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Ara Ara Pendant Genre: Fantasy / animey


These otherwise mundane pendants were blessed by the priestess of the Mother Goddess - their form can vary depending of the item that was enchanted, some being simple strings with religious symbols written in them, other being made of gold with intricate flower patterns. In general they are rare relics created to aid young women to conceive children, and are super charged with the divine power of the Goddess of All Mothers.

Effect -

  •  Every individual that puts the Ara Ara Pendants must perform a High personality based check, in case of failure he is transformed into a very voluptuous woman, charged with the motherly powers of the goddess. 
  •  An individual transformed by the pendant will be forced to speak and act in a calm, polite and motherly way to everyone around them, with special affection toward young people and animals - apart from this, their minds and memories will be unchanged, but the effects might become addictive. 
  •  Individuals transformed are highly fertile, if they were barren before the transformation, now they are able to conceive children. While wearing the pendant the gestation happens two times faster, not being uncommon for pregnancies to result in twins or more children.
  • Individuals wearing and transformed by the Ara Ara Pendants will irradiate Auras with special properties, they grant the user passive effects that are constantly active (even against his will!). To use these effects, the bearer must choose an aura, but can swap to another at will.

    The auras are the following: 

The Ara Aura of Fertility

  • An aura of 30 feet (9 meters) that acts like a powerful pheromone that instils lust on all men around the bearer of the pendant. The bearer will also see herself get easily arounsed. 
  • Men under its effect will be highly aware of the erotic form of the user, and have their sight constantly drifting towards her.
  • Men under the effect of this aura, become ten times more fertile 
  • The user of the pendant gains the ability to produce a highly nutritious milk with supernatural properties, those who drink it get a Moderate Increase in Stamina and Strength. The effects last up to three hours.   

The Ara Aura of Comfort

  • An aura of 30 feet (9 meters) that offer calming and relaxing effects on everyone inside it. Individuals under this aura will be more likely to interpret the actions of the user in a kind way, being angry or violent becomes harder for all foes, allies and even the wearer of the pendant (requiring a low willpower check) - but its effects are cancelled if the individual is directly attacked or wounded.
  • Those who are tired can get a full rest with half of the amount of sleep -for this effect to take hold, the bearer of the pendant must show some sort of physical affection, like letting companions sleep on her lap and providing warmth and comfort. 
  • The user of the pendant gains the ability to produce a highly nutritious milk with supernatural properties, babies who drink it grown stronger and healthier. The milk also has healing capabilities that speed up the natural process of healing, and can be used to remove the effects of poisons


Physical effects remain permanent, but can be lifted with proper spells. Behaviour changes and auras can be removed if the individual is not wearing the pendant, but it could be said that the more you use it, the more the pendant fills the user with satisfaction for the motherly role.


The pendants could be an old family heirloom whose effects have been long forgotten, an item used to ensure the continuation of a lineage, loot from a goblinoid tribe whose numbers have exploded (for some reason) and etc. This item also works well for villains, a villain could use it as a way to get rid of the lineage of his enemies or even on himself (!) because nobody would suspect the cute woman that makes everyone around her feel warm and comfortable to be an evil mastermind.


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