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The ancient tomb stirred as the walls near the sealed entrance began to shake. A loud ringing sound echoed throughout the ancient walls, shaking the spider webs and causing dust and sand to spill onto the limestone ground. The smashing, scraping sound came from the regal entrance of the tomb. Each blow against the stone door boomed with thunderous strength, and after several minutes a large iron hammerhead came crashing though, exposing the stone structure to sunlight and fresh air for the first time in centuries. High-pitched, cackling laughter slipped through the small hole as another blow smashed apart more of the formerly pristine portal. With each blow more light seeped into the tomb, until a tall figure stood proudly in front of the door, blocking most of it. The sledgehammer fell to the ground with a loud thud as the man smirked with his cracked teeth. The man was dressed in a long, worn cloak. He tightened his fist, his dry, rotten tendons exhibiting a clearly unnatural strength. The tall and wiry figure looked unnaturally lean, with long lanky arms, thin spindly legs, and a stretched-out neck. Beneath the heavy leather cloak, the man was covered head to toe in thick ceremonial bandages, each inscribed with unholy symbols to grant him his inhuman strength and vitality. Two dried, blood-red eyes poked out between the bandages. To his right lay a large duffel bag filled with ancient, mystical trinkets and modern excavating tools. A hoarse laugh came through what remained of his dry, cracked lungs, as he excitedly dug through the bag. While the modern world paled in comparison to his own, he was rather fond of the many tools and devices that had been invented since then. He picked up a large square flashlight, turning it on with mad glee as the beam of light darted around the forgotten vault. His laughter grew even louder and prouder as he shined it at the center, seeing four separate sarcophagi. The tomb was decked with treasures of various sorts, long rotted fine cloth, and a shallow pit in the center of the room. He raised his arm in cheer, exposing his dried-out flesh to sunlight as he realized just how close he was to his goal. The head vizier to the Pharaoh, Inaros, was finally going to receive what he rightfullydeserved.

Inaros was the scion of an honorable Egyptian family, who had served the Pharaoh loyally for generations. In the past they had served as generals, priests, architects, diplomats, and civil servants of all stripes, each one proud to help peace and prosperity spread throughout the kingdom of the Nile.  Inaros, however, was of a different mind than the rest of his family. While many in his family were ambitious, eager to serve their great nation in higher roles with greater responsibility, Inaros was consumed by greed, lust, and cruelty. Inaros cared only about himself. He cared not for a nation he didn’t personally control. He cared not for his wife, who wouldn’t bow to his every whim. He cared not for the gods, who didn’t see fit to place him above even the Pharaoh in rank. To the arrogant and cruel Inaros, other people were merely tools to get him what he desired, and they could be discarded when they failed him. When his wife disobeyed him one too many times, her body was found eaten by crocodiles in the Nile. When his father tried to stop one of his vile plots, he disappeared the night after, never to be seen again. Inaros spun a web of deception, blackmail, and murder to attain the rank of high vizier in the Pharaoh’s court. When the time was right, he’d betray the pharaoh, and declare himself the “High-Pharaoh”, a leader who would not only rule the land between the Nile, but the entire world, and in death he’d reign in glory above the gods themselves. Naturally, his plots were eventually foiled but not before he had managed to mortally wound the Pharaoh with a poisoned dagger. Inaros was forced to flee the kingdom he so desperately desired. Inaros was left to stew in hatred, misery, and a mad lust for power. During his travels, Inaros had learned various forbidden arts of magic, and using it managed to ensure his immortality. While most Egyptians were prepared to enter the world of the dead, his fell magic would allow him to remain in the world of the living, amassing power until the time was right to strike and attain all he desired. Before he could strike, however, a noble priest of the gods managed to find his tomb and seal Inaros inside.

