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 "KAZUMA! KAZUMA! What'cha got there, huh?! Hiding stuff from your great and almighty goddess, huh? Kazuma! Let me see!" The Goddess Aqua shouted as she tugged on Kazuma's Cape as they walked. Kazuma was walking home after buying something special at Wiz's, something he was trying to keep hidden as he tucked it under his arm, but of course, his 3 companions had to jump him and begin pestering him about it, none more-so than Aqua.

Still, for the time being, he was at least patient enough to put up with Aqua, he had done so before in the past, it was when Darkness and Megumin started butting in and poking at him, both now interested in what he had in his possession.

"Hey, Kazuma! What have you got there? H-Have you finally agreed to my requests and have purchased a tool to punish me with?!" Darkness said, drool building up in her mouth as a result of her crazed fantasies going wild.

"Kazuma! What'cha got there? Something to help you go down the same path as I have?" Megumin said, trying to peer at what Kazuma was hiding.

By now his anger was bubbling up ferociously. It was a miracle that nobody was around, otherwise, Kazuma might've caused a scene with his soon to be angry outburst. Kazuma, in a fit of anger, pulled himself out of his friend's grips, holding up his right hand in a closed fist.

"YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT I GO?! THIS IS WHAT I GOT! I CAN NEVER DO ANYTHING WITHOUT YOU GUYS BUTTING IN!" Kazuma shouted, holding his hand out and opening it up just enough to reveal what he was hiding, that being a small golden pendant with a pink gemstone in the center of it. The 3 girls looked at it in awe. It was quite a beautiful necklace.

"I need to get at least SOME form of buffs for myself, compared to you guys, so I bought this." He said, still angry but significantly toned down. As the girls were admiring his new piece of jewelry, Aqua froze up. As a goddess, she could see an ominous black smoke of sorts emanating from the accessory.

"KAZUMA! THAT'S A CURSED NECKLACE!" Aqua shouted as she tried to grab at it, though Kazuma instinctively pulled his hand away, though Aqua kept trying to reach for it. "IT CAN ONLY BE EQUIPPED BY GIRLS! GIVE IT TO ME AND LET ME PURIFY IT!" Aqua said as she reached for the necklace as best she could with Kazuma pushing her away as best as he could.

"C-Cursed?! Kazuma, please, give it to me! Let me take the curse, I can Ha-Handle it!" She said, more drool forming in her mouth as she also tried reaching for the pendant, while Megumin simply observed them for a few feet away. After some struggling and an attempted Dog-pile, Kazuma used whatever strength he could muster and forced the 2 girls off of his back and ran a few feet away, breathing heavily.

"Gender-specific equipment? That's a bunch of bullshit. I yearn for Gender Equality, so who gives a rats ass if some prim and proper lady is supposed to wear this, I'm putting it on." Kazuma declared as he wrapped the pendant around his neck, linking it up and proudly letting it go.

"Kazuma you idiot! How you're probably gonna die and I'm gonna have to revive you again! You should have at least let me purify it you no good neet!" Aqua said as Kazuma groaned in frustration.

"Hey, I'll take my luck over yours any day of the week, damn it. See? I'm fine, nothing is happening." Kazuma said, placing his closed fists on his hips as he looked at the 3 girls.

Darkness grumbled in jealousy. "I really think you should've given it to me anyway, just in case it WAS cursed..." She mumbled as Kazuma scoffed.

"Alright? I'm- Fine, get it through your thick heads." Kazuma said, starting out in his normal voice before suddenly snapping into one of a MUCH Higher higher pitch, sounding more womanly if anything. The 3 girls jumped back in surprise after noticing this jarring shift in Kazuma's tone.

"U-Uh, Kazuma? What happened to your voice?" Aqua said, pointing at the reincarnated lad. Kazuma looked at her as if she were an idiot. Which, admittedly, she kinda was.

"Nothing's wrong with my voice, what're you talking about?" he responded in the same womanly tone as before. Just as Aqua was about to speak up again though, Kazuma placed a hand on his forehead, running it back through his hair, it lengthening along with it, easily catching the trio's eyes.

"But do you know what is wrong? This era we live in!" Kazuma announced, finally pulling his hand free of his hair, it now somewhat much smoother, appearing more well-kept than it was previously. Upon closer inspection, Kazuma's face also appeared more feminine. it was still undoubtedly his, but it looked as though it belonged to a woman version of himself.

"E-era? Kazuma, what are you talking about? This isn't... Well, ok this is still you, but it's still weird!" Aqua said though Kazuma chuckled as her response, by now the 3 could see Kazuma's body starting to shift. Fat and muscle changing around in a very... unappealing way as they made their way to his chest and lower body.

