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"Ranma you idiot! Pervert!"

"I haven't even DONE anything yet with it you violent Tomboy! I was going to give this back to your father after it got taken from a rival school's storehouse!"

"As if I'd believe that liar! I bet you want to use it to have perverted fantasies about me, well I won't let you!"

As usual, Ranma and Akane were in the midst of an argument, neither side willing to back down as they tugged at a length of ribbon, its existence the cause of their arguing. It was a bit vague on the effects, but the Musei Ribbon was rumored to be able to bring all fantasies to life in the mind of the dreamer, even able to invade other's dreams  to influence them. That's how he heard it from the guy he beat up, one of the many rivals who were trying to get his girl form to marry them. Of course the second Akane saw him walking purposefully towards her dojo right as she was going to take a nap... Well it didn't take much to set her off anyways.

"Hah! Maybe I can tell my father you meant to be lewd and peek into my maiden's heart like a common pervert! Then he'll end our stupid engagement!"

"I might just let you do that if I didn't know you'd give everyone the wrong impression Alley Cat!"

He had already heard about it from her dad after a few days of embarrassing dreams that he'd never tell anyone about. Ever. He personally wanted to burn it, but he was scared at what effects that might have. There had been far too many accidents with artifacts in the past and at this point whenever he found himself with some weird mystic thing, Ranma just wanted to get it as far away from himself as possible. The two bickered back and forth, not noticing in their tugging their grips sliding to the ends, the ribbon straining as they pulled at it for dominance. Both noticed though when their pinkies slid off, the two pulling hard as they rammed into each other, the ribbon creasing between their foreheads as the mutual headbutt sent them both off to the land of dreams…

A bell rang Ranma awake, or at least he thought he was awake. This was strange. He swore he had been on the grounds of the Dojo, yet it almost felt like he was at their schoo-

"Ah I see you've finally decided to join us Mr. Saotome. You must know everything if you had the leisure to nap like that."

There was very little Ranma hated more than being looked down upon as he went to angrily bark back even if she was right on the money, though his anger died to an embarrassed squeak as he saw the kind of teacher he was dealing with.

Were teachers allowed to dress like this? He could hardly control his eyes from the great mounds that were her breasts, the teacher's tight dress shirt half unbuttoned to give ample room for her cleavage to show, her bra seemingly half transparent as it felt like it was showing everything to the suddenly nervous student. Oddly if he tried to focus on a spot in particular, the mesh would clump together, covering wherever his eyes glanced as he tried to stop looking, yet every part of her seemed to entice from the miniskirt to her sheer pantyhose, her heels clacking as she glared daggers at him. No this couldn't be real, he had just been with Akane hadn't he?

There was an annoyed tssk sound as he turned, seeing Akane blushing with her eyes glancing down, darting between him, the teacher and something below as she looked furious. Something seemed off about her, or maybe it was the clothes she was wearing, an annoyance tickling the back of his mind that was interrupted by the teacher.

"Well if you know so much, why don't you go and teach the class all you know? Come up here and show us."

Damn it, he must have been napping then, the previous blurry thoughts a dream already fading. Besides, why would Akane be this angry in his dreams or there at all? He stared at the board, hoping it would give a clear hint as to what he was meant to be teaching, his brows arching as he read in bold letters: HOW TO BE A GYARU GIRL.

What kind of class was this? He vaguely remembered signing up for something accidentally since academics were of little concern, so he guessed this was just one of his own mistakes, yet something seemed off abou-

"Show us practical applications of it Saotome."

The teacher interrupted his thoughts, Ranma rolling his eyes as he grabbed a piece of chalk and began writing a half assed-

Laughter came from the rest of the class, confusing him as he hadn't even written a single kanji, even the teacher muffling her smile as she gave him a demeaning smirk.

"What are you trying to write with a thing like that?"