Unfortunately for the mad sorcerer, it had taken him centuries of sleep to attain the power to escape his own sealed tomb, and he emerged in a completely different world than the one he remembered. The modern world was bizarre and mysterious but using some of his remaining gold he had managed to acquire several excavation tools. Inaros’ corrupt spells required rare materials and ancient artifacts to fuel them, and he could think of no better place to obtain them then the immortal tomb of his most hated foe, the Pharaoh he had once served. As he turned the flashlight towards the various hieroglyphics on the walls, he sighed with frustration. He was definitely in the right complex, but he hadn’t yet broken into the Pharaoh’s own personal vault. He was currently in the tomb laid for a group of court jesters and actors who were a personal favorite of the mighty Pharaoh. Tragically, most of the family of actors passed away when a rampaging hippo destroyed the boat they were travelling on, leaving only the mother alive. The kind Pharaoh had them entombed in his own pyramid, to be honored forever in the afterlife. There were four Sarcophagi, though only three were currently occupied. The mother had managed to overcome her grief and found happiness and love with another man and was buried elsewhere. Inaros had found the action wasteful at the time, but at the very least he could take advantage of his Pharaoh’s foolish generosity now. So beloved by the king was this family, that their tomb was filled with the finest of treasures, most of which could fuel Inaros’ unholy spells. Inaros licked his cracked, desiccated lips in anticipation. With the tools inside this vault, and especially the tomb of his former king, he could attain almighty power and rule both the human world and the underworld with equal measure. He cackled maniacally as he reached for the first of these treasures: a pair of brilliant golden bracelets that, even through the centuries, had lost none of their luster.

The Curse

As soon as his long, bony fingers touched the surface of the bracelets, the torches and lanterns on the walls flared up with unnatural, purple light. Inaros’ undead eyes darted towards the exit, understanding that he had underestimated his long-dead foe. The artifacts were clearly cursed, although he had no idea yet what they might do. He immediately sprinted towards the exit, yet the same purple fire had surrounded the rubble of the beautiful stone door. In mere seconds, each piece of the broken door flew back into place, the rocks fusing together seamlessly. The way out was blocked. His eyes next darted towards his sledgehammer and the tools. Fortunately, he had thought to throw his duffle bag in with him before exploring further. He lifted up the sledgehammer and struck at the door with his inhuman strength. To his surprise, the sledgehammer bounced directly off, not even leaving a scratch on the now pristine stone. After Inaros’ failed swing, he could feel an odd weight around his wrists. He glanced down and saw the two golden bracelets were now wrapped around his wrists. He screamed in fear and panic, understanding instinctively that this was part of the trap. The thick golden bracelets held down his hands, and as he saw the glyphs inscribed on them, he realized the truth. The Pharaoh had gotten his final revenge. Inaros’ own name was inscribed onto them as part of the curse. The Pharaoh had laid this trap for him before he perished. Inaros’ fate was sealed.

Inaros stared down in horror, stumbling backwards. The pit in the center of the room was previously empty, but now it was filled to the brim with an endless amount of Scarab beetles, each made of brilliant purple light. The scarabs flowed out from the pit like a flood, clearly moving in his general direction. The massive swarm of scarabs reached out towards him like the tendrils of a horrid beast, and Inaros’ panicked flailing accomplished nothing to stop them. Countless ghostly scarabs covered him, biting at the ceremonial wrappings he wore. These wrapping helped provide him his power, and soon they were in tatters. Inaros would be powerless to resist the curse without them. Inaros struggled futilely as one large scarab, shining with a golden hue, crawled above the swarm and directly towards Inaros’ mouth. He bit down in terror, but it forced itself into his rotten mouth, slipping down his undead throat with ease. As it slid down his throat, he could feel a burning sensation erupt throughout his entire body. In fact, the sensation coursed into his very soul. Whatever fate the Pharaoh had planned for him went far beyond simply tearing apart his wrappings or ripping his undead body to pieces. As soon as they had appeared, the ghostly scarabs vanished, leaving Inaros alone and terrified in the tomb.

