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Heyo gamers! Vils here with the weekly lewds! Let's just jump right into the newds.


Progress has slowed down as attention has turned back to Third Crisis to get this month's release out. However! We've opened up Rosas are Red to the cutting-edge tier. It's very WIP and is basically busted at the moment, but if you're interested in checking it out, you can pledge and then head over to our Discord!

CG Replacement Poll

If you're a founder or above, you've probably noticed (and hopefully voted in) the poll here on Patreon! We're really happy with the results so far, and we'll be tasking rated with the winners once the poll closes on Monday. Looks like tentacles are on the menu!

Gallery Improvements

I've made some pretty nice changes to some UI in Third Crisis that will help eliminate the annoying black screen in the Gallery while also making things just more pretty in general. Take a look.

Now most scenes will have a background associated with them that displays in the menu selection, and while the scene is playing. This'll make things look a lot nicer rather than the black screen we had before.

Dialogue Improvements

I've done a bunch of changes to the dialogue UI with the goal of making it way less in the way of the CGs, and making the textbox portraits look way nicer! I took a little inspiration from Fire Emblem Three Houses when it comes to the new portraits. 

The textbox has been made a lot more transparent, and I've even shrunk it in width. Now you can totally see the lower half of the lewds through the textbox super easy without compromising on the readability of the actual text.

Healing Beds

There's been a fairly massive improvement done to the healing bed found in Sublevel 2. Now instead of a boring ass nap (who the heck sleeps anyways), you can- well I'll just show you.

The beds have also been spread throughout the Hub to make healing much more convenient in the area. Sorry pure routists. Banging your party members will give perversion even if it's just for the healing.

Social Eating

This fun little scenario will have new scenes in this month's release to show off more of the CG set that rated put lots of love into (so we can all put lots of love into Jenna). Here's a little peek.


Here's a little peek into the much anticipated townhall content that bear is working on!

Are those piercings? Yeah, we're planning in the future to allow Jenna to get piercings that will show up in all CGs and the dialogue sprite, but just not quite yet. For now, we'll have temporary piercings that you'll get to have during the townhall sequence (although it prob won't be in this initial release).

That's gonna be it for this week, gamers! We'll see you all next Wednesday for another Anduo Report! Time for me to take what you humans call a sleep.



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