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 Summary: Sora's darkness is getting stronger with every passing day, and with the final battle days away, the Heroes of Light can't risk him on the battlefield. Kairi comes up with the idea of letting Sora's darkness out, and letting her exhaust the Anti-form. The plan works, though not exactly how Kairi had planned... Includes: Romance, Rough Sex, and Tentacles.  


There was a time when Destiny Island’s noisy waves and serene beauty made Kairi feel at peace with the rest of the world. She remembered countless afternoons on the sandy shores, relaxing, feeling her troubles melt away…

Even when Sora and Riku were gone, missing on other worlds, the beach’s current would ease her trouble mind...

But now the island could do nothing for her. Not now…

Kairi walked away from the improvised clinic that she and her friends had made on the Island, one arm gently stroking her other. Her left arm had been sprained just a few hours ago, but now it was healed, thanks to King Mickey and Donald. The two worked tirelessly on healing those injured in the last fight…

Xehanort’s forces had them on the run. First Yen Sid’s tower fell, then Disney Castle. They were losing ground, and they were no closer to stopping the Organization. To make matters worse, Kairi knew why Disney Castle was lost…

Sora had lost control during the fight. He had tried to use his Drive Forms to fight off a huge horde of Heartless, but instead he turned into a dark mimic of himself, attacking and lashing out at everyone, including his closest friends. With one of their best fighters suddenly a mindless beast, the group had no choice but to retreat. They were just lucky Sora was able to turn back to normal before they retreated…

They fled to one of the many islands they called home, and that was where they licked their wounds and planed their next move, save for Sora, who left to be by himself...

Kairi had a feeling she knew where the brunette was hiding. She left the others to their own devices, walking off to the cave Sora and Kairi shared so many fond memories of. 

It had been a long time since she had first entered the hidden cave, but she was still able to slip in without a problem. Sora hid inside, sitting down, back against a wall, and eyes closed. If Kairi didn’t know better, she would have thought he was asleep, but Kairi knew Sora’s napping face.

He wasn’t napping. He was sulking, and in need of a friend.

“Hey,” she greeted, moving to sit by his side.

“Come to tell me it’s not my fault? You’re too late. Everyone’s been trying to tell me that,” he sighed, opening his eyes to look at her. Kairi frowned as those dim, blue eyes. She was so used to seeing them glow…

“Sora… It wasn’t.”

“I almost tore Axel in half! Donald almost died! Riku…” Sora buried his face in his hands, taking a deep breath. “It’s my fault, Kairi…”

Seeing the usually happy young man so downtrodden hurt Kairi. It just didn’t seem right. She shook her head, lifting a hand up to hold his shoulder. 

“I don’t know what’s worst,” he muttered. “Hurting my friends, or not being able to fight by their side...” Kairi raised her brow, and Sora sighed. “If the Organization attacks us again, I won’t be able to help control myself. I’ll lose control again…”

Sora stared at his hand. He balled it into a fist and hit the ground below him, teeth grinding in frustration. “Xehanort did something to me at the Castle… I feel… angry. Frustrated… I feel like if I even pick up my Keyblade, I’ll turn into that thing again!” 

Kairi pulled Sora towards her. She embraced him, hugging him tightly as she buried her face into his neck. Her touch cooled the dark fire in Sora’s heart, yet warmed his cheeks. He did his best to ignore his own blush, and he sighed. He placed one of his hands on hers. 

“I’m sorry,” he muttered.

“It’s okay… I’m going to help you.” She pushed him back, and she stared into his sapphire eyes. “Sora, do you trust me?” Kairi tried to keep fear from infecting her voice. 

“Y-yeah.” He blinked, eyes straining as he tilted his head. “What are you thinking?”

The crimson-haired woman swallowed spit down her throat, and she tried not to stutter as she explained her plan. “I want you to transform for me.” Sora’s eyes widened, but she placed a hand on his chest and leaned in close, begging for him to listen. “Sora, wait. Think about it. Remember when you were turned into a Heartless? I was able to help you then. It’s our best chance.”

“This isn’t just me being turned into some Shadow, Kairi! King Mickey was barely able to stop me!” Sora replied. “I won’t hurt you too. I can’t.” The very idea sent a tremble down his spine, but Kairi refused to be dissuaded. 

