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Fourth Place on the MHA/ONE PIECE TMF contest!
Story by DancingSpartan

“Okay, so…how does this thing work again?”

“AAAAGH!” Mei Hatsume clutched her head in frustration. Damn it! Why was it the duty inventors to constantly relay exposition? This was the fifth time this idiot asked him that! Of all the people she wanted to experiment on, Denki Kaminari was at the bottom of her list. But with her usual guinea pigs gone, he was the last one willing to risk it all for a potential powerup, so the gadgeteer was having to make due as best she could. “Look! Look…this is what I like to call the Inverter.”

The young genius presented what could best be described as a spherical…thing that looked forged in a dark metal with many pours that showed off its ominous glowing red core. It did not look particularly benevolent. “This baby is supposed to tap into the core essence of anyone’s quirk and invert their powers! If this baby works, it can turn powerful quirks into total duds and weak quirks like yours into absolute powerhouses!”

“Hey, that sounds badass! I’d love to be a…waitaminute…”

“So, here ya go!” Mei grinned as she tossed the ball over to Denki, who instinctively caught it.

“H-hey, watch it!” The electric teen looked down at the device after calming down somewhat. It looked to be glowing even brighter than before, as if whirring to life. “Uh…how do you work this thing again?”

“Honestly dunno. Sorta just found it laying around.”

“Wait, so how do you know if this is sa-“

Any further questions were quickly interrupted by a wave of dark electric impulses shocking the teen. Normally electricity would barely phase poor Denki, but this lightning was somehow pitch black, causing his hair to stand up stiff as it overtook his entire body, mixing with his own natural electric current while his spiky hair stood on end. Eventually, said hair became indistinguishable from the electricity, appearing to turn into the same jet-black current, which continued to expand in size. There was still a single yellow bolt within current that displayed the last remnant of Denki’s signature style.

“Ooooh~! Subject appears to be undergoing complete palette inversion. This could be a cosmetic breakthrough!”

Denki wanted to snap at the callous scientist, but found his body quickly being overtaken by the same electricity. His body wasn’t absorbing the current like it usually did. Rather, it was merging with the current, turning all his fleshy human bits into pure energy that was rapidly shifting hue into pink. Surprisingly, it was the least painful part of the transformation. In fact, all the pain ceased once Denki was no longer a conductor of electricity but rather its very essence, no more than a current of constantly surging pink being of light. In fact, everything just sorta…tickled now.

“Ha…ha ha! Ha ha ha ha~!” What started out as reflexive laughter by way of tickling quickly turned sinister, each ha causing the boy’s voice to rise in pitch. By the time its timbre reached rose to that of a downright sultry, womanly tone, the laughter had turned into maniacal cackling. Denki finally turned to look back at the equally terrified and intrigued Mei, revealing a much different face from before. Despite being made of pure pink electricity, the face looked distinctly feminine, its lips plump and blackened as if they were decorated by electromagnetic lipstick. And all those lips could do was smirk.

“Quite the device you’ve got there, babe~” Denki unleashed an blast on their clothing, completely searing them and revealing a quite curvaceous body with a nice pair of boobs to match. Despite being able to control their body’s form, Denki decided to skew towards the female sex for her new identity. She didn’t need to have the body of a supermodel, but wasn’t it so much more fun that way? Black electricity surged over her until her new electric lady bits were covered with an equally electric approximation of a leather jacket and jeans combo. “I feel badder and better than ever! I could take on this entire school if I wanted!”

The new woman then eyed the device that created her before proceeding to levitate it via a strange of electricity. “All I have to do is use this little trinket~”

“Note: device appears to invert gender along with alignment,” Mei talked into her recorder. “Subject appears to have developed a minor case of megalomania. Conclusion: run.” After a quick click of the record button, the girl turned around in an attempt to get the hell out of dodge. Hopefully Muscles or someone else from the Support class could find out a way to fix this mess that she coincidentally happened to have a part in!

“Don’t you want a taste of your device’s power, honey?” All Denki had to do was extended her hand to activate the device, which in turn sent its crimsons waves out to shock the fleeing Mei. The woman could only laugh as she watched her inadvertent creator writhed with the same energy that birthed her. “I suppose Denki isn’t a very suiting name for anymore, huh? And Chargebolt? Give me a fucking break. Maybe start calling me…Tempest now. Yeah…Tempest. Has a nice ring, don’t it?”

“Much more suiting, I would say!” In the place of the genius pink-haired inventer was now a blue-haired boy in a mock-up of a wizard’s outfit adjusting with his big swirly glasses. “So, what do we do now, Tempest?”

“Simple: we find the school’s power grid and give it a special jolt! This place is too full of boring goody two-shoes heroes. They could stand to see things from an opposite point of view~”


Cole jones

I want a part two to see what happens next that and maybe some other drawings of male students being turned into women as well.