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"Come on Pabu you can find him." Mako had Bolin's fire ferret on a leash, certain this'd finally suss out wherever the hell his brother had vanished. It had been a weird two weeks since Bolin had disappeared into thin air, most of the people looking at him crazy or seemingly unable to remember Bolin. Weirdly they had talked about his sister instead, even though he didn't have one, all of them pointing to her movers and career. Gone was Nuktuk, their pro bending days apparently forgotten. It felt like he was going mad, especially as more and more people tried to convince him Bolin never existed. The only island of sanity he had was in Asami, Korra unreachable even though they suspected spirits were involved somehow. She had been the only one who remembered his brother and not this Jolin girl, who at this point they were both convinced had stolen his brother. The last he saw of Asami was when she had finally tracked down her address, saying she was going in to figure this whole thing out.

That was two days ago, and Mako's paranoia was growing. Varrick was of no help, more angry that Bolin had broken contract than the fact that he had vanished. But it was more than just the unhelpfulness of everyone around him. Every time he returned to his brother's room, things were slightly different. Pictures were replaced, his clothes were getting frillier, Mako's nerves snapping when Bolin's secret stash of porno magazines were replaced with fashion articles. Someone was clearly fucking with him and he wasn't going to let them get away with it. That's why he had Pabu on a leash in one hand and his badge in the other. Pabu had been around since they were kids and fire ferrets had an amazing sense of smell according to Bolin. So with one of his socks(though he swore it was getting smaller and smaller every time he picked it out, almost ankle length this last time) they were on their way to find where the hell his brother was being kept.

The ferret led him across town passing by the dingier parts without even a look in the other direction, only pausing when they hit the mover picture place where Bolin had last gone. Well at least Mako knew Pabu's nose was working, though he was surprised that they hadn't been led to some of the seedier areas they passed through. He figured it'd be triads or other groups getting revenge for years of old grudges, yet when Pabu picked up the scent again he was racing towards the wealthy district.

Mako gave a tough swallow. These were not places his jurisdiction held much weight, considering half of these houses held people whose wallets GAVE him his jurisdiction. It might have been a paperweight for all the effect it had, but why the hell would these kinds of people be hiding Bolin? Mako swore if Bolin was pulling a prank on him and he was shacking up with some rich chick he'd arrest him on the spot. In fact, he bet Jolin was in on it too. They were extremely similar from the few times he had tailed her and the one time she had called in she had acted like they'd known each other for years. He probably shouldn't have hung up on her, but he was freaked out by the whole interaction. Dammit Asami probably wasn't in danger either, she probably just joined in to get back at him for some of their... relationship issues from the past.

By the time Pabu had dragged him to a massive apartment complex, Mako had the case solved in his head, though there was still always the possibility of rich perverted cultists. Never ignore the rich perverted cultists, they'll get you every time. He kept his guard up even if he was feeling irked as Pabu jumped up the stairs, ready to either punch his brother or fight his way through perverts. There were two large gentlemen in black suits at the top, likely earth benders, looking at him oddly as Pabu scratched at the door frame. Mako went to flash his badge and force entry if needed, but surprisingly it wasn't, both ushered in without a word.

Now the person who did have a word was the check in guy at the front, seemingly waiting for Mako to arrive before directing them, not that it was needed since Pabu was straining at the collar, clearly smelling something that strongly reminded him of Bolin. But the check in guy stopped them right at the entrance.

"I need you to sign in first sir. Apologies for the annoyance."

"I'm here on official police business." Mako lied, flashing his badge but the guy wasn't deterred.

"Everyone who enters absolutely must sign in. It would only take a moment. I have a pen right here!" There must have been a shit ton of people at the party based off the size of that sign in register, the guy quickly folding up the rest to reveal a last page with boxes for a signature and date. Pabu was scratching frantically at the door, pulling Mako's attention away as he just signed the damn thing, not paying enough attention to wonder why there was only one set of boxes or when the pages flipped back to the front how enough legalese to give a lawyer a seizure flashed by.