Inaros heard a hissing sound to the right, and gasped as he saw a pair of ghostly snakes slither their way toward him. Inaros tried to jump away, but the snakes lunged towards his legs mid-air, pulling him to the ground. The snakes wrapped around his ankles, spiraling around his legs. As they constricted themselves, the (oddly pleasurable) burning sensation focused there. His thin wiry legs began to expand outwards, filling with fat, healthier skin. His calves were thick, soft and smooth, and his feet changed to become smaller, daintier and, dare he think it, prettier. The transformed skin had turned to an unnatural gray color, but otherwise seemed healthy and alive. As the snakes reached up his legs, they filled out, stretching out the remaining bandages. The bandages wrapped around his legs tightly, spaced out to perfectly maximize sex appeal. As the snakes reached his waist, they both simultaneously bit down into his hips, releasing some kind of transformative agent. Inaros leaned back, moaning in pleasure as his hips rapidly expanded outwards. His thin, wiry ass filled with soft fat, filling out into a beautiful bubble butt that perfectly matched his thick, curvy legs. His wide, seductive hips perfectly matched his legs, although sadly his upper body was still nearly unchanged. Inaros slowly stood up, stumbling as he struggled to use his new, sexier legs. As Inaros stared down at his beautiful, womanly legs, a thought couldn’t escape his mind: I can’t wait to show these legs off.

Inaros blinked. Much as he tried to deny it, he couldn’t escape that desire. Inaros furiously screamed into the tomb, still powerless. Inaros wasn’t some lowly concubine, serving the pharaoh with her succulent, sexy legs! He was a man above both the king and gods, or at least he deserved to be. Instead, he couldn’t stop thinking how sexy it would be to show these legs off to an audience. Perhaps the curse was affecting his desires somehow? Before Inaros could think on it further, he gasped. He was suddenly surrounded by a dozen medjeds, servants of the gods. The medjeds took on a bizarre form, with long white sheets covering their entire body, aside from their black, inhuman feet and their scarily human eyes with shining gold irises. The ghostly medjed stared at him silently. Inaro’s cracked teeth chattered as he stared at them. What could they want with him? He soon noticed the Medjed weren’t staring at his eyes, instead they were bizarrely staring at his groin. Inaros’ eyes went wide as he groaned loudly. Considering his womanly hips and legs, it was only natural that his manhood was going away next. The medjed surrounding him floated in the air and began to circle around him, their eyes glowing brighter as they stared. Inaros made an especially high-pitched moan as the burning sensation focused on his cock. At first, it engorged, the pleasure too much, nearly poking through the wrappings. However, as soon as it reached its full length, he could see the wrappings began to depress, as his dick shrunk down in size and girth. He moaned in a mix of pleasure and fury as it shrunk down more and more, until it, along with his balls, melded into the healthy gray skin entirely. Inaros couldn’t help but scream as he felt an incredible sensation form in the void of his genitals, a female vulva forming completely to mirror what was lost. Despite his upper body, Inaros was most definitely a woman now.

Inaros swore furiously, his beloved cock now gone, seemingly for eternity. He was supposed to be a male god-king! All women on this earth, and in the underworld, were supposed to exist to please his mighty cock, but now it was gone! What the hell was “he” supposed to do now? Take a long, hard cock in his moist pussy, screaming in pleasure as it thrust into him, making a perfect show for anyone lucky enough to watch her fuck her own brains out? Was she supposed to take the lead, dancing her bubble butt against her hunky husband’s thick cock!? Was she supposed to…supposed to…Inaros clutched his head in anger. Why was “he” fantasizing about being fucked by a man!? It had to be this curse. He had to find a way to resist. She wouldn’t be reduced to a cock-loving exhibitionist. She was more than a man! More than a god! She wouldn’t be terrified into submission by some curse!

