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Hey everyone! Vilsa here with another development update for the week!

Day Cycle

We've put a lot of fixes into the day night cycle and now we've got things happening according to in-game time. For instance the curfew combat and environment lights like lamp posts now only trigger during night time. We've had an iteration of the day / night cycle in the game already (this is what lights Carceburg in 0.1.x), but now we're going to be making better use of it in 0.2.0. It supports real time progression with lighting transitions, but for design reasons we're probably going to be sticking with keeping time 'frozen' until certain events happen that progress time according to the story.

Poll Results

So the results of our first patron poll seem pretty clear, and it seems that costume A is the winner. Here's the sketch of it for a quick refresher.

Gear is going to be working on cleaning up the costume and putting together some color palette choices that you guys can then decide on in another poll. We're incredibly happy with seeing everyone's enthusiasm for the outfit, and we can't wait to get it in-game!

That's all for this week! Again, there's not really many cool things to show this week except for story segments that we'd rather you guys experience first hand! Check back next week for another update on things, and we'll have another Sketch Vault for you on Friday

See you then!




Really looking forward to playing more!