"Very good sir." The sign in trick worked wonders it seemed. Wellesaki grinned as the fire bender impatiently scratched at his head after returning the pen, a few strands unfurling here or there, the greased back hair looking shinier, less bogged down, conditioned. Jolin was already doing wonders for his powers and he could only imagine a sister act would entail twice as much popularity, though he musn't rush things, there was time enough to just let this play out though it would be fun to watch.

"Welcome to the party." Mako was dragged in instantly by Pabu, making quite a scene with his entrance, immediately feeling self conscious amongst the crowd of rich socialites chatting in clothes too expensive for a year of his salary to buy. He didn't fit in here.

Yet that is.

The cheap leash on Pabu's neck finally broke as he bounded towards his master, Mako ready to see Bolin's face any second, only to be shocked as Pabu jumped up into the arms of the girl that seemed to be in the center of all this.

"Not you too Pa-" Mako trailed off his condemnation, confused by what he was seeing. The cheap collar piece still attached to him was changing, turning to leather with diamond studs fashioned into it. As Jolin stroked Pabu's fur it grew fluffier, losing tangles and any dirt from the streets as a series of bows slithered their way through his fur, a few confused squeaks dying down to pleased cooing as Pabu jumped into Jolin's handbag, looking completely at home.

"What the hell?" He said it out loud, too shocked by the sudden changes to have some kind of coherent response, adding to the chatter of the rich people around him. No seriously what the hell had just happened?! Pabu had just- And then he- But that meant... Cogs were turning in his head, a few strands of hair slipping into his left eye's field of view as he brushed them back. If Pabu had run to her, and then changed, and this woman was extremely similar to Bolin then... No that couldn't, she wasn't-

"Brother! I'm so happy you finally came over!" Jolin waved towards Mako, beckoning him to make his way through the crowd to her. Mako paused, considering his options, deciding things would go faster if he confronted her to figure out what had happened, or if she even knew. The chatter as he walked forward was enormous, bits and pieces filtering through his ears.

"That's Bolin's sibling?"

"I mean I heard they were the muscle but-"

"-voice of an angel she-"

"Do you think she'll sing for us?" Mako ended up clearing them from his focus, feeling kind of... weird when they spoke, pleasant tingles running through him, his eyelashes now fluttery and long, faint lines of mascara adorning the lashes, growing thicker with every step

"What the hell happened to you and where the hell have you been the last few weeks?!" Jolin seemed more confused than surprised by his outburst, giving a wimpy, "But I tried calling you! You're the one who hung up, besides I thought you hated Varrick?"

"I mean at least he didn't want to sleep with you, but I haven't even met your new-" Wait why was he going along with this? What was he even talking about! It was this damn hair's fault! Why did he let it grow out like this when it kept fluttering into his view, making fighting difficult with one eye covered.

"Aww c'mon I'm not a little girl anymore I know stuff now! You've gotta lighten up sis." Jolin gave Mako a playful slap on the shoulder, that sleeve blasting apart under her touch leaving the arm bare, her words sending a tremendous jolt through Mako's psyche.

He gave a confused groan, the weight of that small word running through him like one of Asami's automobiles, his body hair plucked clean, the arm revealed showing how his skin smoothened suddenly, its tone creamy and lush looking. She had just called him sis right? But that was wrong he was her brother, her protective brother all through the dance academy and modeling school and- A shiver passed through his body, that feeling of offness amplified by the subtly pleasant jolts coursing through his exposed right shoulder, the whole joint feeling oddly out of lock with its socket, as if the exposure was draining it of its power. Mako could tell something wasn't right, yet it seemed like it was constantly slipping from his mind's grasp. He just had to correct her and get them out of here before uh... something happened.


Story from my friend charo - www.patreon.com/charoset



Guess Korra and Asamai are in Wellesaki machinations too there.