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Heyo everyone! Vilsa here with another Dev Update for the week!

Status Update

Today is 0.9.0 day (for patrons)!

We've gotten rid of some tough bugs, and it's looking pretty good for a release later today. Unfortunately we've been running into some problems with the Android build where it's been suddenly crashing during startup. This hasn't been occurring on any of the other platforms and at worse this will mean that we'll release all the other platforms except for Android until we've fixed it.

We're still waiting on two fairly simple outfits from rated that should be done in time for release today. You'll see the sketches for them below. Time for some eye candy!

New Outfits

Here is what the new outfits for Jenna and Jewel will look like. You'll acquire these during the new main story content in 0.9.


Here's the completed dialogue sprite for Rida, including some cool little effects for her Electro-Spear!


We've got all the assets for bartending in and we've changed the layout a little bit. Here's what it looks like now!

Small Visual Changes

We've added in some icons for the clothing items to make things look a more interesting.

Jewel now has her own variant of the cum layer.

That's all for this week! Time for me to get back to work on fixing up the Android build. We'll have at least the PC and Browser builds of 0.9.0 available later today (for patrons), and hopefully Android as well. Stay tuned! See you next Wednesday for another Development Update!




Sweet cant wait :)


i can't see the find the link


Heya, like mentioned in the post, we are working on putting everything together. We are aaaalmost done and the new version should be up within the next 2 hours if nothing goes wrong! :)


hope soo thanks for the info