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Story by Imortal 

The Kingdom of Belzerg, 8:00 AM...

It was a bright morning in the kingdom of Belzerg today. The sun shined far and wide across the expansive plains of this unremarkable land.

The sounds of birds chirping could be heard, carried along by the gentle winds. The faint buzzing of insects could be heard as well... it felt truly peaceful in the mornings of this land...

Unless you turned your attention to a particular mansion in the city. There, you wouldn't be able to hear the sounds of nature over the ear grating sounds of a goddess whining, and a young man yelling... Though at least today things were rather tame...

"Are you serious right now...?" Spoke a young man with brown hair as he looked at a young woman wearing blue with blue hair, a dopey smile on her face as she swayed back and forth on the spot partially, looking at the young man.

These 2 were Kazuma, a young man reincarnated into this world, and Aqua, the goddess who reincarnated Kazuma and who he had brought with him to this world, and right now, Kazuma was rather annoyed.

"W-What? hic I-I travel better urp when I've had a few..." Aqua said, her speech slurred. Kazuma groaned in frustration before responding.

"Last time you said that you threw up getting into the carriage and held your head out the window the whole time..." Kazuma said in an annoyed tone. Kazuma was about ready to snap... but at least he had a reason to calm himself down and actually lift his spirits.

Their last quest had gone well. Scarily well as a matter of fact. The group of them accepted a high-tier quest that involved killing an Elder Dragon one of the most feared creatures in the region... And upon getting to its nest, the 4 of them found the things Skeleton... turns out the thing was dead for quite a while now, and given the reputation of the thing, nobody bothered to check.

So after dragging the skull for miles upon miles back to the city, they were handsomely rewarded for their surprisingly easy quest.

Ah yes, the other 2 along with them at the time? A young mage girl who had an affinity for explosive-based magic, and a woman dressed in knightly attire that hardly did any actual physical fighting. These were Megumin and Darkness, and they were standing idly by the entrance to the carriage watching as Kazuma and Aqua bickered at one another. They were both used to this kind of behavior from them and simply stood idle before eventually, Kazuma relented, sighing in frustration with a hand to his forehead.

"Just... Fine, whatever, let's just get a move on..." Kazuma said in an annoyed tone, Aqua's mood improving in a nanosecond as a response.

"hic Yaaay! Let's get a move on then ya urp Neet!" Aqua said cheerfully as she started walking towards the carriage before realizing she was missing something... Due to her intoxicated state, it took her longer to figure out what she was missing. Though, once her cravings came in, she realized her precious sustenance had been taken from her.

Aqua frantically looked at her hands and at the ground to try and find the bottle of alcohol she had previously been chugging, about ready to give up the search, until...


Aqua spun around and saw Kazuma holding the bottle upside down, not a single drop coming from it. She stared in disbelief as Kazuma simply tossed the bottle aside and wiped his mouth, walking straight past Aqua, grabbing onto her shirt collar and dragging her along as he walked.

"Seriously, how the hell do you drink so much so fast? it's been an hour and that would've been your 4th bottle... where the hell do you put it all?" Kazuma remarked as he worked to shove Aqua into the carriage, eventually managing to shove her in there before looking at Megumin and Darkness. "Sorry about that you two, lets just get a move on..." He said to the 2 as he hopped in.

"Yes, we shall get a move on!" Darkness said as she climbed in as well, followed by the short mage soon after. After making sure the quartet were inside, the man operating the transport got his horses to start moving, pulling them along to their destination.


It took about a solid 15 minutes until Aqua's shock had finally worn off, and was slowly being replaced with an upset feeling. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes looking at Kazuma, who was sitting right across from her, looking out the window of the carriage. Darkness and Megumin both noticed the tears starting to form on Aqua's face and both simultaneously plugged their ears, ready for what was to happen...


Sounding louder than a fire alarm, cried Aqua, catching Kazuma off guard, causing him to panic slightly in his seat before covering his ears in response to the loud sound of the woman crying. Kazuma looked over at Aqua crying with an annoyed expression.


