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Fantasy or Horror  


An old book, seemly common for most people. Those who read it will find that it´s filled with romantic stories involving young maidens with vampires, werewolves and other darkly supernatural creatures.  

But Magic users who come close to it can perceive that it´s not merely a book. Magic users can sense a magical aura coming from it, and that among it´s stories there are secret codes that reveal dark necromantic knowledge that only they can see. Upon opening it, Magic Users must make a Hard Personality Based Check, in case of failure they suffer the following effects: 

  •  They become fascinated with the contents of the book, and are compelled to read more of it as much as possible.  
  •  Upon reading the book for at least 3 hours, the next time the character sleeps they will fall into a heavy trance where they have erotic dreams related with vampires, and other darkly supernatural creatures. During the trance their body, and outfit will transform. 
  •   Once they wake up, they will (regardless of their initial gender or outfit) look like young, busty, pale skinned maidens in dark frilly clothes, often decorated with skulls and bats. Their memories and alignments will be unchanged, but the character will develop a fascination for necromancy, dark magic and supernatural creatures of the night. The character will also feel comfortable with their new fashion, and any items or effects that the victim possessed before the transformation will remain on their new gear.(editado)

Once transformed, the character will be able to fully access the power of the Gothic Book, that are the following:  

  •  A bonus on knowledge regarding necromancy, dark magic and creatures of the night 
  • A bonus on social interactions with sapient undead and lycanthropes  
  •  The character will also be able to use the book to summon one skull servant, for up to 3 hours per day (The servant is a basic human skeleton without weapons or armor, capable of following simple orders) 
  • The character will be able to summon a bat familiar for 3 hours per day, able to follow precise orders  


If kept away from the Gothic Book, the character will return to normal in 24 hours, but the effect of the Book often make the target very attached to its exciting stories.   Possible Uses: Loot acquired from enemies, or hidden treasure on an abandoned library/house. Can often become useful for players in a game that revolves around undead or lycanthropes.




Oh look Murasaki Shikibu

Danger Dan

I tried asking the gm of real life if I could have this. There has been no response.