“I know, but I’m not the helpless damsel I was before either.” She smiled at him, brushing a lock of scarlet hair from her face. “We can do this. Just give me the chance.”

“What if I attack you?” 

“Then I’ll defend myself.” She held out her hand, and Destiny’s Embrace formed in her hand. The Keyblade vanished just as quickly as it appeared, and Kairi smirked. “I’ve been practicing, you know. Axel said I’m pretty good.” 

She tried to lighten the mood, but her attempts seemed to fall on deaf ears. Sora looked at the ground, his nails digging into the palms of his hands. 

“I… I can’t hurt you.”

“You won’t.” She pulled him into another hug, and after a moment of hesitation, returned the embrace. They held each other for what felt like forever as Kairi’s lips pressed against Sora’s neck. 

She would do anything to save his Heart, even if it meant facing off against a monster…


Sora accepted the deal with a heavy sigh, and a promise from Kairi that she wouldn’t fight his darker half if things got out of control. She’d leave and get help, and she agreed. The light from the moon and stars above filtered into the cave through tiny holes as Sora closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Kairi watched as a pool of darkness enveloped his feet, before it slowly crawled up his body like an army of serpents. His body was covered in black tendrils, before the tentacles melted into his skin, fusing to it and encasing him in utter darkness. It was almost like watching a shadow stand in front of her, save for the two bright, yellow eyes that opened to stare at her. The eyes were… almost child-like in their size, and they blinked in confusion as they watched her.

“Sora…? Can you hear me?” The dark entity didn’t reply, tilting their head slowly. “It’s okay. Just let me try to-” She reached her hand forward, hoping just touching his skin would be enough to free him from this dark curse. She hoped he would just stand there...

Instead the creature lunged at her, and before Kairi knew what was happening, she was on the ground, and Sora had her pinned to the ground. His knees were were next to hers, with his legs angled over hers. His hands were on each of her wrists as his face leaned close, examining her.

“Sora, wait!” The creature froze, leaning back slowly, but not loosening his grip. He could clearly understand her. Kairi hoped that was enough. “It’s me. You know who I am, right? Look over there.” She gestured with her hand, and Sora watched her, before quickly turning to what she was pointing at.

Their drawings on the cave’s walls. Their heads, and the paopu fruit they were sharing. Sora stared at the drawing for a long moment, before slowly looking down at her again. 

“See? That’s us…”

Sora didn’t blinked. Didn’t even twitch as he raised a clawed hand up. Kairi watched those sharp fingers twinkle in the moon’s light, before reaching down at her. Her eyes widened as her breath was caught in her throat.

“Sora, wait!” She tried to summon Destiny’s Embrace, but she stopped as she realized Sora wasn’t attacking her.

He was groping her. Sora’s hand was on her breast, gently kneading her as Kairi’s face turned a bright red. “S-Sora!” The dark creature didn’t seem to listen, adjusting his hand so his thumb could rub circles against Kairi’s nipples.

That motion made the girl moan, and she blushed even harder at just how good it felt. Little jolts of pleasure shot into her brain as she squeezed her eyes shut. She briefly wondered where Sora learned to touch a girl like that, before gasping as his other hand began to do the same to her other tit.

“S-Sora, st-aahh…” She shivered, melting in his hands as he continued to massage her breasts. Her legs trembled, knocking against each other as a warm breath tickled her cheek.

Sora leaned down and Kairi could feel his near invisible mouth rubbing against her cheek. She should have been scared, but there wasn’t an ounce of fear in her. Excitement. Embarrassment. Confusion, shame, and anger. But not fear. 

He nuzzled his head against hers, taking in her scent. He rubbed himself against her harder as his fingers continued to knead and squeeze her breasts through her clothes. 

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Kairi compared the dark reflection of Sora to a dog in love. Rubbing against his mate, trying to get her scent on him, trying to nuzzle and lick her to show affection… It was almost cute. 

“Sora, what… what are you doing?” Kairi muttered, before moaning again. She got her answer as she felt the shadowy boy pawing at her clothes. 