Kazuma shouted in response to Aqua's cries, causing her to shut up, at least for a moment while Kazuma continued is rant.

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP ALREADY AQUA?! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT, ANY OF IT! DON'T GO BLAMING ME FOR YOU DRINKING ALL YOUR BOOZE, IF YOU WERE SOBER YOU'D REALIZE IT WAS YOU, I ONLY FINISHED THAT BOTTLE OFF SO YOU WOULDN'T START ANOTHER AND WASTE OUR TIME EVEN MORE!" Kazuma yelled louder than he ever had before at the goddess, so loud that it was actually getting to the point of bothering their traveling companions.

Typically, Megumin and Darkness are used to this kinda thing. Kazuma and Aqua would get into a squabble on the regular, bickering over minor things, but this time was different... While their previous fights were manageable, this one was on another level to the point even they were starting to get annoyed. At least they could remove their hands from their ears as it appeared like the yelling phase of it was over...

"B-But- urp!" Aqua tried to say before she felt something... move around in her stomach. She shot up from her seat and shoved open the window, sticking her head out of it, and started throwing up a rainbow liquid. Kazuma groaned, knowing there was a long trip ahead of them...

2 Hours Later...

The ride was... surprisingly uneventful for the 4. Well, aside from Aqua throwing up at the beginning and halfway through the ride, and her occasional sniffles of sadness for her lost booze, Kazuma didn't have a lot to complain about, which was certainly a good thing.

Eventually, the carriage came to a stop and the group was verbally signaled to be able to get out, that their destination was upon them. It wasn't super big or fancy, just a cozy cabin in close proximity to a beach

Upon climbing out, Kazuma moved to the back of the carriage, where their suitcases and other boxes they had all packed for the trip were being held. Darkness without issue grabbed 2 and lifted them over her head as Kazuma and the rest grabbed the personal ones they packed.


Kazuma kicked open the door to the cabin and... it was surprisingly nice. Not very noteworthy, a basic living-room type area, a kitchen type area, and various doors, all clearly labeled with "Bathroom", "Bedroom 1", and "Bedroom 2".

With a sigh from the group, they walked inside and tossed their luggage onto the floor, creating a series of loud thumps.

"Ugh... finally we're here..." Kazuma groaned as he dragged his luggage across the floor towards one of the rooms. Megumin looked up and around the place.

"I wasn't expecting this place to look this nice. I was expecting tons of spiders I'd have to blow away." She said out loud. "I'm impressed this place hasn't suffered some form of disrepair." spoke Darkness.

"Yaaay! We're hic Hoooooooome!" Aqua said in a bubbly tone, throwing herself onto the nearest couch, lying on her stomach on top of the cushions.

"We still have plenty of daylight left, shall we head down to the beach?" Darkness inquired to the other members of the party.

"Sure, that could be fun." Megumin said.

"Yaaay! urp Ocean baaaaath!" Aqua squealed in a drunken stupor. Kazuma exited the room he dragged his luggage into and looked over at the three, walking in their general direction towards one of the larger luggage containers the group had brought in.

"Yeah, sure, just let me have a drink before we-" Kazuma said as he knelt down and opened the luggage case being greeted by... clothing, and not the alcohol he swore he had packed.

In a brief moment of panic, he started pulling out and throwing the clothing behind him, digging through its contents until there was nothing left inside the box. "THE BOOZE?! WHERE IS THE BOOZE I PACKED?!" Kazuma yelled as he lifted up the box and turned it upside down, shaking it hoping a bottle or something would drop out of thin air, not paying any mind to Darkness as she carefully lifted a pair of boxers off her shoulder and dropped it onto the floor.

Aqua quickly piped up in response to hearing the isekai protagonist vent his confused frustrations. "I shhaid you drank all the hic booze! You took it from mah handsh ya hic meanie!" She said as she pushed herself up to a sitting position.

Kazuma dropped the box upon hearing what Aqua had said, looking at the teetering goddess, a look of frustration finding its way onto his face.

