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Heya all! Vilsa here with a totally on time Anduo Report for this week!

New Release

You've probably seen the new release for this month, but in case you haven't, here it is!  https://www.patreon.com/posts/third-crisis-0-0-27374801 

We put in a lot of bugfixes and QoL improvements, along with some more lewds to enjoy! Currently we're aware of the problems where you can't progress the motel prostitution or bar waitressing storylines if you've completed all the events. Since they don't exactly block off content, they're not high priority for a bugfix patch, so they'll be fixed with 0.13.0 (jeez 13th release... we've come a long way...).

Overworld R&D Progress

Here's bearcore's second iteration on a walking animation using a skeleton rig. The thing that's beautiful about the skeleton way of doing things is we only have to do it right once and then it will carry over to every other character and piece of clothing we ever make, so we can put a ton of effort into making each animation perfect instead of easy to mass-produce. It also means we'll be able to put in a separate running animation that starts playing at a certain speed threshold.

The sprite itself has also been going through iterations. Here's a side-by-side with Rated's feedback for Scapefiend in visual form. It's nice to see our artists communicating via pictures!

Meeting Stream

We're planning to have a meeting on our Picarto streams to discuss future plans and priorities for Third Crisis. The meeting will start on Sunday at 12pm EST, so if you want to get your voice heard on the development of Third Crisis, that's the place to be.


Here's a progress update on all the new CGs that will be in the RaR remaster. The top left and the far right one are still WIP, but they'll soon be done, then we can start implementing them all, and begin work proper on the remaster.

That's all for this week! We'll see you all next Wednesday for another Anduo Report!




Could there be an option to not have the new walking animations? I really like the cute sprites and that looks absolutely terrifying I'm sorry to say


I think it wasn‘t made clear enough in the post, that this is an early work in progress. Obviously she‘s going to have actual eyes and the sprite is going to get cleaned up in many ways. The animation is also far from done. It‘s just to give an idea what we‘re working on at the moment.


I really like where the new sprites are going keep up the good work!


New walking animation looks a little bit creepy...


Are you gonna had more sex scenes to the town hall ? Like getting fucked like the girls in there ?


Yes, that is the most requested feature and we will work on it as soon as we get some other things out of the way! :)


I think it's mainly the belly movement and head swaying with shoulders. Here's a walking animation for comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19scfWEFdaY