"Huh? I'm just showing the class how to-"

Looking down, Ranma's cheeks blushed red, embarrassment filling him instantly. He knew he rarely paid attention in class, but how could he mistake a nail brush for chalk? Yet stranger than that was the magnetism it had, his eyes glued to the vibrant pink beads of polish, his eyes reflected in them as one welled and dripped from the tiny brush, falling down to the white fabric of his so-


There was a sudden flushness to his body, a pleasing, bubbly feeling sparking from his toes up, the tingles rising as another drop fell onto his shoes which- no he was only in socks, his white ankle lengths unstained somehow, yet where did the polish go? Without thinking, his big toes began to scrunch, the tingles rising as something cricked like a bone popping back into place, the pleasant pops moving to the sides as that bubbly joy rose. There was something off about his stance, his heels raised as they angled together, a massaging grip sending chills up to the edge of his socks, tickling the muscle and tenderizing it to the mid calf line.

People were staring at him, the attention making his skin prickle with a newfound sensation, their validation suddenly meaning something as he glanced at the polish again. They were smiling, waiting for him to do it, Ranma coating his thumb in one fluid stroke.

The finger flexed, that same wondrous desire coursing through as the nail shined in the light, inches longer than the rest atop a slim digit. Though something looked off, like he had put a press on when the rest of his nails were short and bland. Besides what good was one fashionable digit? You like, needed all ten to have a cute guy's phone number! Ranma gripped his forehead, the weird thought soothed by the touch of his hot pink nail, the teacher clearing her throat as she clearly expected him to continue. He was more than happy to, sighing with each application, dipping the brush into the air when it ran out, not questioning where the refilled pink came from as it was far more pressing to finish the manicure. There was only a single mistake when switching hands, some of the pink splattering on his sleeves as he tsked. He rolled them up, giggling as he made his hands match, flexing the sparkly, cutesy hands to the class with an effeminate flourish.

Akane stared on vaguely annoyed, shifting restlessly. The way Ranma was flaunting his nails somehow felt mocking even if he always did them that way. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but she wondered how a guy with such weak, girly looking arms could have beaten her in martial arts, even his stance looking less impressive from how relaxed and rounded his shoulders looked. And had he edited his uniform? She didn't know how else the sleeves would be pink while the rest was white. She grumbled under her breath about his sewing skills before catching a jealous sigh from one of the male classmates.

"Man if only Ranma didn't have that cocky guy living with him. He doesn't even seem to like having a looker like that around."

Akane had no idea who they were talking about, unaware how her short cut hair receded further, the strands curling up messily as the teacher told Ranma to continue.

Ranma glanced at the teacher confused, trying to figure out what else she wanted, mindlessly putting the brush against his lips with a slight, nervous bite.


A bitter taste curdled in his throat that resolved to sugary fakeness, Ranma not noticing his coughs rising as his voice took on a more boyish tone. How could he have so stupidly put nail po- Actually now that he looked at it, it was clearly a pink tube of lipstick in a golden case, the outline of his surprised o shaped lips swelling as that pleasing tickle sent the strangest sensations as pleasure seemed to tickle his brain stem before lightly dusting over his nipples and his cock.

"Yes yes keep going Saotome. The rest of your face now."

"Y-Yes sen-KFF-PAI!"

There was an enthusiasm to the final circle of lipstick as he puckered them together, the pleasure making more giggles leave as his voice cracked to an excitable soprano. Not thinking much about it the pucker turned into a kiss, the lipstick now a makeup wand as he blew it in Akane's direction.

Now she was certain Ranma was teasing her, r-right? Why was she feeling so-

"I wish Ranma-Chan blew me a kiss!"

"I wish she blew me period. Sucks she saves her lips for that martial artist freak."

Akane considered punching them, not noticing the way her cheeks seemed to sharpen, her lips flattening as her womanly charm became far less obvious. She would have clocked the gossiping crowd too if that blowjob comment hadn't seemed to trigger her arousal oddly, her hands grasping at her stomach as something swelled and pushed against her panties, her hips losing their width in silent pops as a most alien arousal suddenly filled her body.

Was she horny for Ranma? But this was his girl form and she most definitely was not into- Akane's eyes darted to Ranma as the wand transformed his face, adding contours, his eyes wide blue gems, a cute heart doodled as he struck a cutesy smirk Akane's direction. Before she knew it, the lump in her pants had grown.

Ranma felt proud seeing the flushed look on Akane's face, eyeing the obvious lump in her panties as his own rose, but that felt odd. A much different sort of arousal was itching behind the obvious one, something tingling below his stomach but above his erection that sent a small trickle of something wet running down his thighs. He was feeling kind of hot under the collar, giggling as he undid a button, the cold classroom air doing odd things to his nipples as he groaned with delighted little squeaks, soaking in the stares of his classmates as his nipples popped into visibility through the soft pink fabric. That set him off, the wrongness of it not as alarming as it should have been, though it felt wrong, a finger inquisitively poking one as an airy moan echoed through the room.

