked at the blond with rosy cheeks. “I-uh… O-okay.” She grinned, before looking at her boyfriend. “Am I boring you?” she pouted, clearly annoyed that her young lover was looking at his phone while she jerked his cock off. 

“Not at all. Just wanted to put on a show for someone.” 

“Whoa, dude, are you serious?” Ryuji and Sadayo were both shocked by the statement, but Ren’s smirk made it clear he wasn’t playing around. 

She wasn’t upset by the idea. Sadayo knew her boyfriend had his eyes on other girls. She noticed him staring at Takamaki, and two of the third-year girls. Far from upset,the idea of her boyfriend fucking other girls made her even wetter, but who he recording this for?

“Maybe next time, you’ll get to meet her.” Ren practically read her mind, grinning as he pulled his cock out of his girlfriend’s hand. He walked over to a nearby desk and placed the phone down, making sure the camera faced the three. “For now, don’t worry about it. Just focus on serving your Masters.”

The older woman felt her cheeks burning as she slowly nodded her head. “O-okay.”


Futaba blinked as she noticed a text message from Joker. She tapped her finger on the phone, reading the message quickly.

“Check the camera? Huh?” She rolled her chair over to her computer and grabbed her mouse, quickly tapping on the program she was using to spy on the older boy. 

As soon as she clicked on it, her eyes widened and her face turned bright, bright red. Her jaw nearly hit the floor as she realized she had just been sent another message. 

She saw Joker, Ryuji, and… was that their teacher? Sadayo Kawakami? 

Futaba recognized the woman, of course. The orange-haired girl had cameras and bugs hidden all throughout Joker’s room, so she had caught the young man and his older lover all the time. She thought Ren didn’t know about Futaba’s spying, but it seems she was very wrong on that account. 

The three were in a hotel room, and they were all naked, their clothes tossed aside into a pile. Futaba’s Key Item walked right up to the older woman and pulled her into a kiss, their naked bodies pressed together. Both Ryuji and Joker were erect, and Futaba couldn’t stop staring. She had seen a penis before, she had been on the internet, but this… this was different.

“B-big,” she mumbled. 

As Joker and Miss Kawakami kissed, Ryuji walked around to the other side of the girl, until he was facing her back. 

Were they…?

Ryuji placed his hands on the older woman’s hips, slapping his cock against her perky butt. “God, you are so hot, Kawakami-sensei.” 

“Agreed. You should have seen her in a maid outfit. Absolutely breathtaking. Unbelievably sexy,” Joker grinned, breaking the kiss as he placed a hand on the woman’s chest, groping her breasts. 

“Ah…” She moaned as Joker’s other hand went down between her legs, gently rubbing her naked pussy. Futaba swallowed, leaning closer to the screen as she watched Joker’s finger pull away from the cunt. His finger was glistening with sexual juices, evidence of how turned on Sadayo was.

“Stop teasing me,” she begged, her eyes on the ground as Joker began to kiss her neck. 

“What do you think, man? Should we stop teasing her and give her the main course?” 

“Why not? She’s been a good girl. Let’s show her what kind of rewards good girls get.” Joker was looking at the camera when he said that, and the message was clear. 

Futaba’s face was a bright, bright red and she quickly brought the mouse to the X in the corner of the screen. The mouse hovered over the icon as she took long, labored breaths. She could feel her heart racing, her panties getting wet as her eyes locked on her Key Item. 

She glanced at her phone, remembering she had been sent another message. Her hand clumsily pawed at her desk where she had put the phone down. She picked it up with quivering fingers, tearing her eyes off of the screen to look at the message.

“Enjoy the show…?” Futaba swallowed spit down, only to jump as a loud cry rang through her room. 

Ryuji had just slammed his cock into Sadayo’s ass. He was fucking her in the butt, pounding his cock against her without any mercy. The wet claps of his balls against the woman’s legs rang through Futaba’s room, and the young woman scrambled for some headphones.

Joker, her leader, Key Item, and friend, had given her an order. She had to obey. She quickly found her headphones and jacked them into the laptop, sticking the earbuds into her ears to listen. Her hands fell on her shorts, unbuttoning and pulling the clothes down her slender legs as her violet eyes were glued to the screen. 

Futaba licked her lips, her eyes on Joker’s athletic frame, watching him as he took his cock in hand and aimed it between Sadayo’s legs. With one well-aimed thrust, he filled the teacher’s pussy, and she screamed in pleasure.

They were double teaming her, fucking both of her lower holes without a care. The sight stole Futaba’s breath and guided her right hand down, between her thighs…


Sadayo had to fight the urge to cum as soon as Ren stuck his cock inside of her. This was the perfect scene for her. Both of her holes were primed and ready, and both of the boys’ cocks were perfect for their respective hole. Ryuji’s shorter penis made fucking her butt far less painful, while still maintaining a pleasurable jolt every time his balls slapped against her, while Ren’s dick was long enough to reach her G-spot and kiss her womb with every quick thrust. 

It was perfect, and she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. The two boys, no, men, worked in perfect tandem. They slammed into her together, making her body tremble with every wild, powerful thrust. 

