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He was just momentarially displaced… yeah that was it… Zoro paused looking around the bar that he had accidentally ruined in his haste. He held back but these pirates weren’t really strong, it was kind of a disappointment. No the real danger was-

“Zoro!!” The high pitch screech filled the room as the doors of the bar burst open revealing the pink hair goth loli known as Ghost Princess Perona. “I thought I told you to stay on the boat and not to make a scene!”

“I was on the boat, I was just doing my usual laps and ended up here accidently” He shouted back in slight embarrassment.

“That landed next to the store I was shopping at!” Perona simply pointed up at the lack of ceiling the tavern now sported “I thought I told you the Lolita Isle has strict rules about this sort of stuff!!”

“It’ll be fine, it’s not like an issue dealing with some small fries,” Zoro yawned, waving off Perona’s concerns. As she floated ever closer, he could only look in surprise at the new outfit she was sporting. “Uh.. what’s with the clothes?”

“I told you I was going shopping, My bra was a little tight and ladies gotta change it up Holo Holo Holo” Perona said smugly as she teased her cleavage in her new black dress.

“Are you sure you didn’t just gain some weight? I mean you have been eating a lot of pastries since we got here and-.”

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!?!” Perona screamed in indignation as she glared at him with looks that could kill “That’s it! No more nice ghosts! I’m putting you on ship detention until this log post finishes synchronizing!” Negative ghosts sprouted around him gathering around Perona like getting thicker and more powerful.

Despite his superior abilities after all the training he had undergone, Perona's ghosts were one of the few things he still had no real answer for. I mean he could theoretically just take out Perona with a flying slash though that depended on if she was actually here. Still despite all their arguments he had a soft spot for her and wouldn’t really meaningfully strike her despite his increased power.

“WOAH!!” Zoro said, just barely ducking out of the path of a stray ghost. The ghostly storm cloud of doom that radiated off Perona was not something he could defend against. That left only one real answer to the situation before him, strategic retreat! After all this wasn’t a sword fight it was just a girl's tantrum!

“Just calm down it’s not-” Zoro said as he quickly tried to make his way out the back door.

“Oh no you don’t!! Astral Ghosts Parade!!!!” Perona shouted as her newest attack launched an ever thickening stream of ghosts at Zoro as he crashed into the bathroom door instead of the exit in an explosion of dust. “Holo-holo!” She laughed haughty, fully expecting Zoro to be groveling as the clouds cleared.

“I’m sorry I was ever born...” Zoro knelt in apologies, before turning his face in annoyance “Cut that ou-


“I suck so much, forgive me... ”

“Stop i-!”


“I’m so ugly I should just commit seppuku to spare you the shame”

“Holo-holo! Have you learned your lesson yet?” Perona gloated as she hovered over only for Zoro to grab her.

“What are you even doing with your Haki?” Perona shouted surprised as he somehow actually touched her spirit form.

“I don’t know” Zoro shouted in surprise as well.

“This is just my projection, it isn’t even my body!” Perona shouted in worry as she could feel herself infusing into Zoro.

“Stop struggling, idiot! I’m trying to stop it!” Zoro shouted as a similar feeling he had when hit with negative ghosts started to seep into him, becoming him.

“You idiot” The souls overlapped

“I’m a idiot” The souls intertwined

Peronoa Zorona wasn’t feeling very cute at the moment in fact she felt horrible, she was worthless, she was a bitch, but she could get better! Right?

After all Cuteness was life, cuteness was justice, cuteness was swordswomanship!!

“Uh…Sir? Can we help you?” A person interrupted her revelations.

Looking around Zorona had at some point walked into a salon! Perfect!

“I’d like to get a full makeover!” Zorona shouted in her falsetto

“I can do alot but sir you don’t have that much hair?” The stylist said, confused.

Oh right first it had to be longer! A girl's hair was her life, she was sure that one CP9 agent managed to grow his, so doing it herself should be perfectly doable.

It took a few tries but she was finally able to stimulate her hair, tangle after tangle her silky green hair grew past her ass, the curling and oiling though she left for the salon to handle.

After all that’s what professionals were for but in the end her curly hair drills were so cute. Her ribbon fit right in tieing her new drills in place as Zorona starred in the mirror.

Her face soured, no softened the life return for the hair was making her dizzy it was almost as if her soul was affecting it. Her chin, face had slimmed down

Next was the waist, her muscles were nice but you could still have muscles while slimmer, what was that skill life return or something Lucci did? The first store had the cutest green corset, tighter she had her ghosts pull on each side she flexed her haki and compressed it in.

Gura-gura her tummy rumbled as the life pulled in, she wasn’t exactly sure how to do the technique but she couldn’t wait! Pain was cutestness as she focused her haki in her tummy. The flesh rumbled and moved with the nicest and weirdest ways.

The cords in her corset pulled ever tighter and the muscles compressed and filled the rest of her body all that life bubbling outwards into her chest and ass as her body matched her cute soul in a hour glass that would make Cindy or Robin blush.

Next was eww… What are these clothes… kimonos could be cute but this one was just so green. There had to be some darker colors that, PERFECT she looked around at the stacks of Wano style clothes but that black kimono was perfect for her, it just needed some green highlights but Zorona knew fashion when she saw it.

Zorona felt like a new woman as she stepped out of the shop, the slinky frilly kimono showed off her legs while retaining the traditional wano look and dignity that a cute swords girl like her should have.

Still her body needed more training, it was weird like it wasn’t moving right. She was the ghost swords princess right? She couldn’t help but hold her head as memories became muddled as a stream of ghosts flicked off of her. Ah… the life return must have messed up her ghosts still she had the negativity was in her, but she could work past that. It would still be sometime before the ghosts would stabilize; she should be able to fix herself a bit more before then.

I mean what else could she work on, her arms and legs, the chest could still be a bit bigger, her ass was tight but hmm. Her crotch was weird, it was almost as if something was there.

Reaching down Zorona moved to touch her lady parts but a large thing was in the way almost as if there was a...


Zorona’s eye bugged out, as snot flew out everywhere. She gasped wanting to throw up, t-t-t-that thing was first on the first list!!


“EKK!!” Perona awoke in surprise and with a headache, no a soul ache. How long had she been out, she remembered tracking Zoro down and then everything was a blur... and who was this cute and sexy green hair girl leaning so seductively close to her, her cuteness and fashion were impeccable though. “W-Who are you!!” Perona screamed blushing as she summoned her ghosts?? Why did they all look exhausted?

“Perona! It’s me Zorona!” The cute green hair girl before she cuddled against her “Your sexy swords girlfriend!!

Wait what? No that’s right she was traveling with her honey to her crew they had an argument and then it was just pleasure… as Zorona lips touched hers as the kiss was perfection of cuteness.

That’s right Zorona always knew the perfect things to do, it was almost like she shared her soul, why was she thinking of some muscle head? Zorona was always a bit empty headed but her muscles were hers.


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