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In the ancient lands of Japan in the distant past, there stood a small humble settlement that bordered the edge of a massive forest that lined the foot of the massive mountain ranges above, known for housing a myriad of creatures ranging from small rabbits to massive Oni. To keep the human settlement safe, a pact had been made between the villagers and a representative from the forest; a fox spirit simply known by her moniker of the Fertility Goddess.

Brokering a truce accord between the humans and supernatural beings of the forest, life had gone on quietly for both races, living in harmony with each other despite the forest denizens being more than capable of razing the settlement if they deemed so.

But they had no such intent in mind, preferring to hunt game that thrived in abundance within the forest and just simply live out their days with their human neighbours. Despite the naysayers that lived in seclusion on both sides, It seemed things would carry on this way for the foreseeable future.

Until the human village would awaken to find their livestock crushed to death, their crops flattened and the nearby well polluted with a rancid substance that instantly gave away the culprits if the impossibly large footprints and impact craters wasn’t evidence enough.

Convening in the town hall, the head of the clan that ran the village’s affairs met with the goddess in secrecy, discussing how best to deal with the matter as both sides didn’t want unnecessary bloodshed, despite the fact that the Oni had drawn blood already by wiping out the animals in the farm.

Leaving the elders at a stalemate on what to do, the goddess promised to try and talk things out with the Oni responsible for the incident. A hesitant look on her face as she faded away, leaving the humans fearing the worst as a young man comforted the village elder, trying to cheer him up with words of encouragement despite not having much confidence in words being enough to stop the attacks from happening again.

Soon, the following day rolled by and with it came news of the first casualty within the village as a scream woke up the villagers, exiting their huts to find Tsunako’s house collapsed and ruined, the elderly lady lying crushed under the debris. Things were escalating fast and seeing no other choice, the goddess had imparted with the village head a special contraption she promised would settle the matter in one fell swoop without further harm, but it would need the most capable of their own to plan and execute a trap, which according to the goddess, only needed the knob on the sphere like object to be twisted before throwing it.

But who would be able to carry out the deed? Looking amongst the crowd of ordinary men, the goddesses serpentine eyes finally settle on the young man still looking at the sphere gripped firmly in his grandfather’s hands, sensing great potential within him as a small smile grew on her face, beckoning to him as she singled him out from the crowd of seasoned warriors and toughened farmhands. It wasn’t brawn this job required, rather a certain something the goddess knew very well.

And something she was hoping to get this young man well invested in by the time the day was over…

“N-No biggy, just sneak into their lair, and pop this wide open before they know what’s happening…no biggy at all!”

It had only been a good fifteen minutes or so since the goddess had graced him with her attention. Approaching him with that alluring smile of hers as she proclaimed that he would be the most fitting one to carry out the deed, explaining what he would be up against as she described each one of the four Oni he would be facing down as well as the directions to take to reach their lair that stood near the foot of the mountains.

But each word out of her mouth only made him more and more fearful as he imagined the beasts in his head, the look in the goddesses face had grown firm and resolute, suggesting these weren’t mere exaggerations either. He had wished she could just deal with these fearsome creatures on her own, but she had buttered him up with words of ‘claiming glory’ and ‘proving he was worthy of inheriting the position of village elder’ once his father had grown too old for the job.

“You have nothing to fear Ren…you only need to keep your wits about you, and you’ll be just fine! Remember, the bomb will be what needs to do the work, you yourself stand no chance against those fiends. They are excellent hunters, so be wary when approaching the den.”

In truth, he was trembling in his sandals as he trudged up the slow incline hidden in the forest that would lead to his destination, wearing thick clothes and a katana that looked too big for him for protection.

Like they would be enough to even withstand a flick of an Oni’s finger, and he was up against four of them no less!

By his side trotted a weird entourage of animated creatures; a monkey, wolf pup and colored bird of a breed Ren had never seen before. He had no idea when they had joined him on his short journey to deal with the Oni but he had a nagging suspicion they had been sent by the goddess to watch the events unfold. He had tried speaking to them but they simply made grunts and cheeky howls at his queries, acting much like regular animals despite how different they looked.

And the fact that they were stacked atop one another like a miniature tower, the small pup showing no signs of tiring as it hauled its companions around.

Ren sighed as he got to his knees, the gut wrenching stench getting stronger telling him he was getting closer as he willingly spread himself low on the rancid mud beneath his feet, another sign he had already entered the Oni’s territory, just a few more steps and he would be able to see into the cave proper.

