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Story by Warden - check out his stuff it's amazing! 


“So Percy feel like doing anything in particular?” Poseidon said.

“Honestly, I’m not quite sure where to begin.” Percy said.

It was strange, weird, and he couldn’t help but move from side to side as if he was stuck in math class.

Percy couldn’t help but smile. For the first time, him and his father were spending an extensive amount of time with each other. It wasn’t like when his father came to his birthday, or the small talks they had on Olympus. He wasn't sure when they would get another chance like this, so he was going to make the most of it.

He slipped his hand into his swim trunks, a grin forming. ‘Strange to be wearing something when you won’t get wet.’

Poseidon chuckled. “Trust me it's a little weird for me too, but you have to look like you belong, and when it comes to the beach what better way to do then by wearing a swimsuit.”

“Don’t want to use the mist?”

“Well not unless I have to. Sometimes it is nicer to just be there and enjoy yourself. Besides this is supposed to be a father-son bonding, so let’s keep the powers to a minimum. For now at least. Depending on what we decide to do we can go from there.”

A lovely beauty caught Posiedon’s attention and he admired the curves one lady had. The bounce of her breasts caught her attention along with the sway of her hips. Percy noticed where his father’s attention was and pinched his brow.

Unknown to them, the two of them were watched by Styx. Her hands curled at the sight of the pair. “You two shall pay for the oaths you have broken.”

She snarled as her mind recalled how Percy Jackson came to be. The oath Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades had made to have no children after the Second World War. Of them all, only Hades was the one who had kept his word.

Even Percy Jackson was not safe. He had broken the oath he had made when he had dipped into Styx to gain the curse of Achilies. When he did, he should have suffered a similar fate to Achilies. Instead he had cheated it by taking a dip in the Tiber River.

“But now you will be punished for what you two have done. Though what would be a fitting punishment for a pair of oath breakers such as yourselves.”  Her eyes narrowed when she saw Posiedon flirt with a mortal. A cruel smirk formed on her face. “While it isn’t any physical, this will work just as well.”

With merely a thought Styx’s body altered. The bluish tone of her skin was replaced with a dark olive complexion. All of the mascara and make up she wore disappeared. Two drinks appeared on a tray. Her black robes disappeared and were replaced with a black swimsuit with a thin sarong.

With her appearance changed, Styx marched to the pair. Poseidon smiled at her and inwardly wretched at the lust he had. Outwardly, Styx kept the smile on her face. Styx smiled. “Could I interest you gentleman in a drink?”

Poseidon grinned. “Oh don’t mind if I do.”

Poseidon grabbed the drink. He let out a pleased hum as he slurped on the beverage.

“And you?”

“Thanks.” Percy hesitantly took the drink offered. He sipped on his beverage and then drank it at a far easier pace then before.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, compliments to whoever made it.”

“I’ll be sure to let them know.” Styx walked away from them, her lips gaining a malicious edge. The make up she wore returned. “Enjoy yourselves while you can. Your punishment will begin soon.”

Percy frowned at how his father kept admiring some of the girls around him. ‘Really does seem like I’m going to have another sibling soon with how he keeps looking at the women around us. Wonder if I should let him go about making one now or not?’

He had thought they would spend more quality time together.  Disappointment and slight anger gnawed at his gut. He sighed again and took another sip of his drink.

‘This was supposed to be a father-son bonding day. Not supposed to be your wingman. Still going to try and make the most out of it.’

A sudden cold shudder went through Percy’s and Poseidon’s body as all the hair on their bodies dwindled. Every visible blade of hair they had below their eyebrows got smaller. Their arm and leg hair disappeared as if someone had taken wax paper and pulled it off with all of their might. The beard Poseidon had dwindled as if he was taking a razor and removing every small stand of hair. More of his facial structure appeared, giving him a more trimmed and refined appearance as it

Percy blinked. “Dad, did you shave your beard?”

Poseidon cupped his chin. His eyes narrowed at the lack of facial hair. “I hadn’t intended to, but I’m not against it. It must have just been me thinking of the best way that I would be able to get with her.”

Percy breathing became a little harsher. Again the rage came forward, stronger than before. Yet he held his tongue. ‘Don’t want to ruin this, even if it isn’t how I want things to be.’

“So dad, do you want to try and do something else? I’m not quite sure what to do.”