"How did that feel Saotome?"

Ranma didn't know how to respond, something electric and new making that tingle behind his groin buzz, more slickness running down his thighs as his painted eyelashes fluttered erotically.

"Ahh it felt w-weird and-"

The teacher's ruler slapped down on one of his nipples, the sensations growing as he gave a warbled yelp, no one in the class seemingly shocked at the invasion of privacy as the teacher intoned in the moaning boy's ears, "No we went over this earlier! In Gyaru-Go there's only one proper response. It means either really amazing or really great! How does this feel?"

He was seeing stars, the teacher's fingers on his nipples as they swelled under the pressure, something soft pulsing behind as her fingers twisted them. The words flew into his brain, almost drooling out as he thrust his hips in the air, grinding against something invisible as he moaned out, "Y-YABA!"

He remembered that the more "ba's" he added the more excited he was, moaning out "BABABABABA!" till she stopped, his chest sore as his beesting breasts sent flurries of cum down his shivering thighs.

"Hmm, I guess you were listening. Though now you need proper support."

With a flick, the chalkboard was flipping, the other side stocked with cute clothing and bras of all shapes and prints. The sight of them all was sending Ranma's heart racing, fashion never really a concern to him, but seeing so many cute things was sending a mix of feelings, all bathed in the sore arousal from his nipples. Though there was something missing, Ranma pouting as he wondered where the skirts and panties were, his cock throbbing at the thought of being snuggled in a racy pair of tight, silky... Was something rising? Oh duh, he was being stupid. Looking down, Ranma could see his skirt pleated nicely, revealing a lot of thigh though said thighs weren't much to look at yet. There was a rather noticeable bulge lifting it at the front, but he couldn't help it, not with so many cute options available to her fo-


The skirt wasn't quite so raised all of a sudden, Ranma's cheeks flushed as hot lust left his thighs gleaming in the lights. There had been a word in his thoughts that had felt amazing, but he couldn't remember, and in the stumble that followed the sudden release, his hands landed on the padded cups of an a cup bra.


It was like his shirt was sucking his chest, the mind bubbles in a full froth as he was soon left gasping, small breasts just barely missing the wall. But despite the mind numbing pleasure, he could hear the teacher quieting her own laughter as he shot her an annoyed look.

"What's so funny?!"

As if remembering she was supposed to be a professional, the teacher calmly cleared her throat before snidely responding, "It's just that, for such a girl who often brags about being the BIGGEST and the BEST, I never thought you'd pick something so... Well I guess I never explained about padding yet so..."

What was wrong with this teacher? Sure he wouldn't mind needing a larger one, but it wasn't like touching one would all of a sudden-


All it took was his pinky to brush against a b cup for the froth to return, his eyes nearly burrowing backwards as suddenly his nipples were scraping against the popcorn walls, his hips pushing his shorter erection, finding they needed to thrust more as the lust built in his trembling body. He felt hotter than he ever thought possible, running a hand down his now pristinely smooth skin, feeling the heat lightly bake it like a bunch of sessions at a UV place, his pale coloring starting to tan.

"Mmm like this feels SOOOO~ good! B-But I mean if only this size feels good h-how much would the others..."

All the class could hear were his hungry pants as he looked at the other end of the board, the clothes arranged in size order. He left a trail of spunk as he moved to the other side, his hands trailing along as each cup size brought him an inch up top, his hips thrusting harder as they widened for the inch that was taken below. Eventually he was being pushed back by the wall, giggling and moaning as his beestings turned to pert breasts, then large, boyant knockers that desperately needed some support, not even his muscle exercises and an opportune crunch of his spine enough to offset the rising heft his girls had. Not even his girl form could... Um his, h-her... Wait what form was she-

"Oh gawd! Tooo~ big! OHMIGAWD OMG AH-AGEPOYO~!"

