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Heya all! Vilsa here with a report that's actually on time! We've got some fairly not great news, so let's get into it and then we'll show the bit of lewd we have for this week after that.

Artist Changes

We've unfortunately had to split ways with Scapefiend, our environment artist. We've already found someone to take over for him in terms of environment art, and it seems like the environments are going to get a lot more detailed because of it. Time will tell though. We've also brought in another artist to handle the art and animation of our characters. We're currently waiting for sketches to see if it's something we want before moving forward, but the character overhaul R&D has essentially hit a roadblock unless we like what we get with the new artist. However, (if things work out) having a trained animator working on the characters (and maybe the CGs) will mean better animations than poor untrained bearcore could do (but we still love him for how good he could do without any real training)!

I won't be telling who these two new artists are quite yet until things are finalized and we're happy with working with them, just to avoid any confusion in case things don't work out.


Let me preface this news by first saying that we are still on amazing terms with Rated, and she's still incredibly happy to be working on Third Crisis.

Something has happened in her personal life that requires her full attention, so she will not be able to work on Third Crisis or any of her own commissions for at least a few weeks. We're personally going to be giving her the month to make sure she has time to recover. This unfortunately means that no new CGs will be coming next update, but we hope you guys can understand, and we hope you'll send Rated all of your love and good wishes during this tough time of her life.


Here's a little something to make up for the not so great news. We're getting mascots done for Anduo! That's me above! Fan art (especially lewd) is more than welcome. ♥

Here's bearcore! Did you really expect anything else for him? He's looking pretty cool in those sunglasses! I can confirm this is exactly how he looks in real life. His ref sheet isn't quite done yet, but hopefully will be within a couple days!

Big thanks to STOAN for these character concepts! We're going to be working with him to use these new mascots to help spruce up the Patreon page with more than just re-purposed game assets.

Thao has been chugging away at the Rosas are Red CGs! Soon enough we'll be able to see them in all their glory in-game.

That's all for this week! We'll be back next Wednesday for another Anduo Report! See you all then, and show your support for RatedEHCS! ♥




Oh man - sounds like difficult times. I hope things will work out with the new artists. Best wishes to Rated! Stay strong! Hope things will turn out well for you!


Hope all is well Rated. take your time guys with the game don't worry about us we can wait. don't put to much pressure on yourselves to meet the deadlines. x


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