“I understand, and I admit I’m a little unsure of myself. Have you ever been surfing?”

“You know I hadn’t tried. Never had a good opportunity and didn’t have the money needed to get surfboards and all.”

“Alright then, let’s go and find a nice spot that doesn’t have too many people, and then we can go from there.”

Percy smiled. The previous disappointment disappeared as hope filled him. His breathing picked up and he psyched himself for the next part. “Alright then, let’s get to it.”

The two of them walked down the street, again Poseidon eyed the woman that they past. Some of the girls looked at them with a charming smile and flirtatious looks. Percy ignored them for the most part, while Posidoen relished in the attention he gained.

As the two of them walked, their legs changed. The prints in the sand got smaller with every step, almost as if someone else had taken the step ahead of them. A large slammed onto the beach, washing away their steps.

Their legs gained a longer and more voluptuous appearance as the fat and muscle in them swelled. A slender appearance appeared in their lower half. Their muscular thighs swelled with some of the fat and muscle going there. Their swim trunks stuck tighter to their bodies and hugged them. They groaned as their pants tightend. Their thighs continued to grow larger until they had become succulent thick with slender toned muscle with a wonderful curve.

“Having a little issue down there son?”

“Just my pants feeling off for some reason.” Percy pulled on the hem of his trunks and was thrown off by how tight the bottom of them felt. With how tight it was, it was almost as if he had taken a children’s set and slipped them on his body.

“What the?” Percy grabbed his thighs and shuddered at the change. A bolt of glee went through him that made his breathing picked up. He pulled his hads away and and his thicker thighs immediately called him back again. A wave of heat came from them that made his rod stand at attention.

“What is wrong son?”

“My thighs!” Percy gasped when he noticed his father’s legs were thicker than they would normally be. There was a feminine appeal to the lower half.

Even his toes looked better then they had been moments ago. Yet what stood out the most to him was the lack of hair on his body. Now he noticed how unnaturally bare they were in comparison to when they had first arrived.

“Dad why did you change your body so much?”

“What?” Poseidon examined his thighs and was surprised to see the new plushness they had. He tried to alter them back to their normal appearance, but they maintained their natural plump and womanly appearance. “By Tartatus what is wrong?”


“I can’t change my appearance. For some reason.”

Percy gawked. “What on earth could do that?”

“Only a few things son, but I can’t think of anything that could be the cause”

“You gotta be kidding me.”

“I wish I was. If this is some scheme of Zeus, or one of the other Olympians then they will suffer the moment.”

A harsh laugh got their attention. They saw it was Styx, still in her mortal guise. “Big words sea god, but fruitless,. This is only the start of what will be happening to the two of you.”

Poseidon glared at her, and the waves crashed and fell with greater intensity. “Who are you and why have you done this? If you stop this now, then I might not smite you for what you have done to me and my son.”

“You? Punish me? That is a laugh from one such as you. As for what I am doing this…,” Styx smiled as she turned back into her true form. “I am punishing you for what you have done.”

Poseidon paled. “Lady Styx. Why are you here?”

“Why am I here? I am here because I have finally decided how to deal with two breakers of oaths such as yourself.”

Percy gulped. “Are you the reason why things are getting so weird for us?”

“I understand that I might have broken the vow, but it has allowed the continued survival of Olympus.”

“Even if you had, that still doesn’t excuse the fact you had broken it. Both of you had broken the oaths you had sworn to uphold. And you had suffered no consequences for doing so.”

They shuddered as they could feel their arms change, their hands feeling like they were being bit on by small fishes. The rough calluses Percy had gained over the years diminished ever so slightly. With every little nibble sensation on his hands he could feel them filling with new life. He ran his hands over them and flinched at the unexpected softness he felt there. It reminded him of Annatbeth’s hands with how there was some sign of them being taken care off.

“Do not be so fascinated by what is happening to you boy. It is only going to get more intense from there.”

Their large fingers shrank and began to move erratically as if ice cubes had been poured down them. With every slight curl of their digits, their nails sharpened and cleaned up. The dirt they had underneath their nails disappeared as if the beach had reached out and washed away the stain to their beings. Their digits shrunk, the roughness they had over the Their hands had become small womanly hands. A crack came from their wrist as their fingers curled of their own volition.

The rest of their arms gained the arms slender grace. Their forearms thinned, losing any excess mass as they tightened and refined. Their biceps shrink like a pair of balloons aas they compacted. The refined definition remained, but now they had become womanly limbs, perfect for young women.