Her arms wrapped around Ren’s head as she was lifted off of the ground. She gave them both complete control over her, moaning and screaming as Ren leaned his head down to lick and kiss her chest, while Ryuji bit down on the back of her neck.

It was like they were marking her, and she loved it. It turned her on, and pushed her closer and closer to the edge. 

“Fuck, she’s so tight!” Ryuji groaned. “You’ve got like the perfect ass, Kawakami!” 

She moaned in response, nodding her head, trying to return the compliment. “B-big! So big…”

“Her butt is good.” Ren would know, of course. “But her pussy is even better.” She stretched his head up and pecked his girlfriend’s chin. “And she looks so beautiful when she’s being fucked…”

“Hell yeah! Like the hottest girl in our school!” 

Sadayo loved being complimented on her body. Maybe it was shallow, but it was also true. She loved being called beautiful, loved being admired, loved being treated like some kind of queen… She might have gotten older over the years, but she was far from old. She was young, and she was still an amazing catch for these younger men…

“I-I’m going to cum!” she cried, squeezing her eyes closed. She tried to match the boy’s thrusts, but her poor mind was becoming overwhelmed with pleasure. The gorgeous woman could hardly think straight. Her body was running on pure instinct, letting herself go so the two men could better fuck her. 

“Do it,” Ren growled. It was a command, and it pushed Sadayo Kawakami over the edge.

She let out a long, drawn out moan as she came. It was like her body was electrocuted, convulsing and squeezing down on the two cocks inside of her. Both men shuddered as they came with their teacher, filling both of her holes with their white, warm cum. 

Their orgasms were good, but Sadayo was riding a wave of heavenly pleasure. After the first orgasm, she felt another. The sensation of being filled by her two, young, virile lovers made her go wild, and she came a second time. Then came the aftershocks, tiny, little orgasms that wracked her body and made her a trembling, quivering little slut.

She loved it. She so, so loved it.

Sadayo rode the waves of pleasure as her ass and pussy clamped down tightly on the two dicks, squeezing them tightly and pumping even more cum out. She was filled to the brim, and when Ren pulled his cock out, semen dripped down onto the hotel floor. 


Futaba cried out as she came. She was thrusting three fingers into her virgin pussy, imagining they were Joker’s fingers. Her other hand slipped under her shirt, groping her petite chest as she imagined her Key Item’s hand was on her. 

She had touched herself before, after all, she was a growing girl, but this was nothing like that. This was the greatest orgasm of her life. This left Futaba panting, yet hungry for more as she watched Joker’s cum leaking out of the teacher’s pussy.

Futaba wished she was there to lick it up. She didn’t even have to be ordered. She would have happily done it by choice.

Joker looked at her through the camera, and Futaba’s flushed face burned under his silver gaze. “I hope you enjoyed the show,” he smiled. “Maybe next time, you’ll be joining us.” 

She came yet again, her eyes rolling into her skull for a moment. She rode her own waves of pleasure as her body convulsed and trembled. She wanted to be there. She wanted to be Joker’s little slut. She wanted to learn from the teacher, and be just like her when she grew up…


“Hope she enjoyed the show. Who you gonna show that to, anyways?” Ryuji asked. Without Ren in front of her, Sadayo fell down onto all fours. Ryuji held onto her, and now he was fucking her ass doggy style.

“Maybe I won’t show anyone. Maybe it’s for a personal collection,” Ren replied, sitting in front of Sadayo. He snapped his fingers and motioned to his cock, and the older woman obeyed without a second thought.

She wrapped her lips around the bulbous head of the cock, sucking on it, before bringing her head down until her nose was pressed into Ren’s pubic hair. She took a deep whiff, before rising up and back down again.

“Dude, you are crazy,” Ryuji chuckled, slapping Sadayo’s ass. She moaned in approval, wiggling it back and forth as he fucked her. 

Ren just nodded his head. He was crazy. Crazy with love and desire for the female form. Futaba, Makoto, Ann, that cute third-year with the auburn colored hair… All of them looked so captivatingly beautiful…

Ah, but Sadayo Kawakami would always have a special place in his heart. He placed a hand on her head as he relaxed, watching her suck away at his veiny shaft. She opened her eyes to look at him, and he could see the glitter of adoration in those hazel eyes. He returned the look, a loving smile on his face. 

She moaned in pleasure, shuddering as Ryuji pounded away at her butt. “Man, you are so lucky, man. I’d kill for a girl with a body half as hot as this!” Sadayo blushed at the compliment, and Ren just made things worse.

“Any sane man would. She’s one of the most beautiful women in all of Tokyo. Maybe the most beautiful.” His hand gently touched her hair, and she shuddered with his cock in her mouth as another orgasm hit her. Less intense than the last two, but still enough to make her body quiver. 

Ren admired the way her body tensed up, before relaxing as she continued to bob her head up and down on his shaft. He moved an out of place bang as he whispered, “Absolutely stunning.”



You always post this stuff while I’m at work, my guy. Now I have to wait till I get home to read this gem.