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"And who might you be?" the fiery faced Pro Hero Endeavor asked with a glare aimed at a man wearing a hooded cloak, hiding his eyes.

"I-I'm a hero, just as yourself sir. I was hoping to maybe learn some pointers from you, sir?" he said. Endeavor looked at him with a scowl before scoffing, walking off down the street.

"Well hurry it up then. If you can't keep up then tough luck." he said sternly. The hooded man seemed happy at this, though his smile was more sly and mischievous than joy-filled. Still, he trailed after the highly ranked pro hero.


"HIYAH!" Endeavor shouted as he delivered a flaming gut punch to a humanoid dinosaur man, sending him flying into a nearby wall, knocking him out cold.

Endeavor shook his fist as if to shake any sort of dirt off of it as he heard the sound of clapping. He looked over his shoulder and it was the Hooded Man he allowed to trail him.

The area they were at was a rather compact back alley type area. Quite a good few twists and turns away from the public, and the reason for them being here was Endeavors chase of the now knocked out villain.

"Amazing! Just a single hit and you've knocked that villain out cold! You aren't the Second Ranked hero for nothing!" He said with a big smile, continuing to clap.

"Enough with the flattery. You haven't told me what kind of quirk you have yet." He said, the hooded man stopped his clapping and smiled.

"Well I'd certainly be happy to show if off to you, especially since nobody else is around to see it..." he said as he slowly removed his hood. Upon Endeavor getting a look at his eyes, he found himself freezing up.

"W-What is this?!" he exclaimed, unable to move. The now dehooded man laughed.

"My name is "The Inverter" and I specialize in righting wrongs... and you... you so-called Pro Hero are another wrong I have to right." he said.

Endeavor tried to move but was helpless to his quirk. "LET ME GO!" He yelled though The Inverter did nothing to satisfy his demands.

"Let's see, you've been a noticeably bad father to your son... I think we should fix that. What's say, instead of a harsh abusive father, we get a kind overly supportive mother, hmm?" The Inverter said as he raised his hands up, before snapping them. Suddenly, Endeavor felt a world of pain wash over his entire body.

The flames covering his body grew violent as audible cracking could be heard within his body as his form started to rearrange and slim out. His bulging muscles all over his body started to shrink inwards, as his overall fame became far more womanly. His hair began to grow out as well, flowing down his backside.

His face began to slim out as the trace amounts of fat in his body shifted to his chest and posterior, causing them both to balloon outwards slightly. With a womanly yelp, his vocal chords had shifted to a noticeably higher pitch. As his body kept on changing, so did his outfit, becoming better built to his new womanly body. With a pained expression, Endeavor felt his very insides shift and change as his manhood shriveled away, forming a pair of womanly pussy lips in its place, signifying her full transition into a woman.

Endeavor, exhausted by the whole experience, collapsed to the ground, breathing intensely, barely holding herself up on her arms. She lifted her head up in anger in an attempt to look at the man doing this to her, but upon making eye contact with him, a massive headache assaulted her brain, and she dipped it down once again.

She growled in agony as her mind was pounding, but not exactly from pain... ok there was some pain, but there was also quite a bit of imagery passing through her mind. The imagery of herself... abusing her own child. Tears formed in her eyes as she forcibly watched all the horrible things she had done to him... just in a pathetic effort to train him? W-what had she done... She was a monster...

Soon after, the headache subsided, she slowly staggered to her feet, wiping her tears away as she did so, sniffling a bit. The Inverter seemed satisfied with his work and pulled his hood back down before speaking.

"You've been a bad parent and you want to right those wrongs, don't you?" He asked, catching Endeavor's attention. She nodded slightly looking at him. She knew he had done something to her, but that didn't matter at the moment to her.

"Y-Yes I do! I've been so... so terrible to poor Shouto... I have to!" She said, the heartbreak in her voice clear as day.

"Then go make it up to him." The Inverter said as Endeavor hurried off, The Inverter watching her with a smile, knowing his job was done.


"Aww, Shouto honey, are you still mad at Mama for the bad things she did? I've changed sweetie, Please?" the fiery faced woman said to her son as she kissed him on the forehead, her mind filled with thoughts of wanting to atone for all the heinous acts she did before.

"I can't tell if this is better or more annoying than before..." Shouto thought to himself as he attempted not to emote at all at his new mother's attempts at getting his attention. It wasn't exactly the WORST thing in the world that his father suddenly turned into... this... but it was something he'd have to get used to...



Story by Imortal

Hope you enjoyed it! The Inverter character presented on it is not the same that shows up on my other MHA Sequences, you will notice that here he didn´t needed anybody to swap Endeavor with. 

If you ever find the original artist of these pics, please tell me, I spent hours looking everywhere



Yes! The Inverter strikes again! And his work is GLORIOUS!

Scott McHugh

Now THIS is the Endeavour redemption we really want!