Percy ran his hands over his arms and shuddered at the lack of muscle they had now. He pressed into them and flinched at the lack of muscle.

“There we go, now those are much better arms. Do not worry son of Poseidon. You will keep your skill with your sword, but now you shall be skilled in handling another kind of sword as well.”

“Lady Styx, don't you think this punishment is a little severe? I understand…we might not have followed our oaths, and broken them, but changing us like this is a little much.”

“I might not be able to take your life Poseidon, but I can make you pay for your transgressions all the same. Once the rest of the punishment is over Poseidon then you may change your form, but until then you will go through it just like your son has. This is your punishment for conceiving him.”

“What oath did I break?”

“You broke the oath you made when you bathed yourself in my river.”

“The Curse of Achilles, but there isn’t any oath made on that.”

“That is what you think. Did you not choose your weak spot? The one spot you would be vulnerable for in return for the immense durability you were given? Do you not think that qualifies as an oath?”

Percy reeled back the closer she got, the virtual and rage growing with every word that came out of her mouth. His hand went to his pants, ready to pull out his sword.

“The both of you should be grateful that you will be keeping a humanoid form. I was going for something else, but seeing how you were flirting with the women, put some other thoughts in my head instead.”

Percy frowned. He looked at his father, not sure how angry he should be or not. “Damn it dad.”

Poisdoen had the decency to look a little ashamed of himself.

“What are you doing to us then…Lady Styx?”

Styx smirked cruelly again, her grinning face looking worse than the snarling Minotaur Percy fought years ago. “Oh you child. Think of what your father has done and his sins. What he has done in your presence which has earned some of his animosity.”

Percy and Posidon mulled over her words. Poseidon looked at Percy with a little remorse. Suddenly it all clicked in Percy’s head and his jaw dropped.

“You’re turning us into girls!”

“In part I am. That is but step one of your punishment. And do not think because of what you are Poseidon that you will escape it. You shall suffer for what you have done.”

Posidoen gulped. “What is the second part?”

“You’ll find out once it's all over.”

The mad leer in her eyes made them both step back.

Percy groaned as his face shifted. His skull ached as if he had taken a punch from a cyclops. Stars filled his vision as everything got harder. A popping noise filled his ears. He could vaguely see his father holding his face as well as he struggled to recover from his changes.

Their handsome features softened. As if the sea was washing away their powerful features, they shifted around, a more angular shape appearing. They could feel their lips brushing against each other and a little more mass appearing there then their should have been minutes

“Oh dear, I believe Zeus himself or some of the other gods would try to see if they could get with you now.” A look of consideration appeared on her face for a moment, before it went back to her original vindictive sneer.

For some reason memories of Zeus came forward. Faint memories of gifts and trying to woo him, before he had realized what Posidon’s true gender was.

“What on! No!” Poseidon cried.

With a flick of his wrist, Poseidon conjured a wave of water in front of them. They jumped when they saw instead of their normal appearances, they saw the faces of beautiful woman.

Posidon’s features were similar to Percy’s. The only major difference between them was that Posideon’s were far more refined. Her lips were plumper, and her features sensual beautiful grace had been magnified a hundred fold.

“Oh dear.” Percy ran his hand down his face and shuddered. He could see a shadow of his mother’s features there, but they were overshadowed by her father’s looks.

Poseidon could see traces of his mother in his altered face.

Styx laughed maniacally. “Both of you looked like Aphrodite herself would have some good competition now. Still there is something missing. Oh I know what would help you two. Such a small thing, but to some it plays such a large role. Especially nowadays.”

The two of them shuddered as their hair billowed behind them. The natural sheen of their hair brightened. It billowed down their bodies. Like eels wiggling around, their hair moved and tickled their bodies as they did. Every time their longer hair brushed their bodies it was like a snap of a whip despite how soft and almost lovingly they tickled their backs.

Poseidon tried to will his body back to its original state, but his hair continued to grow longer. The feminine aspects of his body remained.

“There we go. That hair is much more appealing. Though let us add a little more style to shake things up between the two of you.”

Percy’s hair moved. He grabbed his air and tried to keep it from going all over the place, but it refused. It slipped through his fingers like a fish avoiding capture. Two long bangs framed her face, while the rest of her hair twisted around itself moving at a speed that left Percy reeling. It kept twisting around itself, moving faster until it formed a stylish fishtail braid that went down her chest.

