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Jimi unlocked her computer and opened a file folder labeled ‘GrnLntrn’. On the screen were about two dozen photos of the familiar image of Hal Jordan in his Green Lantern costume, skin tight green and black body suit with white elbow length gloves and of course the green lanterns ring. Jimi clicked one and opened it in a display window.   “You want to flip through these for a moment? I’m going to go get some water. Do you want any?”

Clark leaned over the desk to get a better look at Jimi’s pictures. “I’m fine Jimi, thanks though.” Clark began to cycle through the pictures as Jimi walked off. Clark clicked through the pictures absentmindedly, he was as familiar with Hal as he was with these kinds of heroic photoshoots. They usually took a couple dozen photos of whoever, as they made various heroic poses. One was pretty much the same as any other. He had been through the process himself at least a dozen times. Clark clicked to the next photo and paused.

It looked much the same as the last photo but something was off. There was Hal striking a slightly different heroic pose than in the previous shot, but was still in the same costume, green and black body suit, white lace elbow length gloves, and the green ring the same as ever. Clark clicked to the next photo Hal posed coquettishly with a white lace gloved finger at his lips, his face nicely framed by his straight shoulder length hair, hips cocked to the side. His costume was still the same as it ever was a low cut black sports bra displaying his modest breasts, bare midriff showing off his toned tummy, french cut green lycra panties, white lace gloves, and green ring. An extreme sense of unease settled on Clark as he looked at the photos, something was wrong here. It was like it was at the tip of his tongue, but everytime he made a concerted effort to focus on naming it, it slipped just beyond his reach.

This was just your standard superhero glamor shoot, why was he feeling like the world was shifting under his feet? It was completely normal. You just dressed up in skimpy clothes, usually just your costume, and struck some alluring poses, pretty mundane stuff all things considered. He had done the exact same thing dozens of times before too, hadn’t he? Clark shook his head, something was still off.

Distracted trying to figure out what exactly was wrong with the photos he was looking at, Clark didn’t notice his heels beginning to slowly lift off the ground as his footwear began to change. Centimeter by centimeter a slim spike began to push out of the heels of his shoes. The rest of the shoes seemed to ripple as they grew slimmer and smaller along with his feet, the leather moving as it left the tops of his newly dainty feet open to the air. As the heels grew Clark’s butt was lifted up higher and higher, giving it a more round and full appearance.

A pair of fingers pressed their way into the target Clark’s perky posterior presented. “Eep!” Clark let out a startled high pitch squeak. He spun around to find out who had goosed him. Tottering about on his new heels he nearly toppled over, catching himself on Jimi’s desk at the last moment. He looked down at his feet in shock, wondering what had happened to his...

“And they call me klutzy.” Lois Lane stood coolly in front of him, examining her nails with a playful smirk on her face. “Nice heels Clark, they make your ass look fantastic.”

“Oh Hi Lois!” Jimi giggled, having returned with a cup of water. “Do you want me to give you and Clark some ‘personal time’?”

Clark shot Jimi an evil look, but Lois cut in before he could respond. “Oh that won’t be necessary, despite the coy demeanor Smallville here likes an audience, don’t you Clark?” She raised an eyebrow suggestively at Clark, who blushed in response.

“I… uh, I don’t exactly… I mean I definitely don’t.” Clark managed to stammer out under Lois’ piercing gaze. While the ambient noise of the bustle of the office continued, Lois’ silence was deafening as she continued to hold Clark in her gaze. The seconds seemed to drag on for minutes as Clark was tormented by her small knowing smile. His face grew hot and to his surprise he began to feel his cock twitch in his pants. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Clark blurted out, attempting to halt the force feedback loop of his arousal and embarrassment.

“You’re the only one talking Clark, neither of us said a thing.”  Lois looked over at Jimi. “Me thinks, the lady doth protest too much, don’t you Jimi?”

“Most definitely. Come on Clark, it’s just us girls here, you can confide in us.” Jimi giggled. “There’s nothing wrong with a bit of exhabitionism, it's actually pretty hot.”

“I’m not an exhibitionist and I’m not a girl!” Clark pouted.

“Forgive us, sometimes it’s easy to forget.” Lois laughed. “So what brings you out of your office Clark? I thought you had a big piece to finish today.”

“Oh I just asked him to take a look at some potential centerfold shots I took of Haley Jordan.” Jimi answered. “Did you see any you liked?”


Mxy was beside himself with laughter. Quite literally, as he had momentarily conjured up a doppelganger to help him laugh at the Man of Steel twice as hard as he had been able to do before. “You should have him get down on his hands and knees and start giving out free blow jobs to the entire office!” the doppelganger managed to say through his laughter.