Even the cartoony animals had gone quiet.

Glimpsing past the yellowing bushes, Ren grew pale as he eyed the two massive bonfires that lit the entrance to the sizeable dugout in the rock face, the corpses of various wildlife tossed haphazardly around the entrance as bones poked out from the ground, surrounding the resting forms of the four great beasts as they slept on the ground.

Each one varied in appearance, from an obese pig with dull purplish black hair to an enormous beefcake with a thin line of fiery orange protruding from his otherwise bald head. The one thing in common between them all though, were their terrifying horns and unkempt appearances, gaping maws filled with razor sharp fangs that shone in the morning sun as it begins to rise over the treetops, showing how well built they all were, even the fat one sported tree trunk sized arms ripe with veiny muscles.

Snapping out of his fear as he fumbled for the goddesses device, Ren swallowed hard as he got to his feet, stepping slowly out of the foliage as he palmed the ball in his grip, twisting the nozzle on the protrusion before tossing it as hard as he could in the direction of the cave as he stepped back into cover, watching the golden sphere hit the wet floor with a sickening splat, a pink fog beginning to escape the loosened seal as the trauma from the fall triggers it. Now all that was left to do was to sit back and watch. Ren kept his gaze fixated on the group, wondering what the fog would do to them, he still had the secret item the goddess had passed on to him as he left the village, claiming this would be necessary if her device ever failed to get rid of the foul beasts.

Watching the rising forms of the Oni, Ren’s brow began to furrow as he noticed the fog’s effects beginning to show, their imposing forms beginning to warp and contort as the group seemed to be taken aback at the sight of the pink fog shrouding their cave, their previously towering height already diminished as the skinniest one of the group, more akin to an oversized goblin than an Oni rose to his feet, his craggy features beginning to shift as he rubbed at his aching body, stumbling slightly as if he was hungover.

“Wh-Whut the hell?! Ubo! The heck did you eat last night? Dis’ totally your doing!”

Hearing his name called, the fat Oni rolled over to face his companion, seemingly unaffected by the smell as his body kicked and throbbed with change, fat levels rapidly fading as he reached a slender arm around his belly, scratching at the smoothing skin with trimmed nails as he shot an annoyed glance at his friend, who was already looking unrecognizable from his previous self as he seemed to take on a feminine pose; hands on widened hips that jutted out to the side, seemingly unaware of how plump and curvy his formerly bony body had become as his ass blew up in size, perking up into the air as he leaned forward, ready for more insults before was silenced.

“Ahh get off my case dumbass! In case ya haven’t noticed, this isn’t ‘my doing’! It’s probably some human rat you snuck in!”

With the ongoing argument between the two, the others had already begun to stir from their slumber, muscular bodies already vastly diminished as their sickly pale blue hide began to fade, cleansed with a healthy pink sheen of soft sensitive skin that made them look more humanlike to Ren as he continued to watch from his hiding spot in amazement at the sight of the changing Oni, slowly losing more and more of their height and imposing features as fangs receded back into reformed jawlines, crimson orbs rounding out into various alluring shapes as their cracked lips puffed up into pouty cushions lined with rejuvenated flesh that even Ren could tell were extremely soft and supple to the touch.

With the change in appearance, their innards had also begun to undergo a similar process as organs shifted around to make space for new bone structures, their voices that had had been baritone roars seconds ago were starting to sound hoarse and cracked as the bulge in their slimming necklines began to vanish. A warm rosy blush on their faces as they all began to feel a slight throbbing sensation between their legs as their formerly impressive sausages began to shrink, pulled back up into their bodies by an invisible force as Jin and Ubo continued to argue, unaware of the changes as the other two level headed Oni sat up fully, watching with wide eyes at their changed brethren.

Another ripple across their faces, and the previously demonic faces of the Oni had been replaced with striking feminine features that now matched their new bodies as the four fully awakened Oni seemed to finally realize their changes slowly, with some success as the two bickering companions seemed to outright ignore their changes, speech patterns going from crude and gravelly to refined and haughty.

“Sneaking in a human? Me? Hah! And what if I did? Are you jealous?

“W-What? I meant for a snack! Not…whatever it is you’re suggesting!”