“There we go. Now you look like your own woman.”

Poseidon again tried to change his body back to his original form, but no matter what he tried it remained. The air around Nyx got colder as she glared at him.

“Again you try to resist your punishment. Do you think I would allow you to have any power after what you have done. You will know what it is to suffer.”

Percy and Posidoen gasped as if they had just been punched in the gut. Their stomachs gurgled and they held them. Their cheeks puffed out like puffer fish as they could feel the contents of their stomachs try to come out.

The abs the two had, the one Percy had gained from all of Chiron’s training along with the life and death situations that he had been put through, got smaller. Poseidon’s midsection which he had given himself to look more appealing disappeared. They could feel their abs retreating into their bodies, getting smaller with every delicate touch. It was as if they were forcing them back. A definition appeared behind them, as if they were spreading it out.

Percy grimaced at how flat his stomach was. He grabbed a pinch of it and frowned at the lack of defined abs. It was strange to see and feel how odd they had changed.

‘Annabeth is going to be disappointed when she sees how much smaller it has become.’

“Why are you worried Percy? Don't worry, despite how small it is, it would still be considered well defined and fit for a young woman. If you think that this all then the next part will only make things worse for you.”

Again, Percy and Posdion groaned as if they were grabbed on a cyclops hand. The pressure increased and then a loud crack reverberated. A small curve appeared on the sides of their bodies. The pressure continued to increase, and with it, the angle their bodies were getting. A small hourglass figure appeared and became more apparent with every second. The definition of their muscles became more apparent there, allowing a shadow of them to be seen. It would gave drawn the attention of anyone who had an interest in fit women. In mere seconds their cores had become thin womanly mid-sections that would have enraptured many.

“The two of you were going for a stroll on the beach. Why don’t we continue and this time, why don’t I join you.” Styx walked down the beach, and Poseidon and Percy followed after her like a pair of ducklings following their mother, despite their wishes. She could see the struggle they had and smirked curly. “Powerful you two might be, but you are nothing to one such as I.”

Percy looked around, wondering if anyone else could see what was happening

“You don’t need to worry. They don’t see anything off about your bodies. It's amazing what the Mist can hide at times. Would you two not agree?”

Percy bit his lip. For a moment the urge to call out to them came to him, but he knew it would be fruitless. His fingers brushed against a boy around his age and he couldn’t help but flush.

“Enjoyed the little touch of attention?”

Percy gulped and looked away, trying to hide the embarrassment he felt. He bit his lips and tried to focus on Annabeth.

“What about you, Poseidon? Does anyone catch your interest?”


“Why not try and put in some effort. I’m sure someone will garner your interest. Perhaps they might be your next bed warmer.”

Poseidon’s eyes roamed the beach. A younger couple who looked to be a little older then his son caught his attention. The two beamed with young love, exploring the others bodies. Someone else caught his eyes, an older man, who seemed too be around his age with strong defined muscles. He licked his lips, wondering what it would be like to go a few rounds with him in the bedroom.

Poseidon blinked. “What?”

“It seems like someone has caught the sea gods attention. Would you be willing to tell who it was.”

Percy noticed something was off with his lower body. He looked down and gasped when he saw his and his father’s hips widened. The delightful sway they had became more apparent to his mind with every second. His eyes roamed to his father’s and saw the same thing was happening to him. Even though his butt was flat and toned from all of the exercise and fighting he had done, it still rolled slightly. He tried to stop, but with how broad they were getting it would be impossible for him to go anywhere


“Just hold out son. I know this is weird, but you just have to hold out.”

Poseidon ran his hand down his broader hips and frowned at the girth they had. The sensual bolt that went through them made him shudder as if a lovely lady had just gently dragged their finger across his member. His trunks tightened further, further fueling his fantasies. Every little scrap of the fabric on his member moved, struggling to hold his altering hips and showed how much more they changed.

Their broadening hips finished changing, and focused on how much their walking shifted. They had a seductive sway to them that would have been impossible for others not to notice.

Styx stopped. “I think this is a good spot to stop. Feel free to study and touch your new hips. You looked like you were enjoying every second of those.”

Percy ran his hands down his larger hips, unable to fully comprehend. A slight heat came from his body at how delightful it felt. His breathing picked up and his fingers curled of their own accord. A need came from them, the little burst demanding his attention.

