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Working on a new thing, and I want YOUR help with it! I need your ideas for two vampire characters, the requirements are:

  • The Vampires are from between 13/17th century Europe (so no modern vampires)
  • They must be EVIL LACKEYS for a greater Vampire Lord
  • I will TG them, so they must be men

To submit your ideas, you need to fill:

  • Name of the Vampire:
  • Personality Traits:
  • Physical Description:
  • (Optional, a backstory)

You don't need to create 2 of them, just one is enough. I will pick my 2 favorite suggestions and maybe mix with other that I liked. The characters are then going to be featured in a thing I'm preparing.  

Post the vampire on the comments bellow or send him to me by private message!

UPDATE - You can submit your vampire until 05/20!
So one month for you to come up with an idea!



Vampire - Roland. Physical description - Tall thin bald man with the evil villainy goatee who wears a wig to try to hide it and also because wigs were common back then. He does get annoyed if anyone comments on his baldness. Personality - He is a bit vain in believing himself to be superior to everyone, but will immediately flirt or show respect to anyone who has achieved the same social status as him regardless of how they got to it. Big believer in thinking there needs to be a king as only the 'right person' in charge can run everything and leaving it to the masses (even nobility) would be as smart as walking around in the sun without any clothing. (First loss of public face. Second is screaming, burning, dying) Backstory - Nobody knows how he became a vampire (or wants to admit they had a hand involved with it), but he hits that odd spot where he is actually pretty useful so long as you prepare someplace to ship/dump him once his usefulness has ended. He has grown used to having work for other people, seeing everything fall apart around him when the 'wrong ruler' takes command and simply moving to another place to start up his next plan or be assigned his next task. He has also been known to be very petty and waging a private war to ANYONE who dare mocks his lack of hair. As he puts it "If we let the petty crimes slide then how will the masses know not to commit the greater crimes." It is also no accident that his most common method of travel over great distances is for his coffin to show up someplace else wrapped in chains with the note "He is your problem now" left nailed into the lid.


Name: Lael (Lilly) Personality: Jaded and cynical but attention seeking. As he was turned into a vampire just before he stopped being androgynous he cross-dresses as a young noble lady because he likes the intricate dresses and the attention wearing them gets him. Plus people drop their guard more around a woman than a man. Can't decide whether to be irritated or proud that people always think he's a female. Description: Short (5'2") and skinny, he has a pretty and androgynous face that thanks to agelessness and makeup tends to look more feminine (on purpose). Is much stronger than he looks though; he dislikes transforming into creatures of the night so has emphasised the physical side of a vampire's supernatural abilities. Since his appearance doesn't change anymore this means arms with a definitively soft and girly build can lift stone bricks three times his body mass. He has a complex about being naturally blonde so he dyes his (waist length) hair black. Is useful as a minion because his cynicism prevents him from wanting to take charge (Do you know how much planning is involved in running an organisation? No thanks!) while also being old and jaded enough he takes a ruthless, practical approach to his assignments. Is not actually cold and cruel, but it is easy to mistake him as being so. Background: Born to a noble family in Holy Roman Empire in 1534, he was in his teens when his jaded outlook in life led him to a secret rendezvous with some other thrill-seeking nobles that was actually a trap by a vampire with a taste for young noble-blooded males. Impressed that Lael stood his ground calmly instead of panicking and trying to run when his compatriots were successively fed upon, his sated sire turned Lael on a whim, and then promptly abandoned him to his new unlife. This was when Lael picked up the crossdressing 'habit': it was much easier to trick people and feed quietly when they thought you were a girl, which he was often mistaken for anyway. Resourceful and practical, he has flitted from sponsor to sponsor ever since as he seeks something that will stir a heart that was cold and stony even before he was an undead.