Her new outfit was supposed to be a sign of changed times. No more being helpless against evil, no more being captured, time to take charge and fight with her friends, and for the most part, Kairi had fulfilled her promise to herself. 

But as Sora slowly took her clothes off, she didn’t do anything to stop her. Every time she tried to speak, she just moaned, gasping in pleasure as his fingers made her nipples hard, and her body horny. 

Kairi had touched herself before, but that was nothing compared to this. Sora moved his knee to rub against her panties covered pussy, and she moaned loudly from the gentle grinding. His knee pressed against her clit, slowly moving up and down. 

He was surprisingly gentle. Kairi couldn’t believe that was the biggest thing on her mind as Sora continued to kiss and nuzzle her neck. Yet she still refused to attack her friend. She barely even fought him as he unzipped her hoodie, and opened it to feel her breasts again.

All she had on her was a small, white dress. The soft fabric did little to numb Sora’s touch, and when he pressed down on her breasts, her dress did a good job of framing her supple chest. She didn’t have a bra on, something she simply forgotten to put on in all of the chaos. 

Her nipples were poking through the dress, completely noticeable under the cloth. Sora purred as he looked at her breasts, before leaning down to bury his face between her breasts. Kairi moaned, biting her lower lip as her was gently stroked. 

That made her blink. She looked at what was touching her, and her eyes widened. There was a dark purple tendril rubbing against her face, sticking out from Sora’s back and reaching down at her face. Kairi almost screamed, but she was able to calm down as the tentacle continued to stroke her skin.

She was beginning to understand Sora’s dark form. He was like… an animal. If she panicked and scared him, he’d lash out, but as long as she remained calm and accepted his advances, well… He was actually kind of cute.

Even the dark tendril was gentle, soothingly massaging her skin as Sora purred again. Cute, but also very forward. Suddenly Sora pulled on her dress with one hand, moving the top of it down to expose both of her tits, while the other hand moved down to grab her panties and pull them down her body.

“S-Sora, slow down!” Her pleas barely slowed him down as he opened his mouth and licked her naked breasts, coating them in affectionate licks and warm saliva. Kairi shuddered at the sudden attack, gasping as blunt teeth rubbed against her nipples. 

The tentacle saw an opportunity, and it pushed into her open mouth, filling her mouth. The tendril was only slightly thicker than an index finger, and Kairi moaned as it coiled around her tongue, wrestling with the muscle. 

Sora’s mouth continued to nip and bite at her breasts, sucking on the skin and leaving little, red marks. Another tentacle must have come out of him, because she could feel something smooth, and thick rub against her slit, feeling how wet she was.

Kairi gave her body to Sora, closing her eyes and moaning around the tentacle in her mouth. She found herself lightly sucking on it, letting it wiggle and writhed against her tongue. The other tentacle was rubbing against her pussy, trying to just coat itself in her juices. 

She felt like her body was on fire, burning like an inferno. She moaned again, sucking on the tendril as her body quivered. Kairi’s legs kicked, and her back arched, but Sora didn’t seem to care… or he liked the way she moved. That would explain why his kisses, licks, and tentacles seemed to become more passionate. 


The shadow purred, coating its lower tendril in her juices, lubing it up until it was glistening with her juices. Then Sora lifted his featureless face up, and gazed into Kairi’s blue eyes with his yellow spheres. 

It was like he asking for permission. Kairi could stop things right here and now, she could order Sora off of her, but… but she didn’t. She lifted her hands up and wrapped them around his neck, and she smiled up at him as their eyes stared into each other’s heart.

“I trust you.” She pulled him closer, and Sora almost seemed scared for a moment. Until three words slipped out of Kairi’s mouth, almost like she hadn’t even meant to say that. “I love you.”

Sora pressed his mouth against Kairi’s, and she kissed him back as her eyes fell shut. If she had opened her eyes, she would have see the spark of light between them, but all she felt was the electric charge of their lips meeting as the darkness began to flake off of Sora’s face. 

The process was slow, but inevitable now. The tentacle between Kairi’s legs seemed to understand this, and it moved to live life to its fullest before fading into the light. The tentacle pushed into Kairi’s pussy as two more tendrils sprouted out of Sora’s body and wrapped around her legs, helping pull them apart as the first tendril could push deeper in.