He forced himself to look at his father and saw Poseidon’s hips were broader than Percy’s and rivaled his shoulders with how much wider they were now. The curves his father had gained look more pronounced and gave him a bottom heavy figure which would have drawn the attention of ass lovers everywhere, even if their butts were still their normal self.

“Now we are truly getting somewhere. Even if you aren’t finished changing, it is easy to see the appeal the two of you have. I’m sure that you will be able to draw many suitors.”

The two of them groaned at the thought of getting anyone’s attention. They squirmed, struggling to keep themselves under control. A pair of hunky men entered their minds and blood rused below. A strong tent appeared in their swim trunks despite their best efforts to keep it hidden.

“Perhaps a nice dip in the water would help you all both. Now come along.”

Percy and Posidon struggled against Styx’s power. A wave of energy came over Poseidon and Percy stepped into the water. They could feel the ocean answer their call. Again more power entered their body and still the two of them couldn’t break away.

“Try as much as you want, but in the end it won’t matter. The two of you will pay for the paths you have broken. You should relax, the two of you are simply going back into the heart of your power. Doesn’t it feel nice to enter your home again?”

The three kept going deeper and deeper into the water. The water completely encompassed their feet and they still went in deeper. It brushed against their knees. With every step into the ocean, the more energy they had. The power in their bodies continued to grow, filling them new energy that made them dance around on the balls of their feet. They stopped when it reached their hips, just under their buttocks.

For once, the cold water bothered the two of them. Primarily due o who they were sharing the sea with.

Styx’s focused on them. The cruel grin she had, growing. A scathing giggle came from her that made them shudder as if they were standing in front of all the titans in their underwear.

Both Poseidon and Percy felt stronger than they did on the beach. The two of them felt connected with the ocean. It moved back and forth at their ease. The ocean roared in tune with their jumping nerves. Yet despite it all, they were still just as powerless to resist Styx’s power.

Poseidon unwittingly called on a wave. The ocean answered his unintentional call and roared as it pulled back. A large wave came forward, easily twice their size. It drenched the three of them, but none of them moved.

Styx narrowed her eyes at him. She brushed a portion of her hair out of face. Her hair instantly dried, along her attire. For a moment, she frowned heavily, before a vindictive smile with gleeful eyes replaced it.

“It was the lust of sin that led you to this. And now it is time you lost the limb you had followed for years. And looks like for all your talent when it comes to using your sword, you’re going to find yourself loosing yours Perseus Jackson.”

A sudan pull between their legs, made them shudder. Their hands reached down to their aching members. The moment their fingers touched their erect rods their knees went weak. They couldn’t breathe and wondered how they werre standing despite it all. The water brushed against their legs and they locked up. Every wave felt like a charging whale ramming into their bodies.

They could feel their scrotums shrink and getting smaller. The waves became more intense as the panic they felt continued to grow as the Posidon and Percy called on. Again the crashing waves hit their bodies and they screamed as they tried to get some semblance of control over themselves. The heads of their members were all that remained of their male anatomy. It struggled to get in, like a sea urchin trying to dig a new hole, until finally the head of their manhoods entered their bodies. Another wave came over the pair slamming down and covering the pleased erotic screams they let out.

Styx laughed, for once Percy and Poseidon were drenched in water. Their long black hair matted down, water glistening down their curves.

Styx admitted. “My to think that this punishment would make the two of you wet in your own realm. This has gone better than I had thought it would. Perhaps I should look more into these sorts of punishments in the future. It might make things more interesting.”

A dazed groan was the only answer she received from the par. Her eyes traveled downwards and she saw their balls were trailing against their thighs. She laughed at their display. It was then she noticed Poseidon was struggling. His hand inched closer to his crotch and then pulled away. Another laugh, louder and more scathing escaped as she walked to him.

“Go ahead, Poseidon. Play with yourself. You have always allowed that lower head of yours to lead you around. It is how you conceived Percy after all. You let that worthless member of your’s lead you on.” Styx grabbed his hand and slammed it into his crotch.

Posidon’s eyes rolled in the back of his head and again they were all slammed by a strong wave. He panted, shimmying. He could feel his balls transform inside of his body and became a pair of ovaries.

“D-Dad?” Percy said.

