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Alright, you beautiful, beautiful angels. Listen up, cause I got some rules and announcements to lay down for all of ya. 

Here are some important new changes to the Patreon!

1. I realize there is almost no good reason to be a ten dollar Patron. Thus, I have come up with a new type of Prompts. Short Story Prompts are available to this tier. Join this tier, and you get a short story ranging between 1k to 3k. The story can be about your favorite ship, pure smut, or whatever you want. I just need to know what you want, and what show, movie, or game it is from.  

2. All poll winners are going to be between 1k to 3k from now on. I know they've been held once a month lately, but I do want to do more. The problem is simply that it is hard for me to come up with four to six ideas each month. It'd help if you, my beautiful Patrons, sent me ideas you want for the polls. Whether it's stuff from RWBY, Persona, Kingdom Hearts, or whatever. 

3. Request Prompts are exclusive to the $15 and $20 patrons. These prompts are always 2k to 4k. This can change though if the Patron is willing to pay slightly extra, with paying extra based off of commission rules. Here's an example.

Patron: Here's my Request Prompt. If you go above the word limit, I'm fine paying extra. 

Me: The pay rules are 1 cent for 1 word. I finished your story, and it came out to 6000 words. It's 2000 words over the limit, so I'll need $20 dollars sent to my Paypal. 

Patron: Here you go!

Me: Thanks! Here's the story!

And remember, $20 patrons get two stories a month. Speaking of which...

4. Request Prompts for $20 patrons can be combined! Meaning you can get a story that's between 4k to 8k. You lose the chance for a second story that month, but get one longer story! Think on that deal.

For now, these are some of the new rules. I hope you enjoy this. I want to get more Patrons, but I also just want to do a good job for all of you. If you think the rules are unfair, tell me, and I'll try to improve on them, but for now, I think this is the best way to go about things. 

Have a good day, love you, and be safe!


William Kwok

I think they are all fair.


small correction. you probably mean 1 cent per word, not 1 dollar per word.