"ohmyfu- Aqua you absolutely useless-" Kazuma started to say in a low tone, ready to just explode with anger all over the still somehow intoxicated goddess when Darkness spoke up.

"KAZUMA!" Darkness's voice boomed, stopping the young man in his tracks, quickly becoming filled with a sense of dread. Darkness continued speaking. "Since the moment we all had left, we had been subjected to nothing but your frustrated wails. I must ask you to cease this at once!" Darkness said in a stern voice.

Kazuma was speechless. It was rare for Darkness to raise her tone when she wasn't being punished as she put it, so he remained still through what Darkness had to say. She continued. "We are going to prepare ourselves for a fun day, I do hope you can calm down." She said sternly.

At this point, Kazuma gave up. "Bu- I ju- Wha- ugh... I'm going to bed..." Kazuma said in a dead yet distinctly frustrated tone, walking into one of the rooms and slamming the door shut behind him, leaving the 3 girls in the living room by themselves.

"Man, Kazuma's being kind of annoying today isn't he? This is supposed to be a relaxing vacation..." Megumin grumbled. Aqua drunkenly staggered over to the pair, a sly grin plastered across her face.

"Hic! Psst, hey... I got an awesome idea for a prank on Kazshuma, wanna hear it...?" She whispered to Darkness and Megumin. After taking a second to look at one another, they both looked at Aqua with smiles and nodded, letting Aqua dump the details of her prank onto them. After a few moments of whispering, the plan was decided. Darkness stretched out her arms.

"Oh well, you enjoy yourself here Kazuma! We're gonna head down to the beach! See you later tonight!" The 3 said, grabbing a bag each from their luggage and waltzing out the door. A few seconds after they had left, the door to the room Kazuma was in slowly started to open, squeaking loudly as it did so. Kazuma cautiously looked around the main area, but saw nobody.

Once he was sure that nobody was around, he stepped out of his room, a smile on his face, chuckling to himself as devious thoughts swam through his mind.

"If they want to punish me for Aqua's mistakes, then maybe I'll have to pull a little prank on them... they're going to the beach, I wonder how they'd react when their tops just suddenly vanish off of them, nothing like a liiiitle bit of chaos..." Kazuma mumbled to himself, a small laugh finding its way out his mouth unaware of the girls own plan.

Sometime Later...

"Here we are girls!" Darkness declared as she looked proudly at the vast ocean in front of them, her feet sinking slightly into the sand as she took in a deep breath, admiring the smell of the ocean.

"Finally, that was a longer walk than I expected. We can now enjoy the beach all to ourselves..." Megumin proclaimed.

"Yeah hic and all without that hic neet Kazuma!" Aqua said in a drunken manner. All 3 were ready for the one and only Kazuma to show up close behind them. And as if on cue, Kazuma as slowly and stealthily as he could muster crawled his way up a small hill overlooking the beach, where a bush resided. Kazuma climbed into the bush as best he could and looked out of a small opening from within it, overlooking the beach and, most importantly, the girls.

A mischievous smile found its way onto Kazuma's face "hehehe, alright, time for a little-" Poof! "revenge?" Kazuma thought to himself before he was cut off for a moment by a small burst of purple smoke, emanating from his location. Did... Did they know he was coming?!

"He's over there!" yelled Darkness as Kazuma saw the 3 girls turn towards his hiding spot, causing him to promptly get up and prepare to take off, only to find out he couldn't move from his spot after standing up. A paralysis spell? Seriously?! Kazuma could only watch as the 3 girls rushed over to his location, with Aqua trailing behind Darkness and Megumin. Kazuma tried his best to move from his spot, not to no avail.

Finally they reached his location, where he looked at the duo with a look of disinterest. "Alright, you caught me, I was gonna pull a prank on you guys, now just punch me so I can go back to the house." Kazuma said in a way that implied a similar situation to this happening beforehand. Though to his surprise, Darkness and Megumin simply shook their heads.