Mxy’s laughter came to an abrupt halt and he fixed his doppelganger with a withering glare. With a thought the doppelganger vanished. “Some people just don’t appreciate anticipation.” Mxy sighed.

Once again Mr. Mxy’s attention was focused on the television. “That big blue boob doesn’t suspect a thing! He was completely right, everytime I came after him with some outlandish scheme like animating the Thinker or turning myself into a Kryptonite smart bomb and chasing him around he beat me handily. But a subtle touch for me and a more feminine touch for him and he’s folding like a house of cards. I can’t believe I didn’t try this ages ago.” Mxy’s laughter paused as an idea struck him, his grin returning as large as ever. “Speaking of big boobs!” Mr. Mxy pressed the button on his remote to increase the volume.


An unfamiliar pleasure tingled through Clark’s body. It radiated out from his chest. He looked down to see that both his nipples were protruding through white button up shirt. They looked odd, out of place on his body. They were about the size of his thumb up from the joint. Something was very wrong. He blushed as he tried to pull his suit jacket closed before Lois saw and began teasing him mercilessly about them. He nearly gasped out loud as the shifting of the fabric of his shirt over his sensitive engorged nipples overwhelmed him with pleasure.

The additional pleasure and embarrassment of his newly enlarged nipples sank any attempts he was going to make to stifle his growing erection. He felt his cock straining to get free of his briefs. Unable to take his hands away from his jacket lest he reveal his puffy nipples, Clark silently hoped that the erection would just be taken for an unfortunately placed fold in his pants.


Mr. Mxy nearly fell out of his chair laughing “Oh no you don’t. If they’re standing at attention they deserve some attention!” He pressed another button on his remote.


The suit jacket began to shrink as Clark tried to pull it closed over his excited nipples. His broad frame pulled the lapels of the jacket apart as it shrunk, displaying more and more of his chest. Any hope to secure the jacket in place without his hands disappeared with its buttons. The hem of the jacket pulled up until it ended at his waist. As the material changed the jacket pulled in tight against his body, the feeling of rough cotton replaced with luxurious silk.

The suit jacket wasn’t the only part of Clark’s attire that was changing, his pant legs began to pull up from his ankles, revealing the smooth soft skin of his legs as they did. As the pants pulled up the legs fused together and the material changed to match the smooth silk of his new jacket. forming a tube skirt around Clarks legs. As the skirt finished pulling up around mid thigh, it pulled in tight against curves that were not yet there. Underneath the skirt Clark’s briefs unceremoniously vanished. With his underpants no longer restraining it, Clark’s erection popped forward, tenting out his new tight skirt.

Immediately noticing Clark’s now obvious arousal, Lois purred. “And I think we have our answer Jimi. No need to be such a tease Clark, if you’re enjoying Jimi’s photos of Haley Jordan all you have to do is say so. You’ll get no judgement from us.” Lois quickly closed the distance between her and Clark, towering over him. She lightly placed the tip of one of her fingers against the tip of Clark’s cock as it tried to break free from his skirt, teasing him by pushing lightly on it. ”I’m sure everyone appreciates the show Smallville, you didn’t have to go without support though.” She leaned down bringing her mouth right to his ear. “But I’m glad you did babe.” Her voice was half way between a husky whisper and a low aroused growl. Clark bit his lower lip as Lois kissed his neck and began to massage his chest, at first using her fingers to make small concentric circles concentrating around his puffy nipples, before expanding to the full use of both of her hands for the rest of his chest. Clark let out a soft low moan as Lois’ ministrations got more and more intense.

Closing his eyes, Clark lost himself in the pleasure of Lois’ massage. As she worked her hands around his pecs again and again he felt the tension go out of his body as he relaxed and let Lois really work into the flesh of his chest. It felt like with each new press of her hands Lois was able to work further into his muscles, cupping and pulling at his body, whereas at the start they had been rubbing flat against him. Her fingers pressed into yielding flesh instead of the bullet proof rock hard muscle that they normally were.

A low pleased sound started emanating from behind Clark and he opened his eyes. Looking over his shoulder he saw Jimi, water in one hand, the other pressed firmly against the crotch of her pants rubbing slowly. That was odd, Jimi wasn’t usually one to masturbate at work, no matter how steamy things got. Clark turned back to Lois to suggest that even if he was going to admit to liking an audience, given they were both on the clock they should take this somewhere private. The words never reached his lips however as he was stopped short by the sight of a pair of breasts.