As their argument began to slow to a crawl, the now buxom Oni that was Jin fell to his knees on the cave floor midway through mouthing an insult as Ubo jerked back in surprise at the sight of his companion in distress, arms trembling as he seemed to gurgle and choke, unaware of the boiling sensation running through Jin’s body as he started the final stage of his metamorphosis, a new organ tingling with need within his aching belly as his knee gave out beneath him, flopping over onto his side with a earth shaking slam.

“H-Hey! Jin?! Are you…okay…ugh! My head…”

As Ubo clutched a slender hand to his head, Jin’s own hands were reaching down to his loincloth as he groped at the receding member between his thickened thighs, sharp nails grazing the sensitive nub right as it retreated into the new folds of the vagina that marked Jin’s transition to womanhood, wincing as her eager finger slammed itself into the dripping wet tunnel, letting out a drawn out moan as her eyes shot open in surprise, unable to stop herself as she lay twitching and spasming on the cave floor, the erect nipples beneath her clothes beginning to rise as flesh, fat and nerves bubbled up behind them.

Her formerly obese friend watched on in morbid curiosity, stunned at the sight of his friend growing an ample bosom as the excited cries of a woman in heat forces his gaze down to his own lower half, feeling giddy and turned on as he slumped onto his lean back with ease now that his rotund belly had been reduced to a flat valley of toned flesh, his own new set of budding breasts jiggling under the loose animal hide as his breathing quickened, soft moans escaping in higher pitched tones as he reached a trembling hand down into the slit that had manifested without his notice, the argument long forgotten and unable to believe for a moment that the cute womanly gasps escaping her lips were real as she covered a hand over her eyes in newfound embarrassment, feeling the lengthening locks of her hair tickle the back of her hands as her other hand busied itself between her legs, thrusting into her privates with gusto as she rubbed the sensitive nub of flesh tucked away above her sputtering folds that was once her former penis. She had no idea what these feelings running wild in her mind were, but she certainly knew that the needy entrance to her pulsing womb felt amazing to play with.

Ren stood still as he continued to watch, furiously blushing as he eyed the two new female Oni in the group succumb to their new bodies urges, his young mind telling him he was witnessing something indecent as he and the other two Oni barely clinging on to their own dwindling manhoods watched in stunned silence as their former companions fingered themselves furiously, crying out in voices that enraptured the hearts of men as their beautiful bodies began to change further; impressive breasts blooming forth from their already large bosoms as long silky locks of purple erupted form Jin’s scalp, red hair flowing down Ubo’s head in turn, their horns growing thinner and more refined, losing the dirty stains and battle scars as they healed.

Ubo in particular, took a liking to her new assets, raising a dripping wet hand from her groin as she stared at her tits with dazed eyes, a derpy expression on her face as she hefted a sizeable breast, feeling envy bubble up inside of her as she gazed back towards Jin, who sported much larger mammaries than she did. Not noticing the cute pout on her face, Ubo resumes her ministrations, giggling ditzily and ignoring her former leader as he struggled to resist the mental changes, looking over his own body as the last of his muscles were supplanted by soft valleys of tender flesh and fat.

“You two…you’ve gotta fight this! This…This ain’t you!”

Surprisingly, the last Oni standing had managed to hold off the pink fog’s grip on his mind as the third one succumbed to its overpowering mental effects, falling to a knee as he began to pant and moan under his breath, breasts beginning to emerge as his crew cut extended, framing the lovely face contorted in lust as her foxy eyes filled with need, toppling over onto her side to reveal the absence of the rod that had been dangling down between her still muscled thighs just seconds ago, the same wet gash taking its place as she struggled to crawl to her feet, her right hand seemingly having a mind of its own as it reached downward, delicate fingers pinching the aching clit beneath her loincloth as she screamed out in surprise, falling back down to the ground to begin her own exploring her own changed body as their leader turned around, furious round almonds locked on to Ren. Despite his now captivating appearance, the glare that twisted the lovely face looked like it could kill just by maintaining eye contact.

Sensing the feminizing Oni’s killing intent, Ren ducked back into the bushes in panic, rummaging through his pockets for that item the goddess had given him for protection as he heard the bellowing roars of a woman yelling out at him, equally as intimidating as the face that had voiced it despite the sisterly voice behind it, reminding Ren of the girl he had just started to get to know back at the village, almost able to see her replicating the angry voice calling for his death as the earth began to shake at the approach of the furious Oni, his transformation into a woman seemingly sped up by his enraged state as steam poured from his softening skin, budding breasts emerging from beneath his top as he gained a hypnotic sway to his step, childbearing hips bouncing from left to right as his member began to retreat back up into his softening groin much like his former brothers.