"Sorry Kazuma, but we have decided to pull a prank of our own in retaliation to your rude behaviors, as well as your attempted prank on us." Darkness spoke with a sense of authority. Kazuma was now starting to get a bit concerned. "L-Like what?" Kazuma asked.

Megumin piped up. "Aqua's got a spell that should make things a bit more fun and... welcoming for you when you want to hang out with us so much! Aqua, let him have it!" Megumin said before turning around and shouting towards Aqua's location, both running out of the way, revealing Aqua holding her staff in front of herself, her magical power coursing around her, growing more and more violent the longer she charged whatever she had planned.

Now Kazuma was scared. "W-Wait, STOP, YOU USELESS GODDESS, DON'T YOU DARE-" Kazuma shouted as he attempted to move, though his shouts fell on deaf ears as Aqua's magical aura began to sparkle like crazy. She was more than ready to cast her spell now.

"B-hic-By the Gods... Schmods... Goddesses power I urp cast on this shut in neet, Te-te-por..... something... YURIFICATIOOOON!" Aqua shouted with all her might, the tip of her staff glowing brightly. Kazuma was in complete shock, overcome with fear. He was still under the effects of this paralyzation spell so he could only struggle to get out of the way of... wherever this spell we going to hit him.

And as it turned out it came from the heavens themselves, aka the sky above, as a spiraling pink and blue beam shot down from space and straight down onto Kazuma's location. The impact of the beam striking the ground was strong enough to cause a shockwave, sending the trio flying back a fair distance, leaving Kazuma to himself as the beam from the gods was starting to have an effect on him.

Kazuma didn't have words to describe the amount of pain that coursed through his body at this given moment, it was as if every atom of his entire being was burning beyond belief. He was sure he was going to be nothing but dust in a second. All this just because he wanted to take their bras for a prank?! He was about ready to start praying to a god higher than he knew as his body was beginning to reach its limit.

Then, the giant beam from heaven stopped, leaving Kazuma standing in a pain stricken daze, some amount of smoke trailing off his body, some of his clothing having been burned from the sheer intensity of the spell. At least he could catch his breath a bit. "Ugh.. what-" Kazuma mumbled before he was cut off by a geyser of water erupting from beneath his feet, engulfing him inside of it, eventually morphing into a sphere of sparkling blue water, was Kazuma in the center of it. Darkness and Megumin looked on in amazement, about to witness a transformation ensue.

Kazuma kept his mouth closed, holding his breath for as long as he could, Kazuma could begin to feel his skin tingling, which was certainly a lot better than the burning feeling previously. Then the tingling turned into an itching feeling as Kazuma's skin softened and lost whatever flaws it had including body hair falling off, scars fading away, and his figure becoming more petite as his muscle mass overall decreased. Onlookers would describe his physique as feminine, as if his masculinity was sapped away from him.

What remained of his burnt clothing started to take on a brilliant white glow, snaking around Kazuma's changing body as if it were water flowing down a stream. The now censorship-like white glow started to take on a new shape around his body, more specifically around his chest, his downstairs equipment region, and his feet, turning into a green 2 piece bikini, complete with matching green sandals, which was clothing better fitting the opposite gender.

Though going by the lack of a noticeable bulge on his crotch, things were changing a lot more. The length of Kazuma's hair lengthened a bit as it waved around in the water bubble, the sensation of it growing out was tickling to him, though he couldn't really focus on that right now, he just had to keep holding his breath and pray he got out of this whole thing without having to be revived again, though that was easier said than done as he was nearing his limit.

Then, some parts of his body stared to grow in size, particularly around his chest as it had started to balloon out, growing quickly in size, and below his waist, which involved his buttocks inflating as well, but also his thighs and hips also growing as fat pooled in from nowhere. Kazuma took notice to the changes in his chest and screamed. Er, well, he wanted to scream, but the second he opened his mouth the divine water that was changing him rushing into him and down his throat, causing Kazuma to close his mouth as fast as he could.