Seconds later, Inaros screamed with a shockingly high pitch as a massive, ghostly creature stood before her. The creature had the body of a lion, its claws bristling with strength, while the head was that of an unnaturally beautiful human woman, with an elaborate headdress on her head. Inaros felt a twinge of jealously as he stared at the beautiful woman, but was overcome with fear as a cruel, mocking smile grew across the creature’s face. The creature reared back and revealed is massive, ghostly claws and Inaros screamed as they came down, slashing across her torso. Despite her panicked screams, Inaros wasn’t torn in half by the vicious strike, instead that powerful heat from earlier returned with full force. Inaros’ waist began to shrink down, as her belly took on a healthier, smoother pallor. Her chest narrowed to give her a curvy, thicker appearance, especially considering her wide hips. Her wrappings, which had her own magical enhancements wiped away mystically, covered much of her midriff in a surprisingly cute way. Inaros made a high-pitched moan as the transformation affected her upper torso. Her flat pecs filled with flesh, as she grew two small, sensitive breasts that rubbed uncomfortably against her fabric wrappings. Her long, lanky arms shortened a bit, changing shape, size, and proportions to fit her curvy, womanly form better. Everything below her still unchanged head was that of a beautiful, mature, full woman. Inaros wanted to strike back at the Sphinx which had just transformed him with her fell magic, but its mocking stare and amused smile terrified her even more. After a tense standoff, the sphinx gave one final, cruel laugh before disappearing into the ether like all the preceding horrors. Inaros sighed, frustrated and terrified by how powerless she seemed to be against this vicious curse. It was as if the gods themselves had designed this trap to punish her.

Inaros looked around the tomb for anything she might be able to use to reverse the transformation, or at the very least resist what was inevitably coming next. Looking against one of the walls, she saw an enormous, elaborately made mirror. Despite its age, it was in pristine condition, the gold still shining brilliantly against the unnatural purple light of the tomb. Inaros stared at the mirror angrily. The mirror showed just how much his body had already been warped and changed by the magic. She tapped her thick, nearly rotten male chin in annoyance. No one would want to stare at and admire a beautiful woman with such a weird face, right? Inaros shook her head fiercely, nearly snapping some of her decrepit neck bones in the process. She couldn’t afford to let those lewd desires infect her way of thinking. She was a King! She was above the gods! She wouldn’t drool in anticipation at just the mere thought of an audience lusting after her luscious legs, her bubble butt, and her beautiful curves! She wiped off the tiny bit of drool from her cracked lips as she stared at the mirror in frustration. Her eyes were drawn to a small table resting next to the mirror. Like most of the finery here, the table itself was gorgeous, but what interested her most was what lay on top of it. There was a full array of elaborate jewelry, from rings to amulets to bracelets to collars. The jewelry was beautiful, made of the finest gold and the clearest crystals, but one particular piece interested her most. Resting on a small silver stand were two large golden earrings, emblazoned with the symbol of the moon. While the rest of the jewelry radiated magic, which Inaros knew would be dangerous in her vulnerable state, the earrings were seemingly safe. She scratched her head. Should she consider putting them on? As a man, they might look ridiculous but then again…she was more than a man, more than a god! It only fit that no matter how dangerous the situation, no matter how dire the circumstances, she would look her best for the lewd desires of herself and her audience.

Looking around nervously, she picked up the golden earrings, feeling them in her hand carefully. They were smooth and surprisingly soft, and after some consideration, she slipped them into her ears. Her ears didn’t feel any pain as the needles slipped through into the earlobes, and she turned towards the mirror with a bizarre feeling of satisfaction. As soon as she did, however, the glyphs on the edges of the mirror began to shine with that familiar purple light, and the dead flesh of her face began to alter and morph in front of her very eyes. Her old face was rough, haggard, lanky and thick, but as life was seemingly restored it altered drastically. Her thick, broad chin took on a thinner, cuter shape, as her Adam’s apple was washed away. Her neck took on a different form, while her cheeks were re-shaped to give her a softer, gentler appearance. Her lips became plump and full, while her dried-out, blood-red eyes filled with fluid and changed to a brilliant purple color. Her scalp, long devoid of anything resembling hair, began to fill with life as each hair follicle was restored. Long black hair grew out rapidly as it fell into place in front of the mirror, giving her shockingly beautiful hair despite her supposedly undead status. Her hair was styled in an elgant, mature fashion, with simple straight-cut bangs and long black hair that flowed down the back of her head and landed a bit past her shoulders.. All in all, her face had a mature, kind, gentle appearance. However, her innocent face belied a seductive smile and her flirtatious eyes made her captivating to look at. Inaros twirled around in the mirror, shocked by just how beautiful she had become. She was a thick, full-bodied woman rich with life. As she stared, she quietly noted how her breasts seemed a bit small, only to see the inscriptions on the mirror flare back to life. Inaros moaned in pleasure as her wrappings struggled to hold back her rapidly expanding breasts, which soon became quite buxom. Her wrappings barely held them to her chest, the tight feeling incredibly arousing, although after a short time Inaros got used to it. Inaros felt unnaturally proud of her appearance. A smug smile grew on her face. If she had to be transformed into a woman, she wouldn’t settle for being second best. She tapped her chin, wondering if she should change anything else with the enchanted mirror, but then slapped her palm against her forehead with frustration. She couldn’t afford to let her mind get off-track like this! She had to keep reminding herself that this was just a curse, and she was a man, and a king, and a god, and not a sexy milf actress who got off to her audience’s adoration and infatuation. It didn’t matter that the, for lack of a better word, fetish sent pleasure rippling through her very soul, she couldn’t afford to get lost in it. She still had her memories of life, of un-life, of glory, of treachery, and of conquest. She still had most of her personality! She wouldn’t be defeated by this curse!