His breasts to be specific. He couldn’t quite believe his eyes as he watched Lois kneed two very large breasts that were seemingly attached to his chest. Luckily he didn’t have to believe his eyes however as he could feel the exquisite pleasure of Lois’s hands pressing against his huge tits. Regardless of the pleasure, the sight of a set of massive mammaries was enough to shock Clark out of the reverie he had been experiencing. He quickly backed away from Lois, whose beatific smile was quickly replaced with a mock pout as Clark’s new assets were moved out of her grasp. This was definitely wrong, he was the man of steel, the man of steel, he didn’t have…

Not looking where he was going and still unused to his newly high heels, Clark click clacked backwards momentarily before stumbling. He attempted to turn and catch himself on Jimi’s desk like he had before. Instead of a sturdy desk to catch him this time there was a furiously masturbating woman. Clark crashed breasts first into a distracted Jimi Olsen, who promptly spilled her water down the front of his white shirt, causing Clark to gasp at the shock of the cold water meeting his sensitive nipples.

The thin soaked cotton revealed Clark’s new assets in all their glory. Thick nipples protruded from puffy dark areolas the size of half dollars. Clark panicked, wracked with indecision over whether to cover his now see-through shirt or erection tented skirt, and ended up covering neither. “I’m so, so sorry Clark.” Jimi said.

“Ditzy Double D Reporter Takes Klutzy, Clumsy Spill, Starting Impromptu Wet T-shirt Contest.” Lois declared as if she was reading it out of the air. “How’s that for a head line? Not front page material, but we could definitely fit it in with the special interests section, especially with those beach balls Clark.”

“Stop teasing me! This isn’t funny!” Clark stomped his dainty foot down to minimal effect, beyond causing his large boobs to jiggle in their thin wet confinement. “Something is horribly off, don’t you see it?”

“Ummm… No?” Jimi offered, perplexed.

“Alright princess, I wouldn’t call having a wet shirt horribly off. It’s a mild inconvenience at best. Just go to the bathroom and dry off you drama queen.” Lois said, an amused expression on her face.

“I’m not your princess and you’re not my boss.” Clark petulantly shot back.

“So what’s your plan then? Stand there with a soaking wet see through shirt while you wait for it to dry off? Not what I would choose personally, but you won’t get any complaints from me.” Lois grinned at clark.

“No… no, I’m…” Clark’s face sank, unable to look Lois in the eye “Going to go to the bathroom to dry off.”

“That’s what I thought, princess.”


“This is better than pay-per-view!” Mxy cheered. “Actually that’s not a half bad idea. I could make a mint charging people to watch this. I’ll just tuck that idea away for later then.” Mxy pressed the options button on the remote and reviewed what he could change. After scrolling for a moment his gaze settled on a field labeled RAT which was currently set to ‘TV-14’ a grin split his face “Now this is what I’ve been looking for!” Mxy adjusted the field so that it was set to ‘TV-MA’. ”Let’s see if this will help the big blue girl scout enjoy the experience a bit more.”

On screen Clark turned away from Lois and Jimi to walk towards the bathroom and Mxy noticed something he had neglected to do up until this point. He theatrically smacked his own forehead. “How could I have forgotten? I must have got so caught up in the heavy petting that it slipped my mind, no matter. I’ll fix this right now” Mxy raised the remote to the television and pressed the button to increase the volume again. “Clark honey, I’ve made sure everyone is going to like to watch you come, but now I’m going to make it so they always love to watch you leave.”


Mincing away from Lois and Jimi, Clark could almost feel their eyes drilling into his backside. With each step he took his butt ballooned, jiggling out with his thighs and hips. It almost seemed as if mass from his waist was shifting to a new home on his lower body. As the bouncy transformation continued the way Clark moved shifted. Whereas before he had taken small nervous steps, afraid to put a foot wrong and roll his ankle in the unfamiliar heels, his new curves lended themselves much better to the heels. His hips swung from side to side as his timid mincing turned into an elegant sashay.

Part of his new gait was certainly his reconfigured anatomy, not that he recognized that. Part of it was him exaggerating the swing of his hips for Lois’ benefit, as well as anyone who happened to be looking. An attempt to distract from the embarrassing spectacle that was his erection tenting out his tight skirt by drawing attention to his wide rear. All of this only served to compounded his arousal and embarrassment. If he had to deal with anymore sexual frustration  he wasn’t sure if he would make it to the bathroom before having to handle his erection, both literally and figuratively.