W C Purdy

Vampire 1) Name: Ser Guillaume de Orléans Personality: Stern and uncompromising. Bitter, cynical, and contemptuous. Has a tendency to go on screaming rants when pushed too far. Dedicated to a code of honor and chivalry that has long since become twisted and warped. Physical Description: Tall and imposing, standing roughly 6'4" (193 cm) with broad shoulders and muscles, long, blonde hair, a chiseled jaw framed by a blonde beard, rough skin covered with scars and callouses, and one particularly prominent scar running across his belly. Background: A knight of the Seventh Crusade in the early 1250's, when the Crusade ultimately went tits-up he was "slain" on the battlefield and left for dead, abandoned by both his comrades and his enemies. However, despite the gaping gut wound, he held on and attempted to crawl to safety. For three days, he held out, struggling to survive, praying that his God or his King would come to rescue him, but none came. On the night of the fourth day, just as he was about to succumb to heat and thirst, he came across a stranger whom he begged for aid. The stranger turned out to be a vampire, who offered him more salvation than his god or country ever did. This pagan heathen demon saved him where god would not. As time went by and Guillaume was forced to drink blood to survive, that fact would echo in his mind and over time he would grow to hate and reject his former god and king. However, having been a knight following the code of chivalry for so long, he knew very little else, and so resolved himself to be a knight against the "false church," following a code of honor that superficially resembles the old code of chivalry, but really just provides outlets for cruelty, despite how much he deludes himself into thinking that he's all doing it out of a sense of honor. Vampire 2: Name: Cecilia Personality: Clever, Cunning, Crafty, Calculating, and other words that begin with C. Appears outwardly kind and friendly but harbors deep seated hatreds. Description: A tall, slender, willowy woman of about 5'9 (175 cm) with olive skin and long dark hair that stretches to below the waist. She has delicate features and a modest bust. Backstory: Once a scullery maid for a prominent noble family in Ferrara, Italy during the Italian Renaissance in the mid 1500's, she fell in love with the noble family's son, a man by the name of Frederico. Frederico appeared to reciprocate her love, and the two met in secret many times, eventually "consummating" their love. Once the family found out about this, she was accused of seducing Frederico and attempting to ruin his marriage to another noble from another city. Frederico betrayed her and threw her under the bus (and it also came out that he'd been having affairs with a number of other girls). The noble family had her beaten and broken, and then tossed her, half-dead and bloody, out into the street. It was as she was dying in an alleyway that a vampire came across her and saved her by turning her. She used her new abilities to take revenge on the noble family, massacring them all. From there, she massacred the family that Frederico was meant to marry into as well, having gotten it into her head that the feudalistic nobility was all corrupt and evil, as they were allowed to beat common folk like her to death, steal wealth from the poor, sleep around, and act generally like assholes all without any sort of consequences or accountability. Cecilia became an "agent of vengeance" and began targeting "abusers" of all types. For simple abusers, like a commonfolk man beating his wife, she would simply kill them, but for nobility, who have resources and security, she would allow herself to be hired as a simple maid again, work in the estate for some months, learning their patterns and behaviors and schedules, before finally, when the time was right, massacring the entire noble line in one fell swoop in the night, before moving onto the next family.