A dopey smile formed on Poseidon's face as he grabbed his balls. Her hand mashed her new entrance. She rolled her shoulders back, humming a sea shanty.

Styx scoffed and then turned to Percy. “It seems you are made of stronger material then your father. Still your punishment shall go through, no matter how long it takes.”

“No dad! Snap out of it!”

Percy moaned as his balls went into his body. A wave oof juices came out between her legs. She swayed from side to side as the waves shoved her to the side. For a moment she stumbled and fell into the water. She panted, the salt of the sea brushing in her mouth, and yet she was able to breathe just fine.

Styx smirked. “Welcome to the side of womanhood.”

Percy reached down, her throat tight. Her fingers brushed against her new hole and she shuddered. A small part of her whispered to reach down and explore what was done there. Her breathing picked up and she shook her head, trying to force it aside. Yet it still called out to her. The sea brushed against her nether regions, making her bring her thighs together.

“It feels nice doesn’t it. Feel free to explore if you want. You might find it much better than what you had before.”

Percy’s hands inched closer, but she restrained herself. She grabbed her thighs, making her breathing pick up as she imagined someone playing with them. Her hands instinctively tightened and opened around her hands, further fueling her mind's fantasies. She took her hands off, which trembled and ached to be filled.

“Do not think the two of you are done yet. You two still have quite a ways before you are done. Let us see Perseus just how much more it will take before you fall just like your father.”

“What?” Percy blinked, scrambling for a moment. Then her jaw darkened. She looked at her chest and butt wondering what would happen to her next.

“I see that you have managed to put things together. I hope that you enjoy the next parts. Your father doesn’t seem to mind this new punishment now.”

Percy looked at Poseidon, who continued to play with her new aching hole. “Dad?”

“What?” Poseidon grumbled. Her voice was higher, huskier then it had been.

Percy’s throat burned. She brought her hand up to her throat and flinched as her Adam's apple shrunk in her hand. She wanted to move her hand away, but horrified curiosity demanded she keep her hand there. A low desperate mewl escaped. She squeezed her throat as it got smaller, her stomach somehow feeling even heavier. It got harder to feel anything there as if it was like a shrinking grape. Every second it got more intense, harder for her to keep her there, until she didn’t feel it anymore.

“How much different do I….” Percy couldn't say any more. The higher, huskier pitch emitting from his throat, making his mind

“Oh honey.” Poseidon said, her voice still dazed with a husky allure as she continued to play with herself.

“That voice is far better suited for a beauty such as you. How many fantasies do you think you would be able to fulfill?”

“No, please Lady Styx. This doesn’t have to-”

“Yes it does.” Styx leaned forward. “I have to admit I adore hearing the panic in your new voice. It’s simply delightful hearing the wicked be punished for what they had done.”

“But if it wasn’t for me then Olympus wouldn’t have!”

“I don’t care about Olympus. All I care about is the oaths made in my name. Do you think I will waist my time listening to your empty platitudes and desperation to save yourself? That I will listen to any excuse you might offer? I will not.”

Poseidon and Percy groaned as she could feel her buttocks grow. The taut fabric on their lower bodies tightened even further.

“Soooo good.” Posdion said. She waisted no time playing with her growing rear, savoring the growing curve as if it was a giant mug full of nectar,

Percy shuddered, and let out a lurid moan as she rolled her shoulder back. Her buttocks called to her, demanding her attention as it swelled. Her hands moved and traced the curve of her expanding behind. A pleased hum came from her that put her at ease. A radiant smile formed as she slowed, somehow eliciting more erotic glee from her as it progressed. Her trunks dug between her cheeks as it continued to swell. She could hear her trucks stretch and squeak as it moved across her body.

When it finally ended, her swimsuit felt like it was close to bursting. It dug between her butt cheeks and nethers, showing the outline of them Percy looked over her shoulder to look at her behind and her jaw dropped. Her behind had grown into a large impeccable toned bubble butt that looked like it could have crushed a rock into a pearl. She spanked her ass and moaned as it hardly wiggled at all despite its size.

A rip resounded around them, bringing Percy out of her lust induced haze.

Percy blinked. “What was that?”

She looked and saw her father’s Hawaiian swimsuit had torn at the side. Still her father made no move to fix them. She continued to play with her growing rump, savoring every little burst from it. She looked at her father and whereas her’s was a nice bubble butt, Posdioen’s had become a massive blimp that looked like it would tear normal pants with ease.