Kairi moaned against Sora’s lips, shuddering as the tendril probed deeper inside of her. There was no blood, her virginity broken months ago from exercise, but there was pain. She hissed, and Sora adjusted properly, slowly down and letting her acclimate as his tentacle pushed into her pussy.

The redhead broke the kiss with a gasp, before biting her lower lip to keep herself from screaming. She had never felt like this before. Yes, she had touched herself, but this felt like three of her fingers pushing into her, and then moving in impossible ways inside of her, stroking and caressing the inner walls of her pussy. 

Sora moaned down as the light purified his head, breaking the darkness off like it was old paint. He kissed his friend’s cheek, before moving down to kiss at her neck, sucking on the crimson skin. 

The tentacle inside of Kairi began to pound away at her, pushing into her like a piston, slowly building speed as it fucked her. “Sora…!” she cried, bringing a hand to her mouth to bite her knuckle. The tendril wriggled inside of her, beating against the sensitive parts of her pussy again and again as soon as it found them.

Kairi cried out in pleasure, trying to hold back from screaming as the tendril showed no mercy. Sora moved his hands down her body, wrapping one arm around her back as the other reached down to gently massage her clit. By now, the light was crawling down his shoulders…

“Kairi!” he moaned, licking her salty skin as she began to sweat. She was exhausting herself, she realized, trying to meet Sora’s thrusts. Rather than dissuade her, her body pushed even harder, trying to match the speed of Sora’s body.

They kissed again, arms wrapped around one another as the light began to go down his stomach. The tentacles holding Kairi’s legs broke apart, stroking her skin as they cracked, as if uttering a silent goodbye. The last tendril could feel itself fading into the light, but it kept pushing into Kairi, slowly moving deeper in with every thrust.

Kairi could feel the pressure building. She was getting closer and closer to her release, and she couldn’t stop herself. She broke the kiss with Sora and the two stared into each other’s eyes one last time. Their eyes met as Kairi beamed, seeing her Sora grinning back at her. 

“I love you!” she mewled, before Kairi felt a body-shaking orgasm hit her, making her toes wiggle and her muscles spasm. The tentacle vanished as the last of Sora’s dark shell cracked and broke away. 

Kairi squeezed him against her body, pressing her chest into him, and the two fell. Sora laid on his childhood friend, holding her tightly as she trembled in his arms. The two simply rode the waves of their euphoria, struggling to catch their breaths.

It took a few minutes, but the two were happy to cling to one another, sharing chaste kisses and smiles. Eventually their hearts stopped racing, and the adrenaline stopped pumping into them…

“Kairi…?” Sora uttered, blinking slowly.


“Did… Did we just…?” His eyes widened, and he quickly rolled off of Kairi, his face a bright, sheepish crimson. “W-we just… We just...W-we just…!” Sora kept repeating those words as the scarlet-haired woman giggled, her own cheeks turning a bright red. “I didn’t… I mean, I saw what was happening, but I… I didn’t want to sto…” He gulped as Kairi peered at him, a content smile on her face.

Sora avoided her eyes, looking between his legs to glare at the clear tent he was sporting between his legs. He was hard as a rock. He blushed, and crossed his legs in a vain attempt to hide his shame.

“I-I’m sorry,” he uttered. “You probably think I’m a freak… I-”

Kairi pecked his cheek, smiling at him as she reached down to place a hand on Sora’s noticeable erection. He moaned as she gently pressed the calm of her hand into the cock’s tip.

“It’s okay, Sora. Let me help you… If you want me to, I mean,” she cooed. It was clear to Sora from just one glance that despite the alluring tone she tried to adopt, Kairi was blushing up a storm of her own.

For some reason, that made the young man chuckle, and it made him feel immensely better. Sora scratched the back of his head with one hand as she smiled at her.  

“Are...you sure?” She nodded, and he felt his cheeks burning like a fire. “Lead the way.”

“Just so you know, I have no idea what I’m doing. I thought you were in control of that situation earlier.”

“Oh, well… Wanna learn together?”


Bert Torres

Can you do one with Sora,Kairi,Namine and Xion Foursome