"Besides, I think this fits rather well! As a strong advocate for gender equality I- Oh!" Kazuma began to say before stopping himself. Something felt... odd to say the least. Not entirely abnormal per se, but rather... good! He felt a lot of pleasure building up to the point he couldn't help but let out a sensual womanly moan, as his clothing started to shift.

Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin watched in awe as his clothing shifted and contorted. His sleeves broke away from his shirt and flowed down his arms, wrapping themselves around his hands, forming pure white gloves that went up just past his wrists, while around the chest, more space was made for a fast increasing pair of boobs. As his waist thinned, the boobs kept growing, starting at a small set of A's to a large and beautiful set of D's, pressing against the shirt nicely.

Next up, Kazuma's boots split, part of it staying on his feet, while the other part shifted in materials, becoming nylon, while what remained of Kazuma's shoes rapidly changed hue, becoming a beautiful red color, the heel in the back growing a bit so his now dainty feet had a better fit. Even Kazuma's belt was getting in on the transformation, as while Kazuma's pants began to shrivel away up his fattening legs and behind, a sort of green skirt with a golden trim lining it extended outwards of the bottom half of the belt, doing a good job at covering up Kazuma's now bare underside, thanks to the full disappearance of his pants and something else.

Kazuma's dick twitched in pleasure as he was overwashed with pleasure, the trio of girls helpless. But even that was shrinking away, causing the pleasure to build up even more. Kazuma felt warm, he basked in this feeling as an audible pop filled the air, heard by even the companions of Kazuma as she breathed heavily in ecstasy for a moment. Thank goodness nobody else was around.

After a few moments, Kazuma shook off this feeling, looking at the girls, a smile forming on her face.

"Oh ho ho ho~ Well if it isn't my darling little sisters!"

"S-Sisters?!" Aqua cried out, a shocked expression on her face. Kazuma looked at her a bit confused.

"Oh? What's wrong? I thought you'd remember that I always call my little underlings my Sisters after all! You should know that better than anyone!" She chirped in response to Aqua's exclamation. Darkness and Megumin were equally as taken aback by this sudden shift in both attitude and, well, gender.

In a state off desperation to undo what had happened, Aqua pulled out her staff from behind her back and pointed it at Kazuma, the tip glowing bright as a circle lined with unfamiliar text appeared below Kazuma, creating a brief upwards draft.

"PURIFICATION!" Aqua shouted as Kazuma became overwhelmed by ann intense magical aura. It surged both violently and elegantly around Kazuma's body. She could feel the magic coursing through her very veins, working its way through all her impurities and doing away with them.

Once the magical feeling had ended, Kazuma was left standing in the spot she was originally standing in, slightly confused.

"Aqua dearest, Was there something wrong? Perhaps you were trying to remove any blemishes from my complexion?" Kazuma mused. Aqua looked at her in disbelief. Without much a second thought, Aqua pointed her staff back at Kazuma and began to shout out her various spells, setting them off rapid-fire underneath Kazuma's feet.

"HEAL! PURIFICATION! HEAL! PURIFICATION! HEAL! PURIFACTIOOOOOOOOOON WHY ISN'T ANYTHING WORKING?!" She shouted as Kazuma just stood there, letting Aqua do her thing for as long as she was willing to put up with it, while Darkness and Megumin stood back and shielded their eyes from the show of lights.

And Kazuma's patience lasted about all of 15 seconds. The magic surging through her indeed felt nice, but it was getting old real quick. "AQUA!" She shouted, causing the goddess to jump backwards in surprise and partially fear. Kazuma chuckled a bit before continuing.

"As you can see, there's nothing wrong with me so you can stop wasting your magic. Now come along, it's time for Darkness's Punishment!" She said as she turned around and started to walk away, the 3 girls walking after her.

Aqua grabbed hold of the pair's shoulders and pulled them close.

"Listen, I need your guys' help! We need to get out shut-in neet back!" Aqua said in a quiet voice, hoping her friends would vouch for her. However, what they had to say wasn't entirely reassuring.

"Actually, I'm fine with this." Megumin simply said, pulling herself free from Aqua's light grip and picking up her pace. Aqua looked up at Darkness, hoping she'd at least be on her side. Unfortunately...

"I-I-If Kazuma A-aims to p-punish me as she is, t-then I have n-no objections! Haa... W-Wait up Big Sister!" She said, also pulling free from Aqua's very light grip, catching up with the other 2. Aqua was left in disbelief, years in her eyes, deciding the follow after the group and wallow in her sadness.

"Oh, yes, Aqua," Kazuma said as she paused for a moment, looking back at the sobbing goddess. A sly grin wormed its way into her face as she delicately grabbed her skirt and lifted it up, showing her bare behind to Aqua, causing her face to turn a beet red color.

"I have to thank you for the passive advice. not wearing panties truly is liberating." She said as Aqua didn't know what to say in response to it. 


 Story by Imortal and the dialogue of the original sequence by Charoset  


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