“Oh this just keeps keeps getting better.” Poseidon hollered. She spanked her ass and it resounded like a powerful tsunami.

“Why is m-Dad’s so much bigger?” Percy grimaced at the questined.

“Just one of the things that come with age. I’m sure you’ll be just as big, or maybe even bigger when you reach my age.”


Styx smirked. “Are you jealous? Well don’t be, I’m sure you will be just as big in time. Though I’m sure I could make it just as big if you would prefer to have it now.

“No!” Percy grimaced at the response. ‘Damn it, just think of all the guys I would have been able to get if I had mom’s dump truck.’

“Now then just a few simple things and then your punishment will be over.”

All of the power they felt seemed to have centered on their chests. It exploded through their bodies like a way. Posidon massaged her chest, eager to fully explore what sensations would erupt from them, while Percy braced herself for the next assault.

Percy flinched as the wave brushed over her exposed nipples. They called out to her, asking to have her play with them. The cold air brushed against them, as if they were gently being caressed by

Poseidon just continued to massage her chest. Lustful erotic moans came from her. She licked her lips, tasting the salty sea. It was clear to all who could see that she was lost in her own pleasure induced world, savoring every little burst of erotic glee like a whore begging for another thrust.

The roaring water slammed into her body and made her spasm as if someone had just groped her breasts. She cupped her developing bust with ease and they pushed against her digits. She tried to keep them there as if they were a sponge absorbing the ocean water. Her bust soon blocked the site of stomach and lower body as they kept getting bigger.  They kept getting bigger until they were a large DD-cup.

Percy finally moved her hands away and allowed her breasts to drop into a natural tear drop shape. The weight of them pulled on her back, but she hardly cared. The glee she had passed and her flush immediately returned. Her jaw dropped.

Percy covered her new bust. She looked at her Poseidon and saw her bust was still growing. “How much bigger are they going to get?”

“They’re going to keep getting bigger until I say they’re done.” Poseidon grumbled as she continued to play with her chest.

Her fingers looked like small pencils going up and down her body as they grew. She pulled and caressed every supple curve of her bosom, adoring how they sparked her body and made her feel so alive. No matter how big they got, her fingers gently trailed against them. The waves crashed against her body, and she called on them again and again, making her funbags bounce a little more. They soon reached sizes only comparable to an anime with how big they were and easily. Their growth slowed and finally ended when they became a large G-cup that rivaled basketballs.

Percy looked down at her ample bust and covered them up. She looked at her mother’s bust and grimaced, staring at them enviously.

Poseidon smirked at Percy, who flinched at the seductive look she had. She let her immense knockers drop, showing off their perfect teardrop shape. “Don’t worry honey. Give it a couple of years and I’m sure that you will be just as big as me.”

“D-Mom!” Percy blushed. She shook her head. Again the urge to call her father came forward, even if it was technically true. She revolted as the knowledge of her learning that bit of information came running forward. “Please stop this Lady Styx!”

“No. You will pay for breaking your vow with me. This punishment shall go through and there is nothing you can say or do that will stop it. This I swear!”

Styx moved and placed a kiss on Percy’s head. Immediately Percy’s mind dulled. All of the sensations disappeared. She smirked cruelly as her body became more translate and she seemingly melted into the sea.

“May you enjoy your new life, Persephone Jackson, Penthea, Goddess of the seas.”

Sensations quickly returned to her and she realized where she was, Memories rushed forward. She looked down again and blushed again. She looked around, vaguely remembering she had a top. “Where did it go?”

“Don’t worry Sephy sweetie, mommy got you covered.” Poseidon pointed her finger at Percy.

Small seashells formed on her chest. The hard shells softened as strings formed on the corners of it. They stretched across her bust, protecting her nipples from view. The changing fabric gained a bright blue

“We’re going to need to fix that top Sephy. That bottom doesn’t do you any favors at all.”

With a snap of her fingers, Sephy swimsuit changed. The legs of her trunks trailed up her thighs. She shuddered in erotic glee as she did. Her breathing picked up. She grabbed the legs of her drunks and tried to keep them there. She cooed in delight as it smacked her perfect skin. A matching bright baby blue bikini.

“Oh, thanks, mom.” Sephy smiled and let go of her chest. She took a moment to admire the cleavage on display. With how much was exposed it was certain she would be able to gain the attention of many handsome studs.