The gyaru slang came naturally to her as she screamed in horny bliss, her weird shaft thingy way tinier than she remembered, her breasts tender and sparking at the slightest breeze as her hands rested on some massive cups a size... uh, what was that American letter? Ugh she should really learn the alphabet or at least the first half, just so she could brag. She knew her moaning was getting all the boys aroused, leaning over as she let them get an upskirt shot, her ass rising as she picked from the rack.

"Like, I am the best and the fastest so like, of course I'm going to go with the leopard print LOL!"

Akane had her head buried in her hands, unaware her blouse was now a shirt, her nails growing chipped and ragged in a few places as she tried to ignore the sounds Ranma was making. Every one made that thing between her legs get harder, and her body was feeling stranger the harder it got. Usually when she got in the mood it was more a full body thing and wasn't nearly this intense, but it was all fading from her extremities, gathering in the rising shaft as she squeezed herself tighter to the desk the more her classmates talked about her and Ranma as she tried to deny her feelings.

"Imagine those tits draped over yo-

"That ass!"

"Fuck man Akari is the luckiest guy in the whole prefectur-"

"God damn muscle freak!"

"Shut up he'll kick your ass if he hears-"

Ugh this was the worst! Why was everyone calling her a guy! She wasn't into Ranma, she didn't ever look at his big, perfect tits when they shared a bath and she was not a fucking-

The pressure of her desk press suddenly lost resistance, her head knocking into the wood as her left breast deflated, the bra absorbed into an undershirt as her right one immediately flattened, all that fat surging to muscle as her curves filled in with raw, martial strength. Her half erected mast was beginning to pump something into her that felt hot and raw and angry, her temples throbbing as anger took control of her, Akari standing up and yelling at the class "I am not a boy! NOW SHUT UP OR I'LL KICK ALL YOUR ASSES!"

It was only after yelling that she realized the teacher was already looking at her, Ranma staring up at her starry eyed as she sat cross legged on the floor.

"Ah perfect, I see we have a rambunctious volunteer for the last phase of your demonstration Miss Saotome. Please show us anger, teasing and seduction. Feel free to go all the way to show us the six levels."

Someone pushed Akari from behind, the blushing girl stuttering as Ranma went from dazed to hungry, grinning as she got to work.

"H-Hey! What do you think you're doing Ranma?!"


She booped Akari's nose, the girl blushing as she yelled, "What the hell do you think you're doing?! You're supposed to be dignified as the person who beat-"

"Maji oko."

With Akari so off balance, it was easy for the gyaru fighter to do a leg sweep with her long socks, purposefully leaning forwards as she ended up on top of her target. Both moaned as their cocks bumped into each other, Akari's getting longer as it squeezed Ranma's cock into a stub, barely an inch.

"Gehh-ki ohhhko bunbun mar-oooh~!"

Akari's face was red for a number of reasons, the boyish girl feeling tangled in Ranma's limbs, not helped by her skirt tying into long corduroy pants. She was trying to yell at Ranma, but her fingers were deftly teasing his shaft, giggles ringing at the clear stain showing as Ranma quickly unzipped them, their shafts soon pressing without separation. Akari felt like she was going to pass out, the lust literally thrusting out when it grew too much for her hips to handle, the feeling of Ranma's softening junk yielding to hers making her feel as powerful as she was horny. And despite how overwhelming it was, Ranma still seemed to be treating it as a game, seeing the redness of her face and moaning out, "M-uuuka chAHHHkka faiā~!"

"S-STAAHHP T-heee~sing me! Enough Gyahhhru speak I-I'm not into such g-girly- OHH~!"

Something was pressing against his shaft from below, two bouyant things that rubbed smoothly, the liquids trickling from her cock starting to thicken as Ranma shifted her hips smoothly from left to right, grinding her stub against Akari's cock, drinking in the cheers of their audience as she could feel her stubborn target on the verge of becoming her boyfriend.

"Aww, like, I know! Me too! That's why I need a MANLY man like you to satisfy me. Surely you think this feels yabababa right Akari?"

Her temples were throbbing about as hard as her cock, Akan- Akari groaning as her memories felt hazy, the jealous whispers and cheers of the classroom further dislodging her from common sense as she tried to refute the last thing holding her back from succumbing.

"I-I am NOT a man!"

It was hard to take seriously with her voice so low, her cock threatening to push into Ranma's any second as the gyaru girl was nearly salivating in anticipation.