If it weren't for the breasts and womanly face, it would've been easy to mistake him for a shameless crossdresser.

“You little shitstick! I’ll get you for thi-? Jin?! What the hell are you doing?”

Stopping as he felt a pair of hands grab at his smooth calves, the shocked Oni leader turned to face his former companion, now gripping on to her legs with a dazed expression as she smiled up into his eyes.

“I…should be asking you that big sis…you know any human that makes it up here doesn’t just belong to any one of us right?”

“B-Big sis?! The hell are you talking about? Stop tha-Kyaahn!”

With another earth shaking thud and the loud panicked cry that sounded way off in comparison to the furious shouts from earlier, Ren peeked back up over his cover to find the massive Oni leader on his back, the former Jin now pinning him with her weight as she straddled him, the scene was incredibly arousing to say the least; through Ren’s eyes, it looked like two beautiful women were getting ready to do the deed as Jin’s cum soaked fingers playfully sidled up between her soon-to-be sister’s smooth legs, the struggling Oni fighting off the unfamiliar sensations of the female form as he, or rather she, struggled to kick Jin off of her, who was enjoying her sisters little act of resistance as her fingers grazed the soft lips beneath the cloth.

And just like that, the leader’s resistance was broken as threw her head back with a guttural moan, sending her flowing orange mane of hair flying as she struggled to maintain her identity, cracks forming over the mental image of her former awe inspiring form as she began to beg her comrade, no, her sister, to stop, licking playfully at the nape of her neck as she writhed uncontrollably beneath her dexterous touch; roaming her new sensitiv form yet never fully indulging in her lust as her other hand continued to flick away at the sputtering vagina, bringing her to the brink of climax as she begged for it to end.

“S-Stop-ahn! P-Please! I’m so-hmn!-sorry! Pwease staa-hhnng! Come! I wanna commeeee!

“Oh hoh? Begging now are we? You are just so adorable when you show your real face Shino~ Let your lil sis show you how much she's grown, so just sit back…and…come!”

An earth shattering scream escapes Shino’s lips as she releases an impressive spray of transparent fluids from between her legs, awing Ren as he watched the fountain sized jet of fluids splash down on the ground, soaking into the earth as a sweet aroma flowed around the area. Did female Oni smell this good? It was a far cry from the stench of decay that had permeated the den before these lovely women were molded into existence from its depraved inhabitants.

Ren suddenly feels a huge wave of air wash over him as leaves and branches poke at his clothes, a wave of rushing green and yellow flying by before he found himself crouching behind…nothing, looking up in surprise at the bush he was just hiding in as he squinted at the sight of it hovering over him, plucked clean out of the ground bys the female Oni he remembered as the obese one they had called Ubo, who stood nearby having snuck out of the cave at some point after cleaning herself off, clenching the massive bush in her hand as she gazed down at Ren with laidback eyes, her arching horn catching the rays of the morning sun as she blushed slightly at the scent of the young man wafting into her nostrils.

“Oii~ I found him guys!”

“Oh! Lemme see!”

Rising off of her sister who was beginning to recover from her mind blowing orgasm, Jin playfully skips toward the stunned human, each bounce shaking the earth as she eyed up the boy in front of her with eager eyes. A mischievous look crossing her face as she bent over to get a better look, Ren’s eyes laser focused on the gigantic tits pressing into the ground as her satisfied chuckle broke him out of his reverie, gazing into her brilliant gold pupils as she stared at him, bearing her now human-like teeth at him in a wide smile as her breathing quickened.

“I see why Shino-nee was so into you! I almost want you all for myself…say, follow me round back, kay? You’ll feel really go-”

“H-Hold it right there Jin! You know we can’t allow you to do that!”

“Shino’s right y’know~ Gotta play fair and all that.”

“Yeah yeah I know! Tradition and all that right?”

Having found her footing, the formerly aggressive leader of the Oni walked over to the gathering, Jin giving her some room as Ubo remained by the sidelines, fidgeting as her half opened eyes seemed to sparkle with hidden intent as she watched her elder sister approach Ren slowly with a soft look on her face, a far cry from the look of pure anger her old self bore as she walked circles around him, seemingly satisfied with her inspection as she stopped beside him, her heaving bosom blocking out the sun as she smiled down at him, feeling trapped in a circle of predators as he felt the three pairs of eyes burn into him like they were looking at a slab of meat.

