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Thanks Imortal for both inspiration and dialogue.

I'm thinking in it being the work of a vilain able to transform people - with the limitation that it must revolve around some item that his victim is holding. What would be a good name for him?




Call him "Fetish". Yes, it sounds lewd at first (which should be not much of a problem since he turned Izuku into a MILF wife), but the word "fetish" refers to an object that is believed to have supernatural powers, such as a lucky charm. If that doesn't feel too "clean", go with the more archaic version, "Fetich".


I feel like that would fit the name of the quirk better. But that was a damn good suggestion.


How about "Roleplay" then? After all, if someone changes based on something they're holding, it's almost like they're playing out a role based around that item.

The Mason

Villain named rewrite


I like the 'Fetich' but I agree, definitely more of a quirk name. I'd play with the word Artificer. Artifiction, Artifracture, ect.