As soon as she made her proud declaration, the fourth sarcophagus slammed open with a thunderous boom that echoed throughout the entire tomb. Inaros slowly turned to gaze at the empty sarcophagus and slammed one of her hands over her mouth to suppress a scream of terror. Inside the sarcophagus was a pitch black, completely empty void. It looked like a hole that went on forever. Inaros could feel the stagnant air of the tomb begin to warp and bend, sucking into the sarcophagus with whirlwind force. Inaros leapt towards the walls, looking for something to hold onto. She grabbed onto a heavy table but was amazed when she saw that everything on top of the table was completely immune to the affects of the foul wind trying to suck her inside. The whirlwind was only trying to force her into the sarcophagus, and likely to her doom. She held on with every bit of her undead strength, but her fingers began to slip. A pious man would start praying to the gods for mercy, but Inaros still had her pride, if little else. Instead, she cursed the gods for their cruelty, as her grip finally released. She flew through the air, twirling around until she landed in the sarcophagus. She fell down into the darkness as she watched in horror as the sarcophagus slowly began to close, the light from the torches and lanterns fading away completely. Inaros shook with fury and despair as she fell through the empty void, understanding that she would soon face her fate.

As she fell through the darkness, she caught the site of an enormous monster, and screamed in terror. The horrific creature had the back half of an enormous hippo, the front legs of a lion, and its gaping maw was that of a terrifying crocodile. This creature was no doubt Ammit, the devourer of the dead, who destroyed the souls of the unworthy and doomed them to suffer for eternity. Inaros wasn’t foolish enough to believe its judgement would be kind and braced for impact with the horrific creature. The monster opened up its enormous maw wide enough for Inaros to fall in whole, and as she fell into the creatures mouth she was surrounded by darkness yet again. What would be her fate?

Mummy Knows Best

The seemingly eternal darkness was suddenly pierced by several large spotlights shining down directly onto Inaros. The beautiful older woman was apparently sitting on a simple wooden chair, right next to a large wooden table filled with various cooking utensils. The rest of the well-placed lights turned on, exposing her surroundings. She was in the middle of what seemed to be a modern (albeit not by her standards) suburban kitchen. There were all the standbys, albeit much of it was covered with mystical hieroglyphics. It had the look of a cheap sitcom set, though Inaros was too entranced and confused to question that. Directly in front of her were several large cameras, covered in gold plating with various hieroglyphics emblazoned on them, along with several Egyptian men and women cheerfully operating them. Behind that was a collection of undead souls, ancient gods, and mystical creatures all cheering happily as they watched Inaros. Inaros blushed, the attention already getting to her, before a cheerful announcer rang throughout the studio.

“Live from the Heavenly Field of Reeds Studio #8, we of the Laughing Sphinx production team bring you the premier episode of our latest Ankh-Vision show for the entire Family!” The entire crowd shouted “Mummy! Knows! Best!” in unison, cheering happily. Inaros’ eyes widened in a mixture of horror, bewilderment, and more than a twinge of lust as the crowd clapped and cheered. J-just what the hell was going on here!?