He could’ve sworn he just saw Shino lick her lips for a moment there, Jin’s giggles seemingly confirming his suspicions as he stood still, unsure of what to do. But wait, three? Was the fourth Oni still furiously masturbating the cave? It couldn’t be, Ren couldn’t hear anymore moans emanating from the cave, a quick glance confirming it was empty, the pink fog having dissipated long ago as he began to sweat with worry, gripping the rod in his pocket, ready to use it.

“I’m so sorry for my sister's rough treatment, human, but we-Hina?! No stop!”

As Ren kept his attention focused on Shino who had screamed out in a look of horror, he could barely turn his head to see what she was screaming at before something hard had socked him over the head, sending him flying a few feet forward as his animal companions were sent yelling into the forest.

Through the spinning world around him, Ren could see the shocked faces of Jin and Ubo as they watched him fly through the air, seemingly defeated as he felt blood trickle down his head before he felt the soft warmth of something grabbing hold of him before he could hit the ground, his face pressed up into the warm chest of Shino as he looked up at her with hazy eyes, like a giant mother clutching her babe to her breast as she returned his stare with concerned eyes.

“Thank the heavens…Hina, could you please learn to control yourself before-”

Ren could barely hear the rest of her words as the pounding pain in his head began to overpower his thoughts, the earth trembling beneath him as he felt himself taken back towards the direction of the cave.

Ren’s vision struggled to regain clarity as he awoke in the warmth of a fire, feeling it’s embrace as he opened his groggy eyes, stirring on a bed of hay as he tried to sit up, only to feel the warmth of a huge mass over his waist as his vision traced the massive finger to the sleeping figure of Ubo, lying on the noticeably cleaner cave floor as if she’d fallen asleep while keeping watch over him. It hadn’t been a fire at all, it was her own breath that kept him warm through the cold of night as she slept.

Expecting to become a snack for the feminized Oni, Ren was surprised to even find himself alive as he fumbled with the bandages over his head, the pain he remembered from being struck by whatever had hit him no longer there as the reek of medical powder came wafting in from the unbound bandages.

And they had nursed him back to health in addition to cleaning up their rancid pigsty of a home all of a sudden? What the hell was happening?

“Finally awake?”

Spinning around to the other side, Ren comes face to face with Shino, the giant woman in the nude as she lay on her side, her breasts slumped to the ground and her face red as sweat beaded her lovely skin. Returning his shocked look with a warm smile as the blue glow of the moonlight shone against her twin horns.

And judging by her labored breathing and soaking wet fingers, it didn’t take an expert to guess what she had been up to while he was asleep. Whispering in a hushed voice, Shino sidled up next to Ren as he felt the intense warmth radiating from her body.

“I am terribly sorry about earlier…Hina can be a bit of a hothead when it comes to young humans, but she’ll bounce back soon enough!”

She shook her head towards the opposite end of the cave, where just beyond Ubo’s lean shoulders sat a brown haired Oni, shoulders slumped in sadness as she kept a fire going, her head drooped and seemingly unaware of Ren’s gaze on her. Unlike her sisters however, her horns hadn’t yet gained their toughened shell, instead remaining as two knobbly pink protrusions atop her head, signifying a fledgling Oni that had yet to grow over a hundred years old despite her rather attractive figure.

“I suppose you’re already familiar with Jin and Ubo here? We never properly introduced ourselves but I am Shino, the eldest in our little family…I must say though…you have some very peculiar belongings on your person…”

As Shino’s voice trailed off into silence, Ren realized that he had been stripped naked, his clothes and belongings nowhere in sight as he remembered the item the goddess had given him as a backup weapon in case the device had failed…but after watching it turn the brutish Oni into lustful females, he wasn’t sure if it even was a success. Wasn’t it supposed to get rid of them?

Which brought the matter of the item into mind. If these Oni had been rendered peaceful by the magical pink fog, then what would they think if they found a strange human nearby holding an item that was meant to bring them harm?

Feeling Shino’s eyes bore into him from behind. Ren slowly turned around as he broke the silence, trying his best to hold a conversation with the Oni woman.

“O-Oh! That? I-It’s just a…trinket! A family heirloom! That’s all!”