Name of the Vampire: "The Asp of Constantinople" Aspasia Papageorgiou Personality Traits: He only talks when absolutely necessary, due to having a weak voice. He is incredibly devoted to his combination of pagan & Orthodox beliefs and uses these beliefs to inform the selection of her victims & "converts". He is experienced with sexual intercourse, but prefers to inspire through his medicine & art. When sated, he cries the excess blood from his "communion", leading to miraculous bloody tears. Physical Description: Usually dressed in simple cloister robes, Aspasia has fluffy shoulder-length grey hair with long straight bangs. He ties a small ponytail in back to keep the length even. He has a deep jagged scar across the bridge of his nose from cheek to cheek. His eyes are often highlighted in red from the aforementioned bloody tears. His most prized possession are two cross earrings given to him by a castle guard who swore the Emperor himself blessed them. He considers his function in life is to preserve the health of the meek & to punish the wealthy wretched Catholic church for denying them care and repeatedly sacking his homeland. This is his mission from God. (Optional, a backstory): After the fall of Acre to the heathen Mamluks, a group of Holy Roman Empire conscripts rescued an oddly pale Grecian doctor & allowed him to travel home with them. Known for his superb bedside manner, he nursed all the men to strong health during the long journey home. Settling in the town of Bremen, Aspasia took over a local apothecary after the mysterious disappearance of the previous owner. Though his mixture of Roman & Greek beliefs could be a bit odd, he was able to accumulate to Catholicism easily enough despite never setting foot in the local cathedral. The townspeople had seen him praying in a small chapel connected to her store, which is good enough for them, as they figured he must need to do specific rituals pertaining to his mysterious Orthodox ways. Oddly, other pale strangers began to visit town to frequent The Asp's Gift, but they were friendly & polite to a fault. In fact, Aspasia seemed to have a power over them & kept them from lingering around townspeople too much. Since 1298, he has traveled in & out of town on trading expeditions, and criminals in the neighboring countryside & woods have begun to mysteriously vanish. Clearly the Asp of Constantinople is a good example on the small town! Aspasia is, of course, eliminating and occasionally converting these wretches to better protect his adopted home and improve its reputation at large. At some point, he has decided to reveal her ocular bloodletting & some of his less grisly abilities to the townsfolk in order to record three miracles and someday be recognized as a Catholic saint, just for the recognition she'd get throughout time. He has felt the need to assist a stronger power, though, as while forest bandits are clearly an immediate problem, the sins of Europe deserve far more attention than she currently is able to give. Zeus demands it. God wills it. He may set old Rome ablaze again if needed, but by 1500, he wants to either serve the new vampire Pope or become the damn liaison between man (and vampire) & God himself.


Name: Ronaldo Avanarro Juniperro Catalonia Vasquez. Personality traits: Vasquez is passionate, brave and gregarious. He knows what he wants and lets nothing stop him from acquiring it. He loves having a good time and will often be the one to get a party going. Beyond that, he has an overly broad sense of entertainment, it can be anything from a grand orchestra, a full-bodied goblet of blood or even a fierce battle. Sometimes he will force foolish mortals to fight amongst themselves to the death, only to drink the blood of the victor believing that blood of the strong has the best flavors. Other times, he will start a fight himself, goading his victims into an ill-considered clash of arms. He also has more lovers than most people have hot meals. His afterlife is a steady stream of partying, fighting and whoring. What he resents more than anything is stagnation. Staying still, allowing the full weight of monotonous immortality to set in. He wants to ensure his fires are always burning red hot, and he will do anything to fuel them. No matter who or what needs to burn make it happen. Physical description: Tall, strong, handsome with shiny black hair. His facial hair is kept in a well-trimmed pencil mustache and an equally well trimmed goatee. He wears his wavy at shoulders length. He can often be seen wearing Spanish conquistador armor from his time as a mortal. Although, this has been heavily embellished and decorated to showcase his new status as a lord of the night. Almost always seen with a cocky smirk on his face. As if challenging anyone to show him a good time. Backstory: Vasquez was one of the conquistadors sent to the new world on order of the Spanish government. A low-ranking soldier, he nonetheless acquired a taste for battle which he had an apparent knack for. Natives, pirates or rival European powers, the enemy did not matter. The thrill of battle and the killing of his victims were what he lived for; the pay was simply a bonus. This natural killing talent and a willingness to carry out any order he was given, especially murderous ones, earned him the attention of his superiors who gave him many accolades and promotions. Even his own command. One day, Vasquez’ company was ordered to burn down a Jesuit monastery who were sheltering natives that had converted to Christianity. After that, Vasquez was to take any native he could capture and clap them in slave manacles. Some of his men were, of course, reluctant to attack a communion of God. In response, Vasquez had these men impaled on their own pikes, quieting any further dissent. Vasquez attacked and destroyed the monastery and killed just about everyone, even those who did not surrender. Vasquez had cornered the priest in the seminary, and just as he stabbed the preacher through the heart, the dying priest launched forward and bit into Vasquez’ neck. The preacher was in fact a vampire, come to the new world to atone for his past crimes. In a final bit of spite, he allowed his inner beast to take control and hopefully condemn a monster to a monstrous form. Vasquez, for his part, was surprised, but nonetheless thrilled, at his newfound powers. To celebrate, he slaughtered the remainder of the monastery, and his men. He would spend the next few decades haunting the new world before growing bored with that and coming back to Europe, where he used his accrued wealth to purchase an estate and a title, trying the life of a don. Incidentally, this was where he acquired his debaucherous tastes that went beyond simple combat. He earned a reputation as a bon-vivant and a deadly duelist. There is not a war Spain has waged he has not fought in, and he can count on one hand the number of noble families’ daughters he has NOT implicated in one scandal or the other. Now though, a superior vampire lord has acquired Vasquez’ services. Something Vasquez eagerly provides as it usually means a good fight. Nonetheless, there is something on the horizon, for both himself and his master. Something that could potentially mean a fundamental shift in their identity…