As he wiggled and jiggled his way towards the bathroom Clark’s sexual arousal and embarrassment had him on the verge of tears. It was a strange feeling to have to have the two seemingly intertwined, at the same time it almost felt completely natural. He thought back to interacting with Mxy earlier in the day, was this how he had felt? He had been completely open and honest with Clark, even if he did step over a boundary bringing up Kara. Mxy had shown him vulnerability and he had reacted with a cold indifference unbecoming of a Superhero, even if he had felt uncomfortable. Clark made a mental note to apologize to the little man the next time he saw him. In the meantime he had to deal with his own overwhelming need to get off.

Strutting through the hallway full of the Daily Planet's Pulitzers and various other prizes for reporting, Clark passed the awards and headlines that spelled out both the storied history of both the Newspaper and Metropolis. Had he been able to focus he might have wondered why all of these were no longer at eye level for him. As it was he was so distracted by everything that had happened he didn’t even notice he pushed open the door to the women’s bathroom.

After checking each one of the stalls in the bathroom to make sure there were no witnesses, Clark paused in front of the mirror. His reflection confused him more than anything else he had seen that day. On the one hand it was his reflection, as familiar to him as anything else in his life, he saw it multiple times a day almost every day. Same broad shoulders, same short stature, same small cock, same large soft breast, same waspish waist, wide child bearing hips, and big bouncy booty. He was comfortable with it, he even liked it on the days he wasn’t feeling too self conscious. It was his body and he wouldn’t change it for the world.

On the other hand there was something terribly alien about it, a terrible dysphoria he couldn’t exactly put a name to. He had never felt anything quite like it before. The feeling of being in exactly the right place while being completely out of place. It felt like he was split between two people, both of whom were equally him, and both of whom were diametrically opposed.

The feeling was strongest when he looked at his face. It was definitely his face he would have recognized it anywhere, but it seemed just as caught between two people as he was feeling. His face was lightly accented with makeup, a little lipstick and eyeliner, he remembered putting it on this morning just before he went to work. At the same time he would have sworn he had never applied makeup before in his life. He felt like his plump lips and angular jawline belonged to two different people, but there was no denying they were both his or that he felt equal amounts of comfortable and uncomfortable with both.

The hair on his head was giving him mixed feelings as well. It was a smart idea to keep it short. Heroes were in situations every day where long hair would be a distraction and a liability, and if he was sure of nothing else, he was sure he was a hero. Smart idea or not, he did feel a yearning to have longer hair. To luxuriate in the feeling of silky smooth hair brushing up against his face and down the back of his neck. The idea of someone playing with his hair while they were in bed also gave him butterflies in his stomach. Maybe he could experiment with finding a happy medium, long enough for him to enjoy while short enough to be practical in his line of work.

Whatever misgivings and unease he had felt today however, his current arousal overpowered all of his. His cock was still tenting out his skirt and as he observed his feminine curves in the mirror he had begun to rub it through the silk fabric. He watched the person in the mirror do the same, it was almost like watching someone else while he controlled their movements. Clark paused for a moment, hand still on his erection while he thought.

The person in the mirror began unbuttoning their wet shirt as Clark did. They jiggled their large breasts free from their damp confinement and so did Clark. Clark pinched one of his fat sensitive nipples and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. The person in the mirror moaned. Or Clark did. They were at once one and the same and completely different.  Clark watched the person in the mirror pleasure themselves and he did the same returning a show for a show. He unzipped his skirt and pulled it down over his bubble butt, the person in the mirror’s cock sprang forth, turgid, hot, and ready.

Using one hand, they lifted their aching needy breast up to their mouth. They popped their swollen nipple into their mouth and began to lightly tease at it, swapping between applying suction and light teething in equal measure. The other hand furiously pumped at their cock giving it the attention it had been demanding for what felt like an eternity.

They brought themselves to the edge so many times only to pause and let the building climax subside just to enjoy the pleasure of working to a climax once more. They lost track of time. All there was was them and the person in the mirror, lost in sexual ecstasy, pleasuring themselves for the others benefit. Finally they came to the edge of climax and tumbled over it in a fit of passion.

They screamed out their sexual release, a reaction to a pleasure they could not remember ever feeling. Their head snapped back, eyes shut to shut out any sensory input than what they were feeling in this moment. They continued grunting and groaning as they came, load after load. Their cock slipped out of their fingers as it softened, or did it shrink? It was of no concern to them, they continued to rub at their crotch eager for the feeling to never end.

