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We’ve got a new update with lots of sexy new scenes for you to enjoy! This is also our first update to add animated CGs. There’s no guarantee that all CGs moving forward will be animated (especially the more complicated CGs), but we figured it was cool so we did animations for the CGs in the bartending content.

This update contains the most h-scenes we’ve ever added in an update at 25 new scenes added to the gallery. The entire game before this update had 45, now we’re at 70 scenes total in the gallery. 

Known Issues:
- Having the HQ Panties on you WILL cause you to softlock at the end of a fight.
- Bartending UI images are still invisible on some Android devices.

We're easily reachable on our Discord server for any feedback or bug reports you have!



How to Play!

Step 1: Link up Patreon and itch.io!


Step 2: Play the new version!



1. You will need to link your itch.io account to your Patreon account. This is done so that only $5+ patrons can play the update.



Aaron Muller

Here's something that I can't seem to fix. The dialogue won't show up. Don't know what's happening there.


We just posted a bugfix update! Let us know if that solves it for you. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/third-crisis-26294021">https://www.patreon.com/posts/third-crisis-26294021</a>

Alexander Demenkov

Hi everyone. There has been a bug in 0.10.1 version. If Jenna returns from Rida's place to Carceburg after clearing the 1st sublevel and reporting to Rida, at the motel after bathing at the shower or washing in a bucket she refuses to leave her room or shower room. She says something like "I can't go without my gear". That happens if she wears her blue outfit. Managed to fix it by changing into another outfit (in my case - punk outfit). Have fun everyone.