It was too late as Kazuma felt his throat start to burn as the water soaked into his vocal cords, making much needed alterations to them to match his new womanly appearance, as well as whatever made it to his stomach to alter the area behind his now flat crotch and create a new entrance point down there. The feeling of all this was too painful for Kazuma to handle, his vision began to fade. "G-God damn it... you guys..." She thought to herself, ready to be whisked off to the gods waiting room once again before being revived 5 minutes later...

Then the water that was encasing Kazuma burst into a mass of sparkles and shines, dropping the brand new Kazuma onto the ground face first, a feminine groan and a couple of coughs coming from her as she began to pick herself up off the ground, Darkness, Megumin, and Aqua watching in anticipation. They watched as Kazuma slowly rose to a stand, a slight stumble due to her new weight throwing her off balance.

Finally, Kazuma managed to stand up, wrapping her arms around her new massively impressive rack as she looked at the group, some trace amount of tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Y-You guys tricked me! W-Why would you guys do something like this?!"

Kazuma's voice was rather meek, a trace amount of fear lining her tone of voice as the 3 girls looked at her.

At the sight of Kazuma's new form, Aqua couldn't help but laugh in her drunken state. "HAHAHAHA! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET YOU PERVERTED NEET! AHHAHAHA! Oh my me I can't breathe..." she said through her triumphant laughs. Both Darkness and Megumin looked on at Kazuma with smiles on their faces.

Darkness spoke up, "This is simply a punishment for your annoying complaining throughout our depercher to this location!" She said sternly, the seriousness in her voice melting away as she eye'd up Kazuma's new body, devious thoughts worming their way into her mind. "K-kazuma, your body has become so soft. And you fill out that outfit so spectacularly... S-So many weak spots exposed, just primed to take a hit...!" Darkness rambled on as her breathing grew heavier, blush finding its way onto her face.

"And you hic Drank all the booze...!" Aqua chirped in after Darkness's self indulgent tangent. Kazuma looked over at Megumin who couldn't help but giggle at the whole situation.

"Hey, I have nothing against you Kazuma, I just thought it would be funny." She said giggling a bit more, Darkness having calmed down started to join in her light bit of laughter.

"D-Darn it you guys...!" Kazuma said in as serious of a tone she could muster. Though after this she had time to think... This wasn't exactly the worst thing to happen to her honestly. I mean, she had died multiple times, and maybe she did deserve some kind of punishment for the way she was acting during the trip... 

Kazuma took in a deep breath, scratching her head. "Man... this blows... ugh... how long should this spell last? I feel all... weighty and exposed..." Kazuma groaned to the trio, wrapping her arms back around her sides in some vein attempt at covering herself up. After hearing that Darkness and Megumin stopped their minor laughter and took a moment to look at themselves, then at their fingers, doing some mental math before Megumin eventually responded with.

"Uh... about, 2 Minutes ago..." She said, striking Kazuma with a sense of dread.

"... 2 Minutes ago?" Kazuma spoke, concern evident in her voice. "So then... why am I not turning back...?" Kazuma continued. The 3 looked at Aqua, wobbling in place on the spot.

Darkness then spoke up. "Aqua, when you recited that transmutation spell, did you do so correctly?" Darkness questioned, causing Aqua to look at her and put a finger to the side of her head, closing her eyes.

"... Yep! I T-hic-totally said it right... urp." She mumbled in response. That's when it hit Darkness and Megumin... Due to Aqua being intoxicated for lord knows how long, she must have had messed up the spell, leaving out a crucial part of it, meant to make the transformation only a temporary one. The realization hit Kazuma quickly after, her arms dropped, shaking her body a bit which in turn cause her new boobs to jiggle a bit as well.

"I... I'M STUCK LIKE THIS?!" Kazuma exclaimed in shock, watching as Aqua face planted forward into the sand, falling unconscious. Darkness and Megumin nervously looked at Kazuma, who could only really look over herself in silence.

This was going to be a FUN vacation...



This one came out great, I love it!