Instead of the rebuttal he had expected at trying to cover up the weapon, Shino giggled as her hands roamed down between her legs, pulling out the same rod from between her thighs that had been in his possession, only now several times larger and slick with the same sweet smelling ejaculate Shino had shot across the floor hours ago.

“Really? A pleasure stick so perfectly modelled for us Oni? A family heirloom? You humans really do have weird lives…”

‘Pleasure stick’? ‘Modelled for us’? Ren groaned as smacked his hand against his head, all the pieces making sense from the unusual explosive device that had transformed the rowdy Oni into women that had completely forgotten their old selves to the weird stick the goddess had given him as he wondered how the phallic wooden rod could fend off four enraged Oni.

“Oh dear, was the medication not enough?”

“I-It’s nothing..just remembered something about a cheeky goddess is all…ah, my name’s Ren…thanks for saving me back there…it was you wasn’t it?”

“Indeed it was! Ren…R~e~n…a nice name…”

Nodding with a cheerful grin, Shino’s eyes narrowed into foxy slits as she let the boy’s name roll of her tongue in airy whisps that had him at attention as she playfully leaned in close, placing the Oni sized dildo on the floor as she looked over his shoulder, eyeing the erect member tenting the fundoshi as she licked her lips, indigo eyes dulling with lust as her breathing became heavy and ragged, like an animal.

Before he could back off, Ren yelped as he felt himself lifted off his feet, dangling in the air before landing in a soft cushion as Shino brought him close to her mammaries, forcing his face up against an aching nipple as she cradled the young man like a newborn. Despite Ren being a teen just a year away from being qualified as an adult, the sheer size difference between the Oni and the human made that point mute.

Shino couldn’t help but moan as she felt the young man toss and turn in her grip, stimulating her sensitive breasts as his quick breathing and touchy hands poked at her nipples, covering Ren with a spray of sweet tasting milk as he finally gets himself free, pushing away from the jiggling walls around as he drew in fresh air from the literal suffocating experience leaving him breathless.

“For a young man, you sure do play rough~ Come, let mama hug you~”

Backing away, Ren brushes up against something hard as a warm breath cascades down on him from above, looking up into the deep blue eyes of Ubo who had awoken at some point as she glomped him beneath her breasts, pinning him as she rebuked her older sister.

“Wow…pretty rough with the human now aren’t you Shino?”

“Hey! No fair Ubo! I won the ritual fair and square! Ren is, by default, mine to wed!”

“WOAH! Wait wait wait! Wed?! And what ritual even is this?”


At the mention of the ‘ritual’, both girls fall silent as Ren pushes free of Ubo’s pillowy prison, glancing back and forth between the Shino’s shy gaze and Ubo’s nonchalant stare as she wistfully whispers under her breath.

“Didn’t even think to tell him eh, Shino?”

“S-shut up! You were so eager to have him all snuggled up and looking cute back there so don’t act all professional with me!”

“Ehhh~ Whatever do you mean? I mean…Ren is cute and all…who wouldn’t want to just snuggle up with this adorable little-hmph!

Clapping a hand over her mouth as she realized she’d spoken too much, Ubo withdraws from the conversation as Shino resumes her focus on Ren with a triumphant smile.

“As I was saying…it’s a competition of sorts…to see which woman in the tribe or family gets to marry a chosen mate. It’s been passed down since the first tribe of Oni settled the land y’know!”

As Shino droned on about the extensive ways the female Oni would ‘compete’ amongst each other, Ren’s mind raced with panic as he quietly began to back away. With Shino distracted and Ubo busy looking the other way, Ren slowly crawled towards his clothes lying in a heap a few meters away before a loud jingle resounded from above, looking up into the lustful eyes of Hina, who had snapped out of her depressive mood at some point, holding what looked to be the Oni equivalent of a baby rattler in her hands as she stared the would be escapee down, her heaving bosom almost rivalling that of Jin’s as she shook with excitement.

Shino wasn’t kidding when she said she would ‘bounce back’ quickly.

“Where do you think you’re going, cutie pie? Hee hee! Big sister! Can I have some time with him?”

With his hope for escape extinguished, Ren looks back toward Shino and Ubo, both of the women looking displeased at his escape attempt as the eldest sister simply sighs despondently, shrugging her shoulders as she folds her arms over her bosom, playing the role of a disappointed wife as she gives her approval.

“Very well…if Ren finds me undesirable…*sob*then go ahead Hina! Show him the superiority of the Oni!”

“Yay! Thanks sis!”