The cheap door of the set slammed open as a young mummy covered in clean white bandages rode into the scene on a skateboard. He was wearing pink jorts, a bizarrely colored T-shirt, and a sideways baseball cap emblazoned with a hieroglyphic that meant “Too Kool”. He skated around for a moment and stared at Inaros, clearly waiting for her line. Inaros stood there in confusion, before blinking and feeling a painful sensation in her head. Suddenly, she felt like she knew what she had to say.

“Masud! What did mummy tell you about skating in the house?”

“Aww, come on Mom! Just let me do it this one time!”

“If you get hurt, momma will have to call the cairo-practor!”

The audience erupted into laughter, causing a confused smile to grow on Inaros’ plump lips. Was it this easy to get a laugh out of this audience? Inaros was too terrified to break the script considering there were countless gods in the audience. One of them had a large Owl-head…was that Thoth, the god of magic!? Trying to escape would have been suicide, or well, whatever that meant when she was already dead. Still, she was absolutely furious about the situation. She was supposed to be a King, or at least a Queen, but right now she was stuck in this pathetic sitcom!? She tried her hardest to calm down. If the audience hated her…well, there’s a good chance she’d be sent to a much crueler hell.

“So, how was school, honey?”

“It was alright, I guess…”

“What’s wrong honey? You know momma is always here to help! After all…”

Mummy knows best…”

The audience cheered at the (admittedly lame) title drop, eating up every second of the corny sitcom. The stares at Inaros’ partially revealing wrappings and thick, luscious legs nearly sent her in a frenzy, but she resisted as best she could. After all, she was still talking to a child.

“So, Mom, Safiya at school won’t stop talking to me! I told her to buzz off, and that girls aren’t cool, but she keeps trying to talk to me! What should I do?”

“Awwww, honey, she just has a crush on you!”

“What!? No way!? Eeew! That’s so icky! It’s totally not radical at all!”

“Don’t be in De-Nile, Masud. She totally likes you! Tee hee, look at my little Masud, already picking up the ladies…”

“Mom! Don’t embarrass me! Harumph! I’m going back to my room!”

“Don’t forget to do your homework, my little ladies’ man! Of corpse you better focus on your studies! And say hi to your sister upstairs.”

The crowd erupted into laughter, obviously loving the show. Still, Inaros’ frustration was clearly growing. Sure, she was managing to keep it together so far, but going from an immortal sorcerer and aspiring world-conqueror to lewd sitcom mother was beyond embarrassing. She sighed loudly, as several people in the crowd stared at her. After her “son” stomped up the stairs to a different set, the audience clapped and cheered as the door opened again.

“Hooonnnneeeeyyyyy I’m hooooooommmmmeeeeee!”

A tall handsome mummy man casually strolled into the room. The man had a tall frame, with toned muscles, a broad chest, and thick, powerful legs. The mummy was wearing a chic suit that fit him wonderfully, although Inaros’ eyes were naturally drawn down to his waist. The man clearly had an enormous cock, and even his well-fit suit and mummy wrappings were struggling to keep it contained. A bunch of lewd thoughts ran through Inaros’ mind, as much as she wanted to deny it. The fact she even had those lewd desires infuriated her, but until the scene was over she couldn’t afford to mess up the show. The man threw his jacket onto a nearby rack and sat down across from her.

“Hello my hunky honeybun! How was work?”

“Well, y’know, it was the same pyramid scheme as ever! My boss keeps taking credit for all my work! It’s so frustrating!”

“Well, Nephi, I know a few ways to help with that frustration~”

Inaros blew her “husband” a kiss, and casually positioned her legs in a far more sensual way, showing off her thick, luscious legs perfectly. The crowd cheered enthusiastically as they watched her obvious display of affection. Inaros felt a burst of pleasure flow through her down to her soul, as even more lewd fantasies ran through her head. Why did she have to love such an embarrassing, shameful, and pitiful act!? Was this her personal hell!? Inaros was about to scream out in fury, but breathed out loudly, trying to calm down. Panicking here wouldn’t solve her problems.