LOTS OF COOL SUGESTIONS ALREADY! THANKS A LOT! But just a thing, the characters are going to be TGed, so better be guys (I thought this was implicit lol, sorry for not making it clearer)


Rodger Sail Personality: Rodger is a depressed but hardworking servant. After being saved by his master and swearing his loyalty and life to him, after centuries of service Rodger began to lose his will to live with his only purpose to serving his master when he is no longer needed he plans to kill himself if one of his masters enemies does not kill him first. Until then he will do whatever his master tells him, whether it is kill his enemies or to cause mayhem and chaos. Description: Rodger is a tall 6.1 and is in great condition. He has jet black hair slicked back into a mullet hair style with a stubble on his face. He has Blue sea foam green eyes and a scar on his forehead. He wars an old leather captains coat and trousers with a necklace with a red long-spine spike shell as a centerpiece. He always carries a cutlass with him and has a few throwing knives strapped to him. Background: Rodger Sail was a man of the sea, sailing in the Mediterranean Sea mainly transporting merchants goods. Rodger loved the sea so much he hoped to die out at sea. One day a strange man approached him asking for Rodger to head to Egypt to pick up some especial cargo and return it to him. Rodger accepted and took off, getting to Egypt was simple and easy but trouble started when they picked up the large crate. Rope would break with no real cause, half the crew got sick, and even more of the crew became made and jumped the ship screaming about ghosts. Still Rodger pushed on, he never stopped at a job half finished and he will not start now. On the last few days until they reached port a terrible storm came that started to tear the ship apart. Waves three times larger than the ship came crashing down and lighting seamed to target the ship itself until finally the ship broke apart and Rodger and his crew where stranded at sea. Rodger was desperately trying to find something to hang onto to survive until he found something still floating, the crate he was caring. Hours went by until Rodger and the crate washed onshore, as soon as the crate landed on the beach the storm seamed to disappear. A little while later the Strange man appeared and pushed Rodger off the create thing he was dead, but when he landed on the ground he grunted surprising the man. The Man leaned down to Rodger showing his fangs and told him that he was surprised that someone survived the artifacts curse but also the storm his enemies conjured to try and stop his prize from reaching him, so he offered Rodger a choice. To kill Rodger by the sea that he loved to serve him for eternity. Rodger loved the sea since he was a child but the storm was so terrifying that Rodger lost his love for the sea and was replaced with irrational fear of it so he took the Vampires offer to serve. Rodger worked hard for his master and completely dedicated to him. But after 500 years of service Rodger started to lose any sense of life become more emotionless and depressed. Rodger has served his master diligently for so long that it become the his only reason for living, so until his master has no need of him anymore or if he is killed by one of his masters many enemies Rodger will live and fight to survive.