"Aww still self conscious? Would a girl have such lovely muscles?"

Akari moaned as Ranma's fingers traced her abs, Ranma's leaking juices making her thrusts softer, lubricated, that buzz behind her cock churning with need as she thought to herself "kamu chakka inferunōōōō," imagining her teacher must be happy seeing such a classic gyaru escalation.

"Would a girl have such a handsome face?"

Their kiss lasted longer than either expected, their tongues naturally finding the other's as their moans were muffled, Akari's cock finishing its growth as Ranma's nub was nearly squashed flush to her body, the rubbery squeeze at Akari's base parting the flesh, her cum now soapy as Ranma's hands made their way to her shaft, poking the rising lumps as a wet, puckered PLOP echoed with a loud grunt from Akari.

"And of course, what kind of girl would have such a monstrous, throbbing- EHHH?!"


In a single movement, Akari had flipped Ranma on her back, his weight pressing down as Ranma squirmed, her cock in its death throes as it began to push inside. Akari wasted no time tearing open her blouse, plucking off the cheetah print bra as their thumbs began roughly circling her nipples, Ranma moaning as she squirmed under his forceful pressing.

"A-AhhhKARI wh-what's gotten into- AHHHH~!"

There was a folding ecstasy popping between her thighs, Ranma surprised at how eager Akane had suddenly become, his cock carving out a pussy for him to fuck as she hugged him, loving how rough he was.

"Nothing's gotten into me! It's what's about to get into you that you should worry about! I'll show you how the school of anything goes applies to the bedroom as well!"

"B-But this is a classr-OOOOOH YES!"

Ranma felt her innards split as he thrust inside, her body shocked at the sudden sensation, the feeling of being penetrated turning her into a giggling, drooling mess as she left messy trails of gloss on Akari's lips, her hands holding on for dear life as he rode her hard. His hands yanked at her hair, the slight ache making the martial gyartist squeak as it trailed down past her hips, their coiled forms rolling on the ground as it looked as much of a fight as it was fucking. Neither wanted it to end, neither willing to admit defeat as they held back at the precipice of ecstasy, their rolling turning to a staggered stand against the walls of the class as they took each other at the chalkboard, over desks, every surface used as they both finally groaned as their bodies released all their tension, cum gushing like a dam as they held each other tight.





Ranma awoke drenched and tangled up in something, a flushed look on his face and frustration evident as he was annoyed to be interrupted just at the good part. Plus it was cold water so he was in his female form, which was oddly hot despite the cold water.


It was at that point that Ranma noticed the thing he was tangled up in was Akane. Above them was Ryoga blushing something fierce as he turned away.

"I... I know you won Akane's a-affections but you don't need to flaunt it like that! You've won today but I'll be back insensible jerk!"

He ran before they could ask questions, though given the tastes on their lips and their half strewn clothes, it was pretty obvious what had happened.

Akane looked like she was about to collapse into herself, her face cherry red as she realized how into the dream she had been, not wanting to even look at Ranma, especially while he was in female form.

"Uh... Akane I think we should-"

"NOT A WORD PERVERT! NOT A WORD! Agh my honor has been besmirched! I'll never be able to marry..."

"Well I mean we are already-"

"SHUT UP! We just won't talk of this ever again! Only Ryoga saw us s-so no one else has to know! Now I have to get changed, my dress is drenched!"

Even though it wasn't a good idea to poke the hornet's nest, Ranma couldn't help herself, looking at the puddle behind them, noticing his uniform was dry.

"Akane... you do know he only got our heads with the bucket? Though hmm, I guess if there was some other reason you're drenched... Oh is it possible? Did you... enjoy that dream? Wow that much that you need to change? I guess I'm not the only pervert then am- HNNGH!"

Akane quickly walloped him in the stomach, having no come back as she ran off, not wanting to admit anything. As Ranma clutched his stomach, he looked at the ribbon on the ground that caused all of this, feeling a bit unfulfilled as he looked left and right before snatching the ribbon and sneaking off to his quarters.

"W-Well if no one needs to know, I guess Soun wouldn't notice if I took a bit longer to return it..."

And with a blush, Ranma slunk off to have a bit of fun, promising to never tell anyone what was going through his mind as he prepared to have the best sleep of his life.