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After a lot of thinking and mulling over my next move, I've come to a choice. I will no longer be moving to Subscribstar in June. 

1. Monthly Rewards will not change. To tiers 10 dollars and up, you can stay where you are and change nothing, and there won't be a problem. Monthly Reward stories will not be posted on Patreon. 

2. I will not be posting stories here on Patreon. Patreon is for communicating with patrons, and folks who want to commission me. I will post more on Hentai Foundry and maybe Archive Of Our Own.

3. Polls will continue, but will be hosted on Strawpoll. I'll link them here.

So not as much change moving forward. Just want to make sure I do right by all of you. I might push Subscribstar more in the future, but for now, I'm sticking to Patreon.

The most important thing is that people can help me decide what stories I write and that I can continue to communicate with everyone. While I had originally talked about going to Subscribstar, planning things out and looking at my options, I've decided to stay on Patreon, but to post less of my work on here, and focus more on communicating with my patrons while I look for an alternat

Looking into, Subscribstar, the site was generally unresponsive to the community, transactions fail often, with little help from the site, and they take a bigger cut from the artist. All that in mind, I'm not sure if I'm ready to move to them right now. I think a break is what's best for me, I'll focus, center myself, and we'll get back to everything next month.



Can always put a link here towards the story you post on different site.


Take care of yourself and thanks for keeping us updated :)