“Remind why I find you so handsome, my delightful husband?”

“Well, you know how pharaohmones work, dear! Ah, you’re just as beautiful as when we met, my beloved Nubia.”

Inaros tightened her fist and stood up out of her chair. She had just been called a female name. Enough was enough. She wasn’t about to just give in like this. Inaros was supposed to be a warrior and sorcerer of incalculable strength. Anyone who angered her or stood in her way earned an agonizing death. She no longer cared what the gods might do to her. At the very least, she could suffer with her pride intact!

However, instead of leaping toward her “husband” and clobbering him with her strong, womanly arms, she instead slowly sauntered over to him. With each step she bounced her round hips, turning to show the audience her beautiful ass, before slowly kissing her “husband” on the cheek. It was like her mind and body were working on auto-pilot, but deep down she knew that wasn’t true. Each second of this sensual strut was sending waves of pleasure throughout everything down to her soul, and the feeling was incredible. Was she getting addicted to this feeling? Even though intellectually she knew she should be fighting back to maintain her pride, her lewd desires were so strong it was already translating to her actions. She shook her ass to the cheers of the crowd, and slowly sat down on her “husband’s” lap. She felt an incredible surge of pleasure as she sat down on his strong lap, and he gently wrapped his arms around her waist. She could feel his enormous cock perking up against her ass, as he kissed her on the cheek. The crowd cheered loudly as Inaros felt like she was nearing a climax. Why did it have to feel this good? She could feel his hand subtly grip her ass, sending yet another burst of pleasure through her. She was supposed to be ruling the world, not having some actor grope her ass on live television! Then again, would ruling the world feel this good?

Mummy? Daddy? Can I join the hug?”

A little mummy girl with long black hair and a cute pink dress strolled down the steps, holding a large plush alligator. She smiled happily as she saw her “parents”, causing “Inaros” and Nephi to both blush awkwardly. Much as Inaros wanted to stay, she stood up and smiled happily at their “daughter”. Right when things were getting good, this stupid show just had to ruin it!

“Of course, my darling little Shani! Daddy and I were, just…um…”

“Enjoying a lovely hug! Come over here!”

All three of them shared a long, gentle hug together, before the rest of the episode’s plot began in earnest. The family got into a wacky misadventure while shopping for dinner and were forced into all sorts of comedic events as well as some surprisingly spicy flirting with her husband. As embarrassing as it was, “Inaros” was somehow able to suffer through the entire episode, smiling and waving happily to the audience as the announcer came back on.

“That’s a wrap folks! I hope you enjoyed the premier for Mummy Knows Best! If you loved the show, make sure to leave the kids in bed before you watch our companion show, Mummy Knows Best…In Bed!, premiering tonight on Sphinx’s ‘After Dark’ channel! Thanks for tuning in everyone!”

The crowd of gods, undead souls, and mystical creatures all cheered happily, lewdly staring at “Inaros” as they slowly filed out of the studio, leaving Inaros alone with only the production staff and her co-stars. The child actors were slowly brought away by the director, leaving her alone with her incredibly handsome “husband”. Both stared at each other awkwardly, before her co-star smiled cheerfully and started a conversation.

“Thank you so much for arriving in time! After the last few actresses quit, we thought we wouldn’t get anyone to fill in but, well, then you just popped in! You were amazing! What’s your name?”

Inaros stood at the handsome man, bewildered and confused. Her teeth were chattering, until she responded “N-Nubia?”

“Nubia? Isn’t that your character’s name?”

“Y-yeah…” Internally, “Inaros” was absolutely furious at herself. Whey the hell hadn’t she used her real name!? It wasn’t as if any of her real memories were gone! In fact, that made things so much worse, since she realized how pathetic she was acting! Yet, when pressed, she couldn’t help but give him a feminine name. She breathed out, trying to remain calm. H-her actions did make sense after all! She, um, she needed to maintain a ruse, at least for now, before finding a way to escape and conquer the world! A-and if she had used her real male name, she would’ve, um, been caught immediately! Th-that’s right, it was all according to plan!”