After what felt equally like an eternity and an instant, Clair Kent opened her eyes. Her silky shoulder length hair was disheveled, she was covered in sweat. She raised a hand to brush the hair out of her eyes but stopped as she noticed it was covered in ejaculate. She shook her hair out of her face and absentmindedly began to lick her hand clean, enjoying the musky flavor, as she started the faucet with her other hand and applied soap. She washed her hands and took in her reflection.

The woman in the mirror looked like she had just had the best orgasm of her life, which was appropriate because she had. Her breasts were out of her shirt, her hair was all over the place and she was still panting. She smiled, she looked content and that was good enough for her. She did wonder who she had just had sex with, although she didn’t dwell on it long, she had been having an extremely odd and trying day and it was hardly abnormal to grab a coworker for a quickie when you felt the need to blow off steam. She just wished she could remember who it had been so she could do it with them again. It had been mind blowing. Clair paused, wait she had come in here for something specific hadn’t she? Then she remembered, she had come in to dry off. Clair spun, spinning faster and faster until she was a blur, the sweat and water evaporated off of her. She sometimes thought she’d forget her own head if it wasn’t attached to her shoulders.

Clair emerged from the bathroom, patting her hair dry and feeling for all the world like a brand new woman. As she walked down the hallway she looked up with pride at all of the awards and photos that spelled out the history of Sex Planet, the foremost Metropolis explicit, sex positive media company. Awards for best amatuer talent, best gang bang and best cum shot lined the walls. Clair licked her lips at the thought of the last one, that had been a fun day doing field work.

As she walked across the floor of the Sex Planet offices various employees were either engaged in work or pleasure. At Sex Planet it was sometimes hard to tell the difference. She approached the desk of her friend. She smiled at the red haired hunk in the seat and gave him an excited little wave. “Hey Jimmy! Like, how’s it going?”

The man appeared distracted, although he returned Clair’s greeting “Oh you know just enjoying my lunch brea… Oh God!” The man grasped his desk and bucked in his chair as he gasped with pleasure.

A busty woman with an ass length fiery red ponytail got out from underneath the desk and stood up, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. Her face was decorated with a smattering of freckles and some bright pink lipstick. She was dressed in a tight micro skirt and a skimpy halter top that showed off a valley of cleavage and her flawless alabaster skin. Jayne Olsen laughed, a breathy soprano that had a lilting musicality to it, Clair loved to listen to it. “Lunch break? That was barely even a snack. Come on Mr. Smith I need my desk back, some of us have actual work to do today.” She shooed the man out of her chair and took her seat. “Clair Kent! To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I just remembered Jayne, I never gave you my opinion about the Haley Jordan centerfold. I didn’t want to leave you hanging.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s actually not a problem anymore. She actually sent in her own shot and management says we're going with it.”

“I’m so sorry Jayne. You put in all that work and they’re just going to throw it out?”

“Don’t be, they’ll use some of the photos for the rest of the piece, they’re just using her own shot as the centerfold.” Jayne said with a dismissive wave of the hand “Either way less editing work for me and a free expenses paid trip to Coast City are a win in my book. You want to see the shot she sent in?” Clair nodded.

Jayne held up a spread of a mostly nude Haley Jordan, in the throes of sexual ecstasy,  on her hands and knees taking it doggy style from a disembodied cock seemingly made of green light. A conspicuous green glow seemed to be coming from her stomach, where a green ring was pierced through her belly button. “I have to admit it's pretty hot. She said it was for our sexy superhero theme this month, definitely too hot not to go with, right?”

That bimbo Haley was going to blow her secret identity one of these days modeling and camming using her ring. Unlike Clair she didn’t have an impenetrable disguise, like a pair of cute glasses. Clair giggled. “That’s too perfect, definitely the centerfold!”

“So you want to step out and get some lunch?” Jayne asked. “Speaking of sexy superhero themes, I know of a new place downtown with the hunkiest waiters! They all dress in skimpy versions of superhero costumes! I think you’ll love it.”

“Sorry Jayne, I have a lunch meeting with Louis today.”

“Sausage for lunch? Clair I thought you were going vegetarian.” Jayne smirked.

“You bitch.” Clair laughed. “Take a rain check on the superhero restaurant though? It sounds delicious and you haven’t even described the food yet.”

“Of course girlfriend. Don’t let me keep you now. I'm sure your boss is waiting for his lunch special.”


Kristian dean kepley

Not to sound rude or ungrateful, but when will the next piece be out? I’m liking this so far

Mr. O

Not only is the art work A+, but I'm on edge waiting for the next entry. Myx is one of my favorite villains and he can be used for oh so much fun.