Mr. O

Vampire #1 Name of the Vampire: Dimitri Personality Traits: A loner, but loyal to those who he works for. Sticks to the shadows and keeps an eye out on all activities of his Lord's domain. Whatever is asked of him by his Lord he will do, no issues and no concept of how "humane" the orders might be. Physical Description: If you know what a Nosferatu is either from the movie Nosferatu or even from Vampire the Masquerade, then you have an idea of what Dimitri looks like. Scared and ugly, he is the clear definition of the monster in the shadows. His tall and lanky limbs hide how agile and graceful he is. His hair is long, black, and oily but is pulled back in a ponytail to keep it out of his face. Backstory: A prized archer and vampire hunter during his time as a mortal, Dimitri served his mortal Lord well on the battlefield and ensured that not only was the kingdom protected by mortals, but also by the vampires that hunt in the shadows. He was known for his use of pure wooden arrows, fashioned in the form of stakes, in order to deliver killing blows to vampires at a distance. Though, the one time his aim was not true was the one time it needed to be. He was transformed into a vampire and given to serve a new master but retained his skills with a bow. Now he is the monster in the shadows hunting whoever his Lord demands him to hunt.....whether they be mortal or vampire alike. Vampire #2 Name of the Vampire: Johnathan Personality Traits: Self-centered, self-serving, "mind over muscle", Brave in the face of danger, and high praise of oneself. He views mortals as playthings, and loves putting them in scenarios that he finds entertaining only to toss them aside, ruined, when he is finished....uncaring of how he ruined their lives. Physical Description: Johnathan is the vampire in the courts of the kingdom bewildering all those around with his fast wit and his superb charm. His beauty is only matched by his wit, and he knows it. His short blonde hair curves to frame his face wonderfully and his piercing blue eyes seem to pierce through any sort of social armor anyone brings. He's short and doesn't look tough, but he knows right where to stick the knife. Backstory: Johnathan was, and still is, a nobleman in the courts. Well-loved, hated, liked, feared, and trusted by those who knew him.....he was a beast in human clothing. Many tales are spun about him picking out people in court, luring them to his side, getting them to do as he wished, and tossing them aside when he was threw with them. However, no one was able to touch him even with the proof they had.....he just turned whatever scenario was brought against him back unto those who accused him. This brought the attention of some vampires and soon he found himself the beast he always was. However, now he had the power to back up his personality. Still looking the part of a human, Johnathan serves his Lord in the courtroom to help spin tales, lies, and falsehoods to ensure that his Lord is not discovered, but he still finds time to play with the toys he has at his disposal.

George Treacher

Name: Zaiyiq Mulim Personality: over the years Zaiyiq has become stoic and cold. He will kill people for inconveniencing him. He sees all mortals as bugs and now only lives to serve his master. Physical Description: Zaiyiq has darker skin with short curly black hair and a full black beard. his brown eyes shifted to amber after his change. He still wears a thawb out of habit, even though he lost his faith long ago. a saif is in a scabbard at his waist, ready to be drawn at a moments notice. Backstory: Zaiyiq was a Moor living in Granada in the late 1400s. When the Granada War broke out, Zaiyiq took up the sword to protect his county and his faith. Throughout the course of the war he improved his combat skills beyond comparison. It did not matter as the army he was a part of was surrounded with no avenue of escape. Zaiyiq and his comrades where prepared to fight to the last man regardless of the possibility of success. Then a creature of impossible speed and strength descended upon his unit. he saw all of his friends cut down instantaneously. Through his comrades sacrifice he noticed a pattern in the way the creature attacked. He was able to parry a blow and counter attack slicing into the arm of the beast . This victory was short lived as the creature second attack landed and nearly killed Zaiyiq. As he lay there dying, the creature made him an offer: Become his body guard and his life would be spared. Zaiyiq soon learned the consequences of his choice. He followed his master around Europe for several centuries. Over that time he learned the truth of humanity, all of them are vermin willing to eat each other to get ahead.