“Well that’s a funny coincidence, ha ha! My real name is Nephi as well! Have we met before?”

“N-no. I’m new to the underworld-I mean acting! I’m new to Acting! This is my first major show. It was definitely, um, something.”

“. Sorry you got wrapped up in such a corny and racy show. I hope it wasn’t too awkward for you. If it’s any consolation you were incredible! It was so hard to focus when you were sitting on my lap there! I’m sorry if it was too embarrassing. Who pulled you into this? I can have a chat with them if they took it too far…”

“N-no, it’s fine! Ha ha, you were, um, amazing too, Nephi! Tee hee! It’s going to be great performing with you on the show! I’ve had a great time so far.”

“Inaros” smiled wide, giggling like a young schoolgirl. She was ashamed of her own behavior. Why was she acting like a pathetic woman! S-sure, Nephi was super cute and really sweet, but she didn’t have to humor him like this! She was more than a man! More than a god! She was more than ready to suck his huge dick on camera, erm, uh, t-take advantage of his kindness to escape the underworld, then conquer the world! A-all was still according to plan!

“So…um…how do I put this…if you want to go out for a beer at the hall of endless delicacies after this, I, um, wouldn’t mind…”

“Umm…well…um…” Nubia scratched the back of her head. Was this man asking her out on a date!? How dare he denigrate the glorious Inaros with something as pedestrian and pathetic as a date!? Yet, as angry as Nubia was, she felt a strange, warm feeling in her chest, as well as from her loins. Nubia still didn’t know anyone in the underworld, and if she was to escape, perhaps it would be best to build allies? Y-yes, it was just like normal! She’d only feign interest in his sweet personality, handsome face, and enormous cock, and then once she wrapped this fool around her finger, she’d get whatever she wanted from him! L-like a loyal servant, or a wonderful boyfriend or a concubine!

“You know, that would be great, actually! Tee hee, you’ll have to walk me home afterwards though~”

“Huzzah! I mean, um, th-thank you so much, let’s have a fun night!”

 “Alright you two, the After Dark studio is ready now, so you two should get ready for the fun part.”

The producer stood up from a small chair and strolled up to them. Dressed in an elegant suit, he wore a wide, righteous, proud, and almost cruel smirk on his face when he looked at the extremely beautiful Nubia. Nubia’s eyes went wide with shock as she recognized his face. The producer was none other than the Pharaoh she had murdered in life. This was all part of that pharaoh’s plan, wasn’t it?

“Oh, so you’re joining in for that part too? Man, you’re way more courageous than I was when I was getting started, Nubia! I can’t believe you’re willing to get filmed while we…well…are you comfortable with fucking me? On live television? You can always refuse if you’re not feeling up to it. Porn isn’t for everyone.” Nephi scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, smiling. The producer had a wide grin on his face as he waited for Nubia’s reaction.

Nubia’s eyes went wide with anger. All she had to do was say no. That was it. She could just refuse and get out of this entire situation. From there, she’d just forget bout Nephi’s date offer, and go back to plotting her revenge against the Pharaoh for this great embarrassment. Her mind kept repeating the mantra to refuse the offer. She shouldn’t let that foolish Pharaoh win! S-sure, if she accepted the offer, she’d get to use her plump lips to suck Nephi’s enormous cock. S-sure, she’d have his beautiful cock in-between her huge tits, while an un-live audience lusted after her. S-sure, she’d nearly burst with pleasure every time his long, hard, cock was thrust into her moist pussy, and an enraptured audience would worship her. S-sure, it would be the best feeling she could experience in literal centuries, and her pussy was already leaking just while fantasizing about it. But none of that mattered…right? All she had to do was refuse and show that Pharaoh who’s boss!

Instead though, Nubia licked her lips seductively, and smiled wide. Her desire was so great she couldn’t deny it, no matter how much she wanted to. 

“Oh no, I’ll do it for you.”


“Of course, mummy knows best~



Delicious Pun Magic.