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Heya all! Vils here with the weekly lewds for the week!

Gateston Environment Iteration

"Hello there, people of culture!" 

"This week we're experimenting a lot with smaller details and the ways to implement ornament most efficient way, tested fully-meshed out ornament/decals/planes. For ornaments decals and old fashion plane with transparent texture seems to be working greatly. as for smaller details - liked how manually added bricks in place of meshes connection help a lot with sticking the scene together and make 'em "like they belong there"  

"Also this week we started refining town elements with more bulky stylized look to it! That's all for this week's Erokin's town-planning update. Lemme know what y'all think or if you have any ideas on the topic! Cya next week!! ^_^"

Bear's Corner


"For Erokin, I've worked on some lighting last weekend, as well as a walk cycle for Alda"

"The walk cycle still needs a lot of work, but I think for an attempt to get something quickly done in half a day, it's not too bad"

"The lighting is something I am very happy with. It's been one of those points in 3d gamedev that I never really felt I fully had a handle on. But now after watching an amazing talk from a unity developer and lots of playing around with it, I've managed to get something going that looks really good."

"I've also looked into multiple ways to get ambient occlusion implemented in Erokin."

"Unity's Universal Renderpipeline comes equipped with a Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) implementation. It technically does the job, but it leaves quite a few things to be desired, like the easy ability to exclude characters from the effect. We found ourselves wanting a strong AO effect on the environment, but that same strong AO on characters looked horrible."

"Luckily, I found the Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion (HBAO) Asset on the asset store! It fixes the issues we had with the old AO and is way better on performance."

"Here's a before-after"



Back-and-Forth Comparison

"Ambient Occlusion darkens edges. You can see the effect in real life if you look into any corner of the room you're in. The corner is always at least a little bit darker than the surrounding wall, because less light bounces into the corners!"

"Apart from that, we've reached out to a new 3d character Artist Pac-King to support us in making gameplay characters. He's taken the female base model JuggerDown made and turned it into the Nun who will play a part in the currently planned main story. Here's some glory shots of her current model in engine"



"This week we did a ton of iteration on the dialogue and did daily playtests to dial in the polish on earlier dialogue along with fully implementing voice messages and new background images (pictures you'll receive that don't feature a character)."

"Only one more dialogue object to go for the second last scene, and then four more dialogue objects for the finale (1 intro and 3 endings). Once those are in, we'll open up to Founder patrons and start gathering feedback (think of it like a beta)."

"We're so maddeningly close, but the last 10% is always the hardest to nail down. We'll keep you updated!"


"This week I've focused as much of my time as possible on Third Crisis. I've managed to finished the 2nd animation I wanted to get done this month!"

"It's been quite a lot of work due to all the little touches I added to this one. I hope it shows when you get to play it!"

"I've also written and implemented all the dialogue that goes with the new content."

"I'm gonna get some bugfixes done and then it's release time!"

======== SPOILERS BELOW =======

That's all for this week! We'll see you all next time for another Anduo Report!



The Omni Degenerate

Hi just wondering Why does that walking character model have a crotch with a flat concave? Usually it’s a more v or u shape. Is it a limitation with unity or are you still working on it? Don’t mean to gripe but it just seamed so unnatural and caught my eye


yup, there's a lot of things on the female base mesh that needs fixing. We're slowly working our way through it :)

Michael Westen

Are they only gonna play just-the-tip or are you having them go in all the way?