Rose Lalonde

Name of the Vampire: Sister Estrella Fear Personality Traits: A thin lipped dour woman who lives by the rules religiously. She is a nun and acts as if her eternal damnation to her dark master is a minor inconvience to the path of the Father, whether that god is the one of Light or Evil is less important then the path itself. Shes strict, sour, sarcastic and treats comedy as a personal affront. Physical Description: Despite acting like a old woman, sister Estrella is only 17, and has been for centuries. She looks like a cheerleader, fit, youthish, however her eyes are darkened and dour and she dresses like a nun, with the only exception being her robe is white and covered in stains. Her face barely emotes anything outside various expressions of disgust, and the tip of her left ring finger is missing. (Optional, a backstory)

Rob greener

Vampire named Alistair: newbie vampire who for some reason slowly turns into a woman the more blood he drinks. His coven is all women and he only notices the additional changes after he is about halfway there. Before he was a slight misogynist which is why his coven leader ,Lady Phillipa Eisengarden, chose him as she is a misandrist. She takes men who hurt and abuse women and gives them a few centuries to see how it is like on the other side.


Name: Gabriel Personality: Think Starscream (Self-Absorbed, Treacherous, Opportunist) Physical Description: Being a vain individual and obsessed with appearances, follows all the latest fashion trends and beauty regiments

Sam Mann

Name: Samuel Constantine Vincienzo Fizzeroli The 3rd Personality: Sam is a total hedonist, his favorite things being wine, women and wealth. He's also quick to boredom, hence the need for constant stimuli. To the public, hes quite charming knowing exactly what to say to win their hearts, and then insults the under his breath. To his fellow vampires, he has an aloof, cat like nature, often showing little concern for his fellow vamps unless his patron forces his attention. Hes more likely to crack wise than skulls but will fight if need be, using grace and speed over raw strength Description: Long brown hair that is meticulously well kept, porcelain white skin, thin frame, a silk shirt thats perpetually open just to the navel, and piercing blue eyes that seem to have a tinge of red to them.


Name: Ricardo Hernández de la Cruz II Personality: Ricardo, is ruthless and greedy, he truly believes in the saying of "The ends justify the means". Not very respect among the vampire community, cause of his lack of class, being very rude and direct, falling easier to earthly desires. He needs to be constantly entertained or drunk, he especially loves to fight as he made a carrier out of it. Description: He has pale skin, unlike his counterparts, he doesn't wear very fancy clothes, because he comes from the lower ranks of society. He has dark brown hair, he wears his armor with pride, he only takes it off when he is at his home. Backstory: Ricardo, was a poor boy, living in misery, his fate to die in the streets, until he was forced into the Spanish army, in the 15th century. From this year in the army change his forever, the shy boy became a monster, learning that he can change his fate through action, through the sword. He raised up on the ranks, reaching the Captain rank. The more he achieve the more he wanted, he travel to Mexico, New Spain at the time, recently conquered, wanting to take the opportunity as he heard tales of Cities full of Gold and Fertile land. He didn't fine the city, but he did found new information, about the occult, he perform with the forced help of his slaves, on which he gains immortality, reaching vampire hood. From this point onward his being becoming more and more insane, his greediness has taken his mind to a point he is paranoid, he thinks everyone is after his possessions and properties, causing him to be in a state of "war" not only against the human world but vampire too. He has submitted to other vampire lords, temporarily, as he pretends as the facade of submission, waiting for the best moment to strike.

Kristian dean kepley

Alexander. Personality: cold. Calculating and callous He is a young vampire only 90 years old. He served in both world wars and in that time earned himself a personality that is cold and methodical. Seeking to become the strongest he can be. Not for any ideals to rule but to never die again. When he was first turned he was weak, he was pitiful. Never again would he be so

blound pilot

Turn Kazuma into a vampire