“W-wait! Shino? C-Could i join in too? I think I'm more than qualified!”

“Hah?! I leave for a few hours and you guys think you can just sleep around with the human?! Forget dinner!”

“G-girls! I was only joking! Ren is my lawfully wedded…Ren?”

“W-We could maybe just share him? The more the merrier right?”

As Jin joined in for the fight over who got to sleep with Ren, the sneaky human had made it to the mouth of the cave with his belongings in hand before he spied the familiar faces of the animal entourage that had been with him earlier, watching from the darkened forest edge.

The goddesses familiars! So she was still watching out for him after all!

But before he could go any further, Ren was pulled back into the mouth of the cave while the three animals simply watched as he rolled onto his back, spying Shino’s slender fingers wrapped delicately around his ankle as she dropped him in the midst of the family gathering that had formed in the middle of the cave as Ren found himself surrounded, the four lusty women eyeing him intensely; Ubo trying to hide her lust with her signature nonchalant face, Jin’s eyes burning with anticipation, Hina shaking her rattlers with a goofy grin on her chubby face and Shino, her foxy eyes narrowed with a look that made Ren’s nethers jolt upright as she licked her lips, coating it with a liberal amount of saliva as the girls mood seemed to change entirely, the air in the cave going from lighthearted to ominous as they closed in on the naked human in their midst…ready to have their fill.

Down in the village, people were up in arms as a splinter group confident of another attack by the Oni had banded together to defend themselves, patrolling the outskirts with spears and pitchforks as the village elder sat with the goddess in the town hall.

“And you’re sure my grandson has what it takes to get rid of those accursed beasts?”

“I keep telling you! Everything will be fine! The last time i checked, things were just about ready to-”

Before the fox spirit could finish speaking, a loud groan echoed down the mountainside, followed by a cacophony of giggles that sounded like the devil's laughter as the villagers felt a tingle run down their spine. Preparing for an attack as they rushed to and fro.

“And you were saying? That sounded like trouble if I ever heard it!”

Giggling, the fox spirit checks on something with her hidden eyes camped right outside the cave, the live feed of Ren currently being held by the redheaded beauty that had once been Ubo the Glutton as she seemed to take joy in coddling the human to her lactating breast as her little sister Jin, the former goblin-esque Oni that even the rest of his kind detested, chided her for hogging all the fun, poking a curious finger over Ren’s erect member with wide eyes. For all the eagerness she boasted about taking a human to bed, she was surprisingly demure when it came time to do the deed, seemingly delaying the inevitable as she gave Ren up to Ubo.

And true to her old self, Hina, the gang’s former brute with no brains, stood by the side, producing a lovely melody from the spiked rattlers she held in both hands as she sang an old Oni folk song meant to put their young to sleep.

At the back however, the fox spirit zoomed in to see the elder sister Shino, the gang’s former leader, laid up against the bed, her lower half twitching as she nestled her back to the wall, smiling at the sight of her little family welcoming their newest member into the fold. For all the boisterous talk of claiming Ren as her husband, she was fine with the idea of sharing him amongst her sisters. Secretly enjoying these moments in her family where every member could be a part of it.

Not like she would know of anything being off with how potent the mischievous fox spirit had made her curse to be, thoroughly wiping any trace of the former lives of the would-be thugs and in a way, paying back for the lives lost during their wreckless raid on the human village as she instilled within them all the greatest of urges to mate with and pamper the first human male in sight as if he were a newborn. She smiled as she could already see the image in her head; the four women working household chores around their homely cave as a grown up Ren played with their half-breed offspring in the forests, hands clutched to their already pregnant bellies so soon after giving birth once before the scene shifted to night time, with their children tucked away in their beds, the parents having some personal time together with Ren eagerly suckling on his wives teats as they wrapped him lovingly in their arms, the size difference between Oni and Human making it a simple feat for the giantesses.

A joyous occasion indeed, and as she watched Ren pin the larger body of Ubo to the floor as the surprised woman’s stern voice gave way to happy moans, she knew she wasn’t mistaken when she had chosen him for the job. His excellent virility and stamina levels ensuring each Oni woman would be thoroughly filled with his seed by the time the morning sun crested the horizon.

Turning her mystical eyes off, the goddess simply smiled warmly at the disturbed elder as she looked off in the direction of the cave in the mountains.

“Things are going according to plan~ If we’re lucky, you’ll get to see your great grandkids soon!”


Story by Yaker