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Rune of Shaping Cloth


 Fantasy (can be used for scify, if you use nanobots instead) 


This Rune was originally used by the fae, and have the power of glamour, among them it is of common use from the lowest wisps, to the High Court of the Fairies. Sometimes wizards and sorcerers from other species get the privilege of being taught how to use it, but its secret is very well kept. Noble families pay a high price for those capable of inscribing said rune and unlocking its power. It is usually applied to pieces of cloth, but can also be inscribed on small items like coins, necklaces, collars and bracelets, and big areas, like a room or palace.


These runes have the power of reshaping pieces of cloth at the user´s will. This includes being able to change its size, color, details, style and cut - making it possible to change poor rags into fancy dresses and vice versa.


  • The Rune can reshape armor, but can´t change it´s type, neither can it create armor from thin air; 
  • Removing the cloth, or item with the Rune will make it loses it´s effect, if the Rune is applied to an area, it loses its effect when the person leaves the area; 
  • If the cloth is torn, the smallest piece turns into dust in few seconds. If not greatly damaged, in a hour the outfit will also repair itself.

Commonly Used Items

The bigger the item or area of effect, the most skilled the conjurer must be. Because of that most items with the Rune of Shaping Cloth are small, like pendants, earrings, collars and shoes. Rich and powerful people with the right contacts can opt to have the Runes inscribed on specific rooms, like ballrooms, or even entire palaces.

Possible Uses:

On a meta sense: The Rune allow players to compliment other TFs during the game, for example somebody who gets compulsions to dress in an specific way will now be able to dress like that without having to leave the dungeon/adventure to buy new gear. For example a Paladin cursed to dress like a fancy noblelady would be able to reshape his armor to look like a fancy battle dress. Players with items with this Rune would also be able to adapt their gear to the form that their TF takes, for example, somebody who becomes very tall and busty would be able to keep their clothes or armor without issues. Gifting players with items with the Rune of Shaping Cloth, or making an entire Dungeon be under the area of effect of the Rune of Shaping Cloth allow players to have freedom on how their characters dress after the TFs.   

On a non-meta angle, they are still valuable items for adventurers and worth a lot of money. Assassins and spies could use it to compliment their work, nobles and powerful wizards would consider it a display of wealth and power, and like both its practical and fancy properties. Depending of how rare they are on the scenario, an entire adventure could be centered on finding an ancestral piece of cloth with this property - or they could be common and you would have an adventure revolving around protecting the commerce routes of magic cloths between fae and elf kingdoms.



Scáthach-Skadi ftw