“Not a problem dear. Have to make sure that you’re able to show off the goods. And did you enjoy the little thrill. I gave you. I thought it would be a nice little thing to do.”

“Got that right. This bikini is perfect and I did like the little fun you gave me.”

“Well then since we had a nice little swim. Are you ready to take things up a notch? I’m there’s a nice handsome guy here who would love to send some time with a curvy cutie like you.”

“Hold on dear, you’re forgetting something.”

Penthea pointed down and it took a moment for Percy to realize what she meant. The two dived under the water and then stood up, covered in seawater.

“Can't believe I forgot a trick like that.”

“Don’t forget how quickly some people go crazy over this trick. Gives you a nice little sheen. Now come along, let’s have a nice walk on the beach and see the sites.”

The two of them walked back onto the beach, bouncing their busts and rolling their hips. Penthea giggled as she could feel her long hair smack her ass.

‘Need to find me a nice man. Would be a little better to have some fun with.’

She noticed how her daughter looked around and placed her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. “See anyone nice young men Sephie, that catch your eye?”

“Yeah, there is a nice guy I wouldn’t mind spending time with.”

Penthea followed her daughter’s eyes and saw they were on a redhead with bright blue eyes. The boy looked their way, and she could tell he was focused on her daughter. She could see another man, closer to her current form age and grinned. “Well then looks like he’s coming to you. And seems like I’m about to get some action of my own.”

Unknown to the two, Stysx was watching them at a nearby bar. She smiled as she watched Penthea flirt with a man. She pressed her breasts against his chest and could hear her lie to his face.

The redheaded boy approached Percy who for a moment was thrown off. Quickly she recovered and smiled at him. She put her hair behind her ear and leaned forward. The two conversed with each other

His hands accidentally touched her butt, but Percy smiled. She grabbed his hand, and placed it on her butt. The boy blushed and then smiled sheepishly. He patted her on the ass, and the girl smiled gleefully.

Styx laughed. “And thus the proper punishments the two of you deserve has been done. Enjoy your new lives.”


Penthea hummed a shanty as she walked to Richard’s home to meet her date with that handsome hunk Richard she had met at the beach. She stooped in front of his house door and with a snap of her fingers, her bikini altered into a sparkling blue dress, that had a low cut at the front, which showed a wonderful amount of her cleavage. Pearl earrings formed in her ears.

“Hey Penny, how are you?” Richard said.

“I’m wonderful. What do you think of my dress? I’m not overdressed am I?”

“No, I think you look great. So shall we be off then?”

Penthea took his arm, making sure his arm was next to her full bust. “Let’s.”

The two walked down the street, Penthea sneaking a good feel of his body, savoring the muscles. She already knew he was built, but with those muscles, she was feeling, she was aching to feel those good muscles.

‘Think its time to give Sephy another little sibling tonight, especially now that I don’t have to worry about that stupid law Zeus put in. I’m sure she would be happy to have another.’

With Persephone

Persephone said. “So still got your head stuck in your books wise girl?”

“Yup, learning a little more about artheticeture and you’re still still thirsting after hot guys and you had another date right?

“His name was Nathan, and he was a nice guy. Met him at the beach when me and mom were out. Take it you still don’t hae a special someone in yours?”

“No, still working on building in Olympus and getting my degree.”

“You need to try and find yourself a nice guy wise girl.” Percy smirked. “You can’t keep yourself buried in your books. You’re going to break from all of the pressure you put yourself through.”

“I can handle myself just fine. You need to take things a little more seriously. Seriously shouldn’t you be preparing more for college?”

“Ehh, I’ll get it done later. Besides I got something more important I need to do. I got to do some training later and I want to take a nice dip in the lake before I do.”

“Are you sure? Or would you rather be showing off your body and having people gawk at you dressed like that?”

Persephone looked down. She was clad only in a black bikini with daisy dukes hiding her bottoms. Still it did nothing to hide how voluptuous her figure was.

“Beleive what you want, wise girl. I got some nice goods, and I might as well show them off. Would be a shame to hide them.”

Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say Seph. Hope you have fun while you do.”

“You know it!”



Well, it would be fun to see Annabeth and her mother Athena change too, to balance and match Poseidon and Percy changes

Black Viper

I‘d love to see both in the epilogue, especially what follows next for both of them ;) Love the art work!