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SecondPlace on the MHA/ONE PIECE TMF contest!
Story by TheEverything

"Are we... safe.. yet?" Ussop panted.

Nami scanned the horizon with her spyglass. Nothing but blue seas and cloudless skies all around. "We're clear! Not a single Marine ship in sight!"

"Good! I'm gonna go... pass out now. Night night."

Nami shook her head as he collapsed in a heap before turning her attention elsewhere. "Franky? Are you okay? You haven't left the wheel in a while."

"...No." He admitted with a strained voice. "I'm pretty far from suuuper right now."

Nami turned to give him her full attention and gasped in realization. Her cyborg crewmate was riddled with damage. Large swathes of his metal body had rusted over, in some places fully punching through and exposing his interior mechanisms. "What happened?!"

"One of the Marines," he mumbled through a locked jaw. "Devil Fruit user. Some kind of rusting power. Kept working even after I got back on the Sunny."

She grimaced. That sounded bad. "Will you be alright?"

"Sure, eventually. I just gotta transform into Repair Mode."

Nami blinked. He had a repair mode? Why was she even surprised?

"You're gonna transfooooorm?" On cue, Luffy, Chopper, Brook, and Ussop all arrived at the summons of their trigger word.

“You bet I am!” he cried, caching on to their enthusiasm, his eyes gleaming behind his sunglasses. “Activate! Repair Mode! Reverse Docking… Online!

Seams appeared across his body, venting steam as parts loosened and prepared to shift. His face retracted and disappeared into the hole of his neck. A pair of panels on his back flipped open like insect wings and...

...and a person stepped out of it, rather anticlimactically, shaking off a few connecting cables and wires hooked to ports at their joints.

It was... Franky. But smaller. A lot smaller. Mostly in width. Franky's repair form was, putting it bluntly, dainty. It lacked his huge mechanical muscles and obvious enhancements side front a few connection ports and metal nose. So much so that it looked nearly like an ordinary person. It also seemed, in Nami's opinion, strangely feminine. Maybe it was just the contrast against his usual self, but (despite the washboard chest), between the softness of the jawline, the arch of the spine, and the concavity of the waist, he looked like a girl who'd had a really disappointing puberty.

"WHOA! Franky's a girl now!" Luffy cried with his usual tact.

"Yeah, for the moment." The girl(?) turned to Sanji. "Could you get me a couple cold ones? I'm not connected to my main generator like this."

Sanji nodded and left, a very confused and conflicted expression on his face. Meanwhile femFranky started assessing the damage to her main body. "Mph. That's no good.. I can fix this but I'm gonna have to make that from scratch..."

Ussop approached her from behind. "So, Franky..."


He seemed to struggle with choosing his words. "Not to judge you or anything but... why?"

Franky removed the tips of her fingers, revealing a selection of screwdrivers as she started disassembling a damaged panel. "Being a cyborg's got a lot of advantages over normal people, but it's not all great. You guys get hurt, you just need Chopper to patch you up, some good food, and a few weeks of rest and you're good to go. Me? I get injured, I'm gonna stay injured until I fix it." She set down the panel and pulled out a tangle of wires. "What happens if both my arms get damaged? Or my legs, stopping me from getting to my tools? In that case the only one who could fix me would be someone else, so I invented a way for me to be someone else."

Ussop nodded. "Okay, but... why is your repair form a woman?"

"Oh! That's what you meant. Well you see- Hey, you got 'em!" Just then, Sanji returned with an extra-large two-pack of Franky's favorite cola. The girlish engineer took them with a nod of thanks. She patted her dainty stomach with one hand as the other flicked off a cap. "No room in this model for my usual minifridge, so I tried something a bit more flexible."

She turned the bottle up and began to chug.

Nami narrowed her eyes. Something about Franky's fairer form was getting on her nerves, though she couldn't pin down just what. Whatever it was, it made her feel like hitting him. There was just something about the little B-cup bionic that...

Wait. B-cup?

Indeed, the previously flat-chested form now sported a tender pair of breasts, bearing down on the next size up. Franky gasped, finishing off the first bottle and moving to the second.

There was no doubt about it! With every gulp she took, her breasts swelled a bit larger. The cola was literally going straight to her chest! Nami's urge to deliver a well-earned slap to the back of the head was rising.

Franky finished off the second bottle with a satisfied noise, at last sporting a pair of knockers to rival either of his crewmates'. He laughed and gave one a slap, sending it jiggling like a custard and forcing Sanji to rush back inside, covering his nose. "Flexible, expanding, liquid storage! The rest of the design came naturally after that breakthrough. And once the fizz runs out it gets stored in the hips till I drain it. It's Suuuuuper efficient!"

"But, but what about your manhood?" Brook asked.

Franky laughed. "Manliness is stored in the soul, Brook! Doesn't matter what my body looks like. Besides," she leaned in and stage whispered. "I've always got backups of my equipment."

"Equipment?" Luffy asked, clueless as usual.

"Yeah. I've got twelve modular designs for any possible situation. They're compatible with this body too."

Nami made up her mind. She was going to hit him. Repeatedly. For the sake of women everywhere.


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