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End of Part 1! Part 2 to come SOON!
What you think of it so far? Which vampire you want to see transformed the most? 

All 10 pages of the first part of the comic - THE HUNT - are avaiable on  "THEMIGHTYFENEK" tier.  Every 2 or 3 days a new page of THE HUNT will be made avaiable to everyone on Patreon and DA (Other Patreon tiers get it one day earlier than DA).




Consider that petard, hoisted!

Sam Mann

I am enjoying it so far, love the setting and vampires are cool. As for who...I honestly can't say. With the longer 'Camp Maykagal' we had time to get to know and love the 'girls. Here? It's a bunch of jerks that had about maybe twelve minutes of screentime a pop. Offhand, the knight. since we got the least amount of time with him and it'd be neat to see what happens.

Cole jones

I'm liking this comic and I'm excited to see the vampires change more and I might be most interested by Ronaldo's changes I like the white streak in his hair and I'm hoping he turns into the most provocative woman of them all maybe wearing a corset and stuff kinda like a dominatrix would wear.

The Sheriff

10 is my favorite, because Joanne is a great vampire tsundere, I also love nobility/magical themes and character, she's like a more sinister version (and dumber) version of Lenore in Castlevania For similar reasons, I'm interested to see how the Princess comes out, cause she seems very cute, and I'm guessing she'll have the biggest tits I hope their master is actual Vlad Tepes (he has 3 sexy vampire ladies in the book), or even funnier, the new master is dead and they're like "Hey there Mr. Van Hellsing"

Cole jones

Was lenore the vampire that hung around hector most in season 3 and 4?

R. Briers

Any idea when you're planning on releasing the followup?

Mr. O

Can't wait to see how this progresses ^_^.